Make class !important - less

In Less is there a simple way to make all attributes in a class !important? My usecase is that I will be dynamically inserting a 'tag' (div) into existing divs that will always have inline styling.
<div class="text-widget ui-sortable" style="font-size: 5em;>
<div class="tag"><span>Click me to drag widget. My font size should never change</span></div>
<p>I am a text widget that can be dragged. When I am deselected my tag above will be deleted</p>
So .tag properties need to be !important to avoid getting the text widgets css. Is there a simple way in less to make all properties !important? Something like...
.tag !important {
.... lots of properties that I dont want to add !important to each one.

This is in reply to #sazr's question to my comment.
If you think you need to use !important then your CSS is very complex and often has too many top level rules that affect too many things. Sometimes this is because you are trying to create generic CSS that is applied throughout your page, sometimes it is because you are creating rules that have such a large value for specificity that you can't figure out another way to force the style you want on your element.
Learning what specificity is and how it works is the most important thing for a CSS developer. If you don't truly understand that then you are doomed to need !important to resolve issues that elude you.
Look at this chart that I took from here:
Notice the image associated with !important. It is the nuclear option and should be used as a last resort. Although I use it on every rule for #media print to not have to worry about my printouts.
Using some kind of name spacing with your CSS will help reduce the death spiral that can be caused by too many non-specific selectors or too many selectors that are so specific that you can no longer override those rules.
A select like this:
#page1 .outershell .innershell .form button {
background-color: green;
has a specificity of 1,3,1
If you have this layout:
<div id="page1">
<div class="outershell">
<div class="innershell">
<form class="form">
<button>Click me</button>
And you want to change the button's background color to red then you have to create a new selector with a higher specificity.
This won't work
.form button {
background-color: red;
Since it only has a specificity of 0,1,1
#page1 .form button {
background-color: red;
This only has a value of 1,1,1
So you need to use two ID selectors, a fourth class selector or a second element selector. Or you can place the exact same selector after the first and then all of your buttons after that declaration will be red.
But that won't change any other buttons to red. So with this layout:
<div id="page1">
<div class="outershell">
<div class="innershell">
<form class="form">
<button>Click me</button>
<div class="secondshell">
<button>Not me</button>
the button "Not me" will not be red, or even green.
Things I do
I do not ever us ID selectors unless I must to override existing CSS.
I do not use !important except for #media print and I use it for everything in my print output. That way I know my specificity for the print output and I do not worry about some other CSS selector ruining my printouts.
I avoid deep selectors. Most of my selectors have a specificity value of 0,1,0 to 0,2,0 or 0,1,2
I use attributes for state values and attribute selectors to reduce the amount of JS I need to write, allowing CSS to do the work for me.
BEM to the rescue
OK. Some people don't like BEM. But it has save my life from the complexities of CSS. I have not had a single CSS specificity problem since I started using it, except when dealing with older CSS and even then I find it easy to repair.
BEM is not just about CSS, it is also about formatting your DOM in a sensible way to help the CSS work for you instead of you having to work for it.
Using this DOM:
.form-box--btn {
background-color: red;
<div class="form-box">
<form class="form-box--form">
<button class="form-box--btn">Click me</button>
<div class="other-thing">
<button class="form-box--btn">Me too</button>
I KNOW that my two buttons are red. And as long as everyone working on this page agrees to follow the rules we never run into a problem with the button changing color.
I know that is a simplistic example, but reading more about specificity, BEM and name-spacing will tell you much more than I can in this post.
Some light reading
Here are a few links that talk more about specificity, BEM and name spacing:

Make a class for it:
.tagStyle (#bg: #00FF00) {
background: #bg;
/* Other properties */
.tag {
.tagStyle() !important;


how to perform the flexbox in bootstrap-vue

I am using the flex box in vue.js but the project cannot perform the functionality. the code is
<div class="d-flex">
<div class="p-2"><p>Resturants</p></div>
<div class="ml-auto p-2"><b-icon icon="three-dots-vertical"></b-icon></div>
and the output is the output image is
can you elaborate how to solve this task.
Can't comment, so i'll try to create an answer.
As other have suggested, it's strange that your box looks like this, without any css applied on.
What might be, is that the box is taking css from other components.
In every vue component, write the tag as follows
<style scoped>
this will apply the css only to that certain component.
Regarding your question, you could do something like this
<div class="row row-flex">
<div class="col-6">Content1</div>
<div class="col-6">Content2</div>
And then add your css.
Hope it helped

Vuetify use v-dialog components inside v-card-actions without causing padding issues

