What does stateful mean in tensorflow metrics in my case? - tensorflow

I don't really understand the explanation of a stateful metric here: Keras metrics with TF backend vs tensorflow metrics
Now, if I split my evaluation data in batches and for each batch I use tf.metrics.precision for the precision, does it mean that the previous variables (counter false positives etc. ) are used for the calculation in the next batch? That would be really bad, since I want the single evaluations for each batch (that is why I do the split!)
If this is the case how can I reset the variables for each batch.
I need the single values from each batch for a mean afterwards.

The reason why tf.metrics.Precision and the like (Recall, etc) store true/false positive is because we do not want to estimate them batch-wise (unlike Accuracy or Loss, etc). The original implementation of Precision in keras (noted, not tf.keras) did exactly what you described (single evaluations for each batch and then aggregate afterward) but was later removed in version 2.0.0 because this way of computing global metric is "more misleading than helpful" (https://github.com/keras-team/keras/issues/5794).
But you may still do what you want to do, you can subclass tf.metrics.Metric and implement the logic of Precision in update_state method. The Metric API doc on Tensorflow has an example of custom Metrics. https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/metrics/Metric
I hope this is helpful!


DIfferent optimization with different TF versions

I'm trying to train a convolutional neural network with keras and Tensorflow version 2.6, also I did it with Tensorflow version 1.11. I think that I did the migration okey (two neural networks converged) but when I see the results they are very different, worst in TF2.6, I used an optimizer Adam for both cases with the same hyperparameters (learning_rate = 0.001) but the optimization in the loss function in TF1.11 is better than in TF2.6
I'm trying to find out where the differences could be. What things must be taken into account when we work with differents TF versions? Can have important numerical differences? I know that in TF1.x the default mode is graph and in TF2 the default is eager, I don't know if this could bring different behavior in the training.
It surprises me how much the loss function is reduced in the first epochs reaching a lower value at the end of the training.
you understand that is correct they are working in different working modes eager and graph but the loss Fn is defined by how much change of value to required optimized pointed calculated by your or configured method.
You cannot directly be compared one model training history to another directly, running it several time you experience TF 1 is faster and smaller in the number of losses in the loss Fn that is needed to review the changelog Changlog
Loss Fn are updated, the graph is the powerful technique we know but TF 2.x supports access of the value at its level, why you have easy delegated methods such as callback, dynamic FNs, and working update value runtime. ( Trends to understand and experiments for student or user compared by both versions on the same tasks )
Symetrics in methods not create different results.

Is there a way to retrieve the weights from a GPflow GPR model?

Is there a way to retrieve the weights from a GPflow GPR model?
I do not necessarily need the explicit weights. However, I have two issues that may be solved using the weights:
I would like to compile and send a trained model to a third party. I
would like to do this without sending the training data and without
the third party having access to the training data.
I would like to be able to predict new mean values without
calculating new variances. Currently predict_f calculates both the
mean and the variance, but I only use the mean. I believe I could
speed up my prediction significantly if I didn't calculate the
I could resolve both of these issues if I could retrieve the weights from the GPR model after training. However, if it is possible to resolve these tasks without ever dealing with explicit weights, that would be even better.
It's not entirely clear what you mean by "explicit weights", but if you mean alpha = Kxx^{-1} y where Kxx is the evaluation of k(x,x') and y is the vector of observation targets, then you can get that by using the Posterior object (see https://github.com/GPflow/GPflow/blob/develop/gpflow/posteriors.py), which you get by calling posterior = model.posterior(). You can then access posterior.alpha.
Re 1.: However, for predictions you still need to be able to compute Kzx the covariance between new test points and the training points, so you will also need to provide the training locations and kernel hyperparameters.
This also means that you cannot rely on this to keep your training data secret, as the third party could simply compute Kxx instead of Kzx and then get back y = Kxx # alpha. You can avoid sharing exact (x,y) training set pairs by using a sparse approximation (this would remove "individual identifiability" at least). But I still wouldn't rely on it for privacy.
Re 2.: The Posterior object already provides much faster predictions; if you only ask for full_cov=False (marginal variances, the default), then you're at worst about a factor ~3 or so slower than predicting just the mean (in practice, I would guesstimate less than 1.5x as slow). As of GPflow 2.3.0, there is no implementation within GPflow of predicting the mean only.

