Kotlin distinctBy with condition - kotlin

I have array with multiple objects with the same key, Other objects have empty values and I was hoping to use distinctBy to remove duplicates and get objects which values has the longest string.
data class ObjA(val key: String, val value: String)
fun test() {
val listOfA = mutableListOf(
ObjA("one", ""), //This will be taken in distinctBy.
ObjA("one", "o"),
ObjA("one", "on"),
ObjA("one", "one"), //This will be ignored in distinctBy. I WANT THIS ONE.
ObjA("two", ""), //This will be returned in distinctBy
ObjA("two", "2"),
ObjA("two", "two"), //But I want this.
ObjA("three", "3"),
ObjA("four", "4"),
ObjA("five", "five")
val listOfAWithNoDuplicates = listOfA.distinctBy { it.key }
for (o in listOfAWithNoDuplicates) {
println("key: ${o.key}, value: ${o.value}")
key: one, value:
key: two, value:
key: three, value: 3
key: four, value: 4
key: five, value: five
How to make this work. Any help will be appreciated.

As distinctBy just returns the distinct keys based on your selector (and in the order of the list), you end up with unique keys, but not yet with the values you want.
For that particular use-case I would probably just sort beforehand, followed by the distinctBy
listOfA.sortedByDescending { it.value.length }
.distinctBy { it.key }
Which creates a new list at sortedByDescending or you just sort the current list beforehand (sortByDescending) and apply distinctBy later on, e.g.:
listOfA.sortByDescending { it.value.length }
listOfA.distinctBy { it.key }
In both cases you get a new List<ObjA> with the expected values.
Several other variants come to my mind as well. All those variants will put the results into a Map<String, ObjA> where the key is actually the unique ObjA.key. You may want to call .values directly if you are not interested in the key/ObjA-mapping.
variant using groupingBy and reduce:
listOfA.groupingBy { it.key }
.reduce { _, acc, e->
maxOf(e, acc, compareBy { it.value.length })
variant using a plain forEach/for and filling its own Map:
val map = mutableMapOf<String, ObjA>()
listOfA.forEach {
map.merge(it.key, it) { t, u ->
maxOf(t, u, compareBy { it.value.length })
variant using fold and merge (very similar to the previous... just using fold instead of for/forEach):
listOfA.fold(mutableMapOf<String, ObjA>()) { acc, objA ->
acc.apply {
merge(objA.key, objA) { t, u ->
maxOf(t, u, compareBy { it.value.length })
variant using groupBy followed by mapValues (but you are then actually creating 1 map which you discard immediately):
listOfA.groupBy { it.key } // the map created at this step is discarded and all the values are remapped in the next step
.mapValues { (_, values) ->
values.maxBy { it.value.length }!!

You can use maxBy{} like:
val x = listOfAWithNoDuplicates.maxBy { it.key.length }
ObjA(key=three, value=3)


Split a list into groups based on index of elements

I have a collection (a stream), and want to make it a stream of even and odd index elements Ex.
"slow" -> "solw" or "lwso"
fun part2(s: String) = s
.groupBy { it.index % 2 }.values
.flatMap { it.map { v -> v.value } }
I learned withIndex lately, of course i could use mapIndexed. But no matter what I do, i need last step of v.value sort of. I wonder if there's any other way of writing simple things like this in kotlin.
You can replace n with 2
fun part(s: String, n: Int): String = s
.groupBy(keySelector = { it.index % n }, valueTransform = { it.value })
.flatMap { it.value }
.joinToString(separator = "")

