Google's Recaptcha V3 - should I track the score, or suffice with the "success" being true? - recaptcha-v3

Background: my website is pretty simple, containing a main page with a list of links (provided by 3rd party service) - each links pops up a file upload input with a submit button. In that popup I embedded the Recaptcha script, and verified the token upon file submission. Because of this multiple popup setup I chose V3 for zero user interactions with the verification mechanism.
Now, a question arise - how should I interpret Google's response from google.
Google documentation for V3 says:
reCAPTCHA learns by seeing real traffic on your site. For this reason,
scores in a staging environment or soon after implementing may differ
from production. As reCAPTCHA v3 doesn't ever interrupt the user flow,
you can first run reCAPTCHA without taking action and then decide on
thresholds by looking at your traffic in the admin console. By
default, you can use a threshold of 0.5.
It is pretty clear to me, from this description, that the score is what matters - 0.0 for most likely bot, 1.0 for most likely human. So in my code, I check that success == true and score >= 0.5
However - none of the V3 examples I find online for server side validation pay any attention to the score. here are 3 of them. All three only check for the request being successful:
Finally, my question is - is that a misconception of V3's mechanism, or is it me missing something?

Yes, you should definitely be checking the value of "score" in Google's verification response.
Those three examples are very lacking in detail and actually pretty confusing.
The "success" simply means that you sent a well formed request with the right token and secret.
It sounds like you're already checking the value of "score", so that's great, but I just wanted to clarify this for anyone who finds this question and is still a little confused.

To complement the answer of #BrettM...
It depends on the way the verification is being handled.
Using reCAPTCHA PHP client library:
See code lines ReCaptcha::verify() line180-182
When setting the threshold:
$recaptcha = new Recaptcha($secret);
$response = $recaptcha
->verify($token, $ip);
$response->isSuccess() will return false when threshold is not met.
$response->getErrors() will contain E_SCORE_THRESHOLD_NOT_MET
Without setting the threshold:
$response->isSuccess() will return true, unless there are errors.
$response->getScore() should now be checked.
Without using reCAPTCHA PHP client library:
Both $response['success'] and $response['score'] should be checked.


LinkedIn API Changes

Our LinkedIn API calls started failing. Even the simplest /v1/prople/~ calls started erroring with This resource is no longer available under v1 APIs.
So we're trying to migrate stuff using the new /v2 way, but somehow it seems not to be working. For example (and after requesting a token with the new scopes), a simple request to /v2/me fails to return the fields we need (amongst others, headline and location). When asking explicitly for these fields, we're told that we don't have access to them - even tho the token was generated using the r_basicprofile r_liteprofile r_emailaddress scopes.
We've tried numerous combinations and variations of asking for certain fields, projections, formats, etc from the Microsoft docs - with no avail and we're wondering whether the /v2 API is actually something functional - is there anyone successful using it, and if so, how?
A sample CURL request with an obfuscated Bearer would be a good way for us to understand what we're doing wrong - but it seems that even the simplest requests verbatim from the docs just fail.
EDIT: After some research, it looks like Microsoft changed their versioned API behavior without being consistent in the docs. Some docs point to r_liteprofile and some others to r_basicprofile as the default way to go now without being "Linkedin Partners". We were previously requesting r_emailaddress too and the headline and location parts of the r_basicprofile bits were used in our code in many different places.
These were two problems:
Some of the fields are removed from v1 (headline, email, location etc),
Most of the fields requested are not available in v2 without special scopes, but these scopes are very poorly documented as being part of a "LinkedIn Partner" program our app has to be accepted in before we can now use them.
The basic answer to this question is that LinkedIn (Microsoft) made backward-incompatible changes to their API.

Auth0 is redireting to my callback-url with an additional #_=_

I am using the auth0-service and I have observed, that after a user logs in successfully, the callback-url is called with an additional string "#_=_"
How can I turn that off? I have already searched the documentaiton at auth0, but searching for "#_=_" does not yield reasonable results
I even had to escape that string with backslashes here in the SO-editor, because it was beeing interpreted...
Please can you offer more information - what library / SDK are you using? For example, what happens if you use:
https://{{YOUR_TENANT}}{{YOUR_CLIENT_ID}}&protocol=oauth2&redirect_uri= id_token&scope=openid email&nonce=123&state=xyz
Just add as an allowed callback URL in your client settings from Auth0 dashboard.
Bear in mind that for SPA apps etc, the tokens are returned using URL hash fragments - this is deliberate as only meant for Client side consumption - see here for quick description. Mention this only in case you were confusing correct behaviour?

