grep -v multiple line same time - awk

I would like to filter the lines containing "pattern" and the following 5 lines.
Something like grep -v -A 5 'pattern' myfile.txt with output:
I'm interested in linux shell solutions, grep, awk, sed...

You can use awk:
awk '/pattern/{c=5;next} !(c&&c--)' file
Basically: We are decreasing the integer c on every row of input. We are printing lines when c is 0. *(see below) Note: c will be automatically initialized with 0 by awk upon it's first usage.
When the word pattern is found, we set c to 5 which makes c--<=0 false for 5 lines and makes awk not print those lines.
* We could bascially use c--<=0 to check if c is less or equal than 0. But when there are many(!) lines between the occurrences of the word pattern, c could overflow. To avoid that, oguz ismail suggested to implement the check like this:
This will check if c is trueish (greater zero) and only then decrement c. c will never be less than 0 and therefore not overflow. The inversion of this check !(...) makes awk print the correct lines.
Side-note: Normally you would use the word regexp if you mean a regular expression, not pattern.

With GNU sed (should be okay as Linux is mentioned by OP)
sed '/pattern/,+5d' ip.txt
which deletes the lines matching the given regex and 5 lines that follow

I did it using this:
head -$(wc -l myfile.txt | awk '{print $1-5 }') myfile.txt | grep -v "whatever"
which means:
wc -l myfile.txt : how many lines (but it also shows the filename)
awk '{print $1}' : only show the amount of lines
awk '{print $1-5 }' : we don't want the last five lines
head ... : show the first ... lines (which means, leave out the last five)
grep -v "..." : this part you know :-)


Extracting and rearranging columns

I read from stdin lines which contain fields. The field delimiter is a semicolon. There are no specific quoting characters in the input (i.e. the fields can't contain themselves semicolons or newline characters). The number of the input fields is unknown, but it is at least 4.
The output is supposed to be a similar file, consisting of the fields from 2 to the end, but field 2 and 3 reversed in order.
I'm using zsh.
I came up with a solution, but find it clumsy. In particular, I could not think of anything specific to zsh which would help me here, so basically I reverted to awk. This is my approach:
awk -F ';' '{printf("%s", $3 ";" $2); for(i=4;i<=NF;i++) printf(";%s", $i); print "" }' <input_file >output_file
The first printf takes care about the two reversed fields, and then I use an explicit loop to write out the remaining fields. Is there a possibility in awk (or gawk) to print a range of fields in a single command? Or did I miss some incredibly clever feature in zsh, which could make my life simpler?
UPDATE: Example input data
Should produce the output
Using any awk in any shell on every Unix box:
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} {t=$3; $3=$2; $2=t; sub(/[^;]*;/,"")} 1' file
With GNU awk you could try following code. Using match function ogf GNU awk, where using regex ^[^;]*;([^;]*;)([^;]*;)(.*)$ to catch the values as per requirement, this is creating 3 capturing groups; whose values are getting stored into array named arr(GNU awk's functionality) and then later in program printing values as per requirement.
Here is the Online demo for used regex.
awk 'match($0,/^[^;]*;([^;]*;)([^;]*;)(.*)$/,arr){
print arr[2] arr[1] arr[3]
' Input_file
If perl is accepted, it provides a join() function to join elements on a delimiter. In awk though you'd have to explicitly define one (which isn't complex, just more lines of code)
perl -F';' -nlae '$t = #F[2]; #F[2] = #F[1]; $F[1] = $t; print join(";", #F[1..$#F])' file
With sed, perl, hck and rcut (my own script):
$ sed -E 's/^[^;]+;([^;]+);([^;]+)/\2;\1/' ip.txt
# can also use: perl -F';' -lape '$_ = join ";", #F[2,1,3..$#F]' ip.txt
$ perl -F';' -lane 'print join ";", #F[2,1,3..$#F]' ip.txt
# -d and -D specifies input/output separators
$ hck -d';' -D';' -f3,2,4- ip.txt
# syntax similar to cut, but output field order can be different
$ rcut -d';' -f3,2,4- ip.txt
Note that the sed version will preserve input lines with less than 3 fields.
$ cat ip.txt
$ sed -E 's/^[^;]+;([^;]+);([^;]+)/\2;\1/' ip.txt
$ perl -F';' -lane 'print join ";", #F[2,1,3..$#F]' ip.txt
Another awk variant:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} {$1=$3; $3=""; sub(/;;/, ";")} 1' file
With gnu awk and gensub switching the position of 2 capture groups:
awk '{print gensub(/^[^;]*;([^;]*);([^;]*)/, "\\2;\\1", 1)}' file
The pattern matches
^ Start of string
[^;]*; Negated character class, match optional chars other than ; and then match ;
([^;]*);([^;]*) 2 capture groups, both capturing chars other than ; and match ; in between
awk '{print $3, $0}' {,O}FS=\; < file | cut -d\; -f1,3,5-
This uses awk to prepend the third column, then pipes to cut to extract the desired columns.
Here is one way to do it using only zsh:
rearrange() {
local -a lines=(${(#f)$(</dev/stdin)})
for line in $lines; do
local -a flds=(${(s.;.)line})
print $flds[3]';'$flds[2]';'${(j.;.)flds[4,-1]}
The same idea in a single line. This may not be an improvement over your awk script:
for l in ${(#f)$(<&0)}; print ${${(A)i::=${(s.;.)l}}[3]}\;$i[2]\;${(j.;.)i:3}
Some of the pieces:
$(</dev/stdin) - read from stdin using pseudo-device.
$(<&0) - another way to read from stdin.
(f) - parameter expansion flag to split by newlines.
(#) - treat split as an array.
(s.;.) - split by semicolon.
$flds[3] - expands to the third array element.
$flds[4,-1] - fourth, fifth, etc. array elements.
$i:3 - ksh-style array slice for fourth, fifth ... elements.
Mixing styles like this can be confusing, even if it is slightly shorter.
(j.;.) - join array by semicolon.
i::= - assign the result of the expansion to the variable i.
This lets us use the semicolon-split fields later.
(A)i::= - the (A) flag ensures i is an array.

How can I search for a dot an a number in sed or awk and prefix the number with a leading zero?

I am trying to modify the name of a large number of files, all of them with the following structure:
4.A.1 Introduction to foo.txt
2.C.3 Lectures on bar.pdf
3.D.6 Processes on baz.mp4
5.A.8 History of foo.txt
And I want to add a leading zero to the last digit:
4.A.01 Introduction to foo.txt
2.C.03 Lectures on bar.pdf
3.D.06 Processes on baz.mp4
5.A.08 History of foo.txt
At first I am trying to get the new names with sed (FreeBSD implementation):
ls | sed 's/\.[0-9]/0&/'
But I get the zero before the .
Note: replacing the second dot would also work. I am also open to use awk.
While it may have worked for you here, in general slicing and dicing ls output is fragile, whether using sed or awk or anything else. Fortunately one can accomplish this robustly in plain old POSIX sh using globbing and fancy-pants parameter expansions:
for f in [[:digit:]].[[:alpha:]].[[:digit:]]\ ?*; do
# $f = "[[:digit:]].[[:alpha:]].[[:digit:]] ?*" if no files match.
if [ "$f" != '[[:digit:]].[[:alpha:]].[[:digit:]] ?*' ]; then
tail=${f#*.*.} # filename sans "1.A." prefix
head=${f%"$tail"} # the "1.A." prefix
mv "$f" "${head}0${tail}"
(EDIT: Filter out filenames that don't match desired format.)
This pipeline should work for you:
ls | sed 's/\.\([0-9]\)/.0\1/'
The sed command here will capture the digit and replace it with a preceding 0.
Here, \1 references the first (and in this case only) capture group - the parenthesized expression.
I am also open to use awk.
Let file.txt content be:
4.A.1 Introduction to foo.txt
2.C.3 Lectures on bar.pdf
3.D.6 Processes on baz.mp4
5.A.8 History of foo.txt
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="."}{$3="0" $3;print}' file.txt
4.A.01 Introduction to foo.txt
2.C.03 Lectures on bar.pdf
3.D.06 Processes on baz.mp4
5.A.08 History of foo.txt
Explanation: I set dot (.) as both field seperator and output field seperator, then for every line I add leading 0 to third column ($3) by concatenating 0 and said column. Finally I print such altered line.
(tested in GNU Awk 5.0.1)
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/^\S*\./&0/' file
This appends 0 after the last . in the first string of non-empty characters in each line.
In case it helps somebody else, as an alternative to #costaparas answer:
ls | sed -E -e 's/^([0-9][.][A-Z][.])/\10/' > files
To then create the script the files:
cat files | awk '{printf "mv \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", $0, $0}' | sed 's/\.0/\./' >

