Passing and using a parameter in a script in SQL Developer - sql

In SQL Developer,
I want to call a script like this:
#"path\to\script.sql" develop
and use the value develop in my script as a table prefix like this:
SELECT * FROM <parameter>_table; which should then evaluate to SELECT * FROM develop_table
Is something like this possible in SQL Developer?

See the article below. It will answer your question.
I'll make an example for you, based off that blog article.
Creating a dummy table:
INSERT INTO t(x, t) VALUES (1, 'Example');
The script below has been saved in C:\Users\William. The filename is example.sql.
Now, from SQL Developer, I execute:
#C:\Users\William\example.sql t
Note that when you pass a parameter to a script like this, you are passing the text value that is stored in implicitly-named substitution variables. The substitution variable is named according to its order (e.g., &1 then &2 then &3 etc.).
This is the script output:
old:SELECT *
new:SELECT *
-- ----------
1 Example
You should probably take some time to consider other solutions to the problem you are solving. You may not need to execute a script via SQL developer. Perhaps you'd be better off creating a procedure that generates dynamic SQL, based off parameters you feed to the procedure. You would then use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE on the dynamic SQL statement inside the procedure.
I personally might find that technique more useful when performing actions like ETL (as opposed to queries). Then again, I'm no expert, and there're probably even better solutions out there.


How to insert a sql script in a table column?

How to insert a sql script in a table column?
I have a table column which has ntext datatype. I will have to insert the whole function or stored procedure in the column.
Giving an example : sp_helptext 'sp_TestProcedure' will return the complete syntax of a stored procedure. How to populate the stored procedure script in a Table.
I can change the data type either ntext or nvarchar(max). Actual question is , how to insert the script in a column ?
This is not an insert of stored procedure result. This script which i am looking for is to insert the actual stored procedure (or) function (or) view in a table
You could take a look at sys.sql_modules, which contains definitions (code) for database objects.
INSERT INTO [dbo].[some_table] ([schema_name], [object_name], [definition])
OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME([object_id]) [schema_name],
OBJECT_NAME([object_id]) [object_name],
FROM sys.sql_modules
WHERE OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME([object_id]) = 'dbo'
AND OBJECT_NAME([object_id]) = 'some_object'
Update: As others have commented, if the purpose is to maintain version history it may be more effective to use some other source code control solution. Also, if you want to track any time code in database objects change you could look into implementing a DDL trigger. Just searching "ddl trigger to track schema changes" produced some promising results.
Also, I just stumbled across OBJECT_DEFINITION(), which may be helpful:
script is text. simply use the regular 'insert into' that sql server has.
when that script is inside a file, you need to read the contents of that file first. the method of doing that depends on the type of language you use - c, c#, java or python (whichever).
if you want to retrieve it, use the normal 'select' command.
however, I do not believe it's a good way of storing functions. being inside a file-system works (usually).

How should I select or display the out variable from a stored procedure call?

I'm writing a pretty basic stored procedure that just takes values from the sample DB2 database and computes the standard deviation. I wrote the procedure itself just fine, and I can call it without error. But I can't figure out how to actually display my result or select it in a statement. Everything I try results in a syntax error and I haven't been able to find anyone doing this specific task in my google searches.
This is the gist of my code (snipped for brevity):
(OUT std_dev real)
--do stuff
SET std_dev = 10; --changed for simplicity
All this runs, but just CALL doesn't create any output. What's the syntax to SELECT the out variable? I can't put a DECLARE before the CALL because it's not in a stored procedure, and PRINT doesn't work either.
(# is my terminal character because I'm using ; in the stored procedure)
Edit: Both the create procedure and call statements are made in the same SQL file, the database is connect to through localhost and I'm using DB2 and developing in IBM Data Studio 4.1.2.
From wherever the CALL is being made, that feature might present a Result Set, despite apparently not presenting the result of an OUT parameter. If so, then the stored procedure perhaps could be revised to return the OUT value [instead, or additionally] as a result set, so that the interface that accepts the CALL statement as input, might present that result-set. Regardless:
In a statement processor [e.g. that is not a GUI, but] for which SELECT query output is presented, the following scripted requests should likely suffice:
create variable my_real real
call SAL_STD_DEV(my_real)
select my_real from sysibm.sysdummy1

