Question for RawRabbit: sends various messages autonomously - rabbitmq

I didn't understand, I have a client that sends various messages autonomously, it doesn't wait for the ack but it has to send them and that's it, but seems that it send only the first one and all the others only when I close the application.
where am I wrong? what should i set?.
var config = new RawRabbitConfiguration()
Username = username,
Password = password,
VirtualHost = "/",
Hostnames = new List<string>() { hostname },
AutoCloseConnection = false,
//Ssl = new SslOption() { Enabled = true },
Port = port,
Exchange = new GeneralExchangeConfiguration
AutoDelete = false,
Durable = true,
Type = RawRabbit.Configuration.Exchange.ExchangeType.Direct
Queue = new GeneralQueueConfiguration
Exclusive = false,
AutoDelete = false,
Durable = true
var options = new RawRabbitOptions() { ClientConfiguration = config };
client = RawRabbitFactory.CreateSingleton(options);
client.SubscribeAsync<MessageModel>(async msg =>
return await Task.Run(() => MessageReceived(msg));
ctx => ctx.UseSubscribeConfiguration(
cfg => cfg.FromDeclaredQueue(
queue => queue.WithName(queueName))))
UPDATE: function for sending that I use...
public void SendMessage(MessageModel message, string machineName = null, string exchangeName = null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(machineName))
message.MachineName = machineName;
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.MachineName))
message.MachineName = this.MachineName;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastMessageReceived?.ID))
message.RequestID = LastMessageReceived.ID;
message.RequestID = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastMessageReceived?.MachineName))
message.MachineNameDest = LastMessageReceived.MachineName;
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.MachineNameDest))
message.MachineNameDest = string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exchangeName))
ctx => ctx.UsePublishConfiguration(
cfg => cfg.OnExchange(exchangeName)));
catch (Exception ex)
OnError?.Invoke(this, ex);
LastMessageReceived = null;
In what case is the error "Stage Initialized has no additional middlewares registered" generated ?
I cannot understand why this error is generated on "SubscribeAsync" and after does not send messages. :(
Please, help me.


Django channels without redis

I have a django app based on this tutorial that works perfectly. It uses Redis in the Channel layers
'default': {
'BACKEND': 'channels_redis.core.RedisChannelLayer',
"hosts": [('', 6379)],
The problem I have is that my web hosting provider will not allow Redis (unless I pay ££££).
Every example that I can find uses Redis in this role. Is there an alternative I could use?
there are a few options.
you can run your channel layer on a different service to were the main instance runs. AWS ElastiCache or many other redis hosts out there.
There is also a RabbitMQ channel layer but if your hosting provider charges a lot for reddis i expect they will also charge a lot for this ...
It turned out that channels is a non-starter on an affordable web-hosting platform. So I reverted to using Ajax and long polling. My application is based on this Django Tutorial.
class Message(models.Model):
room_name = models.CharField(null=False, blank=False, max_length=50)
sender = models.CharField(null=False, blank=False, max_length=50, default='Sender username')
datetime = models.DateTimeField(null=True, auto_now_add=True)
type = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)
text = models.CharField(null=False, blank=False, max_length=250, default='message text')
context = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)
urlpatterns = [
path('<str:partner_pk>/check-message', views.CheckMessage.as_view(), name="check-message"),
path('<str:partner_pk>/send-message/<str:chat_text>', views.SendMessage.as_view(), name="send-message"),
class CheckMessage(View):
"""Duo check message."""
def get(self, request, partner_pk):
"""Render the GET request."""
pair, room_name = sort_pair(partner_pk,
partner = User.objects.get(pk=partner_pk)
profile = get_object_or_404(Profile, user=request.user)
message = Message.objects.filter(room_name=room_name, sender=partner.username).earliest('datetime')
context = {'type': -1}
context = json.loads(message.context)
context['sender'] = message.sender
context['datetime'] = message.datetime
context['message_type'] = message.type
context['text'] = message.text
context['seat'] =
return JsonResponse(context, safe=False)
class SendMessage(View):
def get(self, request, partner_pk, chat_text):
message_type = app.MESSAGE_TYPES['chat']
send_message(request, partner_pk, message_type, text=chat_text, context={})
return JsonResponse({}, safe=False)
window.setInterval(checkMessage, 3000);
function checkMessage () {
url: "check-message",
cache: false,
success: function(message) {
// Take action when a message is received
function processMessage(context) {
switch (context.message_type) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
// Send a message to chat
function sendMessage (context) {
if (context.sender != username) {
var messageObject = {
'username': context.sender,
'text': context.text,
// Display a chat message in the chat box.
function displayChat(context) {
if (context.text !== '') {
var today = new Date();
var hours = pad(today.getHours(), 2)
var minutes = pad(today.getMinutes(), 2)
var seconds = pad(today.getSeconds(), 2)
var time = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
var chat_log = document.getElementById("chat-log");
chat_log.value += ('('+time+') '+context.sender + ': ' + context.text + '\n');
chat_log.scrollTop = chat_log.scrollHeight;
//pad string with leading zeros
function pad(num, size) {
var s = num+"";
while (s.length < size) s = "0" + s;
return s;
// Call submit chat message if the user presses <return>.
document.querySelector('#chat-message-input').onkeyup = function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) { // enter, return
// Submit the chat message if the user clicks on 'Send'.
document.querySelector('#chat-message-submit').onclick = function (e) {
var messageField = document.querySelector('#chat-message-input'), text = messageField.value, chat_log = document.getElementById("chat-log");
context = {sender: username, text: messageField.value}
chat_log.scrollTop = chat_log.scrollHeight;
messageField.value = '';
// Call the send-chat view
function sendChat(chat_text) {
url: "send-message/"+chat_text,
cache: false,

