Trying to get a four weekly running forecast of our average m3 sold - mdx

I would like to get a running average m3 over the last four weeks of sales.
so far I have come up with the following MDX query but it doesn't seem to work
([Normal Calendar].[Calendar Hierarchy].[Cal Week].Lag(4) :
[Normal Calendar].[Calendar Hierarchy].[Cal Week],
[Measures].[Intake Ordered m3]

I think just using the CURRENTMEMBER function could help:
[Normal Calendar].[Calendar Hierarchy].CURRENTMEMBER.Lag(4) :
[Normal Calendar].[Calendar Hierarchy].CURRENTMEMBER
,[Measures].[Intake Ordered m3]
or maybe this:
[Normal Calendar].[Calendar Hierarchy].[Cal Week].CURRENTMEMBER.Lag(4) :
[Normal Calendar].[Calendar Hierarchy].[Cal Week].CURRENTMEMBER
,[Measures].[Intake Ordered m3]


MDX Calculation for summing the product of two measures and multiplying that by the last children of two other metrics

Here is a snip of my cube's dimension usage:
In "TD Measures" I have
[A] "Billable Client Hours Current".
In "Personnel Measures" I have
[B] "FTE Count" (an employee's amount they are working like .5 for
people who work 20 hours per week)
[C] "Forecast FY End" Forecast for the end of the fiscal year
[D] "Forecast FYTD" Forecast for the current period to date in the fiscal year.
The calculation I need to do at a leaf level is:
The issue is that [A] has more dimensionality that [B], [C], and [D].
So If this is my data:
The calc I need to do is:
((15*.05)+(5*1)) //sum of hours in a period multiplied by that month's FTE
X 2000/300 //last child of FCFYE divided by last child of FCFYTD in the currently selected set.
This calc is likely to change a little over the next week or two, but this is the main concept of what they are looking to do. Any help in writing the MDX for this to create a calculated member in my cube is greatly appreciated. Sorry if I've left out any key info--I'm quite the MDX noob.
Through digging through Chris Webb's and Mosha's posts as well as working with some guys on the MSDN forums I have worked out a solution to this below. Ultimately, I worked out with the business that we didn't need to interrogate the underlying rows to discern if they were active or not since the addition of the root functionality eliminated the need as long as they filtered on it from DimMiscellaneous. But for the sake of helping someone with a similar problem here is the full MDX below.
//Only evaluate if they are active
CREATE HIDDEN UtilizedFTESummator;
[Measures].[UtilizedFTESummator] = Iif([Measures].[Is Active For Utilization Value] > 0,[Measures].[Period FTE],NULL);
NON_EMPTY_BEHAVIOR([Measures].[UtilizedFTESummator]) = [Measures].[Is Active For Utilization Value];
//only include this measure if the underlying employee has values in their underlying data for active in utilization
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[FTE Active Utilization]
EXISTING [Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].[Employee Id],
//Show weighted FTE by workdays
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[FTE MTD Active Utilization]
DESCENDANTS([Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].CURRENTMEMBER,[Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].[Employee Id]),
DESCENDANTS([Period].[Fiscal Period].CURRENTMEMBER,[Period].[Fiscal Period].[Fiscal Period]),
[Measures].[FTE Active Utilization]*[Measures].[Work Days In Month]
,SUM(ROOT([Historical Personnel].[employee id].currentmember),[Measures].[Work Days In Month])
//Use Weighted FTE for calculating the weighted value for each person (all periods aggregated)
//Forecast Billable End Of Year has default aggregation of last child
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Annualized CBH Projected]
DESCENDANTS([Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].CURRENTMEMBER,[Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].[Employee Id]),
[Measures].[Billable Client Hours Current] *
[Measures].[Forecast Billable End Of Year]
[Measures].[Forecast Billable FTE]
*[Measures].[FTE MTD Active Utilization]
,[Measures].[FTE MTD Active Utilization]
Simplified answer with the users filtering on the Is Active For Utilization flag is as follows:
//Weight FTE by employee calculating FTE * workdays for each period and then dividing by the sum of days irrespective of filters on historical personnel or miscellaneous
DESCENDANTS([Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].CURRENTMEMBER,[Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].[Employee Id]),
DESCENDANTS([Period].[Fiscal Period].CURRENTMEMBER,[Period].[Fiscal Period].[Fiscal Period]),[Measures].[Period FTE]*[Measures].[Work Days In Month]
SUM((ROOT([Historical Personnel].[employee id].currentmember),ROOT([Miscellaneous]),[Measures].[Work Days In Month]))
//Weight by FTE with default agg for Forecast EOY being last child.
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Annualized CBH Projected]
DESCENDANTS([Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].CURRENTMEMBER,[Historical Personnel].[Employee Id].[Employee Id]),
[Measures].[Billable Client Hours Current] *
[Measures].[Forecast Billable End Of Year]
[Measures].[Forecast Billable FTE]
*[Measures].[FTE MTD]
,[Measures].[FTE MTD]

How do I divide the sum of one column by the sum of another column when they are from different tables in Access?