Functional way of checking if a list of list has duplicate elements

I have a list of list of elements, and would like to check if there are any duplicates. I would also like to break early - I don't care what the duplicates are, nor if there are many of them, I just want to know if there is at least one.
An imperative way which fits the bill would be:
fun main() {
listOf("1", "2", "3"),
listOf("4", "5"),
listOf("1", "2")
fun hasDuplicates(input: List<List<String>>): Boolean {
val seen = mutableSetOf<String>()
input.forEach { inner ->
inner.forEach { element ->
if (!seen.add(element)) {
return true
return false
Another way, without explicit iteration, would be:
fun hasDuplicates(input: List<List<String>>): Boolean {
val flat = input.flatten()
return flat.size != flat.toSet().size
but this iterates the whole list, and even creates a flattened intermediary in the first step.
I have an idea, but don't know how to implement it: suppose I could map each (flattened) list element to the number of times it has already be seen. I have this so far:
fun hasDuplicates(input: List<List<String>>): Boolean {
return input.asSequence().flatten()
// .onEach {
// println("getting $it")
// }
.groupingBy { it }
.any { (_, count) -> count > 1 }
It does what it should but it first iterates the whole list (uncomment the onEach intermediary to see) to collect the groups. The idea would incrementally emit the element and its count, like (for input list ["1", "2", "1"]:
// (element, seenCount)
("1", 0)
("2", 0)
("1", 1)
at which point I could simply check for seenCount > 0 and return early.
Any help? Any other ideas are also welcome.
UPDATE: Got this, not really the initial idea, but seems to work:
fun hasDuplicates(input: List<List<String>>): Boolean {
.onEach {
println("getting $it")
.fold(mutableSetOf<String>()) { seen, element ->
if (!seen.add(element)) {
return true
return false
The above code performs slightly worse than the very first version with loops in the worst cade (no duplicates), pretty much the same in the best case (second element is the duplicate) and in the 'medium' case (middle element of the flattened list is a duplicate).
The idea described in the question can be implemented the following way:
fun hasDuplicates(input: List<List<String>>): Boolean {
// .onEach {
// println("getting $it")
// }
.groupingBy { it }
.aggregate { _, _: Int?, _, first ->
if (first) {
} else {
return true
return false
The type of the accumulator (Int? above) doesn't matter as it is unused.
But, the following solution is even better for me, as it allows me to return the set in the case that all is unique, which I need later:
fun uniqueOrNull(input: List<List<String>>): Set<String>? {
return input.asSequence().flatten()
.fold(mutableSetOf()) { seen, element ->
if (!seen.add(element)) {
return null
Using aggregate would also work, but performs negligibly worse and is more complicated to the reader:
fun uniqueOrNull(input: List<List<String>>): Set<String>? {
return input.asSequence().flatten()
.groupingBy { it }
.aggregate { _, _: Int?, _, first ->
if (first) {
} else {
return null

