What is the best way to implement transactional mechanism to private methods - aop

I'm trying to figure out what is the best way for solving the issue with #Transactional and private/protected methods, as described here:
Does Spring #Transactional attribute work on a private method?
In the question above, most of the replies recommended aspectJ, but there are also other alternatives, such as delegation or auto wiring or using Java 8's lambdas as explained here:
Taking into account that I'm trying to make changes in an existing vast project, what do you think is the best solution?
If it is aspectJ, load time or compile time weaving?


Implementing .Net DI Compile Time Proxies?

I'm not so much seeking a specific implementation but trying to figure out the proper terms for what I'm trying to do so I can properly research the topic.
I have a bunch of interfaces and those interfaces are implemented by controllers, repositories, services and whatnot. Somewhere in the start up process of the application we're using the Castle.MicroKernel.Registration.Component class to register the classes to use for a particular interface. For instance:
Recently I became interested in creating an audit trail of every class and method call. There's a few hundred of these classes so writing a proxy class for each one by hand isn't very practical. I could use a template to generate the code but I'd rather not blow up our code base with all that.
So I'm curious if there's some kind of on the fly solution. I know nHibernate creates proxy classes at some point which overlay all the entity classes. Can someone give me some guidance on how I might be able to do something similar here?
Something like:
Obviously that won't work because I can only use generics to generalize the types of methods but not the methods themselves. Is there some tricky reflection approach I can use to do this?
You are looking for what Castle Windsor calls interceptors. It's an aspect-oriented way to tackle cross-cutting concerns -- auditing is certainly one of them. See documentation, or an article about the approach:
Aspect oriented programming is an approach that effectively “injects” pieces of code before or after an existing operation. This works by defining an Inteceptor wrapping the logic being invoked then registering it to run whenever a particular set/sub-set of methods are called.
If you want to apply it to many registered services, read more about interceptor selection mechanisms: IModelInterceptorsSelector helps there.
Using PostSharp, things like this can be even done at compile time. This can speed the resulting application, but when used correctly, interceptors are not slow.

When to use interfaces

At the beginning I know there are couple of similar subject already but decided to create my own as it's a bit more that others.
Think I know how to use interfaces (or not) - how it has to be declared, how class implements it and how to assign object of class which implements interface to this interface.
My main problem is I cannot enforce myself to use them somehow. I am not sure if I really understand when interface has to be used. When I am developing application I noticed that I am not using them or I use them but just simply to declare interface and consume by class as a contract but that's it - I just don't see usage of them later. Those which I much use is inheritance but not interfaces.
So out of what I just wrote the question is more like how to know that in this particular moment I should use them or better in what moment they could be used. How do you do it in your daily business work? Real world examples are welcomed.
I agree with you when you don't have multiple implementations, then it is un-necessary to design the interface and then implement it. It will unnecessarily add a new file to code base. But we find in general practice people create an interface first then implement it. It could be because of 3 main reasons :
For Future : They can see multiple implementation in future, so to make the future implementation secure, lets define the contract during the first implementation.
For Abstraction : Interface will give a small and clear definition of your implementation. You can read the interface and get a quick view/understanding.
For Management : If you are busy with the implementing a component and others have a dependency on your component. So lets quickly design the interface and distribute to them so that they can continue on their part.

Single repository with generic methods ... bad idea?