"__RequestVerificationToken is not present" error when I can clearly see it in Developer tools

I'm trying to a CSRF protection to an existing MVC4 web application which uses DevExpress grids. I've added the Html.AntiForgeryToken() into the forms on the aspx pages (which contain ascx as partials containing the grids) and can see the __RequestVerificationToken and it's value clearly in developer tools when a save is called.
I've tried commenting out all my ValidateAntiForgeryToken attributes bar one - I went with the delete post method for simplicity (And also to eliminate the DevExpress grids messing with it) and I still keep coming up against this error:
There was a HttpAntiForgeryException
Url: http://localhost:54653/Users/Delete/f86ad393-0039-44e8-beed-a66dbab9266e?ReturnURL=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A54653%2FUsers
The exception message is
The required anti-forgery form field "__RequestVerificationToken" is not present.
Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening? Could it be that the error is non-descriptive and it's actually that the token doesn't match rather than that it doesn't exist? In previous answers to this question people just say "oh, you have to add the token," which is obviously not helpful here.
Are you submitting the form manually through Ajax? If that's the case, you need to pass the anti forgery token as another parameter with the name "__RequestVerificationToken".
Point 1 : Make sure if your application is has https secure protocol. Please load in https.
Point 2 : In case of DevExpress you have to call in the below pattern.
After struggling with this for days I had a thought - maybe the browser is stopping the cookie being written. I did a search for dev servers and cookies not being written, and found that with Chrome and IE10 and up that there's problems writing the cookies.
I downloaded Firefox and tried it with that and it worked instantly. I then reapplied all the validate attributes to the all the controller methods and the all worked, every single one of them! Even the DexExpress postbacks seem to be working correctly.
I'll carry out more exhaustive testing, but for now, I think we're there.
Not exactly. If MVC AntiForgeryToken is already defined on page where you are using MvcxGridView and you want to protect grid actions you should send this token back to server during grid client side begin callback event.
settings.ClientSideEvents.BeginCallback = "function(s,e) { e.customArgs[\"__RequestVerificationToken\"] = $('input[name=\"__RequestVerificationToken\"]', $(s.GetMainElement())).val(); }";

How to propagate data from mod-auth-external authenticator to served page

In our Apache configuration we use mod-auth-external (previously on Google Code) to invoke PAM authentication.
Now there is a request for proper handling of shadow-based password expiration:
If password is before warning period Apache should respond with HTTP status code 200. Nothing new here.
If password is in warning period (its validity end is near) Apache should respond with HTTP status code 200, but include somehow information about the warning period.
If password is in expiration period (it is no longer valid but user can still change it on his own) Apache should respond with HTTP status code 401 and include somehow information about expiration period.
If password is beyond expiration period (it is no longer valid and account was locked, administrator must unlock it) Apache should respond with HTTP status code 401 and include somehow information about the locked state.
(There are also corner cases of page missing or some other errors. It is not clear what to do then. But it seems that solving above points would allow to solve those corner cases as well.)
Our PAM authenticator (used through mod-auth-external) is able to differentiate those cases by adjusting return values. That we already have.
The problem is however how to get information from the authenticator to the associated action serving the page (either actual page with 200 status code or 401 error document).
Current investigations
It should be noted that there is significant difference between requirement 2 and requirements 3 and 4.
Requirements 3 and 4 alone are somewhat easier because they both involve our mod-auth-external authenticator returning error (access denied). So we only need to know how to get that error code in 401 error page. I even raised issue on that on mod-auth-external page.
Requirement 2 is much more difficult. In that case our authenticator must return 0 (access granted) and still somehow propagate information about the warning to whatever gets served in the end.
Logs parsing
Obvious (and ugly) idea is to parse logs. mod-auth-external description on Google Code Wiki mentions that authenticator return value gets written to Apache syslog. Also whatever authenticator prints to standard error stream gets logged as well.
This could be used to pass information from authenticator to some other entities.
The difficulty here is that it is not clear how to do it safely. What to print to be sure that "the other entity" will match properly current request with log entry. Mere URL doesn't seem to be enough since there can be multiple requests for the same URL at the same time. While I don't see anything more useful in what authenticator gets.
Another issue here is that it seems that to be able to parse the logs you have to have some non-trivial code running for "the other entity". And this complicates things further since how should we do it?
Another idea
If we could make the authenticator somehow modify "request session" (or whatever, maybe just environment? - I don't know, I'm new to Apache) to add arbitrary data to it we would be (almost) at home.
Our authenticator would somehow store "password status" and also possibly days remaining to the end of warning/expiration period (if applicable). Then upon serving 401 error page we would retrieve that back and use it to dynamically generate content of the page.
Or even better we would have it stored in session so that the other end could read that data directly. (For cases where it is not simply a browser showing page.)
But so far I fail to see how to do that.
Do you have any idea how to meet those requirements?
For over a month I got no answer here. Nor on GitHub issue that I opened for mod-auth-external.
So I ended doing a custom modification to our mod-auth-external. I don't like modifying third party software but this one seems dead anyway. And also it turned out we are using pretty old version (2.2.9 which I upgraded to 2.2.11, the last in 2.2.x line). Which already had some customizations anyway.
I explained details of the solution in a comment to my GitHub issue so I will not repeat them here.
I will however comment on shadow details as they were not mentioned there.
I had two choices: either use getspnam function to retrieve shadow data or to parse messages generated by PAM. First attempts based on getspnam function but in the end I used PAM messages. I didn't have strong reasons for any of those. However I decided to propagate in HTTP response not only shadow status but any PAM message that was generated and so it seemed easier to follow that way.

