How to specify a directory without an absolute path in Sikuli - jython

I'm attempting to use the current directory in which the script is currently located in Sikuli to create a .txt document to output results to. So far the only way I've got this to work so far is by using an absolute path with the file already created, but this script will be exported and used on multiple machines.
I've currently tried using the import os and using os.path.basename as suggested by the manual, but this does not appear to be working for me. So far the only functionality I have is by having the file already created and using an absolute reference to it
This is what the manual is suggesting:
file = open(os.path.basename('/NewSikulix/Keyboard_Shortcuts.sikuli/Results.txt'), 'w')
This is what I currently have that works:
file = open("D:\NewSikulix\Keyboard_Shortcuts.sikuli\Results.txt" ,'w')
I expect that the os.path.basename will open up the folder and create it in that location like in html you can use /../ but syntax is different.
What I currently have is no results and if it does work, I'm unfamiliar where this is being created. Please help


How to Create a Program Which Searches for Values from a .txt or any Text Document in Specific Folders

I am relatively new to programming and want to create a program which can solve a problem that I frequently have.
So here's the background to my short story: I was on a website which hosted many files (We're talking about around 500-1000 small files). I was then like," Oh sweet! I want to have all these things in my hard drive so I know that I have access to them... but am probably not going to use them either way". I proceeded to download all 500-1000 files on that site, but encountered a problem when I looked at the properties of my destination file. Let's say that out of 500 on the site, my computer only had 499 files. Just my luck. I wanted to know what was that one pesky file that slipped right by me and download that file specifically. What I didn't want to do was to delete all the files and then try my luck once more in downloading all the files from the website. On the site, there was no indication of what all files I downloaded, so I was completely in the blue. I could go in Ctrl+C each item, then Ctrl+V into the file manager search bar, but that would be tedious to repeat that 500 times.
Now, what I want to do: I wanted to go ahead and take all of the file names from the website (The file name that I downloaded and the file name that was in my drive are the same), put them all in a simple .txt document or something (The website has multiple unwanted text alongside the text I need, such as:
. If this is not possible to extract the text from the site like this, then I am ok with manually entering the names via copy paste). Then I want the computer to take these values in the document and then search for it in a specific folder path (Note: the actual files are in subfolders within the root folder I want to choose, so the program has to be able to search within multiple folders of the root). Then I want the computer to know if the value in the document, is present as a file. If the file doesn't exist, then I want that value/those values in the document to be displayed as the output. I want this cycle to repeat until all the values have been gone through. The output should list the values that were not present.
Conclusion: You probably now get at what I am trying to do, if you don't, tell me what I need to elaborate on. I really don't care how this program is made (what language or software), I just want something that works... but myself don't know how to create.
Thanks for reading and any response is appreciated!
Dhanwanth P :)
Here's a solution in Python in case you would like to explore...
Similar to what you described, all files from the website are listed in an Excel file 'website_files.xlsx'
And all files are saved in a folder 'downloaded_wav'. The script will work regardless the files are saved in the root directory or sub-folders.
Then I run below Python script to look for the missing file:
import pandas as pd
import os
path_folder = 'C:\\Users\\Admin\\Downloads\\downloaded_wav'
downloaded_files = []
d,m = 0,0
for path_name, subfolders, files in os.walk(path_folder): #include all subfolders
for file in files:
df = pd.read_excel('website_files.xlsx')
for file in df.values:
if file not in downloaded_files:
print('MISSING', file)
print(len(df), 'files on website')
print(d, 'files downloaded')
print(m, 'missing file(s) found')
MISSING ['OLIVER_snare_disco_mixready_hybrid.wav']
3 files on website
2 files downloaded
1 missing file(s) found
No worries; I found a solution by myself using Excel (God, it's powerful!).
Basically, I copied and pasted my values from the website, then used a filter to show the values only with .wav. Then I used a Power Query from the folder to get me a list of all names of files in a folder. Finally, I went ahead and compared the two using a formula:
If you need more elaboration, I'd be happy to help, just reply to this. There might be an easier way, but I personally liked the straight-forwardness of this. You only need Microsoft excel!
For me, I used these two videos which go over the power query and countif function:
How to Get the List of File Names in a Folder in Excel (without VBA):
How to Compare Two Excel Sheets (and find the differences):
In my case, I made my sheet look like this:

Get File when given Server File Location

Is it possible to get the actual file, or the file that gets copied from version control to a location?
This sounds confusing. Basically I have the file path of the version controlled file, but I need an actual path to the file because I need to make a cconsole command using powershell.exe. The file will look something like this
Now, I am looking for a vb expression to see if I can get the actual file and make call the powershell.exe command from console. Any thoughts?
You may use VersionControlServer.GetItem(String path) to obtain a reference to the Item. Then use Item.DownloadFile() or Item.DownloadFile(String localPath) to copy the file locally. I have a variation of this that creates a shipment based on multiple changesets.