Discord.JS Purge.js command issue

Ok so my bot got rebuilt with a somewhat different code.
I'm using a somewhat more simplified fs command and events handler. My command works as intended.
But I'm wanting to add the amount pruned into the fields for the richEmbed and it keeps erroring out.
Here is my purge.js file
const Discord = require('discord.js')
module.exports = {
name: 'purge',
description: 'Purge up to 99 messages.',
execute(message, args) {
console.log("purging messages")
const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setFooter("Guardian", "")
.addField("Bot Messages Purged", "missing code here", false)
.addField("User Pins Purged", "missing code here", false)
.addField("User Messages Purged", "missing code here", false)
.addField("Total Messages Purged", "missing code here", false){ embed });
const amount = parseInt(args[0]) + 1;
if (isNaN(amount)) {
return message.reply('that doesn\'t seem to be a valid number.');
} else if (amount <= 1 || amount > 100) {
return message.reply('you need to input a number between 1 and 99.');
}, true).catch(err => {
console.error(err);'there was an error trying to prune messages in this channel!');
If it helps this i my index.js
const fs = require('fs');
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const { token } = require('./token.json');
client.commands = new Discord.Collection();
const commandFiles = fs.readdirSync('./commands').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js'));
for (const file of commandFiles) {
const command = require(`./commands/${file}`);
client.commands.set(, command);
fs.readdir('./events/', (err, files) => {
if (err) return console.error(err);
files.forEach(file => {
if(!file.endsWith('.js')) return;
const eventFunction = require(`./events/${file}`);
and this is my message.js
const { prefix } = require('./prefix.json');
module.exports = {
name: 'message',
description: '',
execute:function(client) {
client.on('message',message => {
if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix) || return;
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (!client.commands.has(command)) return;
try {
client.commands.get(command).execute(message, args);
} catch (error) {
message.reply('there was an error trying to execute that command!');
Basically I'm trying to figure out what to place into the "missing code here" sections. Also any way to lock it to people with Administrator permissions only would be useful as well. I attempted that but it failed to work with the embed.
If I understand you right you want to know how to get the amount of the purged pins, bot msgs and user msgs. For this you need to put your embed after you deleted the messages.
const Discord = require('discord.js')
module.exports = {
name: 'purge',
description: 'Purge up to 99 messages.',
execute(message, args) {
console.log("purging messages")
const amount = parseInt(args[0]) + 1;
if (isNaN(amount)) {
return message.reply('that doesn\'t seem to be a valid number.');
} else if (amount <= 1 || amount > 100) {
return message.reply('you need to input a number between 1 and 99.');
}, true).then(deletedMessages => {
// Filter the deleted messages with .filter()
var botMessages = deletedMessages.filter(m =>;
var userPins = deletedMessages.filter(m => m.pinned);
var userMessages = deletedMessages.filter(m => !;
const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setFooter("Guardian", "")
.addField("Bot Messages Purged", botMessages.size, false)
.addField("User Pins Purged", userPins.size, false)
.addField("User Messages Purged", userMessages.size, false)
.addField("Total Messages Purged", deletedMessages.size, false);;
}).catch(err => {
console.error(err);'there was an error trying to prune messages in this channel!');

How can I use TLS with Paho MQTT over Javascript?

