SQL: How to join two columns in a specific way? - sql

I am working with an Oracle Database and I am new to SQL in general.
I have a table with data and month columns. After filtering the data I have just a few rows left. But I want to get two columns: 1-st column with 12 months listed (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) and second column with values from original data (if exist) or zeroes.
F.e.: Original data:
9 96
What I want:
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 96
10 0
11 0
12 0
I have already tried to use join and union all functions but it didn't work out.

First generate a sequence of 12 months number then use left join
select monthNo, coalesce(Value,0) as value from
SELECT 1 MonthNo
FROM dual
)A left join originaltable b on A.monthNo=b.month

is this what are you looking for?
, tab2 AS(SELECT 9 as m, 96 as VALUE FROM DUAL)
select t1.m
,coalesce(t2.value,0) as value
from tab t1
left join tab2 t2 on t1.m = t2.m
order by 1

Bro enjoy...
select months.month ,original_data.VALUE
from original_data
Right JOIN (VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12)) months(month) on
months.month = original_data.MONTH
order by months.month --optional


Recursive query in DB2 to get all items in the chain

I have to retrieve all clients linked via loans by giving only one as input. Example I have a table data as
1 7
1 8
2 7
4 8
4 9
4 10
5 9
5 11
13 2
14 3
If I have given only input as CLIENT_ID=7 then the query has to select all the columns from above table except last two column because client_id 7 has 1,2 LOAN_ID and in 1 the CLIENT_ID 8 has loan_id=4 and in this loan CLIENT_id 9 has again 5 as loan_id.
can we write a sql query for this without stored procedure in DB2 ?
Here is the answer to your question using recursive CTE query:
WITH links AS
client_id as c1,
client_id as c2, 0 as distance
-- recursion
l.c1 as c1,
tt.client_id as c2,
distance = distance + 1
links l INNER JOIN
myTable t ON l.c2 = t.client_id
AND l.loan_id != t.loan_id INNER JOIN
myTable tt ON t.loan_id = tt.loan_id
AND t.client_id != tt.client_id
SELECT * FROM myTable t
(SELECT * FROM links
WHERE c2 = t.client_id and c1 = 7);
I have left distance inside the query to make it easier to understand.

SQL group numbers that are 'close' together using a threshold value

Consider the table:
id value
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 9
5 10
6 12
7 19
8 20
9 22
I want to group them by a threshold value so that I can find values that are 'close' together.
To do this I want another column that groups these numbers together. For this example use 2 as the
threshold. The result should be like this. It does not matter what is used as the group label, just
as long as it makes it easy to query later.
id value group_label
1 2 A
2 4 A
3 6 A
4 9 B
5 10 B
6 12 B
7 19 C
8 20 C
9 22 C
I couldn't get the version using lag() to work but here's a mysql query using variables
select id, value,
when (value - #value) > 2
then #groupLabel := #groupLabel + 1
else #groupLabel
end) groupLabel, #value := value
from data cross join (
select #value := -1, #groupLabel := 0
) t1
order by value
Here's a query using lag
select t1.id, t1.value, count(t2.id)
from data t1 left join (
select id, value,
case when
(value - lag(value) over (order by value)) > 2
then 1 else 0
end groupLabel
from data
) t2 on t2.groupLabel = 1
and t2.id <= t1.id
group by t1.id, t1.value
order by t1.value

SQL query count (recursive)

I have the following table on my database which contains some transactions for which I need to calc points and rewards.
Every time a TxType A occurs I should record 10 points.
Then I have to subtract from these points the value of the PP column every time a TxType B occurs.
When the calculation goes to zero a reward is reached.
ID TxType PP
1 A 0
2 B 2
3 B 1
4 B 1
5 B 1
6 B 3
7 B 1
8 B 1
9 A 0
10 B 4
11 B 3
12 B 2
13 B 1
14 A 0
15 B 2
I have created the sql query to calc points as follow
WHEN TxType = 'A' THEN 10
WHEN TxType = 'B' THEN (PP * -1)
FROM myTable
This query return the value of 8, which is exactly the number of points based on the sample data.
How do I calculate the rewards occurred (2 in the given example)?
thanks for helping
One way to do the calculation (in SQL Server 2008) using a correlated subquery:
select t.*,
(select sum(case when TxType = 'A' then 10
when TxType = 'B' then PP * -1
from mytable t2
where t2.id <= t.id
) as TheSum
from mytable t;
You can then apply the logic of what happens when the value is 0. In SQL Server 2012, you could just use a cumulative sum.
To complete Gordon Linoff's the answer, you just need to count the records where TheSum is 0 to get how many rewards occurred:
FROM #myTable t2
WHERE t2.id <= t1.id
) AS TheSum
FROM #myTable t1
) Result
WHERE TheSum = 0

