what is wrong with pandas date_time? - pandas

Following is the code for an example of using pandas datetime module. As shown in the output, it is not consitent, It is mixing date and month. Am i doing something wrong?
dates = ['20/11/17', '12/02/18', '02/05/18', '10/09/18',
'22/06/17', '12/02/15','19/11/17', '04/09/16',
'12/05/18', '11/04/15', '10/04/17', '13/06/16']
data = pd.DataFrame(data=dates, columns=['date'])
data['date_format'] = pd.to_datetime(dates)
date date_format
0 20/11/17 2017-11-20
1 12/02/18 2018-12-02
2 02/05/18 2018-02-05
3 10/09/18 2018-10-09
4 22/06/17 2017-06-22
5 12/02/15 2015-12-02
6 19/11/17 2017-11-19
7 04/09/16 2016-04-09
8 12/05/18 2018-12-05
9 11/04/15 2015-11-04
10 10/04/17 2017-10-04
11 13/06/16 2016-06-13


How to calculate monthly normals?

I have this df:
1991-01-01 000130 32.6 23.4 0.0
1991-01-02 000130 31.2 22.4 0.0
1991-01-03 000130 32.0 NaN 0.0
1991-01-04 000130 32.2 23.0 0.0
1991-01-05 000130 30.5 22.0 0.0
... ... ... ...
2020-12-27 158328 NaN NaN NaN
2020-12-28 158328 NaN NaN NaN
2020-12-29 158328 NaN NaN NaN
2020-12-30 158328 NaN NaN NaN
2020-12-31 158328 NaN NaN NaN
I have data of 30 years (1991-2020) for each CODE, and i want to calculate monthly normals of TMAX, TMIN and PP. So for TMAX and TMIN i should calculate the average for every month, so if January have 31 days i should get the mean of those 31 values and get a value for January 1991, January 1992, etc. So i will have 30 Januarys (January 1991, January 1992, ... ,January 2020), 30 Februarys, etc. After this i should calculate the average of every group of months (Januarys with Januarys, Februarys with Februarys, etc). So i will have 12 values (one value for every month). Example:
(January1991 + January1992 + ..... + January 2020) /30
(February1991 + February1992 + ..... + February 2020) /30
.... same for every group of months.
So i'm using this code but i don't know if it's ok.
from datetime import date
normalstemp=df[['CODE','TMAX','TMIN']].groupby([df.CODE, df.index.month]).mean().round(1)
For PP (precipitation) i should sum the values of every PP value of the month, so if January have 31 days i should sum all of their values and get a value for January 1991, January 1992, etc. So i will have 30 Januarys (January 1991, January 1992, ... ,January 2020) , 30 Februarys (February 1991, February 1992, ... ,February 2020), etc. After this i should calculate the average of every group of months (Januarys with Januarys, Februarys with Februarys, etc). So i will have 12 values (one value for every month, the same as TMAX and TMIN).
(January1991 + January1992 + ..... + January 2020) /30
(February1991 + February1992 + ..... + February 2020) /30
.... same for every group of months.
So im using this code but i know this code isn't correct because i'm not getting the mean of the januarys, februarys, etc.
normalspp=df[['CODE','PP']].groupby([df.CODE, df.index.month]).sum().round(1)
I only have basic knowledge of python so i will appreciate if you can help me.
Thanks in advance.
Ver 2: Average by Year-Month and by Month
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
x = pd.date_range(start='1/1/1991', end='12/31/2020',freq='D')
df = pd.DataFrame({'Date':x.tolist()*2,
'Code':['000130']*10958 + ['158328']*10958,
'TMAX': np.random.randint(6,10, size=21916),
'TMIN': np.random.randint(1,5, size=21916)
# Create a Month column to get Average by Month for all years
df['Month'] = df.Date.dt.month
# Create a Year-Month column to get Average of each Month within the Year
df['Year_Mon'] = df.Date.dt.strftime('%Y-%m')
# Print the Average of each Month within each Year for each code
print (df.groupby(['Code','Year_Mon'])['TMAX'].mean())
print (df.groupby(['Code','Year_Mon'])['TMIN'].mean())
# Print the Average of each Month irrespective of the year (for each code)
print (df.groupby(['Code','Month'])['TMAX'].mean())
print (df.groupby(['Code','Month'])['TMAX'].mean())
If you want to give a name for the TMAX Average value, you can add the reset_index and rename column. Here's code to do that.
print (df.groupby(['Code','Year_Mon'])['TMAX'].mean().reset_index().rename(columns={'TMAX':'TMAX_Avg'}))
The output of this will be:
Average of TMAX for each Year-Month for each Code
Code Year_Mon
000130 1991-01 7.225806
1991-02 7.678571
1991-03 7.354839
1991-04 7.500000
1991-05 7.516129
158328 2020-08 7.387097
2020-09 7.300000
2020-10 7.516129
2020-11 7.500000
2020-12 7.451613
Name: TMAX, Length: 720, dtype: float64
Average of TMIN for each Year-Month for each Code
Code Year_Mon
000130 1991-01 2.419355
1991-02 2.571429
1991-03 2.193548
1991-04 2.366667
1991-05 2.451613
158328 2020-08 2.451613
2020-09 2.566667
2020-10 2.612903
2020-11 2.666667
2020-12 2.580645
Name: TMIN, Length: 720, dtype: float64
Average of TMAX for each Month for each Code (all years combined)
Code Month
000130 1 7.540860
2 7.536557
3 7.482796
4 7.486667
5 7.444086
6 7.570000
7 7.507527
8 7.529032
9 7.501111
10 7.401075
11 7.482222
12 7.517204
158328 1 7.532258
2 7.563679
3 7.490323
4 7.555556
5 7.500000
6 7.497778
7 7.545161
8 7.483871
9 7.526667
10 7.529032
11 7.547778
12 7.524731
Name: TMAX, dtype: float64
Average of TMIN for each Month for each Code (all years combined)
Code Month
000130 1 7.540860
2 7.536557
3 7.482796
4 7.486667
5 7.444086
6 7.570000
7 7.507527
8 7.529032
9 7.501111
10 7.401075
11 7.482222
12 7.517204
158328 1 7.532258
2 7.563679
3 7.490323
4 7.555556
5 7.500000
6 7.497778
7 7.545161
8 7.483871
9 7.526667
10 7.529032
11 7.547778
12 7.524731
Name: TMAX, dtype: float64
Ver 1: Average by Year and Month for each Code
Here is one way to do this.
You can create two columns - Year and Month. Then get the average of TMAX, TMIN, and PP for each month within the year by doing a groupby ('Code','Year_Mon')
See code for more details.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# create a range of dates from 1/1/2018 thru 12/31/2020 for each day
x = pd.date_range(start='1/1/2018', end='12/31/2020',freq='D')
# create a dataframe with the date ranges x 2 for two codes
# TMIN is a random value from 1 thru 5 - you can put your actual data here
# TMAX is a random value from 6 thru 10 - you can put your actual data here
df = pd.DataFrame({'Date':x.tolist()*2,
'Code':['000130']*1096 + ['158328']*1096,
'TMAX': np.random.randint(6,10, size=2192),
'TMIN': np.random.randint(1,5, size=2192)
# Create a Year-Month column using df.Date.dt.strftime
df['Year_Mon'] = df.Date.dt.strftime('%Y-%m')
# Calculate the Average of TMAX and TMIN using groupby Code and Year_Mon
df['TMAX_Avg'] = df.groupby(['Code','Year_Mon'])['TMAX'].transform('mean')
df['TMIN_Avg'] = df.groupby(['Code','Year_Mon'])['TMIN'].transform('mean')
The output of this will be:
Date Code TMAX TMIN Year_Mon TMAX_Avg TMIN_Avg
0 2018-01-01 000130 8 2 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
1 2018-01-02 000130 7 4 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
2 2018-01-03 000130 9 2 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
3 2018-01-04 000130 6 1 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
4 2018-01-05 000130 9 4 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
5 2018-01-06 000130 6 1 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
6 2018-01-07 000130 9 2 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
7 2018-01-08 000130 9 2 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
8 2018-01-09 000130 7 2 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
9 2018-01-10 000130 8 2 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
10 2018-01-11 000130 8 3 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
11 2018-01-12 000130 7 2 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
12 2018-01-13 000130 7 1 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
13 2018-01-14 000130 8 1 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
14 2018-01-15 000130 7 3 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
15 2018-01-16 000130 6 1 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
16 2018-01-17 000130 6 3 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
17 2018-01-18 000130 9 3 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
18 2018-01-19 000130 7 2 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
19 2018-01-20 000130 8 1 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
20 2018-01-21 000130 9 4 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
21 2018-01-22 000130 6 2 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
22 2018-01-23 000130 9 4 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
23 2018-01-24 000130 6 2 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
24 2018-01-25 000130 8 3 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
25 2018-01-26 000130 6 2 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
26 2018-01-27 000130 8 1 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
27 2018-01-28 000130 8 3 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
28 2018-01-29 000130 6 1 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
29 2018-01-30 000130 6 1 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
30 2018-01-31 000130 8 1 2018-01 7.451613 2.129032
31 2018-02-01 000130 7 1 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
32 2018-02-02 000130 6 2 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
33 2018-02-03 000130 6 4 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
34 2018-02-04 000130 8 3 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
35 2018-02-05 000130 8 2 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
36 2018-02-06 000130 6 3 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
37 2018-02-07 000130 6 3 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
38 2018-02-08 000130 7 1 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
39 2018-02-09 000130 9 4 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
40 2018-02-10 000130 8 2 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
41 2018-02-11 000130 7 4 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
42 2018-02-12 000130 8 1 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
43 2018-02-13 000130 6 4 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
44 2018-02-14 000130 6 1 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
45 2018-02-15 000130 6 4 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
46 2018-02-16 000130 8 2 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
47 2018-02-17 000130 7 3 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
48 2018-02-18 000130 9 3 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
49 2018-02-19 000130 8 2 2018-02 7.250000 2.428571
If you want only the Code, Year-Month, and TMIN and TMAX values, you can do:
TMAX average for each month within the year:
print (df.groupby(['Code','Year_Mon'])['TMAX'].mean())
Output will be:
Code Year_Mon
000130 2018-01 7.451613
2018-02 7.250000
2018-03 7.774194
2018-04 7.366667
2018-05 7.451613
158328 2020-08 7.935484
2020-09 7.666667
2020-10 7.548387
2020-11 7.333333
2020-12 7.580645
TMIN average for each month within the year:
print (df.groupby(['Code','Year_Mon'])['TMIN'].mean())
Output will be:
Code Year_Mon
000130 2018-01 2.129032
2018-02 2.428571
2018-03 2.451613
2018-04 2.500000
2018-05 2.677419
158328 2020-08 2.709677
2020-09 2.166667
2020-10 2.161290
2020-11 2.366667
2020-12 2.548387

Is there a way of group by month in Pandas starting at specific day number?

I'm trying to group by month some data in python, but i need the month to start at the 25 of each month, is there a way to do that in Pandas?
For weeks there is a way of starting on Monday, Tuesday, ... But for months it's always full month.
pd.Grouper(key='date', freq='M')
You could offset the dates by 24 days and groupby:
dates = pd.date_range('2019-01-01', '2019-04-30', freq='D')
df = pd.DataFrame({'date':dates,
'val': np.random.uniform(0,1,len(dates))})
# for groupby
s = df['date'].sub(pd.DateOffset(24))
(df.groupby([s.dt.year, s.dt.month], as_index=False)
.agg({'date':'min', 'val':'sum'})
date val
0 2019-01-01 10.120368
1 2019-01-25 14.895363
2 2019-02-25 14.544506
3 2019-03-25 17.228734
4 2019-04-25 3.334160
Another example:
dates = pd.date_range('2019-01-20', '2019-01-30', freq='D')
df = pd.DataFrame({'date':dates,
'val': np.random.uniform(0,1,len(dates))})
s = df['date'].sub(pd.DateOffset(24))
df['groups'] = df.groupby([s.dt.year, s.dt.month]).cumcount()
date val groups
0 2019-01-20 0.417022 0
1 2019-01-21 0.720324 1
2 2019-01-22 0.000114 2
3 2019-01-23 0.302333 3
4 2019-01-24 0.146756 4
5 2019-01-25 0.092339 0
6 2019-01-26 0.186260 1
7 2019-01-27 0.345561 2
8 2019-01-28 0.396767 3
9 2019-01-29 0.538817 4
10 2019-01-30 0.419195 5
And you can see the how the cumcount restarts at day 25.
I prepared the following test DataFrame:
Dat Val
0 2017-03-24 0
1 2017-03-25 0
2 2017-03-26 1
3 2017-03-27 0
4 2017-04-24 0
5 2017-04-25 0
6 2017-05-24 0
7 2017-05-25 2
8 2017-05-26 0
The first step is to compute a "shifted date" column:
df['Dat2'] = df.Dat + pd.DateOffset(days=-24)
The result is:
Dat Val Dat2
0 2017-03-24 0 2017-02-28
1 2017-03-25 0 2017-03-01
2 2017-03-26 1 2017-03-02
3 2017-03-27 0 2017-03-03
4 2017-04-24 0 2017-03-31
5 2017-04-25 0 2017-04-01
6 2017-05-24 0 2017-04-30
7 2017-05-25 2 2017-05-01
8 2017-05-26 0 2017-05-02
As you can see, March dates in Dat2 start just from original date 2017-03-25,
and so on.
The value of 1 is in March (Dat2) and the value of 2 is in May (also Dat2).
Then, to compute e.g. a sum by month, we can run:
df.groupby(pd.Grouper(key='Dat2', freq='MS')).sum()
2017-02-01 0
2017-03-01 1
2017-04-01 0
2017-05-01 2
So we have correct groupping:
1 is in March,
2 is in May.
The advantage over the other answer is that you have all dates on the first
day of a month, of course bearing in mind that e.g. 2017-03-01 in the
result means the period from 2017-03-25 to 2017-04-24 (including).

Handle Perpetual Maturity Bonds with Maturity date of 31-12-9999 12:00:00 AM

I have a number of records in a dataframe where the maturity date
column is 31-12-9999 12:00:00 AM as the bonds never mature. This
naturally raises the error:
Out of bounds nanosecond timestamp: 9999-12-31 00:00:00
I see the max date is:
Timestamp('2262-04-11 23:47:16.854775807')
I just wanted to clarify what the best approach to clean all date columns in the datframe and fix my bug? My code modelled off the docs:
df_Fix_Date = df_Date['maturity_date'].head(8)
0 2020-08-15 00:00:00.000
1 2022-11-06 00:00:00.000
2 2019-03-15 00:00:00.000
3 2025-01-15 00:00:00.000
4 2035-05-29 00:00:00.000
5 2027-06-01 00:00:00.000
6 2021-04-01 00:00:00.000
7 2022-04-03 00:00:00.000
Name: maturity_date, dtype: object
def conv(x):
return pd.Period(day = x%100, month = x//100 % 100, year = x // 10000, freq='D')
df_Fix_Date['maturity_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_Fix_Date['maturity_date']) # convert to datetype
df_Fix_Date['maturity_date'] = pd.PeriodIndex(df_Fix_Date['maturity_date'].apply(conv)) # fix error
KeyError: 'maturity_date'
There is problem you cannot convert to out of bounds datetimes.
One solution is replace 9999 to 2261:
df_Fix_Date['maturity_date'] = df_Fix_Date['maturity_date'].replace('^9999','2261',regex=True)
df_Fix_Date['maturity_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_Fix_Date['maturity_date'])
print (df_Fix_Date)
0 2020-08-15
1 2022-11-06
2 2019-03-15
3 2025-01-15
4 2035-05-29
5 2027-06-01
6 2021-04-01
7 2261-04-03
Another solution is replace all dates with year higher as 2261 to 2261:
m = df_Fix_Date['maturity_date'].str[:4].astype(int) > 2261
df_Fix_Date['maturity_date'] = df_Fix_Date['maturity_date'].mask(m, '2261' + df_Fix_Date['maturity_date'].str[4:])
df_Fix_Date['maturity_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_Fix_Date['maturity_date'])
print (df_Fix_Date)
0 2020-08-15
1 2022-11-06
2 2019-03-15
3 2025-01-15
4 2035-05-29
5 2027-06-01
6 2021-04-01
7 2261-04-03
Or replace problematic dates to NaTs by parameter errors='coerce':
df_Fix_Date['maturity_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_Fix_Date['maturity_date'], errors='coerce')
print (df_Fix_Date)
0 2020-08-15
1 2022-11-06
2 2019-03-15
3 2025-01-15
4 2035-05-29
5 2027-06-01
6 2021-04-01
7 NaT

Subtract day column from date column in pandas data frame

I have two columns in my data frame.One column is date(df["Start_date]) and other is number of days.I want to subtract no of days column(df["days"]) from Date column.
I was trying something like this
I think you need to_timedelta:
df["new_date"]=df["Start_date"]-pd.to_timedelta(df["days"], unit='D')
start = pd.to_datetime('2015-02-24')
rng = pd.date_range(start, periods=10)
df = pd.DataFrame({'Start_date': rng, 'days': np.random.choice(np.arange(10), size=10)})
print (df)
Start_date days
0 2015-02-24 7
1 2015-02-25 0
2 2015-02-26 8
3 2015-02-27 4
4 2015-02-28 1
5 2015-03-01 7
6 2015-03-02 1
7 2015-03-03 3
8 2015-03-04 8
9 2015-03-05 9
df["new_date"]=df["Start_date"]-pd.to_timedelta(df["days"], unit='D')
print (df)
Start_date days new_date
0 2015-02-24 7 2015-02-17
1 2015-02-25 0 2015-02-25
2 2015-02-26 8 2015-02-18
3 2015-02-27 4 2015-02-23
4 2015-02-28 1 2015-02-27
5 2015-03-01 7 2015-02-22
6 2015-03-02 1 2015-03-01
7 2015-03-03 3 2015-02-28
8 2015-03-04 8 2015-02-24
9 2015-03-05 9 2015-02-24

Comparing dates of values in 2 dataframes to decide output

This is DataFrame 1:
Date Serial Number Type
0 2014-12-17 1N4AL2EP8DC270200 New
1 2015-10-28 1N4AL2EP8DC270200 Used
2 2015-01-22 1N4AL3AP1EN239307 New
3 2015-11-22 1N4AL3AP1EN239307 Used
4 2015-05-22 1N4AL3AP1FC235402 New
5 2016-12-02 1N4AL3AP1FC235402 Used
6 2015-01-22 1N4AL3AP2FC213098 New
7 2016-05-13 1N4AL3AP2FC213098 Used
8 2014-05-14 1N4AL3AP3EC132416 New
9 2016-04-07 1N4AL3AP3EC132416 Used
10 2014-05-24 1N4AL3AP5EC316644 New
11 2014-12-18 1N4AL3AP5EC316644 Used
12 2014-12-11 1N4AL3AP6EC322517 New
13 2015-10-04 1N4AL3AP6EC322517 Used
14 2016-06-06 1N4AL3AP6EC322517 Used
This is DataFrame 2:
Date Serial Number
0 2014-03-12 5N1AA08C78N611573
1 2014-03-12 JN8AS5MT3EW604277
2 2014-03-12 1N6AF0LX5DN114710
3 2014-03-12 1N4AL3AP8DN447876
4 2014-03-12 JN8AZ1MU8AW021145
5 2014-03-12 JN1AZ4EH0AM500138
6 2014-03-12 JN8AF5MR3BT013548
7 2014-03-12 3N1AB61E17L629049
8 2014-03-12 3N1BC13E87L368844
9 2014-03-13 1N6AD07W95C431183
10 2014-03-13 1N6AA07A25N543180
11 2014-03-13 1N4CL2AP1BC110185
12 2014-03-13 JN8AZ1MW1BW181306
13 2014-03-13 5N1BV28U46N116791
Just given a sample of the DataFrame, not the entire DataFrame. I need to retrieve the first Date of every Serial Number that has its type as Used in DataFrame 1 (For example: For serial number '1N4AL3AP6EC322517' 2015-10-04 is the Date I'm looking for. Then compare this Date to the Date recorded for the same Serial Number in DataFrame 2 if the Date in DataFrame 2 is earlier that in DataFrame 1, mark it with 'A' otherwise mark it with 'B'.
Have to do this for over 2000 serial numbers, what's an efficient way to do the same?
I think you can use merge_asof:
print (df2)
Date Serial Number
0 2016-03-12 1N4AL3AP6EC322517
1 2013-03-12 1N4AL3AP5EC316644
2 2014-03-12 1N4AL3AP3EC132416
3 2016-08-12 1N4AL3AP2FC213098
4 2014-03-12 JN8AZ1MU8AW021145
#if necessary cast Date columns to datetime
df1.Date = pd.to_datetime(df1.Date)
df2.Date = pd.to_datetime(df2.Date)
#get first value of column Serial Number filtered by Used
df = df1[df1.Type == 'Used'].drop_duplicates(['Serial Number'])
print (df)
Date Serial Number Type
1 2015-10-28 1N4AL2EP8DC270200 Used
3 2015-11-22 1N4AL3AP1EN239307 Used
5 2016-12-02 1N4AL3AP1FC235402 Used
7 2016-05-13 1N4AL3AP2FC213098 Used
9 2016-04-07 1N4AL3AP3EC132416 Used
11 2014-12-18 1N4AL3AP5EC316644 Used
13 2015-10-04 1N4AL3AP6EC322517 Used
#add value B
df2['Mark'] = 'B'
df = pd.merge_asof(df.sort_values(['Date']),
df2.sort_values(['Date']), on='Date', by='Serial Number')
print (df)
Date Serial Number Type Mark
0 2014-12-18 1N4AL3AP5EC316644 Used B
1 2015-10-04 1N4AL3AP6EC322517 Used NaN
2 2015-10-28 1N4AL2EP8DC270200 Used NaN
3 2015-11-22 1N4AL3AP1EN239307 Used NaN
4 2016-04-07 1N4AL3AP3EC132416 Used B
5 2016-05-13 1N4AL3AP2FC213098 Used NaN
6 2016-12-02 1N4AL3AP1FC235402 Used NaN
#add value A
mask = df['Serial Number'].isin(df2['Serial Number'])
df.loc[mask, 'Mark'] = df.loc[mask, 'Mark'].fillna('A')
print (df)
Date Serial Number Type Mark
0 2014-12-18 1N4AL3AP5EC316644 Used B
1 2015-10-04 1N4AL3AP6EC322517 Used A
2 2015-10-28 1N4AL2EP8DC270200 Used NaN
3 2015-11-22 1N4AL3AP1EN239307 Used NaN
4 2016-04-07 1N4AL3AP3EC132416 Used B
5 2016-05-13 1N4AL3AP2FC213098 Used A
6 2016-12-02 1N4AL3AP1FC235402 Used NaN