How to put footer view at the bottom of collectionView? - uicollectionview

I have collectionView, and I need to have a footer view at the bottom of collectionView. When I'm adding UICollectionReusableView it looks like as "current footer". But I need as "footer2".
Please say is there a way to put footer view at the bottom of collectionView


How to addSubview to NSSrollView correctly?

My code:
#IBOutlet weak var scroller: NSScrollView!
var showSettingsButton = NSButton(frame: NSMakeRect(0, 860, 60, 40))
showSettingsButton.title = "Settings"
The button looks as intended by the scrollview keeps static, but when I scroll the ScrollView, the button just looks like this:
I want to put this button always in the down-left corner regardless of scroller's scrolling.
So which view should be the superView of this button?
It should be in your View. Put it underneath the Scroll View - Text View, but make sure it will be siblings with the Scroll View - Text View, and not a child.
If you're going to add it in code, add it like
For your requirement , you should subclass NSScrollView and override the "tile" method. There you can specify your buttons frame
When you want your Button not to scroll, why do you add it to the scroll view then?
Add it to view, the superview of scrollview. So make it a sibling of the scrollview. Just add the scrolliview first and the button next so that the button overwrites the scrollview and appears on top.
-> View
-> ScrollView
-> TextView (and anything that you want to scroll)
-> Button
You may want to do parts of this programmatically because IB or Storyboard Editor respectivey may change the view hierarchy again by making the button a subview of your scroll view.

How to display both text title and loading icon on the middle navigation?

If user clicks the icon, refresh starts. I found this library, but it can't display both text title and loading icon on the middle navigation.
Like this photo:
Navigation item has property named "titleView".
Crete your view as you wish with label and reloadButton and then assign titleView this view:
self.navigationItem.titleView = [self getCustomView];
UINavigationBar is kind of UIView, You can do addSubView: in that. So add UILabel & UIActivityIndicator.
Let me know if you need anymore clarification.
Refer this link for code

How to control nested scrollviews

In my iphone application I want to use 2 scrollviews and they have some images inside. Well, my question is when I scroll vertically on my first scrollview I want to explore the content of it however when I scroll horizontally I want to move to my second scrollview. I hope I explained clearly.
Well, I tried to use 3 scrollviews first of them located on the background, others are located on the first scrollview but I can only control the background scrollview or the others at once.
Is there a way to control first one horizontally and the others vertically.sorry for my english, hope it makes sense.
I have two recommendations.
1) Scrollviews can scroll horizontally and vertically - so you dont need two of them if you have content in a vertical direction and content in a horizontal direction. You can use one.
2) If for some reason you really do need 2, then you can detect a horizontal swipe by subclassing UIScrollView and switch to the other.
Remember that a UIScrollView will scroll in any direction that exceeds its contentSize. So all you need to do in the first case (1) is take the view that is inside say scrollview 2 (the horizontal scrollview) and put that view in the scroll view to the left or the right outside of the scrollviews viewport when the user scrolls they will see that view and can of course scroll vertically there as well.
If you use method 2 - make sure that the content size of scrollview one is at leat a few pixels more wide than the content size so that you can detect a horizontal swipe then invoke the coe to switch to your other scroll view. If you dont subclass UIScrollview to get the swipe you probably wont get the event. So do that add a little to the width of that view and then look for a value less than the left edge of the scroll view and switch to the other scroll view. You can do the same in reverse to go back to the previous scrollview.
I hope this helps - sorry no code at the moment, but I do have code working on iOS and OSX that does this.
You can distinguish both UIScrollView via if statement
Set delegate of both UIScrollView
Then compare your scrollView in its delegate method. You can change your delegate method according to your requirement -
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView willDecelerate:(BOOL)decelerate
if(firstScrollView == scrollView)
//Do your work for firstScrollView
if(secondScrollView == scrollView)
//Do your work for secondScrollView
try to do in delegates methords
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView willDecelerate:(BOOL)decelerate
-(void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
set some conditions like
//scroll vatical.
//scroll horizontal.
this is not complete code this is an idea Best of luck..

How to use NSScrollview?

I can't figure out how to actually use NSScrollview. I dragged the scroll view object onto an NSWindow in the interface builder. I then dragged some NSButtons onto the scroll view. My question is:
How do I actually make it scroll down, for example, 2x the original height?
Of course the user can scroll automatically using their UI. I assume what you want to do is to scroll programmatically.
A bit of background: An NSScrollView has a documentView, which is the underlying view that the scroll view shows a part of, and a clipView, which is the view that is shown on the screen. So the clip view is like a window into the document view. To scroll programmatically you tell the document view to scroll itself in the clip view.
You have two options on how to scroll programmatically:
- (void)scrollPoint:(NSPoint)aPoint –– This scrolls the document so the given point is at the origin of the clip view that encloses it.
- (BOOL)scrollRectToVisible:(NSRect)aRect –– This scrolls the document the minimum distance so the entire rectangle is visible. Note: This may not need to scroll at all in which case it returns NO.
So, for example, here is an example from Apple's Scroll View Programming Guide on how to scroll to the bottom of the document view. Assuming you have an IBOutlet called scrollView connected up to the NSScrollView in your nib file you can do the following:
- (void)scrollToBottom
NSPoint newScrollOrigin;
if ([[scrollview documentView] isFlipped]) {
newScrollOrigin = NSMakePoint(0.0,NSMaxY([[scrollview documentView] frame])
-NSHeight([[scrollview contentView] bounds]));
} else {
newScrollOrigin = NSMakePoint(0.0,0.0);
[[scrollview documentView] scrollPoint:newScrollOrigin];

NSScrollView content and scroller insets

What would be the best way to create content and scroller insets on an NSScrollView like one can set on a UIScrollView?
I'd like to be able to add a footer which is not spanned by the vertical scroller like that found at the bottom of's sidebar
Have an NSView that contains both your NSScrollView and your footer's view, with the scroll view's frame set to not overlap the footer.