SQL query as string in JSON file - sql

It is possible to store SQL query in JSON array of objects?? Because when i have something like this:
"id": "1",
"query": "SELECT ID FROM table"
"id": "2",
"query": "SELECT ID FROM table"
"id": "3",
"query": "SELECT USER FROM table"
JSON file in VSCode is ok no error it is getting nasty when i want to store complex queries with joins etc.
for example this query even if i format it correctly it will generate error in JSON file about formatting
(just example i not it is not valid)
SELECT user, id, , count(price) as numrev
FROM price
where id = 1 and user = 0
group by user, id, price
that it can't be stored in string

It is bit easy to do, but requires on extra step.
Simply convert/encode you raw SQL queries in base64 text.
Decode the text before you execute the queries in you code.
If the JSON file is created automatically by a program/code
All most all programming languages proved base64 encode / decode functions as part of the core if not download compatible package / library to achieve this automation
var queries = [{
"id": "1",
"query": "U0VMRUNUIElEIEZST00gdGFibGU="
"id": "2",
"query": "U0VMRUNUIElEIEZST00gdGFibGU="
"id": "3",
"id": "4",
for (i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) {
console.log("id = " + queries[i].id + ", query = " + atob(queries[i].query));
when you parse you JSON array make sure to decode before you execute the SQL queries.
let me know this one helped you.. ☺☻☺
FYI , refer http://www.utilities-online.info/base64/
enter image description here


how to use trino/presto to query redis

I have a simple string and hash stored in redis
get test
hget htest first
"first hash"
I'm able to see the "table" test, but there are no columns
trino> show columns from redis.default.test;
Column | Type | Extra | Comment
(0 rows)
and obviously I can't get result from select
trino> select * from redis.default.test;
Query 20210918_174414_00006_dmp3x failed: line 1:8: SELECT * not allowed from relation
that has no columns
I see in the documentation that I might need to create a table definition file, but I wasn't able to create one that will work.
I had few variations of this, but this is the one for example:
"tableName": "test",
"schemaName": "default",
"value": {
"dataFormat": "json",
"fields": [
"name": "number",
"mapping": 0,
"type": "INT"
any idea what am I doing wrong?
I focused on the string since it's simpler, but I also need to query the hash

Query for entire JSON document in nested JSON schema

I wish to locate the entire JSON document that has a condition where "state" = "new" and where length(Features.id) > 4
"id": "123"
"feedback": {
"Features": [
"state": "new"
"id": "12345"
This is what I have tried to do:
Since this is a nested document. My query looks like this:
A stackoverflow member has helped me to access the nested contents within the query, but is there a way to obtain the full document
I have used:
SELECT VALUE t.id FROM t IN f.feedback.Features where t.state = 'new' and length(t.id)>4
This will give me the ids.
My desire is to have access to the full document with this condition?
"id": "123"
"feedback": {
"Features": [
"state": "new"
"id": "12345"
Any help is appreciated
Try this
f.feedback.Features[0].state = 'new'
AND length(f.feedback.Features[0].id)>4
Here is the SELECT spec for CosmosDB for more details
Also, check out "working with JSON" in CosmosDB notes
If the Features array has more than 1 value, you can use EXISTS clause to search within them. See specs of EXISTS here with examples:

How to extract the field from JSON object with QueryRecord

I have been struggling with this problem for a long time. I need to create a new JSON flowfile using QueryRecord by taking an array (field ref) from input JSON field refs and skip the object field as shown in example below:
Input JSON flowfile
"name": "name1",
"desc": "full1",
"refs": {
"ref": [
"source": "source1",
"url": "url1"
"source": "source2",
"url": "url2"
QueryRecord configuration
JSONTreeReader setup as Infer Schema and JSONRecordSetWriter
select name, description, (array[rpath(refs, '//ref[*]')]) as sources from flowfile
Output JSON (need)
"name": "name1",
"desc": "full1",
"references": [
"source": "source1",
"url": "url1"
"source": "source2",
"url": "url2"
But got error:
QueryRecord Failed to write MapRecord[{references=[Ljava.lang.Object;#27fd935f, description=full1, name=name1}] with schema ["name" : "STRING", "description" : "STRING", "references" : "ARRAY[STRING]"] as a JSON Object due to java.lang.ClassCastException: null
Try the following approach, in your case it shoud work:
1) Read your JSON field fully (I imitated it with GenerateFlowFile processor with your example)
2) Add EvaluateJsonPath processor which will put 2 header fileds (name, desc) into the attributes:
3) Add SplitJson processor which will split your JSON byt refs/ref/ groups (split by "$.refs.ref"):
4) Add ReplaceText processor which will add you header fields (name, desc) to the split lines (replace "[{]" value with "{"name":"${json.name}","desc":"${json.desc}","):
5) It`s done:
Full process in my demo case:
Hope this helps.
Solution!: use JoltTransformJSON to transform JSON by Jolt specification. About this specification.