SQL query to group based on sum

I have a simple table with values that I want to chunk/partition into distinct groups based on the sum of those values (up to a certain limit group sum total).
e.g.,. imagine a table like the following:
Key Value
A 1
B 4
C 2
D 2
E 5
F 1
And I would like to group into sets such that no one grouping's sum will exceed some given value (say, 5).
The result would be something like:
Group Key Value
1 A 1
B 4
Total: 5
2 C 2
D 2
Total: 4
3 E 5
Total: 5
4 F 1
Total: 1
Is such a query possible?
While I am inclined to agree with the comments that this is best done outside of SQL, here is some SQL which would seem to do roughly what you're asking:
with mytable AS (
select 'A' AS [Key], 1 AS [Value] UNION ALL
select 'B', 4 UNION ALL
select 'C', 2 UNION ALL
select 'D', 2 UNION ALL
select 'E', 5 UNION ALL
select 'F', 1
, Sums AS (
select T1.[Key] AS T1K
, T2.[Key] AS T2K
, (SELECT SUM([Value])
FROM mytable T3
WHERE T3.[Key] <= T2.[Key]
AND T3.[Key] >= T1.[Key]) AS TheSum
from mytable T1
inner join mytable T2
on T2.[Key] >= T1.[Key]
select S1.T1K AS StartKey
, S1.T2K AS EndKey
, S1.TheSum
from Sums S1
left join Sums S2
on (S1.T1K >= S2.T1K and S1.T2K <= S2.T2K)
and S2.TheSum > S1.TheSum
and S2.TheSum <= 5
where S1.TheSum <= 5
When I ran this code on SQL Server 2008 I got the following results:
StartKey EndKey Sum
A B 5
C D 4
E E 5
F F 1
It should be straightforward to construct the required groups from these results.
If you want to have only two members or less in each set, you can use the following query:
A.[Key] as K1 ,
B.[Key] as K2 ,
isnull(A.value,0) as V1 ,
isnull(B.value,0) as V2 ,
(A.value+B.value)as Total
from Table_1 as A left join Table_1 as B
on A.value+B.value<=5 and A.[Key]<>B.[Key]
For finding sets having more members, you can continue to use joins.

What is the SQL for 'next' and 'previous' in a table?

