Podio field specific Webhook issue - podio

How can we create field specific Webhook in podio back-end. We tried by specifying app_field and field_id in webhook URL as per the documentation but it doesn't work it's applying to all the fields not in particular field


BigCommerce outgoing webhook when an order is placed

I am creating a custom app on the BigCommerce platform. I am wondering if it is possible to send a webhook request going from BigCommerce when an order has been placed. Currently I can only see that it is sending an email notification, but I would like to send a webhook request to a url instead.
For example, so that a post request is sent from BigCommerce to a certain URL everytime an order has been placed.
Use the Webhooks API to create a new webhook that fires on a new order:
That includes an endpoint you can specify to listen to events - that payload contains the order id of the new order.
More info here: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-docs/store-management/webhooks/overview
And all events here:

Shopify Stores - View Creation Date of Store

I want to view a Shopify Store creation date, even without necessarily being an admin of the store
For example, the format should look something like
However, I am currently unaware of which API endpoint to hit, or where on the site this information can be found.
I know it is possible to check the earliest uploaded product, but that doesn't neccesarily give you the date of site creation. and I'm not talking about date of domain creation, I'm talking about the actual shopify created_at date
you can check the same using the REST API endpoint shop
you need to make a GET request using API to get the data about the shop.
This is the sample request code GET /admin/api/2021-01/shop.json
and here is the same request the contains the data about shop creation along with other data.

Podio - customize webhook request data

When a Podio webhook is triggered by its subscribed event, the hook will send a request to an external url with information about that event. Is it possible to customize the information contained in the request?
For example, I am planning to create a webhook that will be triggered when an app field is updated. The default webhook settings will include
body: { item_id: '12345',
item_revision_id: '2',
type: 'item.update',
hook_id: 54321' }
in the request. However, this means that I have to chain this to another GET request back to Podio if I want to get more information about the updated item (these are 'user' items, so I want things like 'first_name', 'last_name', etc.).
When I create a hook via the API (https://developers.podio.com/doc/hooks/create-hook-215056), is there a way that I can customize it so that the entire updated item record is included in the requests when the hook is called? In the Ruby and PHP client examples, there's an attributes parameter - can you set the request data via attributes and, if so, how should that be formatted?
It is not possible to customize Podio webhook request. Each and every Podio webhook has same structure, and if you need more information about item being updated/created you will need to fire another GET request.

Using the Twitter API, how to ensure a tweet comes from a specific source

If I want to ensure that the tweet comes from a specific service (using Foursquare for example), what is the best way to accomplish this using the API? Is the Users field enough, if I know the ID of the user?
Each Tweet returned by the Twitter API contains a source field. The source attribution of a Tweet is set by the name of the application used to create it e.g., Foursquare. So that's the field you should be looking for.
You can see source data in the example API output on this page:

How to pass an email to Shopify checkout

I'm working with an external analytics app that requires us to collect email on the /cart page. To save the customer from having to enter their email address again, I'm wondering if there's a way to send that email to the payment form.
You can use the Shopify API to interact with orders, specifically looking at the API documentation you should be able to achieve what you want.
Which language do you code in?/Can you code in?/Would you like to achieve this in? (For example, Ruby, PHP, ASP..)
You can access a users email address from the Order if you know the Order ID..
The Order ID can be found by querying the Shopify orders API based on whatever your criteria are.
Alternatively as per Csaunders answer you can use a Shopify Web-hook which will notify your server when a specific event happens - think of it as an event trigger.. For example:
Customer raises an order
Shopify notices your shop has a web-hook active and so uses it
Your web-system receives all of the order info over a POST request in XML format
You extract the Email address (for example $email = trim($xml->email); )
Push the $email you extracted to whatever your analytics system is
Without further info about your case and setup and what knowledge you have I will struggle to improve this answer - if however you come back and add some more detail or comment on this post I will try to help as best I can.