Method to inspect first 4 bytes and rename file extension

I have a large batch of assorted files, all missing their file extension.
I'm currently using Windows 7 Pro. I am able to "open with" and experiment to determine what application opens these files, and rename manually to suit.
However I would like some method to identify the correct file type (typically PDF, others include JPG, HTML, DOC, XLS and PPT), and batch rename to add the appropriate file extension.
I am able to open some files with notepad and review the first four bytes, which in some cases shows "%PDF".
I figure a small script would be able to inspect these bytes, and rename as appropriate. However not all files give such an easy method. HTML, JPG, DOC etc do not appear to give such an easy identifier.
This Powershell method appears to be close:
Difficulty here is focusing the method to work on file types with no extension; and then what to do with the files that don't have the first four bytes identifier?
Appreciate any help!!
EDIT: Solution using TriD seen here:
And recursive method using Powershell to execute TriD here:
You could probably save some time by getting a file utility for Windows (see What is the equivalent to the Linux File command for windows?) and then writing a simple script that maps from file type to extension.
EDIT: Looks like the TriD utility that's mentioned on that page can do what you want out of the box; see the -ae and -ce options)
Use python3.
import os,re
fldrPth = "path/to/folder" # relative to My Documents
for i in os.listdir():
with open(i,'r') as doc:
st =
Hopefully this would work.
I don't have test files to check the code. Take a backup and then run it and let me know if it works.

Visual Studio 2010 Setup does not create added file

My problem should be plain and simple to solve, but google is not helping me today.
I need to read/write a configuration file (config.xml) and, as i see so much problems with permissions with special folders, i decided for myDocuments.
Now, from File system (Setup), I added a custom special folder (myDocuments)
added a subfolder (g1OKweb) inside myDocuments
added the file (config.xml) inside g1OKweb
What I expect, reading around, is that during the installation g1OKweb should be created if not existing or older, and the same for config.xml, but it isn't.
Does someone have any clue?
Thanks in advance
Use Directory.CreateDirectory to create the directory before attempting to access the file. This will automatically create all parts of the path that do not yet exist. If the full path already exists, it will do nothing.
When opening the file, use a FileStream constructor overload that allows you to specify FileMode.OpenOrCreate. This will succeed regardless of whether the file already exists or not.
When you have opened the file, check to see if it is empty before parsing it. If it is empty, insert your XML root element first.

LINQPad script directory?

Does anyone know how to get hold of the path to the directory where the LINQPad script file (.linq) resides?
Or to the script itself for that matter.
Note that I'm not talking about the location of the "My Queries" folder, the one shown inside LINQPad.
I can save a .linq file anywhere on disk, and open it by double-clicking on it.
For instance, if I save the file to C:\Temp\Test.linq, and execute the program, I'd like to have either C:\Temp or C:\Temp\Test.linq.
Basically I'd like something akin to Environment.CurrentDirectory or Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location, just for the .linq file.
Things I've tried:
Looking through environment variables
Looking through the LINQPad assembly that is given to my script
Throwing an exception and looking at the stacktrace (contains a link to a temporary copy of my script somewhere else)
Environment.CommandLine.Dump(); - gives LINQPad executable
Environment.CurrentDirectory.Dump(); - gives C:\windows\system32
Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.Dump(); - gives temp directory
I've just added a feature to address this. You can test it now by downloading the 2.27.1 or 4.27.1 beta build.
To get the current query's folder, use the following expression:
Path.GetDirectoryName (Util.CurrentQueryPath)
I presume you mean programatically and not through the UI itself.
The path to the linq file directory is held in
The next question after "How do I get LinqPad script directory" is "How do I set it?" below is how you do it and link to where I found the answer
Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (Path.GetDirectoryName (Util.CurrentQueryPath));