Ibis Impala JOIN problem with relabel/name 'column AS newName' - impala

When you use the Ibis API to query impala, for some reason Ibis API forces it to become a subquery (when you join 4-5 tables it suddenly becomes super slow). It simply won't join normally, due to column name overlap problem on joins. I want a way to quickly rename the columns perhaps, isn't that's how SQL usually works?
i0 = impCon.table('shop_inventory')
s0 = impCon.table('shop_expenditure')
s0 = s0.relabel({'element_date': 'spend_element_date', 'element_shop_item': 'spend_shop_item'})
jn = i0.inner_join(s0, [i0['element_date'] == s0['spend_element_date'], i0['element_shop_item'] == s0['spend_shop_item']])
Then you have IBIS generating SQL that is SUBQUERYING it without me suggesting it:
SELECT `element_date`, `element_shop_item`, `element_address`, `element_expiration`,
`element_category`, `element_description`
FROM dbp.`shop_inventory`
) t0
SELECT `element_shop_item` AS `spend_shop_item`, `element_comm` AS `spend_comm`,
`element_date` AS `spend_date`, `element_amount`,
`element_spend_type`, `element_shop_item_desc`
FROM dbp.`shop_spend`
) t1
ON (`element_shop_item` = t1.`spend_shop_item`) AND
(`element_category` = t1.`spend_category`) AND
(`element_subcategory` = t1.`spend_subcategory`) AND
(`element_comm` = t1.`spend_comm`) AND
(`element_date` = t1.`spend_date`)
Why is this so difficult?
It should be ideally as simple as:
jn = i0.inner_join(s0, [s0['element_date'].as('spend_date') == i0['element_date']]
to generate a single: SELECT s0.element_date as spend_date, i0.element_date INNER JOIN s0 dbp.shop_spend ON s0.spend_date == i0.element_date
Are we not ever allowed to have same column names on tables that are being joined? I am pretty sure in raw SQL you can just use "X AS Y" without having to need subquery.

I spent the last few hours struggling with this same issue. A better solution I found is to do the following. Join keeping the variable names the same. Then, before you materialize, only select a subset of the variables such that there isn't any overlap.
So in your code it would look something like this:
jn = i0.inner_join(s0, [i0['element_date'] == s0['element_date'], i0['element_shop_item'] == s0['element_shop_item']])
expr = jn[i0, s0['variable_of_interest_1'],s0['variable_of_interest_2']]
See here for more resources


Oracle complex query with multiple joins on same table

I am dealing with a monster query ( ~800 lines ) on oracle 11, and its taking expensive resources.
The main problem here is a table mouvement with about ~18 million lines, on which I have like 30 left joins on this table.
LEFT JOIN mouvement mracct_ad1
ON mracct_ad1.code_portefeuille = t.code_portefeuille
AND mracct_ad1.statut_ligne = 'PROPRE'
AND substr(mracct_ad1.code_valeur,1,4) = 'MRAC'
AND mracct_ad1.code_transaction = t.code_transaction
LEFT JOIN mouvement mracct_zias
ON mracct_zias.code_portefeuille = t.code_portefeuille
AND mracct_zias.statut_ligne = 'PROPRE'
AND substr(mracct_zias.code_valeur,1,4) = 'PRAC'
AND mracct_zias.code_transaction = t.code_transaction
LEFT JOIN mouvement mracct_zixs
ON mracct_zias.code_portefeuille = t.code_portefeuille
AND mracct_zias.statut_ligne = 'XROPRE'
AND substr(mracct_zias.code_valeur,1,4) = 'MRAT'
AND mracct_zias.code_transaction = t.code_transaction
is there some way so I can get rid of the left joins, (union join or example) to make the query faster and consumes less? execution plan or something?
Just a note on performance. Usually you want to "rephrase" conditions like:
AND substr(mracct_ad1.code_valeur,1,4) = 'MRAC'
In simple words, expressions on the left side of the equality will prevent the best usage of indexes and may push the SQL optimizer toward a less than optimal plan. The database engine will end up doing more work than is really needed, and the query will be [much] slower. In extreme cases they can even decide to use a Full Table Scan. In this case you can rephrase it as:
AND mracct_ad1.code_valeur like 'MRAC%'
AND mracct_ad1.code_valeur >= 'MRAC' AND mracct_ad1.code_valeur < 'MRAD'
I am guessing so. Your code sample doesn't make much sense, but you can probably do conditional aggregation:
left join
(select m.code_portefeuille, m.code_transaction,
max(case when m.statut_ligne = 'PROPRE' and m.code_valeur like 'MRAC%' then ? end) as ad1,
max(case when m.statut_ligne = 'PROPRE' and m.code_valeur like 'MRAC%' then ? end) as zia,
. . . -- for all the rest of the joins as well
from mouvement m
group by m.code_portefeuille, m.code_transaction
) m
on m.code_portefeuille = t.code_portefeuille and m.code_transaction = t.code_transaction
You can probably replace all 30 joins with a single join to the aggregated table.