You can see the issue I'm having here:
Essentially, I have several dialogs which I have contained into their own custom "vue components" i.e. order-dialog.vue. In an ideal world, I could simply include this <order-dialog> component wherever I need it, and it would render the activator button and then handle all of the dialog state inside the component, so the parent doesn't need to worry.
Unfortunately, if I do this in a v-card-actions section I get spacing issues. Is this a bug with Vuetify or am I doing something wrong?
I thought that by moving the activator out of the <v-dialog> tag it might fix the issue, but it still doesn't unless I break my component up into a v-dialog component and a separate activator, which means I now need to manage the state of the dialog in the parent.
Thanks for any help.
I don't think you are doing something wrong, and I'm not sure that it's a Vuetify bug.
This comes from CSS rule in Vuetify library:
.v-application--is-ltr .v-card__actions>.v-btn.v-btn+.v-btn {
margin-left: 8px;
I think the authors assumed that this block should contain only buttons. But in your case (in 2nd and 3rd approach) an output HTML looks like this:
<div class="v-card__actions">
<button class="v-btn ...">
<div class="v-dialog__container"><!----></div>
<button type="button" class="v-btn ...">
<button type="button" class="v-btn ...">
So v-dialog__container breaks this rule.
You can fix you issue, by example, with an additional rule:
.v-application--is-ltr .v-card__actions>.v-btn:not(:first-child) {
margin-left: 8px !important;
Or you can also apply helper classes (ml-2) into specific buttons.

Nested Custom Elements in Aurelia not rendering as expected

I have a custom element that defines a general purpose UI widget frame with various bindable default options, a template part for adding some additional 'toolbar' options and general-purpose <content /> for the body.
I then have another custom element for some administrative functionality. The latter element should present itself as a widget, and it too has various template parts.
However, if I try to embed the former widget element into the latter administrative element none of the content gets rendered.
Here's a simplified example:
eg-block (Widget) element
<div style="padding: 10px; background-color: #bbffff">
eg-list (Admin) element
<require from="./eg-block"></require>
<div>Start of List</div>
<template replaceable part="list-part">Default List Part</template>
<div>End of List</div>
Containing Page
<require from="./eg-list"></require>
<template replace-part="list-part">Replaced List Part content</template>
<div>Replaced regular content</div>
I was hoping the results of that to be:
<div style="padding: 10px; background-color: #bbffff">
<div>Start of List</div>
<div>Replaced regular content</div>
<div>Replaced List Part content</div>
<div>End of List</div>
But instead it gives me:
<div style="padding: 10px; background-color: #bbffff">
<div>Start of List</div>
<div>End of List</div>
<div>Default List Part</div>
So it doesn't render the list's content or replaced template part that is specified in the containing page. But additionally, the default content of the list's template part is actually rendered after the list.
Is this the expected behaviour? And if so, is there any way to retain the use of the widget/block element within the admin/list element but to have it render the way I was hoping?
I'm mostly copy/pasting my answer from this question here, but here goes:
Let me preface this answer by saying that content projection is changing completely (and for the better) in Aurelia RC1. We are moving to slot based content projection to match up with the newest version of the shadow DOM specs. This spec is much more powerful than the selector based setup that Aurelia has current (which is based on an earlier version of the Shadow DOM spec). This is the only breaking change we have planned between now and the full 1.0 of Aurelia.
So everything I'm telling you will be obsolete very soon.
In the meantime, the element in your custom element view needs to be at the root of the template. As to the why Aurelia is acting this way, well it's a bug:-) It has been fixed in the new implementation.
We just released a blog post regarding the new slot implementation, if you'd like to see how things will work.

How to remove the little bullets/circles at the top of Foundation's Orbit Content Slider?

In Zurb Foundation's Orbit Content Slider, how can I remove the little bullets/circles at the top that represent how many slides you have (and are also clickable)? I want them gone.
There is no bullets/circles at the top in zurb-foundation 5.
So I assume you are using this type of orbit.
How about try .orbit-bullets {display: none;}, somewhere in your css file?
You can use the data-options attribute in your ul:
<ul data-orbit data-options="bullets:false;">
<img src="satelite-orbit.jpg" alt="slide 1" />
<img src="andromeda-orbit.jpg" alt="slide 2" />
<img src="launch-orbit.jpg" alt="slide 3" />
You can also use Javascript:
orbit: {
timer_speed: 1000,
bullets: false
Foundation 5 has more documentation toward the bottom of the Orbit page.
It shouldn't matter which version of Foundation you are using. As mentioned in the above answer; setting orbit-bullets to display none should work.
.orbit-bullets { display: none; }
You could also try the following:
.orbit-bullets-container { display: none; }
If neither of these declarations are working I would guess that the issue lies within your CSS. It would appear that you have either set orbit-bullets to display block somewhere in your stylesheet after you have set them to display none, possibly within a parent div; or you are calling your stylesheet before foundation's CSS and it's being overridden after your declaration. When using any framework, you should call those styles and scripts first; before your application files.
If you could provide an example it shouldn't be difficult to resolve.

How to change bootstrap3 nav-pills active color in affix/scrollspy via CSS?

I tried several ways to override bootstrap3 nav-pills active color via CSS but it seems the LESS takes priority. I tried also using !important on the relative CSS properties with no luck: the LESS always has priority.
The only way I found is to obviously recompile bootstrap with customized nav-pills colors, but I'd prefer to use CSS so I can rely on CDN.
Any hint?
The relative affix/scrollspy is working of course via:
<body data-spy="scroll">
<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked affix-top hidden-print" data-toggle="affix" data-spy="affix">
Relative jsfiddle
Not sure what you did, but this code works:
.nav-pills > > a {
// This changes the color of the active
.nav-pills>>a:hover {
// This changes the color of the hovered pill