Having different output item numbers on different ports gnuradio - gnuradio

I have a block which has two output ports in gnuradio. I need to return a single items to one output port and some specific n output items on another output port. Is this possible or always it returns same number of items on different ports

It's possible. gr::block has a method called produce(int,int) to allow you to do exactly that. You'll have to return WORK_CALLED_PRODUCE instead of returning a number of samples.
Of course, not producing the same amount on all outputs means that you can't use sync_block and quite likely will have to implement a forecast() too.


Obfuscate Phone Numbers Consistently

We have phone number fields that we need to obfuscate in a UAT environment, the problem is that the number needs to be unique, and should match other data processes using other databases that are also obfuscated. I'm trying to create a function that will reliably scramble a number, and each number passed in produces the same scrambled number every time, using some kind of encryption key that we'll store safely. I haven't found a way to reliably reproduce numbers in the same 10 digit format. Any ideas?
Why not use any hash function that will give you a guid?
in python
SELECT HASHBYTES('SHA2_256', '0103203803') in t-sql
I believe Column Encryption is what you're looking for. You can encrypt the column, then pass the encrypted value.
SQLShack did a good write up as well.
Column Encryption is not what Steve is looking for, the phone number fields needs to obfuscated in the lower environment after a refresh from production in 2 separate tables and guarantee the same number of rows match before and after the process completes.
The process below seems to have worked but the before count did not match the after count.
SET [somePhone] = BINARY_CHECKSUM([somePhone])
Microsoft dynamic-data-masking may be a better option.

Redis | Best data structure to store IPs and networks

My goal is to store in Redis:
Plain IP addresses like
IP networks like
in order to check in request/response cycle whether or not
current IP xxx.yyy.xxx.vvv is inside( contained by):
Plain ips
Ip network ( for example inside
Overall amount of ips and networks - few 1000 items.
Question is – what is the best way (best structure) to store both plain ips and networks in Redis and make aforementioned check without fetching data from Redis?
P.S. Current IP is already known.
Ok, lets simplify it a bit with example.
I have 2 ips and 2 networks in where I want to check if certain ip is contained.
# 2 plain ip
# 2 networks
There are 2 possible ways where exact ip might be contained:
1)Just in plain ips. For example contained in the structure above and is not contained simply by definition.
2)Ip might be contained inside network. For example contained inside networks but not contained inside list of plain ips as there are no any exact ip =
Little bit of of explanation about ip networks. Very simplified.
Ip network represents range of ips. For example ipv4 network "" represents 256 ip addresses:
IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address(''),
IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address('')
In another words ip network is a range of ip addresses
from '' up to ''
In our example contained inside networks as one of this addresses inside the range.
My idea is like this:
Any ip address can be represented as integer. One of our ip addresses converted to integer is 3394042397.
As ip network is a range of ips, so that it is possible to convert it in a range of integers by converting first and last ip in range in integers.
For example one of our networks represents range between IPv4Address('') and IPv4Address(''). Or integers range from 283083777 up to 283083781 with step 1.
Individual ip can be represented as range between it’s integer and it’s integer + 1 (lower bound included, upper bound excluded).
Obviously search in plain ips can be done by putting them to SET and then using SISMEMBER. But what about searching inside networks. Can we do some trick with ranges maybe?
"Best" is subjective(in memory, in speed etc) but you may use two sets/hash to store them. Since they are unique both hashes and sets would be fine. If you prefer you can use a single set/hash to save both ip and network ip addresses but i would prefer separate since they are two different type of data sets(just like database tables).
Then you can use either of those
SISMEMBER with O(1) time complexity
HEXISTS with O(1) time complexity.
It can be handled on application level with multiple commands or lua script(in a single transaction).
Depending on your choice add to your keys with SADD and HSET(the field value would be 1).
Edit: (hope i get it right)
For the range of network addresses create sets from the integers surrounding two dots such as 12.345.67.1-12.345.67.254 range will be represented as 12.345.67 and you will add this to the set. When you want to search for 12.345.67.x it will be parsed into 12.345.67 in your application level and you will check with SISMEMBER. Same can be done with hash with HEXISTS.
Since ip addresses contain four different numbers with three dots, you will discard last dot and last number and the rest will be representing(i assume) the network range.
For IPs you can use Set and query by certain IP within O(1) time.
For IP range, I think you can use List with Lua Script for query. List will have O(n) time for searching, but since you only have 1000 items, O(N) and O(1) will not have a huge difference for Redis in memory query.

Prometheus: how to rate a sum of the same counter from different machines?

