Using implicit variable in function literal - kotlin

I started reading Kotlin course book. I stopped on function literals. Here I have a code:
val printMessage = { message: String -> println(message) }
Then I have an information that I can omit parameter type:
{ message -> println(message) }
And now I have next step:
"In fact, Kotlin has a neater trick. If there is only a single parameter and the type can beinferred, then the compiler will allow us to omit the parameter completely. In this case, itmakes the implicit variable it available:
And now after using this code I get an error "unresolved reference: it" and "too many arguments for public operator fun invoke(): ??? defined in kotlin.Function()":
val printMessage = {println(it)}
printMessage("print something")
My question is how to use implicit variable in single paramenter function literal?

See the Kotlin documentation, specifically where it says:
If the compiler can figure the signature out itself, it is allowed not
to declare the only parameter and to omit ->. The parameter will be
implicitly declared under the name it.
In your case, the compiler (at least up to current version 1.3.31) can't figure the signature out itself:
val printMessage = {println(it)}
But if you give your printMessage variable an explicit type, it will work:
val printMessage: (String) -> Unit = { println(it) }

You always need to provide all information about all generic parameters. If you want to omit it, it needs to be inferable from some other part of the code. The only information you provide though is that you want printMessage to be a lambda. So it assumes it to be of type ()->Unit. This is because you don't declare a parameter for the lambda itself. The implicit parameter it is therefore not usable.
val printMessage = { it: String -> println(it) }
val printMessage: (String)->Unit = { println(it) }
Simply put: If you're inside a lambda with one parameter, the implicit it can be used as this parameters name, but a reference named it within the body of the lambda doesn't declare the single parameter.


Different results on similar code with safe call operator in Kotlin

I'm new to Kotlin and these two below codes give different results.
fun main() {
var name: String? = "Rajat"
name = null
Output: Compilation Error (illegal access operation)
fun main() {
var name: String? = null
Output: null
When you do this assignment:
name = null
name is smart casted to Nothing?, which is problematic. Nothing is the subtype of every type, and so you become able to call any accessible extension functions of any type, according to the overload resolution rules here.
fun main() {
var name: String? = "Denis"
name = null
print(name?.myExtension()) // works
val nothing: Nothing? = null
print(nothing?.myExtension()) // also works
fun Int.myExtension(): Nothing = TODO()
Note that allowing you to call any extension function on Nothing is perfectly safe - name is null anyway, so nothing is actually called.
Char.toLowerCase and String.toLowerCase happen to be two of the extension functions that are accessible, and you can call both on name, which is now a Nothing?. Therefore, the call is ambiguous.
Note that smart casts only happens in assignments, not in initialisers like var name: String? = null. Therefore, name is not smart casted to Nothing? in this case:
fun main() {
var name: String? = null
print(name?.toLowerCase()) // better to use lowercase(), toLowerCase is deprecated!
For the reason why, see my answer here.
The actual error on your first example is
Overload resolution ambiguity: public inline fun Char.toLowerCase(): Char defined in kotlin.text public inline fun String.toLowerCase(): String defined in kotlin.text
Looks like the Kotlin compiler is being too smart for its own good here. What's happening, is that on the second example, you are explicitly defining a variable of type String? and assigning it some value (null in this case, but that doesn't matter).
On the second example, you are defining a variable of some type, and then telling the compiler "hey, after this assignment, name is always null". So then it remembers the more-specific "name is null" instead of "name is String?".
The standard library has two methods called toLowerCase, one on Char and one on String. Both of them are valid matches now, and the compiler is telling you it doesn't know which one to pick. In the end that won't matter, because name is null, but the compiler apparently doesn't use that final thing to throw out the method call altogether.

When do I use another function without paramters in Kotlin?