Google+ .Net API - Getting Authenticated and retrieving profile

I'm trying to get a users profile information for google+ via the .NET API but am having trouble.
Does anyone know if they have changed how the special ID "me" works?
In the documentation it says this can be used as a special ID to get the currently authenticated users information however this throws a 404 from both the API in my code and on Google's own test page I was logged in when trying this.
Does anyone know how to get the user ID as I would happily use that instead of me but it isn't returned after the user authenticates as far as I can see (just an authcode)?
I also tried using user IDs returned when using the standard .net Oauth stuff but it isn't the correct ID, I assume it is for something else.
As for my method of getting to this stage, I first downloaded the example files here:
They don't have a plus example so I took the Tasks.ASP.NET.SimpleOAuth2 example and swapped out tasks (which worked fine) for the plus equivalent.
I also tried rolling this into my own project.
Neither worked. I get the user forwarded to Google where they give me access fine and then when I return they are authenticated successfully as far as I can see, however when I call service.People.Get("me") it returns a 404.
If anyone could help with the above questions (using me, or gettign the user ID) I would appreciate it.
To the moderator who closed the initial version of this question, I have tried to make this as direct a question as possible so please don't close it. This is a legitimate question I would really like help getting to he bottom of.
This is now out of date given recent platform updates. Although the scope still exists and this code will work, you should be using the plus.login scope for retrieving profile data in C#. For a great way to get started with retrieving and rendering profile information, please start from the Google+ C# quick start available here:
First off, the 'me' id still works and is unchanged. The way that it works is:
You authenticate the user using a standard OAUTH2 flow
You use the library to perform a People.get with the special value 'me'
The 404 error code is a little troubling, this means that the client isn't finding the endpoint. To debug this, you might want to use a packet sniffer like fiddler to see what the actual URL it's querying is.
Anyways, how about some C# code. The following example shows how to use the plus service to get the currently authenticated user (assuming you have authenticated someone). What's different from your snippet is that you need to form a get request for the API call, then run fetch on the get request. I've included the following example, for getting 'me', and the following code works:
var auth = CreateAuthenticator();
plusService = new PlusService(auth);
if (plusService != null)
PeopleResource.GetRequest prgr = plusService.People.Get("me");
Person me = prgr.Fetch();
All of the configuration of the server and getting a client working is pretty hard and pasting all of the code here would be less helpful than just giving you a sample.
And so... I have written a sample application that demonstrates how to do this and also includes a wrapper that makes it easier to develop using the Google+ API in C#. Grab it here:
Google+ C# Server-Side demo and library
Seems you need to use:
Person test = service.People.Get("me").Fetch();
and not
req = service.People.Get("me");
Person test = req.Fetch();
Even though they seem to be identical the first works and the second doesn't.
Still not sure why google's own page doesn't work though. Now to find out how to add things to the scope like birthday.