Does MimeKit have a way to decompose cid: references? - mimekit

Does MimeKit have a canonical method to decompose the cid: references in a Mime message? Given an HTML email with e.g. an img src path of cid:somefile.png#AUNIQUEID I'd like to extract the somefile.png#AUNIQUEID. I thought there might be an equivalent to MimeUtils.ParseMessageId() but can't see an obvious one. I know it's a trivial string operation but wondered if there was a library function to remove the potentially error-prone manual step.

MimeKit just uses the System.Uri class internally for that.


What is the ByteBuddy recipe for building an upper-bounded wildcard?

I know some of this, but not all of it. Most notably, I am aware of TypeDescription.Generic.Builder but I have a very specific question about it.
Suppose I want to build Supplier<? extends Frob<X>>.
Suppose further that all I know I have is a TypeDefinition for the parameter, but I don't know what it represents (in the example above it would represent Frob<X>). That is, I don't know whether the TypeDefinition I have is a class, a parameterized type, a generic array type, a type variable, a wildcard, or anything else; I just know it's a TypeDefinition.
Obviously if I wanted to make Supplier<Frob<X>>, I could just do:
…assuming I haven't made any typos in the snippet above.
How can I make an upper-bounded wildcard TypeDefinition out of an existing TypeDefinition suitable for supplying as the "parameterized" part of a parameterized type build? Is there an obvious recipe I'm overlooking, or is this a gap in the builder's DSL?
(I'm aware of the asWildcardUpperBound() method on TypeDescription.Generic.Builder, but that presumes I have a builder to work with, and in order to "bootstrap" such a builder I would need to give it a TypeDescription at the very least. But I don't have a TypeDescription; I have a TypeDefinition which might be parameterized, and I don't want to use asErasure().)
(I'm sort of looking for a way to do TypeDescription.Generic.Builder.parameterizedType(myTypeDefinition).asWildcardUpperBound().build(), but I can't obviously do that.)
There does seem to be TypeDescription.Generic.OfWildcardType.Latent::boundedAbove but I can't tell if that's supposed to be an "internal use only" class/method or not.
Such an API was indeed missing. I added an API in today's release (1.11.5) to translate an existing generic type description to a builder what allows transformations to arrays or wildcards. The API is TypeDescription.Generic.Builder.of which accepts a loaded or unloaded generic type description.

avoid exposing reflection in the package API

In Alan Donovan and Brian Kernighan's "The Go programming language" book p333 (section 12.3 Display, a recursive value printer), it is mentioned that
Where possible, you should avoid exposing reflection in the API of a package. We'll define an unexported function display to do the real work of the recursion, and export Display, a simple wrapper around it that accepts an interface{} parameter.
func Display(name string, x interface{}) {
fmt.Printf("Display %s (%T):\n", name, x)
display(name, reflection.ValueOf(x))
And the display function prints different contents depending on the Kind of the input reflection value.
I have two questions
Why is it better to not expose the reflection in the package API?
Why is using an unexposed display function considered as not exposing reflection in the API? Don't we still call reflection.ValueOf() in Display?
I guess I don't know the definition of "exposing reflection in the package API". Does it just refer to the function arguments or both arguments and content? If it's the former case, then there seems no need to define display since the signature of Display is x interface{}. If it's the latter case, why is it better?
In the book's example
In the book's example, it is because the usage of reflection is an implementation detail. You should always try to hide the implementation details, so you may change the implementation at any time without breaking the "public" API of the package. If you export / add something to the API of your package, you have to carry that for the rest of your life (given you don't want to make backward-incompatible API changes, which is really bad in general).
In general
"interface{} says nothing" – Rob Pike. Given that, reflect.Value says even less. Unless you have a good reason (can't think of any outside of the reflect package itself), you shouldn't create public functions that expect reflect.Value as their arguments.
Even if you have a "general" function that must take a value of any type, interface{} is preferred as then at least the clients can pass what they have as-is, without having to wrap them in reflect.Value.

Interface with multiple implementations and confusion about parameters

I have created the following interface:
public interface IReader
string Read();
One implementation of it, is an XmlFileReader that encapsulates the logic to read xml files from disk based on a path stored in the config file.
Another implementation of it, is a FileReader that would read a file from disk based on the path specified as a parameter.
Now the confusion is that, the XMLFileReader doesn't require any parameter in the Read() method whereas the FileReader does. Should I add an optional parameter to IReader.Read() method, so that in the case of FileReader I can provide the file path using the parameter and in the case of XMLFileReader the parameter would not be used?
Another option could be to create a separate interface with a Read() method that takes the parameter.
What would be a good design for this scenario?
The canonical solution is to put the parameters in the constructors of the concrete classes.
That said, I don't think your design is sound: what does return the XmlReader.Read method? Keep in mind that the user of an interface should ignore the concrete class it's using. So, after the call to IReader.Read(), it shouldn't do different elaborations on the string according to the type of the file. Is this your case?
It seems to me that the variation you want to capture is not the "Read the file" part, but the "How do I get the right file to read". In this case, an interface with a "Read" method is useless.
In any case: IReader, XmlFileReader and FileReader are really bad names for your classes. You should avoid -er suffix: see this good article. And keep in mind that inheritance should model a IS-A relation.
I think You can use strategy pattern. It isolate the algorithms in separate classes in order to have the ability to select different algorithms at runtime.
Here is detailed description of pattern
Strategy pattern explained