I have a table of items, each of which has a date associated with it. If I have the date associated with one item, how do I query the database with SQL to get the 'previous' and 'subsequent' items in the table?
It is not possible to simply add (or subtract) a value, as the dates do not have a regular gap between them.
One possible application would be 'previous/next' links in a photo album or blog web application, where the underlying data is in a SQL table.
I think there are two possible cases:
Firstly where each date is unique:
Sample data:
What query (or queries) would give 3 and 19 when supplied 8 as the parameter? (or the rows 3,8,19). Note that there are not always three rows to be returned - at the ends of the sequence one would be missing.
Secondly, if there is a separate unique key to order the elements by, what is the query to return the set 'surrounding' a date? The order expected is by date then key.
Sample data:
(key:date) 1:1,2:3,3:8,4:8,5:19,10:19,11:67,15:45,16:8
What query for '8' returns the set:
or what query generates the table:
key date prev-key next-key
1 1 null 2
2 3 1 3
3 8 2 4
4 8 3 16
5 19 16 10
10 19 5 11
11 67 10 15
15 45 11 null
16 8 4 5
The table order is not important - just the next-key and prev-key fields.
Both TheSoftwareJedi and Cade Roux have solutions that work for the data sets I posted last night. For the second question, both seem to fail for this dataset:
(key:date) 1:1,2:3,3:8,4:8,5:19,10:19,11:67,15:45,16:8
The order expected is by date then key, so one expected result might be:
and another:
key date prev-key next-key
1 1 null 2
2 3 1 3
3 8 2 4
4 8 3 16
5 19 16 10
10 19 5 11
11 67 10 15
15 45 11 null
16 8 4 5
The table order is not important - just the next-key and prev-key fields.
Select max(element) From Data Where Element < 8
Select min(element) From Data Where Element > 8
But generally it is more usefull to think of sql for set oriented operations rather than iterative operation.
For the table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[stackoverflow_203302](
[val] [int] NOT NULL
With parameter #val
SELECT cur.val, MAX(prv.val) AS prv_val, MIN(nxt.val) AS nxt_val
FROM stackoverflow_203302 AS cur
LEFT JOIN stackoverflow_203302 AS prv
ON cur.val > prv.val
LEFT JOIN stackoverflow_203302 AS nxt
ON cur.val < nxt.val
WHERE cur.val = #val
GROUP BY cur.val
You could make this a stored procedure with output parameters or just join this as a correlated subquery to the data you are pulling.
Without the parameter, for your data the result would be:
val prv_val nxt_val
----------- ----------- -----------
1 NULL 3
3 1 8
8 3 19
19 8 45
45 19 67
67 45 NULL
For the modified example, you use this as a correlated subquery:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[stackoverflow_203302](
[ky] [int] NOT NULL,
[val] [int] NOT NULL,
[ky] ASC
SELECT cur.ky AS cur_ky
,cur.val AS cur_val
,prv.ky AS prv_ky
,prv.val AS prv_val
,nxt.ky AS nxt_ky
,nxt.val as nxt_val
SELECT cur.ky, MAX(prv.ky) AS prv_ky, MIN(nxt.ky) AS nxt_ky
FROM stackoverflow_203302 AS cur
LEFT JOIN stackoverflow_203302 AS prv
ON cur.ky > prv.ky
LEFT JOIN stackoverflow_203302 AS nxt
ON cur.ky < nxt.ky
GROUP BY cur.ky
) AS ordering
INNER JOIN stackoverflow_203302 as cur
ON cur.ky = ordering.ky
LEFT JOIN stackoverflow_203302 as prv
ON prv.ky = ordering.prv_ky
LEFT JOIN stackoverflow_203302 as nxt
ON nxt.ky = ordering.nxt_ky
With the output as expected:
cur_ky cur_val prv_ky prv_val nxt_ky nxt_val
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 1 NULL NULL 2 3
2 3 1 1 3 8
3 8 2 3 4 19
4 19 3 8 5 67
5 67 4 19 6 45
6 45 5 67 NULL NULL
In SQL Server, I prefer to make the subquery a Common table Expression. This makes the code seem more linear, less nested and easier to follow if there are a lot of nestings (also, less repetition is required on some re-joins).
Firstly, this should work (the ORDER BY is important):
select min(a)
from theTable
where a > 8
select max(a)
from theTable
where a < 8
For the second question that I begged you to ask...:
select *
from theTable
where date = 8
union all
select *
from theTable
where key = (select min(key)
from theTable
where key > (select max(key)
from theTable
where date = 8)
union all
select *
from theTable
where key = (select max(key)
from theTable
where key < (select min(key)
from theTable
where date = 8)
order by key
SELECT 'next' AS direction, MIN(date_field) AS date_key
FROM table_name
WHERE date_field > current_date
GROUP BY 1 -- necessity for group by varies from DBMS to DBMS in this context
SELECT 'prev' AS direction, MAX(date_field) AS date_key
FROM table_name
WHERE date_field < current_date
direction date_key
--------- --------
prev 3
next 19
My own attempt at the set solution, based on TheSoftwareJedi.
First question:
select date from test where date = 8
union all
select max(date) from test where date < 8
union all
select min(date) from test where date > 8
order by date;
Second question:
While debugging this, I used the data set:
(key:date) 1:1,2:3,3:8,4:8,5:19,10:19,11:67,15:45,16:8,17:3,18:1
to give this result:
select * from test2 where date = 8
union all
select * from (select * from test2
where date = (select max(date) from test2
where date < 8))
where key = (select max(key) from test2
where date = (select max(date) from test2
where date < 8))
union all
select * from (select * from test2
where date = (select min(date) from test2
where date > 8))
where key = (select min(key) from test2
where date = (select min(date) from test2
where date > 8))
order by date,key;
In both cases the final order by clause is strictly speaking optional.
If your RDBMS supports LAG and LEAD, this is straightforward (Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server 2012)
These allow to choose the row either side of any given row in a single query
Try this...
WHERE Col >= (SELECT MAX(Col) FROM YourTable b WHERE Col < #Parameter)