I have a Prometheus counter, for which I want to get its rate on a time range (the real target is to sum the rate, and sometimes use histogram_quantile on that for histogram metric).
However, I've got multiple machines running that kind of job, each one sets its own instance label. This causes different inc operations on this counter in different machines to create different entities of the counter, as the combination of labels values is unique.
The problem is that rate() works separately on each such counter entity.
The result is that counter entities with unique combinations don't get into account for rate().
For example, if I've got:
mycounter{aaa="1",instance="",job="job1"} value: 1
mycounter{aaa="2",instance="",job="job1"} value: 1
mycounter{aaa="2",instance="",job="job1"} value: 1
mycounter{aaa="1",instance="",job="job1"} value: 1
All counter entities are unique, so they get values of 1.
If counter labels are always unique (come from different machines), rate(mycounter[5m]) would get values of 0 in this case,
and sum(rate(mycounter[5m])) would get 0, which is not what I need!
I want to ignore the instance label so that it would refer these mycounter inc operations as they were made on the same counter entity.
In other words, I expect to have only 2 entities (they can have a common instance value or no instance label):
mycounter{aaa="1", job="job1"} value: 2
mycounter{aaa="2", job="job1"} value: 2
In such a case, inc operation in new machine (with existing aaa value) would increase some entity counter instead of adding new entity with value of 1, and rate() would get real rates for each, so we may sum() them.
How do I do that?
I made several tries to solve it but all failed:
Doing a rate() of the sum() - fails because of type mismatch...
Removing the automatic instance label, using metric_relabel_configswork with action: labeldrop in configuration, but then it assigns the default address value.
Changing all instance values to a common one using metric_relabel_configswork with replacement, but it seems that one of the entities overwrites all others, so it doesn't help...
Any suggestions?
Prometheus version: 2.3.2
Thanks in Advance!
You'd better expose your counters at 0 on application start, if the other labels (aaa, etc) have a limited set of possible combinations. This way rate() function works correctly at the bottom level and sum() will give you correct results.
If you have to do a rate() of the sum(), read this first:
Note that when combining rate() with an aggregation operator (e.g. sum()) or a function aggregating over time (any function ending in _over_time), always take a rate() first, then aggregate. Otherwise rate() cannot detect counter resets when your target restarts.
If you can tolerate this (or the instances reset counters at the same time), there's a way to work around. Define a recording rule as
record: job:mycounter:sum
expr: sum without(instance) (mycounter)
and then this expression works:
The obvious query rate(sum(...)) won't work in most cases, since the resulting sum(...) may hide possible resets to zero for individual time series, which are passed to sum. So usually the correct answer is to use sum(rate(...)) instead. See this article for details.
Unfortunately, Prometheus may miss some increases for slow-changing counter when calculating rate() as shown in the original question above. The same applies to increase() calculations. See this issue, this comment and this article for details. Prometheus developers are going to fix these issues - see this design doc.
In the mean time try to use VictoriaMetrics when you need exact values for rate() and increase() functions over slow-changing counter (and distributed counter).

Can/does SigMap produce canonical output?

An instance of SigMap is guaranteed to produce the same output for every connected wire in a design. But does this hold true for different instances of SigMap running in different versions of yosys across different platforms?
What about if the initial queries are done in the same order? Is there some way to cause SigMap to return the same SigBit across multiple runs on multiple versions?
SigMap is not guaranteed to produce a canonical output with the SigMap(module) constructor, the exact behavior of such a SigMap object depends on the iterator order for module->connections() and the exact structure of the connections array.
You can "canonicalize" a SigMap using the following technique:
SigMap sigmap(module);
for (auto bit : sigmap.allbits())
if (my_canonical_cmp(sigmap(bit), bit))
(I have added SigMap::allbits() just now. So you need to update to latest git head for this to work.)

Get multiple sets

I've currently got a dataset which is something like:
channel1 = user1,user2,user3
channel2 = user4,user5,user6
(note- these are not actual names, the text is not a predictable sequence)
I would like to have the most optimized capability for the following:
1) Add user to a channel
2) Remove user from a channel
3) Get list of all users in several selected channels, maintaining knowledge of which channel they are in (in case it matters- this can also be simply checking whether a channel has any users or not without getting an actual list of them)
4) Detect if a specific user is in a channel (willing to forego this feature if necessary)
I'm a bit hungup on the fact that there are only two ways I can see of getting multiple keys at once:
A) Using regular keys and a mget key1, key2, key3
In this solution, each value would be a JSON string which can then be manipulated and queried clientside to add/remove/determine values. This itself has a couple problems- firstly that it's possible another client will change the data while it's being processed (i.e. this solution is not atomic) and it's not easy to detect right away if a channel contains a specific user even though it is easy to detect if a channel has any users (this is low priority, as stated above)
B) Using sets and sunion
I would really like to use sets for this solution somehow, the above solution just seems wrong... but I cannot see how to query multiple sets at once and maintain info about which set each member is from or if any of the sets in the union have 0 members (sunion only gives me a final set of all the combined members)
Any solutions which can implement the above points 1-4 in optimal time and atomic operations?
EDIT: One idea which might work in my specific case is to store the channel name as part of the username and then use sets. Still, it would be great to get a more generic answer
Short answer: use sets + pipelining + MULTI/EXEC, or sets + Lua.
1) Add user to a channel
SADD command
2) Remove user from a channel
SREM command
3) Get list of all users in several selected channels
There are several ways to do it.
If you don't need strict atomicity, you just have to pipeline several SMEMBERS commands to retrieve all the sets in one roundtrip. If you are just interested whether channels have users or not, you can replace SMEMBERS by SCARD.
If you need strict atomicity, you can pipeline a MULTI/EXEC block containing SMEMBERS or SCARD commands. The output of the EXEC command will contain all the results. This is the solution I would recommend.
An alternative (atomic) way is to call a server-side Lua script using the EVAL command. Lua script executions are always atomic. The script could take a number of channel as input parameters, and build a multi-layer bulk reply to return the output.
4) Detect if a specific user is in a channel
SISMEMBER command - pipeline them if you need to check for several users.