I'm a novice of Kotlin.
I found that I can use another function without parameters even if it has.
Let me know when I can use it.
Q1) Why can I use 2 types? (with parameters & without parameters) Is it Kotlin's feature?
Q2) What does it mean? ((Result!) -> Unit)!
It seems you are confused, you can never use a function without arguments. If the function has arguments then you have to fill the slot somehow.
The closest thing that could relate to what you are referring to is default values for arguments.
fun example(boolean: Boolean = true) {}
You can omit the argument because it has defaulted in the function signature.
The documentation
What you are showing in the image file is a lambda.
In the first example:
signIn(listener: Session...)
That seems to be a callback. So it is gonna be an interface or maybe an abstract class called when some async operation is finished.
The second example, it is the callback implemented as a lambda
signIn() { result ->
//do something
In Kotlin the last argument if it is a lambda or something that can be implemented as a lambda can be moved out of the parenthesis for syntactic sugar. A lambda is like an anonymous function, it is a literal of a function.
By example you can declare a lambda:
val lambda = {text: String -> text.lenght % 2 == 0}
fun setRuleForText(rule: (String)-> Boolean) {...}
setRuleForText() { text: String
In this case, the argument is a kotlin function. The argument rule is a function that receives a String as an argument and returns Boolean. Something to point out is that expressions return the last written value without the need for the reserved return word.
This is the documentation. And here you can see from a good source more about functions (the author is a Kotlin certified trained by Jetbrains)
In your case (Result) -> Unit means the lambda should receive a Result type as argument and then return Unit (unit is like void in Java but is more than that), no explicit return type.
signIn() { result ->
//do something
Most of the types, the argument on lambdas is inferred automatically, but if not, then
signIn() { result: Result ->
//do something
Both of the listed functions take a parameter.
The first is:
signIn(listener: Session.SignInListener!)
That takes a single parameter, of type Session.SignInListener.  (The ! means that Kotlin doesn't know whether it's nullable or not, because it's from Java and isn't annotated.)
The other is:
signIn {...} (listener: ((Result!) -> Unit)!)
That's the IDE's representation of the function with this signature:
signIn(listener: ((Result!) -> Unit)!)
That takes a single parameter, which is a function type (see below).
The reason the IDE shows it with braces is that in Kotlin, if the last parameter to a function is a lambda, you can move it outside the parentheses.  So a call like this:
signIn({ println(it) })
could equally well be written like this:
signIn() { println(it) }
The two forms mean exactly the same.  And, further, if the lambda is the only parameter, you can omit the parens entirely:
signIn { println(it) }
Again, it means exactly the same thing.
That syntax allows you to write functions that look like new language syntax.  For example:
repeat (10) {
// ...
looks like a new form of loop construct, but it's really just a function called repeat, which takes two parameter (an integer, and a lambda).
OK, let's look at that function type: ((Result!) -> Unit)!
That's the type of a function which takes one parameter of type Result, and returns Unit (i.e. nothing useful; think of it as the equivalent of void).  Again, it's complicated because Kotlin doesn't know about the nullability; both the Result parameter and the parameter holding this function have !s to indicate this.  (Without them, it would just be (Result) -> Unit.)

Difference between Any type and Generics in Kotlin

Suppose I have the following function definition.
fun<T> parse(a: Any): T = when (a) {
is String -> a
else -> false
I guessed it should be valid. However, the IntelliJ IDEA linter shows a type mismatch error
That being said, I would change the return type of my parse function to Any, right? So that, what is the difference between using Any type and Generics in Kotlin? In which cases should use each of those?
I did read the following question but not understood at all about star-projection in Kotlin due to the fact I am quite new.
Your return type it defined as T, but there is nothing assuring that T and a:Any are related. T may be more restrictive than Any, in which case you can't return a boolean or whatever you provided for a.
The following will work, by changing the return type from T to Any:
fun<T> parse(a: Any): Any = when (a) {
is String -> a
else -> false
Any alternate option, if you really want to return type T:
inline fun<reified T> parse(a: Any): T? = when (a) {
is T -> a
else -> null
Your example does not use T and thus it's nonsense to make it generic anyways.
Think about this: As a client you put something into a function, e.g. an XML-ByteArray which the function is supposed to parse into an Object. Calling the function you do not want to have it return Any (Casting sucks) but want the function return the type of the parsed object. THIS can be achieved with generics:
fun <T> parse(xml: ByteArray): T {
val ctx: JAXBContext = JAXBContext.newInstance()
val any = ctx.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(ByteArrayInputStream(xml))
return any as T
val int = parse<Int>("123".toByteArray())
val string = parse<String>("123".toByteArray())
Look at the method calls: You tell with generics what type is expected to be returned. The code is not useful and only supposed to give you an idea of generics.
I guessed it should be valid
Why would it be? You return a String in one branch and a Boolean in the other. So the common type for the entire when expression is Any and that's what the compiler (and IDEA) says is "found". Your code also says it should be T (which is "required").
Your generic method should work for any T, e.g. for Int, but Any isn't a subtype of Int and so the code isn't valid.
So that, what is the difference between using Any type and Generics in Kotlin?
This is like asking "what is the difference between using numbers and files": they don't have much in common in the first place. You use generics to write code which can work with all types T (or with all types satisfying some constraint); you use Any when you want the specific type Any.