The code I use currently on my website
var client = null;
var device_is_on = null;
var hostname = "********";
var port = "8003";
var clientId = "mqtt_js_" + parseInt(Math.random() * 100000, 10);
var device_topic = "stat/Device_001/POWER";
var status_topic = "cmnd/Device_001/power";
function connect(){
client = new Paho.MQTT.Client(hostname, Number(port), clientId);
client.onConnectionLost = onConnectionLost;
client.onMessageArrived = onMessageArrived;
var options = {
useSSL: true,
userName : "***",
password : "********",
onSuccess: onConnect,
onFailure: onFail
function onConnect(context) {
options = {qos:0}
client.subscribe(device_topic, options);
client.subscribe(status_topic, options);
var payloadd = "6";
message = new Paho.MQTT.Message(payloadd);
message.destinationName = status_topic;
message.retained = true;
function onFail(context) {
function onConnectionLost(responseObject) {
if (responseObject.errorCode !== 0) {
window.alert("Connection Lost!\nPlease Refresh.");
function onMessageArrived(message) {
if (message.destinationName == device_topic){
var temperature_heading = document.getElementById("device_display");
temperature_heading.innerHTML = "Air Conditioner: " + message.payloadString;
if (message.payloadString == "ON" || message.payloadString == "o"){
device_is_on = true;
} else {
device_is_on = false;
function device_toggle(){
if (device_is_on){
var payload = "off";
device_is_on = false;
} else {
var payload = "on";
device_is_on = true;
message = new Paho.MQTT.Message(payload);
message.destinationName = status_topic;
message.retained = true;
What should I put under the "" var options "" section? currently I am getting the error ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID in the console of Google Chrome.
Note 1: This code functions perfectly over http but I am converting to https.
Note 2: I use Mosquitto as my MQTT broker.
Help in much appreciated.
It looks like you are using a self signed certificate. This will not be trusted by your browser so it will not connect, raising the error you have shown.
You have 2 options:
Import the certificate into your browser and mark it as trusted (how you do this will vary depending on what browser you are using). This is only really useful for testing/development because normal users should not be importing random certificates as this opens them up to all kinds of security problems.
Get a real trusted certificate for your website and broker. The simplest/cheapest way to do this will be to use letsencrypt. You can then configure mosquitto to use this certificate.
TLS javascript paho client is available: Github paho.mqtt.javascript/issues/88

Interactive button doesn't work properly when using pub/sub

I'm writing a Hangouts Chat bot in C# that uses pub/sub so I can host the bot on our side of a firewall. Everything seems to work well except interactive buttons within cards. If I create a button with a specific action method name, the bot does receive the CARD_CLICKED message with the appropriate action method name. However, it doesn't seem like the card in the Hangouts Chat app knows a response was sent because the bot ends up getting the CARD_CLICKED message three times before the Hangouts Chat app finally says "Unable to contact Bot. Try again later". I've been using the Google.Apis.HangoutsChat.v1 and Google.Cloud.PubSub.V1 packages from NuGet for the bot.
This is speculation, but it seems like the issue might be that interactive buttons don't work properly through pub/sub. Any help would be appreciated.
Here is a snippet of the code I have:
SubscriptionName subscriptionName = new SubscriptionName(PROJECT_ID, SUBSCRIPTION_ID);
SubscriberServiceApiClient client = SubscriberServiceApiClient.Create();
GoogleCredential credential = GoogleCredential.FromFile(CREDENTIALS_PATH_ENV_PROPERTY).CreateScoped(HANGOUTS_CHAT_API_SCOPE);
HangoutsChatService chatService = new HangoutsChatService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
ApplicationName = "My Bot",
HttpClientInitializer = credential
while (true)
PullResponse response = client.Pull(subscriptionName, false, 3, CallSettings.FromCallTiming(CallTiming.FromExpiration(Expiration.FromTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(90)))));
if ((response.ReceivedMessages == null) || (response.ReceivedMessages.Count == 0))
Console.WriteLine("Pulled no messages.");
foreach (ReceivedMessage message in response.ReceivedMessages)
byte[] jsonBytes = message.Message.Data.ToByteArray();
JObject json = JObject.Parse(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(jsonBytes));
string messageType = (string)json["type"];
switch (messageType)
case "MESSAGE":
// Get text
string messageText = (string)json["message"]["text"];
Console.WriteLine($"[{messageType}] {messageText}");
// Send response
string spaceName = (string)json["space"]["name"];
SpacesResource.MessagesResource.CreateRequest request = chatService.Spaces.Messages.Create(new Message
Cards = new[]
new Card
Header = new CardHeader
Title = "Message Received!"
Sections = new[]
new Section
Widgets = new[]
new WidgetMarkup
Buttons = new[]
new Button
TextButton = new TextButton
Text = "Click Me!",
OnClick = new OnClick
Action = new FormAction
ActionMethodName = "ClickedAction"
Thread = new Thread
Name = (string)json["message"]["thread"]["name"]
}, spaceName);
Message responseMsg = request.Execute();
string actionMethodName = (string)json["action"]["actionMethodName"];
Console.WriteLine($"[{messageType}] {actionMethodName} at {((DateTime)json["message"]["createTime"]).ToString()}");
// Send response
string spaceName = (string)json["space"]["name"];
SpacesResource.MessagesResource.CreateRequest request = chatService.Spaces.Messages.Create(new Message
ActionResponse = new ActionResponse
Text = $"You clicked on '{actionMethodName}'.",
Thread = new Thread
Name = (string)json["message"]["thread"]["name"]
}, spaceName);
Message responseMsg = request.Execute();
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error parsing message: {ex}");
// Acknowledge the message so we don't see it again.
string[] ackIds = new string[response.ReceivedMessages.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < response.ReceivedMessages.Count; ++i)
ackIds[i] = response.ReceivedMessages[i].AckId;
client.Acknowledge(subscriptionName, ackIds);
Using buttons with Hangouts Chat API requires a custom answer including:
'thread': {
'name': thread_id
'actionResponse': {
I'd recommend using Hangouts Chat API with a bot URL.