How do I obtain a specific row with the cut command?

I have a file, named yeet.d, that looks like this
JET_FUEL = /steel/beams
ABC_DEF = /michael/jackson
....50 rows later....
SHIA_LEBEOUF = /just/do/it
....73 rows later....
GIVE_FOOD = /very/hungry
NEVER_GONNA = /give/you/up
I am familiar with the f and d options of the cut command. The f option allows you to specify which column(s) to extract from, while the d option allows you to specify what the delimiters.
I want this output returned using the cut command.
From what I know, this is part of the command I want to enter:
cut -f1 -d= yeet.d
Given that I want the values to the right of the equals sign, with the equals sign as the delimiter. However this would return:
....50 rows later....
....73 rows later....
Which is more than what I want.
How do I use the cut command to return only /just/do/it and nothing else from the situation above? This is different from How to get second last field from a cut command because I want to select a row within a large file, not just near from the end or the beginning.
This looks like it would be easier to express with awk...
# awk -v _s="${_string}" '$3 == _s {print $3}' "${_path}"
## Above could be more _scriptable_ form of bellow example
awk -v _search="/just/do/it" '$3 == _search {print $3}' <<'EOF'
JET_FULE = /steal/beams
SHIA_LEBEOUF = /just/do/it
NEVER_GONNA = /give/you/up
## Either way, output should be similar to
## /just/do/it
-v _something="Some Thing" bit allows for passing Bash variables to awk
$3 == _search bit tells awk to match only when column 3 is equal to the search string
To search for a sub-string within a line one can use $0 ~ _search
{print $3} bit tells awk to print column 3 for any matches
And the <<'EOF' bit tells Bash to not expand anything within the opening and closing EOF tags
... however, the above will still output duplicate matches, eg. if yeet.d somehow contained...
JET_FULE = /steal/beams
SHIA_LEBEOUF = /just/do/it
NEVER_GONNA = /give/you/up
AGAIN = /just/do/it
... there'd be two /just/do/it lines outputed by awk.
Quickest way around that would be to pipe | to head -1, but the better way would be to tell awk to exit after it's been told to print...
awk -v _s="${_string}" '$3 == _s {print $3; exit}' "${_path}"
... though that now assumes that only the first match is wanted, obtaining the nth is possible though currently outside the scope of the question as of last time read.
To trip awk on the first column while printing the third column and exiting after the first match may look like...
awk -v _s="${_string}" '$1 == _s {print $3; exit}' "${_path}"
... and generalize even further...
_string='^SHIA_LEBEOUF '
awk -v _s="${_string}" '$0 ~ _s {print $3; exit}' "${_path}"
... because awk totally gets regular expressions, mostly.
It depends on how you want to identify the desired line.
You could identify it by the line number. In this case you can use sed
cut -f2 -d= yeet.d | sed '53q;d'
This extracts the 53th line.
Or you could identify it by a keyword. In this case use grep
cut -f2 -d= yeet.d | grep just
This extracts all lines containing the word just.

