Default-expand-all doesn't work for q-tree? Vue.Js - vue.js

I have to code a web application and the most important element is the q-tree. I'm already able to load and show data (passing an array called list), but I want that all nodes are expanded.
The vue.js examples of the official documentation show that you're be able to do this with the 'default-expand-all' attribute but this isn't working for me.
It only shows me the root node with an arrow, where I have to expand the children nodes manually.

Taking a cue from the accepted answer, I realised that the dom has already been created with the tree component on first render.
In my use case, I want to update the Tree when data comes back from the server.
So, I had to force it to re-render with the expanded functionality using:
this.$nextTick(function () {
The nextTick function will update the dom in the next window of execution, by which time the nodes will get expanded by calling the expandAll function.
And NB: For those confused by the astericks on the ref attribute or how to add it to the component, here goes:
<q-tree :nodes="list"

Solved my problem as following:
I have added a ref attribute to the QTree DOM Element which makes it possible to access predefined methods of QTree API.
The function I have been using is expandAll().
updated() {
The most important thing for me was, I had to find out which lifecycle hook was the right one for me. The update() hook was the one I was looking for.
The reason:
Called after a data change causes the virtual DOM to be re-rendered and
The component’s DOM will have been updated when this hook is called, so you
can perform DOM-dependent operations here.

The default-expand-all is only applied on the first rendering of that Component.
So if your Component renders when the nodes aren't assigned they wont expand if assigned afterwards.
You have to work with scoped slots and an expanded attribute if you dont have the nodes on first rendering.


Access dom element with vuejs and vuetify in v-tabs

I have a div tag with an 'id="meet"' into v-tabs.
I need to access the node of this tag after I click a tab. I am using
let node=document.querySelector("#meet").
My problem is that it always returns "null". Here is the codepen:
What is wrong here?
There is no guarantee that after $nextTick you will see DOM element immediately.
<div id="meet"></div>
<button #click="onTest">test</button>
methods: {
onTest () {
let node=document.querySelector("#meet");
console.log('meet here',node)
After you clicked test you'll see in a console:
"meet here" "<div id='meet'></div>"
You can try to extract this div with an unique id into a separate component and inside it you can use mounted hook to know that it exists in DOM
Of course, according to vuetify docs, you may add eager prop to v-tab-item component, and that's it, but...possibly you are doing something wrong.
It's not a good idea to always add this prop because you are losing one of the vuetify 2.X advantages - lazy loading. This may lead to big performance problems if there are many elements on the tab.
Maybe it would be better if you will work directly with reactive variables (like variables in v-model directive), not DOM objects.

How to render markup so there's less FLOUT with a Vue Component?

I need to render a list of items (server rendered), each item has a countdown timer. When I just have my view component in each dom element there's nothing there, then POP, the view component renders the countdown... Now I know this value on the server side as well, is there some way to render it immediately such that the vue component will takeover the rendering? (Does that make sense)
Like the html from the server renders 50:32 (minutes, seconds), but then the view component takes over, removes it and starts the countdown 50:31, 50:30... etc etc.
I've tried passing the server val in as a prop and just rendering it inside the node, still pops (I assume because the component is rendering...)
Is this even doable, or am I stuck with a loader?
Thank you for your relevant question, I propose an answer from what I understand.
you are trying to dynamically pass a property from the server to a view instance already created. This is not possible because Vue does not allow dynamically adding new root-level reactive properties to an already created instance. However, it’s possible to add reactive properties to a nested object using the
Vue.set(object, propertyName, value) method:
Vue.set(vm.someObject, 'b', 2)
go on the official documentation of Vue to know more
here :
hope that it puts you on the right track

How to render a vnode (slot of a vue component) and mount it on an element?

For example, here we have a dialog component.
As we known, due to the stack context, it's hard to make the dialog always be the topmost element.
So we need to mount the dialog element as a body's child.
I tried this in dialog's mounted hook.
var slot=this.$slots.default
var vm = new Vue({
render: ()=>slot
var div=document.createElement('div')
The result is: it mounted successfully.
However, when I changed the data, the mounted vm didn't change.
I wonder how to make it reactive or is there any other way to achieve this.
Now that I can't find any methods to solve this.
I have to read some open source ui framework's source code because I know they do put the dialog in the body's child level.
And I found that they do render the <slot>, but I can't find any code rendered in the corresponding position and I can't find any code they use to 'remove' it.
Then, I found a line of code, document.body.append(this.$el). I am stupid. I didn't realize that append will just remove the element from it's original position and append it to the new position util I re-read the whole code once again.
I did think about this way, just append $el to somewhere. But I am afraid that it'll break the component down.
So, the solution is:
just define a normal vue component
ship the $el or child element to anywhere you want using element.append etc. after the component mounted
no need to remove the element manually when component is destroyed if you just ship the $el, vue will take care of it.