Alternative to Application.DoEvents in console application to make Forms.WebBrowser load javascripts

I'm using System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser in console application to render a web page then invoke scripts on it. To render the web page, I use Application.DoEvents to load and execute scripts.
However sometime the app hangs on calling Application.DoEvents. I found no reason. I don't think I'm creating deadlock on the event loop.
Many people on the web says that one should not use Application.DoEvents at all because it creates more problems than it solves. So I'm thinking there must be an alternative to it. But I've searched a lot and find no alternative to Application.DoEvents.
Does anyone know one?
Any information is appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Thanks to Noseratio's help, I finished drafting my code but still there's freezing issue.
Take following code as example(code is too long so I pasted it on pastebin):
When you run this code, occasionally there will be at least one window fail to close. And if you attach to the frozen process, you will find the code stuck at following line(indicated by ">>>"):
public static bool NavigateLoadAndRender(WebBrowserContext browserContext, string url, TimeSpan loadTimeout, TimeSpan renderTime, out string errMsg)
object axi = null;
Func<Uri> getBrowserUri = null;
Action<Uri> navigateBrowser = null;
Func<IHTMLDocument2> getBrowserDoc = null;
switch (browserContext.WebBrowserType)
case WebBrowserTypeEnum.Forms:
var browser = browserContext.GetWebBrowserAsFormsType();
getBrowserUri = () => browser.Url;
navigateBrowser = u =>
var finished = false;
browserContext.SyncContext.Post(state =>
finished = true;
}, null);
while (!finished) Thread.Sleep(DefaultConfig_SyncContextPostCheckInterval);
getBrowserDoc = () =>
IHTMLDocument2 doc = null;
bool finished = false;
browserContext.SyncContext.Post(state =>
doc = (IHTMLDocument2)browser.Document.DomDocument;
finished = true;
}, null);
>>> while (!finished) Thread.Sleep(DefaultConfig_SyncContextPostCheckInterval);
return doc;
axi = GetActiveXInstance(browserContext);
case WebBrowserTypeEnum.Wpf:
var browser = browserContext.GetWebBrowserAsWpfType();
axi = GetActiveXInstance(browser);
getBrowserUri = () => browser.Source;
navigateBrowser = u =>
var finished = false;
browserContext.SyncContext.Post(state =>
finished = true;
}, null);
while (!finished) Thread.Sleep(DefaultConfig_SyncContextPostCheckInterval);
getBrowserDoc = () =>
IHTMLDocument2 doc = null;
bool finished = false;
browserContext.SyncContext.Post(state =>
doc = (IHTMLDocument2)browser.Document;
finished = true;
}, null);
while (!finished) Thread.Sleep(DefaultConfig_SyncContextPostCheckInterval);
return doc;
axi = GetActiveXInstance(browserContext);
default: throw new ArgumentException("unknown browser type", browserContext.WebBrowserType.ToString());
var success = NavigateLoadAndRender(
axi, url,
//() => DoEvents(browser),
loadTimeout, renderTime, out errMsg);
return success;
Anyone knows what's happening?