Kotlin: How to flatten list of Hashmaps

How can I flatten a list of HashMaps in Kotlin?
var listOfMaps: List<Map<String, String>> = listOf(mapOf("test" to "test1"), mapOf("test2" to "test3"), mapOf("test4" to "test5"))
I would like to get:Map<String,String> with all key value paires
val map:Map<String, String> = listOfMaps
.flatMap { it.entries }
.associate { it.key to it.value }
you can do something like this if you don't know if the list can be empty.
val map = listOfMaps.fold(mapOf<String, String>()) {acc, value -> acc + value }
If the list never will be empty you can use reduce instead.
Thank you Demigod for the comments
You could use fold:
mutableMapOf<String, String>(),
{ acc, item -> acc.also { it.putAll(item) } }
The first parameter mutableMapOf<String, String>() creates an empty map to put the values into. This is called the accumulator
The second parameter is a function which takes two arguments
The accumulator
An item from the original list
This function is run sequentially against all items in the list. In our case it adds all the items from each map to the accumulator.
Note: This function does not account for duplicate keys. If a later map has the same key as an earlier one then the value just gets overridden.
Also note (pun intended): We use acc.also {} as we want to return the actual map, not the return value from the addAll method
Well... seeing lots of solutions, I will add my two cents here:
If you don't mind losing the values of duplicated keys you can use something as follows:
listOfMaps.flatMap { it.entries }.associate{ it.key to it.value } // or: it.toPair() if you will
// depending on how large those lists can become, you may want to consider also using asSequence
If you instead want to collect all entries including duplicate keys (i.e. saving all the values), use the following instead (which then gives you a Map<String, List<String>>):
listOfMaps.flatMap { it.entries }.groupBy({ it.key }) { it.value }
Also here the comment regarding asSequence holds...
Finally if you can omit those maps within the list and just use a Pair instead, that will spare you the flatMap { it.entries }-call and make things even easier, e.g. you could just call .toMap() then for the first case and groupBy directly for the second and the question regarding asSequence no longer arises.
An extra addition to this, if you have single value maps, maybe you want to switch to a List<Prair<String, String>>. In that case, the solution is straight forward:
You would have something like:
var listOfMaps: List<Pair<String, String>> = listOf("test" to "test1", "test2" to "test3", "test4" to "test5")
and toMap() would dsolve it all:
If you don't have duplicate keys or don't care for them, you can do it like this:
val flattenedMap = listOfMaps.flatMap { it.toList() }.toMap()
If you have duplicate keys and care for them, you can do it like this:
val flattenedMap = mutableMapOf<String, MutableList<String>>().apply {
listOfMaps.flatMap { it.toList() }.forEach {
getOrPut(it.first) {
The result will be Map<String, List<String>> then of course.
This solution works with same keys (and different collection as values) by merging them together instead of overwriting them
* Merge two maps with lists
fun <K,V>Map<K,Collection<V>>.mergeLists(other: Map<K,Collection<V>>) =
(this.keys + other.keys).associateWith {key ->
setOf(this[key], other[key]).filterNotNull()
}.mapValues { (_,b) -> b.flatten().distinct() }
* Merge two maps with sets
fun <K,V>Map<K,Collection<V>>.mergeSets(other: Map<K,Collection<V>>) =
(this.keys + other.keys).associateWith {key ->
setOf(this[key], other[key]).filterNotNull()
}.mapValues { (_,b) -> b.flatten().toSet() }
Then use like e.g. listOfMaps.reduce { a, b -> a.mergeSets(b) }
fun `should merge two maps with as lists or sets`() {
val map1 = mapOf(
"a" to listOf(1, 2, 3),
"b" to listOf(4, 5, 6),
"c" to listOf(10),
"e" to emptyList()
val map2 = mapOf(
"a" to listOf(1, 9),
"b" to listOf(7),
"d" to listOf(null)
val mergedAsLists = map1.mergeLists(map2)
val mergedAsSets = map1.mergeSets(map2)
listOf(mergedAsLists, mergedAsSets).forEach { merged ->
assertThat(merged.keys).containsOnly("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")

Removing elements from a list which are not in another list - Kotlin

I have two mutableLists, listOfA has so many objects including duplicates while listOfB has fewer. So I want to use listOfB to filter similar objects in listOfA so all list will have equal number of objects with equivalent keys at the end. Code below could explain more.
fun main() {
data class ObjA(val key: String, val value: String)
data class ObjB(val key: String, val value: String, val ref: Int)
fun test() {
val listOfA = mutableListOf(
ObjA("one", ""),
ObjA("one", "o"),
ObjA("one", "on"),
ObjA("one", "one"),
ObjA("two", ""),
ObjA("two", "2"),
ObjA("two", "two"),
ObjA("three", "3"),
ObjA("four", "4"),
ObjA("five", "five")
//Use this list's object keys to get object with similar keys in above array.
val listOfB = mutableListOf(
ObjB("one", "i", 2),
ObjB("two", "ii", 5)
val distinctListOfA = listOfA.distinctBy { it.key } //Remove duplicates in listOfA
val desiredList = doSomething to compare keys in distinctListOfA and listOfB
for (o in desiredList) {
println("key: ${o.key}, value: ${o.value}")
/* I was hoping to get this kind of output with duplicates removed and comparison made.
key: one, value: one
key: two, value: two
If you want to operate directly on that distinctListOfA you may want to use removeAll to remove all the matching entries from it. Just be sure that you initialize the keys of B only once so that it doesn't get evaluated every time the predicate is applied:
val keysOfB = listOfB.map { it.key } // or listOfB.map { it.key }.also { keysOfB ->
distinctListOfA.removeAll {
it.key !in keysOfB
//} // if "also" was used you need it
If you have a MutableMap<String, ObjA> in place after evaluating your unique values (and I think it may make more sense to operate on a Map here), the following might be what you are after:
val map : MutableMap<String, ObjA> = ...
map.keys.retainAll(listOfB.map { it.key })
retainAll just keeps those values that are matching the given collection entries and after applying it the map now contains only the keys one and two.
In case you want to keep your previous lists/maps and rather want a new list/map instead, you may just call something like the following before operating on it:
val newList = distinctListOfA.toList() // creates a new list with the same entries
val newMap = yourPreviousMap.toMutableMap() // create a new map with the same entries
I tried this
primaryList.removeAll { primaryItem ->
secondaryList.any { it.equals(primary.id, true) }
PrimaryList here is a list of objects
SecondaryList here is a list of strings