Looks for patterns across different lines

I have a file like this (test.txt):
And I would like to search the 78 which is enclosed by "abc\nghi" and "def". Currently, I know I can do this by:
cat test.txt | awk '/abc/,/def/' | awk '/ghi/,'/def/'
Is there any better way?
One way is to use flags
$ awk '/ghi/ && p~/abc/{f=1} f; /def/{f=0} {p=$0}' test.txt
{p=$0} this will save input line for future use
/ghi/ && p~/abc/{f=1} set flag if current line contains ghi and previous line contains abc
f; print input record as long as flag is set
/def/{f=0} clear the flag if line contains def
If you only want the lines between these two boundaries
$ awk '/ghi/ && p~/abc/{f=1; next} /def/{f=0} f; {p=$0}' ip.txt
$ awk '/12/ && p~/abc/{f=1; next} /def/{f=0} f; {p=$0}' ip.txt
See also How to select lines between two patterns?
This is not really clean, but you can redefine your record separator as a regular expression to be abc\nghi\n|\ndef. This however creates multiple records, and you need to keep track which ones are between the correct ones. With awk you can check which RS was found using RT.
awk 'BEGIN{RS="abc\nghi\n|\ndef"}
(s==1)&&(RT~/def/){print $0}
{s=0}' file
This does :
set RS to abc\nghi\n or \ndef.
check if the record is found, if RT contains abc you found the first one.
if you found the first one and the next RT contains def, then print.
grep alternative
$ grep -Pazo '(?s)(?<=abc\nghi)(.*)(?=def)' file
but I think awk will be better
You could do this with sed. It's not ideal in that it doesn't actually understand records, but it might work for you...
sed -Ene 'H;${x;s/.*\nabc\nghi\n([0-9]+)\ndef\n.*/\1/;p;}' input.txt
Here's what's basically going on:
H - appends the current line to sed's "hold space"
${ - specifies the start of a series of commands that will be run once we come to the end of the file
x - swaps the hold space with the pattern space, so that future substitutions will work on what was stored using H
s/../../ - analyses the pattern space (which is now multi-line), capturing the data specified in your question, replacing the entire pattern space with the bracketed expression...
p - prints the result.
One important factor here is that the regular expression is ERE, so the -E option is important. If your version of sed uses some other option to enable support for ERE, then use that option instead.
Another consideration is that the regex above assumes Unix-style line endings. If you try to process a text file that was generated on DOS or Windows, the regex may need to be a little different.
awk solution:
awk '/ghi/ && r=="abc"{ f=1; n=NR+1 }f && NR==n{ v=$0 }v && NR==n+1{ print v }{ r=$0 }' file
The output:
Bonus GNU awk approach:
awk -v RS= 'match($0,/\nabc\nghi\n(.+)\ndef/,a){ print a[1] }' file

Pipe grep results to awk, get field, pipe field list as pattern to grep in same file

I'm having a hard time figuring out a one-liner to search for a pattern in a file, get a field from the matching lines, and search the same file again with that field as a pattern, to get a different field. You could say the data looks like this:
CONNECT=desired_output CONNECTION=pattern2
SEARCH=pattern1 CONNECTION=pattern2
So far I've tried these unholy messes to no avail:
zgrep -i pattern1 file | awk '{print $8}' | xargs -I % zgrep % file | zgrep pattern2
zgrep -i pattern1 file | awk '{print $8}' | zgrep -f - file
If I leave off the last grep, it gives results (which would need another grep and awk to get the desired output field). If I include the last grep, it never comes back with output.
Similar questions seem to point to awk being able to do this whole concept, but I can't decipher the examples given to adjust to my use case.
Using each line of awk output as grep pattern
How to run grep inside awk?
Sounds like you want something like this, untested since you didn't provide testable input/output:
awk '
if ( /constant_regexp1/ ) {
dynamic_regexp2 = $8
$0 ~ dynamic_regexp2
' file file
Never use the word "pattern" btw as it's ambiguous, always use "string" or "regexp", whichever it is you mean.