USPS API not returning Commitment Date - api

My client needs to know how long it will take to ship their time sensitive product for FedEx and USPS. I'm using the GetRates function of DotNetShipping but the Commitment Date is coming back as null and being set to 30 days by DotNetShipping which isn't helpful. Are there particular parameters for the USPS Web Tools API that have to be passed in in order to get a Commitment Date? I know that when I call the USPS API directly, with the following URL, I do get a Commitment Date in the return data.<RateV4Request USERID="[USPSUSERID]"><Revision>2</Revision><Package ID="2ND"><Service>PRIORITY</Service><ZipOrigination>44106</ZipOrigination><ZipDestination>20770</ZipDestination><Pounds>1</Pounds><Ounces>0</Ounces><Container>RECTANGULAR</Container><Size>LARGE</Size><Width>11</Width><Length>13</Length><Height>11</Height><Girth>55</Girth><Value>1000</Value><SpecialServices><SpecialService>1</SpecialService></SpecialServices></Package></RateV4Request>
The above URL won't work without replacing [USPSUSERID] with a valid user ID.

I had to modify DotNetShipping to pass in Value and SpecialServices -> SpecialService and remove Machinable in order to get the CommitmentDate returned.


How can i get metrics from Bitly API with custom date range?

I have been trying to use Bitly API.
This is the documentation I have been following.
I am trying to call a GET request over /v4/bitlinks/{bitlink}/clicks as shown in the above documentation.
params = {
'unit' : 'day',
'units' : -1
response = requests.get(f'{domain}/2MIHzhO/clicks', headers=headers, params=params)
gives me 30 results i.e. for the last month (30 day wise entries).
However I was expecting more entries beyond that.
If i use units=40 instead, I get the following error with code 402
{'message': 'UPGRADE_REQUIRED',
'resource': 'bitlinks',
'description': 'Metrics request exceeds maximum queryable date range.'}
Is there a limit to the date range I can query because it is not explicitly stated in the API?
Yes, your guess is right. There is a limit to the date range you can query in bitly free plan - the link history limit is 30 days. That's why you get this error message when trying to query for metrics for 40 days.
You can find different bitly plans info here

tzs for Jawbone Moves

I would like some clarification on tzs for the Jawbone Moves endpoint: Is this key going to be present on all response items? If not, what types of records will have it vs those that don't. Additionally, the docs indicate it will be an array of arrays with the following format:
"tzs": [
[1384963500, "America/Phoenix"],
[1385055720, "America/Los_Angeles"]
However, I am getting response that look like the following:
"tzs": [[1468410383, -14400]]
Is the second an offset I presume in seconds?
The tzs key will appear in responses from the moves endpoint that provide data for a given day's move. It will always be present, but it will only contain more than one entry if the user changes timezones during the given time period (e.g., the user is travelling).
Here's the explanation from the documentation:
Each entry in the list contains a unix timestamp and a timezone. In most instances the timezone entry is a string containing the Olson timezone.
When the timezone entry is just a number, then you are correct it's the GMT offset in seconds, so -14400 corresponds to US/Eastern

Podio API filtering by date range

I'm trying to filter tasks by date range and I'm getting errors whatever I try. This is how my request looks like:
Here I'm trying to filter by created_on and I'm suplying {from: "2016-06-23", to: "2016-06-28"} but it's always returning the same error - invalid filter. I'm trying to filter tasks that are created in the last 5 days here.
The tasks API reference can be found in their API docs.
What am I doing wrong?
Date ranges can be separated by -.
To display "all my tasks created between 1st Jan 2014 and 1st Jan 2016" :-
Podio API get task filtering by date range use below :