How to query a json string in Postgres

I want to get a specific string from a column. How can I get that.
Here is the json with column name json with table name my_table
I want to fetch "extensionAttribute.simSerial": "310240000029929".
"name": "urn:imei:930000001801583",
"type": "DEVICE",
"sourceId": "P-n1000USCqT4",
"consumers": "CDM",
"crudStatus": {
"status": "SUCCESS",
"operation": "UPDATE"
"targetName": "urn:imei:930000001801583",
"deviceTypeId": "dgs11b74714f7020ctoogu3zfugc6",
"createdUserId": "a8aacc5d978d494eb54ae4243e714646",
"onboardStatus": "DONE",
"consrStatus": "",
"deviceTypeName": "performance_device_type_2",
"lwm2mPskSecret": "49443",
"createdUserName": "manager",
"bootstrapRequest": true,
"lwm2mPskIdentity": "urn:imei:930000001801583",
"boostrapPskSecret": "49443",
"deviceTypeVersion": 1,
"lastUpdatedUserId": "",
"lwm2mSecurityMode": "psk",
"consumersForUpdate": "",
"bootstrapPskIdentity": "urn:imei:930000001801583",
"pureCoapSecurityMode": "NONE",
"bootstrapSecurityMode": "psk",
"extensionAttribute.imsi": "310240000029929",
"extensionAttribute.msisdn": "310240000029929",
"extensionAttribute.simSerial": "310240000029929",
"extensionAttribute.msisdnStatus": "active"
You can do it as follows:
select column_name->>'extensionAttribute.simSerial' as simSerial from my_table;
where column_name is your column name in a table.
If you will have JSON with higher depth you can do something like:
JSON Functions and Operators
PostgreSQL JSON Tutorial

How to generate JSON array from multiple rows, then return with values of another table

I am trying to build a query which combines rows of one table into a JSON array, I then want that array to be part of the return.
I know how to do a simple query like
FROM public.template
WHERE id=1
And I have worked out how to produce the JSON array that I want
SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(to_json(fields)))
SELECT id, name, format, data
FROM public.field
WHERE template_id = 1
) fields
However, I cannot work out how to combine the two, so that the result is a number of fields from public.template with the output of the second query being one of the returned fields.
I am using PostGreSQL 9.6.6
Edit, as requested more information, a definition of field and template tables and a sample of each queries output.
Currently, I have a JSONB row on the template table which I am using to store an array of fields, but I want to move fields to their own table so that I can more easily enforce a schema on them.
Template table contains:
But I would like to remove data and replace it with the field table which contains:
At the moment the output of the first query is:
"id": 1,
"name": "Test Template",
"data": [
"id": "1",
"data": null,
"name": "Assigned User",
"format": "String"
"id": "2",
"data": null,
"name": "Office",
"format": "String"
"id": "3",
"data": null,
"name": "Department",
"format": "String"
"id_organisation": 1
This output is what I would like to recreate using one query and both tables. The second query outputs this, but I do not know how to merge it into a single query:
"id": 1,
"name": "Assigned User",
"format": "String",
"data": null
"id": 2,
"name": "Office",
"format": "String",
"data": null
"id": 3,
"name": "Department",
"format": "String",
"data": null
The feature you're looking for is json concatenation. You can do that by using the operator ||. It's available since PostgreSQL 9.5
SELECT to_jsonb(template.*) || jsonb_build_object('data', (SELECT to_jsonb(field) WHERE template_id = templates.id)) FROM template
Sorry for poorly phrasing what I was trying to achieve, after hours of Googling I have worked it out and it was a lot more simple than I thought in my ignorance.
SELECT id, name, data
FROM public.template, (
SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(to_json(fields)))
SELECT id, name, format, data
FROM public.field
WHERE template_id = 1
) fields
) as data
WHERE id = 1
I wanted the result of the subquery to be a column in the ouput rather than compiling the entire output table as a JSON.