select stored proc plsql

I'm a bit confused by the stored procedure syntax in Oracle.
I started with a simple:
select * from test_table;
It works, then I put it in a proc:
select * from test_table;
Doesn't work. Expected "INTO" is the error message I get. Now, I've seen syntax examples of SQL Server code that just shoves a select statement into a proc and it works instantly, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.
T-SQL and PL/SQL are completely different languages. In particular, for PL/SQL you have to select the result into some variable or cursor. Depending on what you plan to do with the record data - process in the procedure - or return to the caller, will drive what you have to do.
In your example, if you want to return the record set, you would do something like this:
OPEN p_recordset FOR
select * from test_table;
END example ;
See this link for examples.
Hello and welcome to SO.
I assume the full error you're seeing would be PLS-00428: an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement and it is correct, you must have an INTO statement in a stored procedure.
I recommend this link for syntax relating to the SELECT INTO statement.
For your code I recommend this (I've changed from your test_table example to dba_user):
l_username VARCHAR(25);
select username INTO l_username from dba_users where user_id=1;
Note: The INTO clause works with 1 column from 1 row. You cannot select multiple records or columns into this. You would need to reference the BULK COLLECT feature to do that. For examples of that feel free to read here.
select * from test_table;
SQL and PL/SQL are nor the same. To execute a SQL in a procedure, the parser expects an INTO clause to store the value returned by the sql statement. In PL/SQL, there is a reason to execute a SQL statement. You want to use the result set later to process. Not just retrieve and do nothing.
Also, it is a bad idea to use select * in any production system. You don't want to dump all the columns data of the table on an application screen. There are many other reasons, however, not in the scope of this question.
You need to modify your SQL like following -
SELECT column_name INTO variable FROM table_name
There are several ways to fetch the data via SQL statement in PL/SQL. You need to elaborate your requirement and narrow down to specific steps here.
If you are learning about these concepts, I would recommend you to start reading the Oracle documentation first. Try and understand the concepts, and if you find any issues, then prepare a test case, explain your issue in words and then post a question. Too broad questions are difficult to answer, and are mostly considered out of scope.

How to supply values to sproc from table?

I need to insert values from a table into a sproc. For example:
exec mysproc #param1='col1', #param2='col2'
This can be done using a cursor but is there some way to do it via a set operation?
It is not possible to invoke an sproc as part of a "set operation". Probably, the reason for that is that the sproc might have arbitrary side-effects like modifying data, sending additional result sets (!) or shutting down the server.
A cursor is the canonical approach to this. (Alas.)
You could modify the sproc to take a TVP, of course. Not sure if that is workable for you.
I imagine that the method you choose would be based on the amount of time you have available and it's difficult to say which of these methods is most time consuming without being more intimate with the logic.
There are a few approaches to this problem.
As Robert Harvey has alluded to, you should maybe look at maybe
modifying the proc to accept a table valued parameter (if you are
using SQL Server 2008 upwards). If not, you could create a scalar
XML parameter that is "decoded" in to a table inside the proc.
Populate a #table with your "parameter data" and a ROW_NUMBER() and
use a WHILE loop to call the proc for each row in your #table.
Create a CURSOR (I hate giving CURSOR advice) of type FAST_FORWARD
and iteratively call the procedure.
Dynamic SQL; build up a SQL command string using EXEC or preferably
My opinion is that first prize would be to re-engineer the proc to
accept parameter filters. Going on the assumption that the dataset
you wish to create parameters from is the result of a filtered
SELECT Moo, Meow
WHERE Fu = #ParmX
AND Bar = #ParmY
Your proc should be called with #ParmX, #ParmY and the logic inside would then proceed in a set based manner.

How to convert a big set of SQL queries into a single stored procedure that uses a variable?

I am trying to convert a big list of SQL statements into a PostgreSQL stored procedure that uses a variable, one that should be populated from the result of one SELECT.
If you want to see what has to be run, you can check it here
As far as I know PostgreSQL does not allow use to use variables inside stored procedures that are using SQL language, so I'm looking for solutions that would require a minimal number of changes.
It's much easier after you find the right syntax:
Here is the procedure definition for plpgsql language:
DECLARE myvar integer;
-- use myvar
The code seems to be pretty repetitive. Will EXECUTE be of any help? (manual about execute) (example and more information) It allows you to run predefined queries and create new ones on the fly.