Does $destroy function removes the Vue Custom component from cache

I construct deep nested tree of parent and children Vue custom components using my top level component dynamically and then I am updating the data from which all tree is constructed. Which has an effect of rendering the entire tree (its a form with various custom components). I refresh/rebuild the whole form after fetching the data (which is what vue do for reactive data) that itself tell me how to regenerate the view (its like a JSON Schema from which I render the entire view).
This is related to my other issue here.
I am observing a very weird behavior in my Vue Application. When I destroy all my children components and rebuild the data to force rendering the form, it appears that even after I have called $destroy on every child component...Vue is not entirely removing them from cache?
Does vue remove the component from cache if a $destroy is called ?
Because I do not see multiple components of the same type in the Vue component list in the Chrome Vue DevTool extension panel. But I see that the same custom event is handled twice by the same component. Same function that handle the events is getting called twice even though there is only one component visible in Vue DevTools of this type.
This only happens after I render the form. When the page is loaded for the first time every thing works. Then after I reset the form by destroying the child component and resetting the data to re-render the form, magically this child component start handling the event twice.. and in 3rd render it handle the events thrice. But I see only one component in google chrome VueJS DevTool extension panel. So my guess is that vue is still keeping the previously destroyed component in cache. I am trying to figure out how should I destroy those components in the cache.
If anyone has observed something similar and found a solution please let me know.
At the moment I am going to dig little bit more on my component keys (this particular component does not have explicit key set by me).
First and foremost, the vue documentation states:
In normal use cases you shouldn’t have to call this method yourself.
Prefer controlling the lifecycle of child components in a data-driven
fashion using v-if and v-for.
So instead of destroying and rebuilding the components manually yourself, you should really letting vue handle that via v-if and v-for. If the components aren't updating to your changes, you might be dealing with a reactivity issue.
As you mentioned that this is a deeply nested structure, the reactivity is key to keeping the components up to data with the data.
Vue does not allow dynamically adding new root-level reactive properties to an already created instance. However, it’s possible to add reactive properties to a nested object using the Vue.set(object, key, value) method:
Vue.set(vm.someObject, 'b', 2)
Inside of a component:
this.$set(this.someObject, 'b', 2)
Also, keep in mind that Vue should be doing the heavy lifting in regards to component management, while you should define the parameters by which a component is rendered.

Initialize dynamic Component in Code using Vue.js

I am currently developing a web application that is used to display elements for events on a map provided by HERE Maps. I am using Vue.
I have some components, but the relevant component is the component HereMaps.vue which initializes the map using the HERE Maps Api.
The HERE Maps Api provides the possibility to place so called InfoBubbles on the map showing additional information. These InfoBubbles can be provided some HTML-code in order to customize their appearance.
Please refer to the documentation for additional information
Following the documentation the code looks something like this:
let bubble = new H.ui.InfoBubble(marker.getPosition(), {
content: "<div class='someClass'>Some Content</div>"
This is happening after mount in the "mounted" method from Vue in the "HereMaps" component.
The Bubbles are added in a "closed" (hidden) form and dynamically "opened" to reveal their content when the corresponding marker icon on the map is clicked. Therefore the HTML-code is present on the DOM after the component is mounted and is not removed at a later stage.
Now instead of supplying custom code within each bubble added to the UI i want to just add a component like this:
let bubble = new H.ui.InfoBubble(marker.getPosition(), {
content: "<myDynamicComponent></myDynamicComponent>"
It does not matter to me wether the component is initialized using props or if it is conditionally rendered depending on the state of a global variable. I just want to be able to use the "myDynamicComponent" in order to customize the appearance in a different file. Otherwise the design process gets very messy.
As far as i know this is not possible or at least i was not able to get it work. This is probably due to the fact that the "myDynamicComponent" is not used within the "template" of the "HereMaps" component und thus Vue does not know that it needs to render something here after the directive is added to the DOM in the "mounted" method.
This is what the InfoBubble looks using normal HTML as an argument:
This is what the InfoBubble looks using the component as an argument:
It appears to just be empty. No content of the "myDynamicComponent" is shown.
Does anyone have any idea how i could solve this problem.
Thank You.
Answer is a bit complicated and I bet you wouldn't like it:)
content param can accept String or Node value. So you can make new Vue with rendered your component and pass root element as content param.
BTW, Vue does not work as you think, <myDynamicComponent></myDynamicComponent> bindings, etc exists in HTML only in compile time. After that all custom elements(components) are compiled to render functions. So you can't use your components in that way.
Give us fiddle with your problem, so we can provide working example:)