I'm currently trying out a few different ways of implementing repositories in the project I'm working on, and currently have a single repository with generic methods on it something like this:
public interface IRepository
T GetSingle<T>(IQueryBase<T> query) where T : BaseEntity;
IQueryable<T> GetList<T>(IQueryBase<T> query) where T : BaseEntity;
T Get<T>(int id) where T : BaseEntity;
int Save<T>(T entity) where T : BaseEntity;
void DeleteSingle<T>(IQueryBase<T> query) where T : BaseEntity;
void DeleteList<T>(IQueryBase<T> query) where T : BaseEntity;
That way I can just inject a single repository into a class and use it to get whatever I need.
(by the way, I'm using Fluent NHibernate as my ORM, with a session-per-web-request pattern, and injecting my repository using Structuremap)
This seems to work for me - the methods I've defined on this repository do everything I need. But in all my web searching, I haven't found other people using this approach, which makes me think I'm missing something ... Is this going to cause me problems as I grow my application?
I read a lot of people talking about having a repository per root entity - but if I identify root entities with some interface and restrict the generic methods to only allow classes implementing that interface, then aren't I achieving the same thing?
thanks in advance for any offerings.
I'm currently using a mix of both generic repositories (IRepository<T>) and custom (ICustomRepository). I do not expose IQueryable or IQueryOver from my repositories though.
Also I am only using my repositories as a query interface. I do all of my saving, updating, deleting through the Session (unit of work) object that I'm injecting into my repository. This allows me to do transactions across different repositories.
I've found that I definitely cannot do everything from a generic repository but they are definitely useful in a number of cases.
To answer your question though I do not think it's a bad idea to have a single generic repository if you can get by with it. In my implementation this would not work but if it works for you then that's great. I think it comes down to what works best for you. I don't think you will ever find a solution out there that works perfectly for your situation. I've found hybrid solutions work best for me.
I've done something similar in my projects. One drawback is that you'll have to be careful you don't create a select n+1 bug. I got around it by passing a separate list of properties to eagerly fetch.
The main argument you'll hear against wrapping your ORM like this is that it's a leaky abstraction. You'll still have to code around some the "gotchas" like select n+1 and you don't get to take full advantage of things like NH's caching support (at least not without extra code).
Here's a good thread on the pros and cons of this approach on Ayende's blog. He's more or less opposed to the pattern, but there are a few counter arguments too.
I've implemented such kind of repository for NHibernate. You can see example here.
In that implementation you are able to do eager loading and fetching. The pitfall is that with NH you will often need to be able to use QueryOver or Criteria API to access data (unfortunately LINQ provider is still far from being perfect). And with such an abstraction it could be a problem leading to leaky abstraction.
I have actually moved away from repository pattern and creating a unit of work interfaces - I find it limiting.
Unless you anticipate a change in the datastore i.e. going from DB to textfile or XML - which has never been the case for me, you are best off using ISession. You are trying to abstract your data access and this is exactly what NHibernate does. Using repository limits really cool features like Fetch(), FetchMany() futures etc. ISession is your unit of work.
Embrace NHibernate and use the ISession directly!
I've used this approach successfully on a few projects. It gets burdensome passing in many IRepository<T> to my Service layers for each BaseEntity, but it works. One thing I would change is put the where T : on the interface rather than the methods
public interface IRepository<T> where T : BaseEntity

use of public variable in Play! framework model

I came across Play! framework a few days ago.It is mentioned that public variable are used as instance variables in Model.All my life, I have been told that it was a dangerous practice..some other malicious entity may come and modify the object state etc..I didn't see any further explanation about the encapsulation issue in Play docs..Is the usage a safe practice? On the web,I had come across people critisizing the lack of encapsulation in python also.
Can someone clarify the merits/demerits..I would like to devote some time studying Play!..but I wish to know if any caveats exist.
Declaring the public properties allows play to enhance the class and makes the developer's life easy.
You can of course make the variables in private and provide your own getters and setters. Also, did you see the documentation here: http://www.playframework.org/documentation/1.2.2/model#properties ?

Entity Framework - implementing IDbSet

I would like to implement IdbSet to provide my DbContext a custom implementation that will essentially serve to filter my data for the currently logged in user (I am working on a multi-tenant application). The general idea I am going with is very similar to this post: Can a DbContext enforce a filter policy?
However, it is not clear to me how to make DbContext "know" about how to use my own class that implements IDbSet. I am having a tough time finding documentation on this. Any pointers would be helpful!
I'm almost sure that you cannot create your own implementation of IDbSet and pass it to entity framework. Such implementation will lose all stuff related to EF which is internally implemented in DbSet itself - by internally I really mean that there is no public API to replace it. IDbSet interface is provided not because it is supposed to create your own sets but because it allows mocking sets when unit testing application. The only way you can extend functionality is either:
Inheriting DbSet but I'm afraid that it will not help you as well because methods / properties will not be marked as virtual.
Creating custom IDbSet implementation which will wrap DbSet. This looks like the best chance but you can still find that DbContext doesn't like your new implementation. I gave this very quick try but I was not successful. My implementation worked for persisting but not for querying.