Finding Bigquery table size across all projects - google-bigquery

We are maintaining a table in Bigquery that captures all the activity logs from the Stack driver logs. This table helps me list all the tables present, User, who created the table, what was the last command run on the table etc across projects and data sets in our organization. Along with this information, I also want the table size for the tables I am trying to check.
I can Join with the TABLES and TABLE_SUMMARY however I need to explicitly specify the project and dataset I want to query, but my driving table has details of multiple projects and Datasets.
Is there any other metadata table I can get the table size from, or any logs that I can load into a Bigquery table to join and get the desired results

You can use the bq command line tool. With the command:
bq show --format=prettyjson
This provides the numBytes, datasetId, projectId and more.
With a script you can use:
bq ls
and loop through the datasets and tables in each projects to get the information needed. Keep in mind that you can also use API or a client library.


Get table names in dataset after dataset truncate

It seems that the BigQuery CLI supports restoring tables in a dataset after they have been deleted by using BigQuery Time Travel functionality -- as in:
bq cp dataset.table#TIME_AGO_UNIX dataset.table
However, this assumes we know the names of the tables. I want to write a script to iterate over all the tables that were in the dataset at TIME_AGO_UNIX time.
How would I go about finding those tables at that time?

Duplicate several tables in bigquery project at once

In our BQ export schema, we have one table for each day as per the screenshot below.
I want to copy the tables before a certain date (2021-feb-07). I know how to copy one day at a time via the UI, but is there not a way to use the cloud console to write a code for copying the selected date range, all at once? Or maybe an sql command directly from a query window?
I think you should transform your sharding tables into a partitioned table. So you can handled your tables with just a single query. As mention in the official documentation, partitioned tables perform better.
To make the conversion, you can just execute the following commands in the console.
bq partition \
--time_partitioning_type=DAY \
--time_partitioning_expiration 259200 \
mydataset.sourcetable_ \
This will make your sharded tables sourcetable_(xxx) into a single partitioned table mytable_partitioned which can be query with just a single query trough your entire set of data entries.
For more details about the conversion commands you can check this link. Also, I recommend to check the links about querying partionated tables and partiotioned tables for more details.

How to save a view using federated queries across two projects?

I'm looking to save a view which uses federated queries (from a MySQL Cloud SQL connection) between two projects. I'm receiving two different errors (depending on which project I try to save in).
If I try to save in the project containing the dataset I get error:
Not found: Connection my-connection-name
If I try to save in the project that contains the connection I get error:
Not found: Dataset my-project:my_dataset
My example query that crosses projects looks like:
`project_1.my_dataset.psa_v2_202005` AS bq
'''SELECT item_id, title
FROM items''') AS sql
bq.looks_info.query_item.item_id = sql.item_id
The documentation at doesn't mention any limitations here.
Is there a way around this so I can save a view using an external connection from one project and dataset from another?
Your BigQuery table is located in US and your MySQL data source is located in us-east1. BigQuery automatically chooses to run the query in the location of your BigQuery table (i.e. in US), however, your Cloud MySQL is in us-east1 and that's why your query fails. Therefore the BigQuery table and Cloud SQL instance, must be in the same location in order for this query to succeed.
The solution for this kind of cases is moving your BigQuery dataset to the same location as your Cloud SQL instance manually by following the steps explained in detail in this documentation. However, the us-east1 is not currently supported for copying datasets. Thus, I will recommend you to create a new connection in one of the locations mentioned in the documentation.
I hope you find the above pieces of information useful.

Google BigQuery list tables

I need to list all tables in my BigQuery, but I don't know how to do it, I try search but I didn't find anything about it.
I need to know if the table exists, if it exists I search for record, if not I create table and insert record.
Depending where/how you want to do this, you can use CLI, API calls or client libraries. Here you have all the info about listing tables
As an example, if you want to list them using Command Line Interface, you can do it like:
bq ls <project>:<dataset>
If you want to use normal SQL queries, you can use the INFROMATION_SCHEMA Beta feature
SELECT table_name from `<project>.<dataset>.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES`
(project is optional)

Create Partition table in Big Query

Can anyone please suggest how to create partition table in Big Query ?.
Example: Suppose I have one log data in google storage for the year of 2016. I stored all data in one bucket partitioned by year , month and date wise. Here I want create table with partitioned by date.
Thanks in Advance
Documentation for partitioned tables is here:
In this case, you'd create a partitioned table and populate the partitions with the data. You can run a query job that reads from GCS (and filters data for the specific date) and writes to the corresponding partition of a table. For example, to load data for May 1st, 2016 -- you'd specify the destination_table as table$20160501.
Currently, you'll have to run several query jobs to achieve this process. Please note that you'll be charged for each query job based on bytes processed.
Please see this post for some more details:
Migrating from non-partitioned to Partitioned tables
There are two options:
Option 1
You can load each daily file into separate respective table with name as YourLogs_YYYYMMDD
See details on how to Load Data from Cloud Storage
After tables created, you can access them either using Table wildcard functions (Legacy SQL) or using Wildcard Table (Standar SQL). See also Querying Multiple Tables Using a Wildcard Table for more examples
Option 2
You can create Date-Partitioned Table (just one table - YourLogs) - but you still will need to load each daily file into respective partition - see Creating and Updating Date-Partitioned Tables
After table is loaded you can easily Query Date-Partitioned Tables
Having partitions for an External Table is not allowed as for now. There is a Feature Request for it:
(please vote for it if you're interested in it!)
Google says that they are considering it.