how to remove special characters from string in volt templates - phalcon

Please can anyone help me on this issue? how to remove special characters from string
Thanks in advance

You can use the filters available for Volt
So your code becomes
{{ title | escape }}


Liquid: Converting comma separated currency to dot separated

the price-decimals on my store are by default separated by comma (e.g. 6,99 €).
Now I need to convert them into dot separated version without the currency icon (e.g. 6.99).
Does anyone know how to do this with liquid filters? I'm stuck! I don't want to change the base-formatting settings in the store.
Thank you!
Something like this should do the trick:
{{ 145 | money_without_currency | replace:',','.' }}

Escaping a pipe in a vue-i18n translation

We need to have a translation in vue-i18n where the translated string have to contain a pipe character ( | ).
But in vue-i18n translation files, the pipe is used as delimiter for pluralization. We tried several ways to escape it (single or double backslash, etc.) but nothing worked…
I couldn’t find anything talking about that in vue-18n documentation.
I didn’t found issues talking about that in the vue-i18n github repository.
Is anybody has already faced it and found a workaround ?
Correct way to escape pipe & other special characters would be to use literal interpolation syntax.
"User profile {'|'} AppName"
I understand the problematic.
You can solve your problem either by using $t instead of $tc, since $t method will not do a pluralization, or by putting pipe unicode: \u007C instead of | in your localization string.
Hope that any of these solutions will work for you. Cheers!

How to convert dot to comma in smarty

Good morning,
Prestashop 1.6 in tpl file I have something like this
{assign var=groupPrice value=$psoft[0]['price']|number_format:2:",":"."}
<span class="price groupPrice">{$groupPrice*0.23+$groupPrice|number_format:2:".":","}</span>
The results is 456.34 (for example). How to convert this dot to comma?
Thanks for help.
Kind regards
you can use that :
In code:
Replace the first dot to comma. You'll get the result:

REPLACE 2 string with replacement string in sql

Can some one please help me? This code replaces "-" with '' of ssn column which works. But now I want to also replace dots . with '' string. Can someone help me how to replace both - and .?
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thank you
Use one more replace
If you are using Oracle, the easiest way to do this is using regexp_replace to only get the digits.
regexp_replace(ssn, '\D', '')

How to stop spaces in url showing %20?

If we look at a specific page the problem is occuring:
Where there are meant to be spaces, its showing %20.
So instead of its meant to be: Extend 220
How do I stop this?
Im on an apace web server, so could it be a htaccess mod?
Spaces are not allowed in URLs. They have to be escaped (their escape character is %20). I don't think there is any way to accomplish what you are trying to do.
Do not use spaces or replace them with underscores _ or dashes -. Your url will look better and be human-readable: