Adding short text/badge/icon for a user - mattermost

Is there a way to show a sub headline or icon for each user? We are trying to show which team each user belongs to. Is there a way to do this?

There is no in-built way of doing so. You can, however, create a plugin to add any metadata you like to a user's profile popover, including the team(s) ther are a member of.


Hide menu items for users with custom role

I have a custom role for "regular users". for those users I would like to hide / remove some of the menu items in the lower left corner:
basically all I want them to be able to do is to edit their profile, or to sign out. — I was wondering if and how that's possible.
I don't think there's a way to do this out-of-the-box now without you changing the core codebase. I've added a Feature Request to the Directus App repo:
Give it a thumbs up and we'll try to include it soon!
Good idea!

Joomla, assing menu-item to particular user

I am designing a photographers website.
What i need to do is allow every logged in user to view -ONLY- his portfolio and no other.
Since i haven't found any extension that does that in style, i decided to use a general portfolio extension, and create a portfolio for each user.
Then i need to find a way so that when a user logs in, with his username/password, a menu-item will appear that will hold -ONLY- his portfolio.
So my question is, how can i do that???
Assign a single menuitem to a single user.
Thank you.
The only idea I have in mind is to use user groups here. Create the user, create the user group, assign the user to the group and assign that group to the object you want to protect.
If it's just about showing images I have another idea.
I build that user group specific handling into Event Gallery, a Joomla! gallery component:
Doing this make creating different menu items unnecessary. Once the user logs in he can see his content. In addition the content is protected. A simple menu item might not do that trick.

How to deactivate facebook share button after click

is there some way to deactivate FB share button or mark it like "done" after sharinig content? Like button have two states which indicates if I "like" it or not. On the share button is not visible if I shared the content or not. Is there a way to do it?
The only way i could think of is by authorizing a user with publish_actions. In that case, the response will be the new post id, as you can read in the docs:
BUT: You should not do something like that anyway. Let the user share stuff several times if he wants to. He may want to select different recipients for the share.

activeadmin: how do I controle what header menu items show based on user

I would like to create some logic with in my Rails app that is using ActiveAdmin backend and I'm not sure if it's possible or not.
Basically I'm wanting to give each AdminUser a new property called client_id. When the user logs in I would like to filter what is shown to them in the header menu.
Each item in the header will all have a "client_id" so that I can filter them.
It's possible, but you'll be doing a bit of custom stuff to get that working.
I'd suggest you would be way better off just rolling your own admin setup. You're going to jump through hoops and do some hackery that doesn't feel right to make everything play nice.

How do I load a Sitecore sublayout automatically so that permissions are respected?

I've created a sublayout (usercontrol) with some simple html. I want to display this sublayout only if the user belongs to a certain role.
If I use the built in sitecore developer center to add the sublayout, I end up with something like
<sc:Sublayout runat="server"
RenderingID="{item guid here}"
ID="Sublayout1" placeholder="content"></sc:Sublayout>
Denying read permission for the sublayout used there has no affect (I assume it's getting loaded because the file path is there right? ). If I take the Path out I get nothing regardless of current user role.
I don't want to manually check if the current user is in the right role from the codebehind. What markup do I use to get the sublayout to consider the user's permissions and determine visibility?
I don't think it's possible to control sublayout visibility based on a user role in markup. If you dynamically added this sublayout to a placeholder, you could use conditional rendering ("Personalize" button in 6.5) to accomplish this, hiding the component unless the user is a member of a specific role.