Random access files at clean VB.NET way

After working some time in VB.NET I would like to get rid of Microsoft.VisualBasic dependencies.
Since with text files and string manipulation goes easy here I don't know what to do.
Is it possible to write equivalent code in VB.NET without using Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace and how this code should look like?
Dim fnum As Integer = FreeFile()
FileOpen(fnum, "Setup\myadmin", OpenMode.Random, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.Shared, Len(idstruct))
FilePut(fnum, idstruct, 1) 'structure data to file in record 1
As much as I sympathise with your desire to remove all references to the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace, and as much as I think that doing so has value, sometimes it's just not worth the trouble. The namespace does contain some useful tools which are not easily reproduced without it.
For instance, the TextFieldParser comes to mind. It allows you to easily read CSV and fixed-width files. There is no other class like it in the .NET framework. So, is it worth it to reinvent the wheel just so that you don't reference the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace? I would argue that it's not worth it.
While it would be possible to reproduce the behavior of FileGet and FilePut using FileStream and the StreamReader, StreamWriter, BinaryReader, and BinaryWriter classes, it's probably not worth all the trouble. The FileGet and FilePut methods are provided specifically for backwards compatibility, so if compatibility with old systems is your goal, as much as it pains me to say it, using FileGet and FilePut is an appropriate solution.
However, some of this advice hinges on the type of data. If, for instance, the structure only contains fixed width strings, that would be very easy to duplicate with the StreamReader and StreamWriter, or with the TextFieldParser. Or, if it contains just integers, perhaps it will be easy to reproduce with the BinaryReader and BinaryWriter.
However, even if you can easily reproduce the logic using other non-VB-only classes, doing so doesn't gain you anything. In fact, your code will be more complicated and it will be less self-documenting. When you see code using FileGet and FilePut, not only is it easy to tell what is being done, but it is also obvious that it is for backwards compatibility. If you replace them with your own logic, the necessity for backwards compatibility would not be obvious without adding comments to the code.
If you don't like looking at them, which I can certainly understand, it may be worth wrapping them in a wrapper class. For instance, you could create a data-access style class with load/save methods which internally just use FileGet and FilePut. Doing so would be good practice anyway. That way, if you ever choose to store the data in a different format, or a different data source (such as a database), you could change it in the one class without having to rewrite all of your code.
One other thing I've just found is this MSDN page about My.Computer.FileSystem:
which I found was referred to from the MSDN page on FilePut:
From posts like this one It's my understanding that it's just a wrapper for System.IO anyway, but it supposedly provides a "more convenient and understandable" interface to the underlying IO functions.
If you're referring to your use of the LEN() function (which is the only thing I can see that refers to Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace, unless I'm missing something), then you can just use String.Length instead. E.g. idstruct.Length, assuming idstruct is a String.
Look at System.IO.FileStream. The approach is a bit different, but it is quite simple.
Dim fs As New FileStream(mUserFile, FileMode.XXX, FileAccess.XXX)
Using fs as New FileStream....
End Using
The main thing that will change is that rather than writing a structure, you would convert it to an array of bytes (Count would be the length of your array, offset 0 in your example):
fs.Write(byt(), lOffset, lCount)
You COULD wrap it all up in a class to emulate the old random access file method if there it a lot of legacy code to support. There is also a BinaryReader and BinaryWriter and you could also look into serialization if the data is large but mostly static.

Is there a conventional URI scheme for referencing code in a library?

Is there a standard or conventional URI scheme, like file: or http: for referencing objects in a dynamic library?
For example, if I were to represent a function in a library in the form of a unique string that can be used to look up that function (by whatever reflective means), how might I do that?
Specifically I'm developing this in Objective-C, and I assume different languages/platforms will have different representations (I know .NET has its own), but I'm curious about this in a more general sense.
No, the name of the symbol is derived from its name in your code. In windows you will assuming C or C++
HMODULE module=LoadLibrary( [path to your dll] );
//If the exported name is foo.
Function foo=(Function)GetProcAddress(module,"foo");
//Call function
The exported name is compiler-dependent.
Acually such a naming scheme is quite useless. In C++ you can use something like (Note that you will have one FunctionCaller per function prototype)
Where the constructor of FunctionCaller loads the library, calls foo and frees the library. However it is not good because:
it may happen that the return value points to a resource inside the library and then will become useless
loading libraries and perform function look-up is slow relative to calling the function found
What you do is
Load the library
Load functions that you will need
Use your functions
Free the library
Here you would need to refer to more than one symbol at a time which would require a more complex scheme than uri.
EDIT: If you want to the convenience of calling functions like that you could have a surviving FunctionCaller object that keeps all loaded modules and contains a map from function name to address for each loaded library.