Kotlin - from a list of Maps, to a map grouped by key

I have a List<Map<Branch,Pair<String, Any>>> that I would like to convert in a single Map<Branch,List<Pair<String, Any>>> .
So if I have an initial list with simply 2 elements :
1. branch1 -> Pair(key1,value1)
branch2 -> Pair(key2,value2)
2. branch1 -> Pair(key1a,value1a)
I want to end up with :
branch1 -> Pair(key1,value1)
branch2 -> Pair(key2,value2)
so a kind of groupBy, using all the values of the keys in the initially nested maps..
I have tried with
list.groupBy{it-> it.keys.first()}
but obviously it doesn't work, as it uses only the first key. I want the same, but using all keys as individual values.
What is the most idiomatic way of doing this in Kotlin ? I have an ugly looking working version in Java, but I am quite sure Kotlin has a nice way of doing it.. it's just that I am not finding it so far !
Any idea ?
The following:
val result =
.flatMap {
}.groupBy({ it.key }, { it.value })
will give you the result of type Map<Branch,List<Pair<String, Any>>> with the contents you requested.
val list: List<Map<Branch, Pair<String, Any>>> = listOf()
val map = list
.flatMap { it.entries }
.groupBy { it.key }
.mapValues { entry -> entry.value.map { it.value } }
I've managed to write this.
data class Branch(val name: String)
data class Key(val name: String)
data class Value(val name: String)
val sharedBranch = Branch("1")
val listOfMaps: List<Map<Branch, Pair<Key, Value>>> = listOf(
mapOf(sharedBranch to Pair(Key("1"), Value("1")),
Branch("2") to Pair(Key("2"), Value("2"))),
mapOf(sharedBranch to Pair(Key("1a"), Value("1a")))
val mapValues: Map<Branch, List<Pair<Key, Value>>> = listOfMaps.asSequence()
.flatMap { map -> map.entries.asSequence() }
.groupBy(Map.Entry<Branch, Pair<Key, Value>>::key)
.mapValues { it.value.map(Map.Entry<Branch, Pair<Key, Value>>::value) }
Is it appliable for your needs?
Everyone else is using flatMap, but you can also consider using fold, which is a common operation for reducing a larger collection into a smaller one. (For example, you can fold a list of integers into a single sum; here, a list of maps into a single map).
Perhaps others will find this easier to read than the flatMap versions above:
val listOfMaps: List<Map<Key, Value>> = ...
val mergedMaps: Map<Key, List<Value>> =
.fold(mutableMapOf()) { acc, curr ->
curr.forEach { entry -> acc.merge(entry.key, listOf(entry.value)) { new, old -> new + old } }
What the above code is doing:
Create a new, empty map. This will be acc (that is, the accumulator).
Iterate through our list of maps.
Work on one map (curr) at a time.
For the current map, run over each of its key/value pairs.
For each key/value, call merge on acc, passing in a list of size one (wrapping the value). If nothing is associated with the key yet, that list is added; otherwise, it is appended to the list already there.
Return the accumulating map, so it's used again in the next step.
Surprised nobody has mentioned the associate function.
val listy: List<Map<String, Int>> =
listOf(mapOf("A" to 1, "B" to 2), mapOf("C" to 3, "D" to 4))
val flattened = listy
.flatMap { it.asSequence() }
.associate { it.key to it.value }
will print out {A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4}
Extract it to an extension function
private fun <K, V> List<Map<K, V>>.group(): Map<K, List<V>> =
asSequence().flatMap { it.asSequence() }.groupBy({ it.key }, { it.value })
Use it like so:
val list = yourListOfMaps
val grouped = list.group()