I want to grab the sum of two identically named columns, except they are from two different tables (I have been told to combine them multiple times, unfortunately I do not have a choice in the matter...). I want to then divide these two summed values to find the percentage variation.
Below is the code I wrote, all it does is load infinitely.
SELECT SUM(C.[Market Value]) AS CSUM,
SUM(P.[Market Value]) AS PSUM,
CSUM/PSUM AS Percentage_Variation
FROM JanReport AS P,
FebReport AS C;
I have been unsuccessful in using UNION and JOIN. It seems like this function should be easily doable, as I have been able to sum and find % variation by asset class, I can even get the sum of both columns to show with the Totals function. However I just cannot seem to get them to divide.
Code that worked:
SELECT SUM(FebReport.[Market Value]) AS Curr_Total_MV,
SELECT SUM(JanReport.[Market Value]) FROM JanReport
) AS Prior_Total_MV,
SUM(FebReport.[Market Value]) /
SELECT SUM([Market Value]) FROM JanReport
) AS Percentage_Variation_In_Total_MV,
0.9<Percentage_Variation_In_Total_MV AND
Percentage_Variation_In_Total_MV<1.1,'Pass','Fail') AS Result
FROM FebReport;
Inline SELECT should work here:
SELECT SUM([Market Value]) / (SELECT SUM([Market Value]) FROM JanReport) AS Percentage_Variation,
FROM FebReport;
Update: Two sub-queries each returning just one row can be cross-joined to provide the underlying values:
[Current Market Value],
[Previous Market Value],
[Current Market Value] / [Previous Market Value] As Percentage_Variation
(SELECT SUM([Market Value]) As [Current Market Value] FROM FebReport) AS C,
(SELECT SUM([Market Value]) As [Previous Market Value] FROM JanReport) AS P;

How to get last years qty in measure

How can I create a measure that has previous years Qty SHipped by month that will be used against a Current year measure showing a variance?
I want to take last years qty shipped minus the Plan(I already have this measure working) to get a variance. I have a dimension called dates that has a YY.
example calc..
[Measure].[pyqty] - [Measure].[Plan]
May help you something like this:
It calculates the QTD of the parallel previous period
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Current QTD] AS
,[Measures].[Internet Order Quantity]
MEMBER [Measures].[Last QTD] AS
[Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Quarter]
,[Measures].[Internet Order Quantity]
select {[Measures].[Current QTD],[Measures].[Last QTD]} ON 0
FROM [Adventure Works]
WHERE [Date].[Calendar].[Month].&[2005]&[11]
Take a o look at Time Calculations, in order to add time intelligence to your cube

Calculate cumulative measure in MDX

I need to define a CumulativeSales measure in a mondrian catalog definition. So far, I have this:
<CalculatedMember name="CumulativeSales" dimension="Measures" >
<Formula>IIF([Month.Year].CurrentMember.Level.Name = 'Month', Sum([Month.Year].CurrentMember.FirstSibling:[Month.Year].CurrentMember,[Measures].[Sales]), Sum([Month.Year].CurrentMember.Children, [Measures].[Sales]))</Formula>
<CalculatedMemberProperty name="FORMAT_STRING" value="$ #,##0.00;$ #,##0.00;#"/>
MDX snippet as follows:
[Month.Year].CurrentMember.Level.Name = 'Month'
[Month.Year].CurrentMember.FirstSibling : [Month.Year].CurrentMember
But sometimes it doesn't work well, particularly when showing cumulatives sales in months with no sales. For example, in this query:
{[Measures].[CumulativeSales]} ON COLUMNS
,{[Department].[All]} ON ROWS
FROM [Production]
the result is this:
Department CumulativeSales
The CumulativeSales shows no value. There are still no sales in March 2015, but it should show January+February sales.
Thanks in advance for the help

How to calculate average based on distinct counts in MDX

My SSAS cube has the following fact and dimensions with the columns as shown below
DateKey, UserKey, ActivityKey, ActivityCount
DateKey, Date, Week, Year
UserKey, UserName, Gender
ActivityKey, ActivityName
I have created the distinct count measures of users and dates as follows
[Distinct Users]
COUNT(NONEMPTY([DimUser].[UserKey].[UserKey].Members, [Measures].[ActivityCount])
[Distinct Dates]
COUNT(NONEMPTY([DimDate].[DateKey].[DateKey].Members, [Measures].[ActivityCount])
Both these measures are working correctly as expected when I slice/pivot by ActivityName.
Now I wanted to calculate average days per user, so I created the metric as follows
[Avg Days Per User]
AVG([DimUser].[UserKey].[UserKey].Members, [Measures].[Distinct Dates])
But this is giving me wrong results.! i also tried
DIVIDE([Measures].[Distinct Days], [Measures].[Distinct Users])
Still I get wrong results...what i'm doing wrong?
Maybe just adding in EXISTING will help?
EXISTING [DimUser].[UserKey].[UserKey].Members,
[Measures].[Distinct Dates]
Although trying to recreate something similar in AdvWks I seem top get a valid return without EXISTING:
MEMBER [Measures].[Avg Count Per Reseller] AS
( [Reseller].[Reseller].[Reseller].MEMBERS
,[Measures].[Reseller Order Count]
), format_string = "0.0000"
{[Measures].[Reseller Order Count],[Measures].[Avg Count Per Reseller]} ON 0
,{[Promotion].[Promotion].[All Promotions].Children} ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works]
WHERE [Date].[Calendar Year].&[2005];