Rmagick show image without write - ruby-on-rails-5

I'm using Rails 5 and I'm creating images with Rmagick. I want to show these images in view without writing them, because it costs time processing. In my project, I don`t need to save these images.
I saw the property 'display' of rmagick, but I don`t want to open the image, just to show in the view, like render.
image = Magick::Image.read('URL').first
So rather than write and display, I want to show the image in the view.

You can view these by first using image_read() which will let you access the image object itself.


Scale image size (Image control on an Access form)

I've done this before, but I'm working in 2010 now and it doesn't seem to be working.
I'm trying to make a thumbnail view of an image control. The pictures I store (text field, just linking to a directory) are large and have their own form to open and view them at resolution, but I want to display a small thumbnail of the picture.
I have an image control with the control source set to the image field of my record source. It changes fine with I navigate records, but it shows a zoomed "window" of the image instead of scaling the image down to a thumbnail like it worked in the past.
I've tried the "size to fit" option, thinking that would do the trick but it doesn't.
Is there a different property that I could use? I don't mind writing a little VBA for this either, but I figured it would have worked by just using the form controls.
I just tried this using a regular old Image control in Access 2010 and it worked fine for me when I changed its dimensions to something "thumbnail sized" (0.5" x 0.5") and set the Size Mode property to Zoom.

Use more QGraphicsScenes

I want to display multiple QML Files on a QWidget. Because every Display should be an unique Object/Widget, I plan to use for every display an own QGraphicsView with an unique QGraphicsScene. These views can be added to a layout witch will be placed on a widget.
So I will have about 50-100 QGraphicsScenes and GraphicsViews.
I want to set a background for the Displays which will not be updated when you repaint the object. That is why I want to use an own scene for each display.
Is this recommended or should I use only one GraphicsScene in a project?
It's not good idea, 50-100 scenes is not optimal. Why not drawing all QML files in same QML View ? Using Loader foreach file.

Load larger image on tap of small image with animation

I'm trying to load a large version of an image in the centre of the user's screen when then tap on a smaller version of the image that's already on my view.
Ideally I want to do this using an animation to get to the new image like a vertical flip.
Also if there's a way to make the background look greyed out like it's not the foreground then that would be even better.
Here's an image of what I'm after, I'm at work at the moment so haven't got access to the actual code / images.
I'm a new user so can't add pictures. Click here if you want to see what I'm thinking.
There is an KGmodal Example Exist in GitHUB hope that Might Help you.
You have to Change the content view and Add an Imageview Programatically (with required size ) in the content View.
Follow the below link: https://github.com/kgn/KGModal
For Fliping the image see the tutorial iphone Flip Image.
In the end I added the larger image on to begin with and set its alpha to 0, then added a gesture recognizer on the smaller image that animated the larger one and gradually changed its alpha to 1. The did the reverse on the large image. Don't know why I didn't think of that in the first place!

Easy way to use an UIScrollView

Does someone have an "easy way" to make a view like camera roll app? I need to display miniature photos (buttons) and push new views from them. I don't know how to display miniature images in a scroll view. The number of miniatures is large, so they don't fit the screen, and I think UIScrollView is the only solution.
Check out TTThumbsViewController, part of Three20; this should pretty much do what you want (and it's open source if you need to change it).
A scroll view really just controls the visible region of a single content view. If you want a grid of small images, you'll need to create a view that contains a number of image views or otherwise displays the grid of images. Make this the content view of the scroll view. Also, it'd be a good idea to construct your image grid view such that it only loads and draws the images that are visible, particularly if you're going to display a large number of such images.

Cocoa question for displaying images

I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there is a method in Cocoa that will display information (images) on screen when a button is pressed. What I mean is NSLog "prints text" to the console is there a method that displays images just as easily like would -(void)drawView do it? Is it just setNeedsDisplay? I hope this makes sense. I am essentially wanting to know if I can call something that will display an image as easily as you can display/print text to the screen/console.
The Console is text-only, so no, you can't print an image to it the same way you log text. The closest equivalent is to export the image as TIFF data and write that data to a file in the temporary directory.
As for setNeedsDisplay:, that tells AppKit that the view should be told to redraw the next time the window redraws its views. (In other words, it sets the view as needing display—exactly what it says on the box.) Usually, this is because you've changed the model object(s) that the view displays, either by replacing them with other objects or by mutating one or more of their properties.
You would need to have a view to display; an image view would certainly qualify, but if you're looking for the image equivalent to NSLog, this isn't it, unless you don't mind either making a dedicated window just for showing this image or temporarily putting a image view into one of your real windows.
You should take a look at Apple's NSImageView Class Reference.
This a class you can use to display an image in Cocoa.
setNeedsDisplay is a NSView method that tells the graphics renderer it needs to redraw the image because the data has been modified. Presumably because you are using something like Quartz and you have called some custom drawing code. If you are drawing bitmap images then you probably won't need to use this.