How can I do a SQL join to get a value 4 tables farther from the value provided?

My title is probably not very clear, so I made a little schema to explain what I'm trying to achieve. The xxxx_uid labels are foreign keys linking two tables.
Goal: Retrieve a column from the grids table by giving a proj_uid value.
I'm not very good with SQL joins and I don't know how to build a single query that will achieve that.
Actually, I'm doing 3 queries to perform the operation:
1) This gives me a res_uid to work with:
select res_uid from results where results.proj_uid = VALUE order by res_uid asc limit 1"
2) This gives me a rec_uid to work with:
select rec_uid from receptor_results
inner join results on results.res_uid = receptor_results.res_uid
where receptor_results.res_uid = res_uid_VALUE order by rec_uid asc limit 1
3) Get the grid column I want from the grids table:
select grid_name from grids
inner join receptors on receptors.grid_uid = grids.grid_uid
where receptors.rec_uid = rec_uid_VALUE;
Is it possible to perform a single SQL that will give me the same results the 3 I'm actually doing ?
You're not limited to one JOIN in a query:
select grids.grid_name
from grids
inner join receptors
on receptors.grid_uid = grids.grid_uid
inner join receptor_results
on receptor_results.rec_uid = receptors.rec_uid
inner join results
on results.res_uid = receptor_results.res_uid
where results.proj_uid = VALUE;
select g.grid_name
from results r
join resceptor_results rr on r.res_uid = rr.res_uid
join receptors rec on rec.rec_uid = rr.rec_uid
join grids g on g.grid_uid = rec.grid_uid
where r.proj_uid = VALUE
a small note about names, typically in sql the table is named for a single item not the group. thus "result" not "results" and "receptor" not "receptors" etc. As you work with sql this will make sense and names like you have will seem strange. Also, one less character to type!

The "where" condition worked not as expected ("or" issue)

I have a problem to join thoses 4 tables
Model of my database
I want to count the number of reservations with different sorts (user [mrbs_users.id], room [mrbs_room.room_id], area [mrbs_area.area_id]).
Howewer when I execute this query (for the user (id=1) )
SELECT count(*)
FROM mrbs_users JOIN mrbs_entry ON mrbs_users.name=mrbs_entry.create_by
JOIN mrbs_room ON mrbs_entry.room_id = mrbs_room.id
JOIN mrbs_area ON mrbs_room.area_id = mrbs_area.id
WHERE mrbs_entry.start_time BETWEEN "145811700" and "1463985000"
mrbs_entry.end_time BETWEEN "1458120600" and "1463992200" and mrbs_users.id = 1
The result is the total number of reservations of every user, not just the user who has the id = 1.
So if anyone could help me.. Thanks in advance.
Use parentheses in the where clause whenever you have more than one condition. Your where is parsed as:
WHERE (mrbs_entry.start_time BETWEEN "145811700" and "1463985000" ) or
(mrbs_entry.end_time BETWEEN "1458120600" and "1463992200" and
mrbs_users.id = 1
Presumably, you intend:
WHERE (mrbs_entry.start_time BETWEEN 145811700 and 1463985000 or
mrbs_entry.end_time BETWEEN 1458120600 and 1463992200
) and
mrbs_users.id = 1
Also, I removed the quotes around the string constants. It is bad practice to mix data types, and in some databases, the conversion between types can make the query less efficient.
The problem you've faced caused by the incorrect condition WHERE.
So, should be:
WHERE (mrbs_entry.start_time BETWEEN 145811700 AND 1463985000 )
(mrbs_entry.end_time BETWEEN 1458120600 AND 1463992200 AND mrbs_users.id = 1)
Moreover, when you use only INNER JOIN (JOIN) then it be better to avoid WHERE clause, because the ON clause is executed before the WHERE clause, so criteria there would perform faster.
Your query in this case should be like this:
FROM mrbs_users
JOIN mrbs_entry ON mrbs_users.name=mrbs_entry.create_by
JOIN mrbs_room ON mrbs_entry.room_id = mrbs_room.id
(mrbs_entry.start_time BETWEEN 145811700 AND 1463985000
OR ( mrbs_entry.end_time BETWEEN 1458120600 AND 1463992200 AND mrbs_users.id = 1)
JOIN mrbs_area ON mrbs_room.area_id = mrbs_area.id

SQL joins vs nested query

This two SQL statements return equal results but first one is much slower than the second:
SELECT leading.email, kstatus.name, contacts.status
FROM clients
JOIN clients_leading ON clients.id_client = clients_leading.id_client
JOIN leading ON clients_leading.id_leading = leading.id_leading
JOIN contacts ON contacts.id_k_p = clients_leading.id_group
JOIN kstatus on contacts.status = kstatus.id_kstatus
WHERE (clients.email = 'some_email' OR clients.email1 = 'some_email')
ORDER BY contacts.date DESC;
SELECT leading.email, kstatus.name, contacts.status
FROM clients
WHERE (clients.email = 'some_email' OR clients.email1 = 'some_email')
AS clients
JOIN clients_leading ON clients.id_client = clients_leading.id_client
JOIN leading ON clients_leading.id_leading = leading.id_leading
JOIN contacts ON contacts.id_k_p = clients_leading.id_group
JOIN kstatus on contacts.status = kstatus.id_kstatus
ORDER BY contacts.date DESC;
But I'm wondering why is it so? It looks like in the firt statement joins are done first and then WHERE clause is applied and in second is just the opposite. But will it behave the same way on all DB engines (I tested it on MySQL)?
I was expecting DB engine can optimize queries like the fors one and firs apply WHERE clause and then make joins.
There are a lot of different reasons this could be (keying etc), but you can look at the explain mysql command to see how the statements are being executed. If you can run that and if it still is a mystery post it.
You always can replace join with nested query... It's always faster but lot messy...

Bad performance of SQL query due to ORDER BY clause

I have a query joining 4 tables with a lot of conditions in the WHERE clause. The query also includes ORDER BY clause on a numeric column. It takes 6 seconds to return which is too long and I need to speed it up. Surprisingly I found that if I remove the ORDER BY clause it takes 2 seconds. Why the order by makes so massive difference and how to optimize it? I am using SQL server 2005. Many thanks.
I cannot confirm that the ORDER BY makes big difference since I am clearing the execution plan cache. However can you shed light at how to speed this up a little bit? The query is as follows (for simplicity there is "SELECT *" but I am only selecting the ones I need).
FROM View_Product_Joined j
INNER JOIN [dbo].[OPR_PriceLookup] pl on pl.siteID = NodeSiteID and pl.skuid = j.skuid
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[OPR_InventoryRules] irp on irp.ID = pl.SkuID and irp.InventoryRulesType = 'Product'
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[OPR_InventoryRules] irs on irs.ID = pl.siteID and irs.InventoryRulesType = 'Store'
WHERE (((((SiteName = N'EcommerceSite') AND (Published = 1)) AND (DocumentCulture = N'en-GB')) AND (NodeAliasPath LIKE N'/Products/Cats/Computers/Computer-servers/%')) AND ((NodeSKUID IS NOT NULL) AND (SKUEnabled = 1) AND pl.PriceLookupID in (select TOP 1 PriceLookupID from OPR_PriceLookup pl2 where pl.skuid = pl2.skuid and (pl2.RoleID = -1 or pl2.RoleId = 13) order by pl2.RoleID desc)))
Why the order by makes so massive difference and how to optimize it?
The ORDER BY needs to sort the resultset which may take long if it's big.
To optimize it, you may need to index the tables properly.
The index access path, however, has its drawbacks so it can even take longer.
If you have something other than equijoins in your query, or the ranged predicates (like <, > or BETWEEN, or GROUP BY clause), then the index used for ORDER BY may prevent the other indexes from being used.
If you post the query, I'll probably be able to tell you how to optimize it.
Rewrite the query:
FROM View_Product_Joined j
[dbo].[OPR_InventoryRules] irp
ON irp.ID = j.skuid
AND irp.InventoryRulesType = 'Product'
[dbo].[OPR_InventoryRules] irs
ON irs.ID = j.NodeSiteID
AND irs.InventoryRulesType = 'Store'
FROM OPR_PriceLookup pl
WHERE pl.siteID = j.NodeSiteID
AND pl.skuid = j.skuid
AND pl.RoleID IN (-1, 13)
pl.RoleID desc
) pl
WHERE SiteName = N'EcommerceSite'
AND Published = 1
AND DocumentCulture = N'en-GB'
AND NodeAliasPath LIKE N'/Products/Cats/Computers/Computer-servers/%'
AND SKUEnabled = 1
NodeOrder ASC
The relation View_Product_Joined, as the name suggests, is probably a view.
Could you please post its definition?
If it is indexable, you may benefit from creating an index on View_Product_Joined (SiteName, Published, DocumentCulture, SKUEnabled, NodeOrder).