How to run program in without the solution file? -

Currently I have a .vb file only and the debugging button shows "Attach" instead of "Start". How do I fix this? Thank you in advance.


Error when trying to open the "My project" tab in vb

Hi there im currently trying to swap my startup form from TillSystem.vb to Form1.vb however when I try to enter My Project to do this through the menu it appears with the error below
any help on how to fix this would be appreciated many thanks
Because there are errors in the design file. In the Solution Explorer click on the Show All Files button and open the TillSystem.Designer.vb file.
Check this file line by line, if you are not sure which line is wrong, comment out and try again till you find the problem.

File changes do not show up in Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

I'm experimenting with VSCode(specifically version 1.17.1),
and I noticed if I change the content of some files programatically, the updated content doesn't appear immediately and I need to close and reopen the file!
Is this a common issue with VSCode, and how to solve it if there is any solution that doesn't involve a refresh command or a key binding like alt+f5.
Thank you in advance.

Importing code from a text file into VB

I have a project in visual studio 2013, using and I'd like to know how to import code directly from a text file and run it as code in the program.
I know this seems odd but it needs to be this way. Also I can't use a string builder and as i'm using vs it has a compiler built in.
Any help is appreciated
thanks in advance.
Open the text file in notepad
Create a new solution or open a .vb file in Visual Studio
If you create a new forms solution, press F7 to switch to code
Copy and paste the code from Notepad into the code editor
Run it and the code is auto-saved.
Why don't you let us see your code?

how to open batch file, write a command and then press enter in vbnet

I don't know how to do this and anything that comes up on Google isn't what I need.Can someone please tell me how to open a batch file, write a command and then press enter to execute the command in Here is the code is has so far:
Process.Start("example.bat", "example command")
I have no more than this, and it's really confusing me, can someone please show me the right way about this?
Well, I'm not quite sure what you are asking, but using Notepad or Notepad++ is good for creating Batch files. All you have to do is write your code go to File>Save As...>click on "All Files">file_name.bat make sure you type .bat at the end or it will not work

Breakpoint jumps to another function/class in VB.NET (VS2008)

I'm trying to debug my code (VB.NET) and I place my breakpoint on a line of code.
I attach to my TEST server and when the debug symbols load, the breakpoint line disappears from where I put it, and relocated it to a totally other line, in another function in another class.
I tried rebuilding the solution, rebuilding a clean solution. I even closed VS2008, and even rebooted my machine.
Has anyone come across this before and what can I do to get this to bebug where I put my breakpoints?
Many thanks in advance for any help.
Have you deployed the PDB file to the server and is it up-to-date?
Try using F12 on your function calls and see where they are coming from and setting break points there, then steping through the functions to get where you need to be at.