How to save a function reference as the value in a Map type, and invoke it with a parameter later on in Kotlin?

val specials:Map<String, (Any)->Unit> = mapOf(
"callMe1" to {asParam1()},
"callMe2" to {asParam2()}
fun asParam1(num:Int) {
fun asParam2(text:String) {
fun caller() {
specials["callMe1"]?.invoke("print me")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
My requirement is simple, I want to save the function asParam1 and asParam2 as a value in the variable specials. And invoke it later on by fetching the value from a Map.
However, the compiler doesn't like it:
Error:(1, 40) Type inference failed. Expected type mismatch: inferred
type is Map Unit> but Map Unit> was
Error:(1, 69) No value passed for parameter num
Error:(1, 96) No value passed for parameter text
While this task is pretty simple in a weak typed language, I don't know how to do in Kotlin. Any help would be welcome. Thanks!
The correct syntax is "calllme" to ::asParam1.
But then the signatures will be wrong because the Map expects type (Any)->Unit and yours have (Int)->Unit and (String)->Unit. Here is an example that does not produce the error:
val specials:Map<String, (Any)->Unit> = mapOf(
"callMe1" to ::asParam1,
"callMe2" to ::asParam2
fun asParam1(num:Any) {
if(num is Int) println(num)
fun asParam2(text:Any) {
if(text is String) println(text)
fun caller() {
specials["callMe2"]?.invoke("print me")
Keep in mind, your code for the caller has special knowledge about how to call each of your functions (i.e., the correct parameter types), but the compiler does not have this same knowledge. You could accidentally call asParam1 passing a String instead of an Int (which is what your caller function was doing, I fixed it in my example) and that is not allowed. Which is why I changed the signatures of both asParam* to accept Any parameter, and then validated the expected type in each function (ignoring bad types).
If your intent is to pass integers in addition to strings to asParam2(), then change the body to test for both Int and String and convert the integer to a string.
When you write { asParam1() }, you create a lambda with an executable code block inside it, so you need to properly call the function asParam1(...), which requires an Int argument.
So, the first change you need to make is: { i -> asParam1(i) }.
But this code will still not pass the type checking, because, matching the type of the map, the lambda will be typed as (Any) -> Unit (the values in the map should all be able to accept Any, and a function that expects a narrower type cannot be a value in this map).
You then need to convert the Any argument to Int to be able to invoke the function: { i -> asParam1(i as Int) }
Finally, the map will look like this:
val specials: Map<String, (Any) -> Unit> = mapOf(
"callMe1" to { i -> asParam1(i as Int) },
"callMe2" to { s -> asParam2(s as String) }
The invocation stays unchanged, as in your code sample.
The function reference syntax (::asParam1) would allow you to reference a function that already accepts Any, it would not implicitly make the conversion described above. To use it, you would have to modify your functions to accept Any, as in #Les's answer.

How to define a oneline function calling a nullable variable function

If I have something like:
fun showProgressView() = ultraRecyclerView?.showProgressBar()
it says that it returns Unit? and not Unit (edited)
One way can be
fun showProgressView() = ultraRecyclerView?.showProgressBar() ?: Unit
but it looks not right for me.
Another way:
fun showProgressView() { ultraRecyclerView?.showProgressBar() }
But I cant find a way for android studio maintain that format.
If you use the short expression form of a function, the inferred result type of the expression determines the function return type. If that is a platform type from Java, it could be nullable. If it is a Kotlin type then it will know the correct nullability.
But since you use the safe operator ?. you are saying for sure it could be nullable. And if the result is null or Unit then that gives the inferred result type of Unit?
Which is odd, but is exactly what you are saying. Therefore, either use a normal function body with { .. } or give the function an explicit return type if possible.
fun showProgressView(): Unit { ultraRecyclerView?.showProgressBar() }
You can also erase the nullability, by creating an extension function on Unit?:
fun Unit?.void() = Unit
And use it whenever you want to fix the return type:
fun showProgressView() = ultraRecyclerView?.showProgressBar().void()
IntelliJ IDEA / Android Studio do not appear to have a setting to keep the style of a block body function on a single line. Even so, you can use run to get around this:
fun showProgressView() = run<Unit> { ultraRecyclerView?.showProgressBar() }
Normally you do not need to add explicit type arguments to run but in this case providing them gives you the desired method signature (return type of Unit and not Unit?).
Note: This answer is adapted from a comment I gave to why assignments are not statements.