Is there a way to measure the back-ward pass of a model?

There is a relevant question here already TensorFlow: Is there a way to measure FLOPS for a model?
However, the answer given by #Tobias Scheck is the forward pass stats.
Is there a way to measure/estimate the backward pass as well?
If you just want to get a quick number, you can simply add
grads = tf.gradients(C, [A, B])
to #Tobias Scheck's code to construct the gradient computation nodes. Then, subtract the new number (with gradient ops) from the original one (without gradient ops) to get the estimated flops.
A word of caution about using this method in larger projects. This method uses static analysis of the whole graph. This has a few problems including:
The flops from ops in a while loop will be added only once.
Ops that are never normally run (some TF functionalities can leave garbage ops in the graph) will be added.
This analysis heavily depends on shape inference. It might not be available for all ops.
This analysis depends on registering functions that can estimate the flops of a given op. There can be ops without such functions and such functions don't precisely model the flops done by the actual kernel your TF will pick to execute the op.
For more info see: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/r1.8/tensorflow/core/profiler/g3doc/profile_model_architecture.md
It is better to use this in conjunction with an actual run record (RunMetadata) or use a purely runtime based approach, e.g. Can I measure the execution time of individual operations with TensorFlow?, and do some filtering/aggregation on the results.

xgboost using the auc metric correctly

I have a slightly imbalanced dataset for a binary classification problem, with a positive to negative ratio of 0.6.
I recently learned about the auc metric from this answer: https://stats.stackexchange.com/a/132832/128229, and decided to use it.
But I came across another link http://fastml.com/what-you-wanted-to-know-about-auc/ which claims that, the AUC-ROC is insensitive to class imbalance, and we should use AUC for a precision-recall curve.
The xgboost docs are not clear on which AUC they use, do they use AUC-ROC?
Also the link mentions that AUC should only be used if you do not care about the probability and only care about the ranking.
However since i am using a binary:logistic objective i think i should care about probabilities since i have to set a threshold for my predictions.
The xgboost parameter tuning guide https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/blob/master/doc/how_to/param_tuning.md
also suggests an alternate method to handle class imbalance, by not balancing positive and negative samples and using max_delta_step = 1.
So can someone explain, when is the AUC preffered over the other method for xgboost to handle class imbalance. And if i am using AUC , what is the threshold i need to set for prediction or more generally how exactly should i use AUC for handling imbalanced binary classification problem in xgboost?
I also need to eliminate false positives more than false negatives, how can i achieve that, apart from simply varying the threshold, with binary:logistic objective?
According the xgboost parameters section in here there is auc and aucprwhere prstands for precision recall.
I would say you could build some intuition by running both approaches and see how the metrics behave. You can include multiple metric and even optimize with respect to whichever you prefer.
You can also monitor the false positive (rate) in each boosting round by creating custom metric.
XGboost chose to write AUC (Area under the ROC Curve), but some prefer to be more explicit and say AUC-ROC / ROC-AUC.

When using tensorboard, how to summarize a loss that is computed over several minibatches?

I would like to use Tensorboard to visualize the evolution of the loss over a validation sample. But the validation set is too large to compute in one minibatch. Therefore, to compute my validation loss, I have to call session.run several times over several minibatches covering the validation set. Then I sum the loss (in python) of each minibatches to obtain the full validation loss.
My problem is that tf.scalar_summary seems to have to be attached to a tensorflow node. But I would need to somehow "attach" it to the sum of the values of a node over several run of session.run.
Is there a way to do that? Maybe by directly summarizing the python float that contains the sum of the minibatch losses? But I have not seen in the docs a way to "summarize" for tensorboard a python value that is outside of a computation. The example in the "How-To" section of the doc is only concerned with losses that can be computed in a single call to session.run.
You could add a Variable that is updated on each sess.Run call and have the summary track the value of the Variable.