Yahoo Weather API 3 days Forecast with humidity value

I am building a web app, which uses Yahoo Weather API to provide weather information, based on a ZIP code, provided by the users.
I know that in order to obtain this data for certain number of days I have to add it as a parameter in my request, like so:
Which gives this result:
<yweather:location city="Homestead" region="FL" country="US"/>
<yweather:units temperature="C" distance="km" pressure="mb" speed="km/h"/>
<yweather:wind chill="19" direction="90" speed="11.27"/>
<yweather:atmosphere humidity="78" visibility="16.09" pressure="1021" rising="1"/>
<yweather:astronomy sunrise="7:12 am" sunset="7:36 pm"/>
<yweather:forecast day="Wed" date="2 Apr 2014" low="19" high="28" text="Mostly Sunny" code="34"/>
<yweather:forecast day="Thu" date="3 Apr 2014" low="21" high="29" text="Partly Cloudy" code="30"/>
<yweather:forecast day="Fri" date="4 Apr 2014" low="20" high="28" text="Partly Cloudy" code="30"/>
<guid isPermaLink="false">USFL0208_2014_04_04_7_00_EDT</guid>
However I need to be able to get the humidity level for EVERY day in the forecast and not just the current one. I've tried to find solution here and also read the Yahoo API documentation, but it's really a short one.
I've also tried and, but they have the same issue with humidity - it's shown only for the current day and stripped from the whole forecast.
I'll keep trying with other free Weather APIs, but if you can help here I'd be very grateful.
I've spent some time researching for better APIs than the Yahoo! Weather API and I found something, that works for me, so I've decided to share the info, in case anyone else bump into this some day.
Version 2 of the Forecast API looks like a nice solution, because it provides detailed information, more specifically the humidity index for each day in the forecast, which was what I was looking for in the first place.
There are also number of libraries for this API (languages include PHP, Node.js, Python, Perl and others).
It works with longitude & latitude as in this example,LONGITUDE,TIME
and of course one needs to register for an API key.
The TIME parameter is optional, the temperature uses Fahrenheit metrics by default, but this can be changed with additional ?units=ca parameter.
One disadvantage is that you get only a 1,000 free calls per day, which probably won't be suitable for big applications.
If you know a better answer to the original question, I'll be very happy to hear it. Until then I'll use this solution, without going into much details:
// The default result from a Forecast API call is in JSON,
// so decode it to an object for easier access
$fcObj = json_decode($jsonResult);
if(!empty($fcObj->daily->data[0]->humidity)) {
// get humidity value in %
$humidty = $fcObj->daily->data[0]->humidity * 100;

Get ALL tweets, not just recent ones via twitter API (Using twitter4j - Java)

I've built an app using twitter4j which pulls in a bunch of tweets when I enter a keyword, takes the geolocation out of the tweet (or falls back to profile location) then maps them using ammaps. The problem is I'm only getting a small portion of tweets, is there some kind of limit here? I've got a DB going collecting the tweet data so soon enough it will have a decent amount, but I'm curious as to why I'm only getting tweets within the last 12 hours or so?
For example if I search by my username I only get one tweet, that I sent today.
Thanks for any info!
EDIT: I understand twitter doesn't allow public access to the firehose.. more of why am I limited to only finding tweets of recent?
You need to keep redoing the query, resetting the maxId every time, until you get nothing back. You can also use setSince and setUntil.
An example:
Query query = new Query();
// set the bounding dates
QueryResult result = searchWithRetry(twitter, query); // searchWithRetry is my function that deals with rate limits
while (result.getTweets().size() != 0) {
List<Status> tweets = result.getTweets();
System.out.print("# Tweets:\t" + tweets.size());
Long minId = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (Status tweet : tweets) {
// do stuff here
if (tweet.getId() < minId)
minId = tweet.getId();
result = searchWithRetry(twitter, query);
Really it depend on which API system you are using. I mean Streaming or Search API. In the search API there is a parameter (result_type) that is an optional parameter. The values of this parameter might be followings:
* mixed: Include both popular and real time results in the response.
* recent: return only the most recent results in the response
* popular: return only the most popular results in the response.
The default one is the mixed one.
As far as I understand, you are using the recent one, that is why; you are getting the recent set of tweets. Another issue is getting low volume of tweets that have the geological information. Because there are very few users added the geological information to their profile, you are getting very few tweets.