Know if a cy instance has been destroyed - cytoscape.js

Is there any way to know if an instance has been destroyed?
I wait for some network requests to return in order to update styling to my elements, but when some request finish I have already changed the cy instance.

When an instance is destroyed destroy event is triggered.
cy.on('destroy', () => {console.log('destroyed')});
// console output: destroyed
There is also an undocumented method cy.isDestroyed() which returns true/false. Internally this method just returns cy._private.destroyed variable.


When you pass a callback to a useState setter function, where does that callback receive its own arguments from?

I'm really curious about this block of code:
const countDown = () => {
setMillis((time) => {
if (time === 0) {
return time;
const timeLeft = time - 1000;
return timeLeft;
From this larger file here:
Specifically, how does setMillis' callback function ever receive a variable for time? I can't see anywhere where a variable would ever be passed to countDown that could go to setMillis's callback function? This is generally just a very confusing block of code for me. Where would the value for time ever come from?
The function setMillis is the setter function of a state. A setter function for a state receives the current state as an argument. This is by design. The framework does this as documented here. The first argument of the setter function of a state is an updater function which receives state as an argument.
state is a reference to the component state at the time the change is being applied.
You have the freedom to call this variable however you like.
In summary: the useState hook is an internal functionality provided by the React framework. It consists of two things: a state object and a setter function which can be used to update the state. The state handling is performed by React in the background. Hence, the reason we can access time in your example is because the framework passes it to our updater function.

What happens when back button is pressed before asynchronous call is completed?

I have view models that are being stored in an array list on the application class. So their lifetime continues even if the activity gets destroyed because of rotation (however once isFinishing is true then the view model instance is removed from the list and ceases to exist).
I also have data service singletons that are used by the view models that also live indefinitely. So if I start an async call in my view model using the anko async block i.e.
async {
val data = DataService.instance.getData()
uiThread {
if (data != null) {
//do something
What happens if the user presses the back button before the call completes? IsFinishing will be true and my view model instance will no longer exist. Will the async call exception when it returns or will it die gracefully?
The code within uiThread call won't get executed if the underlying activity/fragment context has been garbage collected. A uiThread call within an async call will hold a WeakReference to the context, so the often encountered context memory leak won't occur. Details here.
I guess it will gracefully die. You could write a small test program in which you debug the behaviour. However, I would strongly suggest to keep a reference/pointer to the asynchronous task and kill it when you press the back button. No need to let it run in the background if you do not need the result / cannot handle the result anymore right

is there way to check if performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: has been registered?

I whould like to know if there is a way to determine if performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: for the given object has been called (registered to be called). (I could use cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:selector:object: and re-call performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:, ok but I'm interested to know if there is the alternative).
The best thing to do would be to make sure that the selector being called can be called multiple times safely.
For example, use a flag in the target object to track if the method has already been invoked e.g.
-targetSelector: (id) param
if (!hasBeenRun) // hasBeenRun is a boolean intance variable
hasBeenRun = true;
// other stuff

Can we fire an event when ever there is Incoming and Outgoing call in iphone?

Can I fire an event when ever there is Incoming and Outgoing call ends on iphone? Axample of an event is calling a webservice .
Yes you can, but not necessarily immediately.
There is a framework, called the CoreTelephony framework, which has a CTCallCenter class. One of the properties on this class is the callEventHandler property. This is a block that gets fired when then state of a phone call changes. For example:
CTCallCenter *callCenter = ...; // get a CallCenter somehow; most likely as a global object or something similar?
[callCenter setCallEventHandler:^(CTCall *call) {
if ([[call callState] isEqual:CTCallStateConnected]) {
//this call has just connected
} else if ([[call callState] isEqual:CTCallStateDisconnected]) {
//this call has just ended (dropped/hung up/etc)
That's really about all you can do with this. You don't get access to any phone numbers. The only other useful tidbit of information is an identifier property on CTCall so you uniquely identify a CTCall object.
This event handler is not invoked unless your app is in the foreground! If you make and receive calls while the app is backgrounded, the event handler will not fire until your app becomes active again, at which point (according to the documentation linked to above) the event handler will get invoked once for each call that has changed state while the app was in the background.
No but you do get callbacks into the app when those events happen.
-(void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application{
//our app is going to loose focus since thier is an incoming call
[self pauseApp];
-(void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application{
//the user declined the call and is returning to our app
[self resumeApp];
No. As of the current SDK, this is not possible. Apple does not allow apps to have such hooks.

How can my app detect a change to another app's window?

In Cocoa on the Mac, I'd like to detect when a window belonging to another app is moved, resized, or repainted. How can I do this?
You would need to use the Accessibility APIs, which are plain-C, located inside the ApplicationServices framework. For instance:
First you create an application object:
AXUIElementRef app = AXUIElementCreateApplication( targetApplicationProcessID );
Then you get the window from this. You can request the window list and enumerate, or you can get the frontmost window (look in AXAttributeConstants.h for all the attribute names you'd use).
AXUIElementRef frontWindow = NULL;
AXError err = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue( app, kAXMainWindowAttribute, &frontWindow );
if ( err != kAXErrorSuccess )
// it failed -- maybe no main window (yet)
Now you can request notification via a C callback function when a property of this window changes. This is a four-step process:
First you need a callback function to receive the notifications:
void MyAXObserverCallback( AXObserverRef observer, AXUIElementRef element,
CFStringRef notificationName, void * contextData )
// handle the notification appropriately
// when using ObjC, your contextData might be an object, therefore you can do:
SomeObject * obj = (SomeObject *) contextData;
// now do something with obj
Next you need an AXObserverRef, which manages the callback routine. This requires the same process ID you used to create the 'app' element above:
AXObserverRef observer = NULL;
AXError err = AXObserverCreate( applicationProcessID, MyObserverCallback, &observer );
if ( err != kAXErrorSuccess )
// handle the error
Having got your observer, the next step is to request notification of certain things. See AXNotificationConstants.h for the full list, but for window changes you'll probably only need these two:
AXObserverAddNotification( observer, frontWindow, kAXMovedNotification, self );
AXObserverAddNotification( observer, frontWindow, kAXResizedNotification, self );
Note that the last parameter there is passing an assumed 'self' object as the contextData. This is not retained, so it's important to call AXObserverRemoveNotification when this object goes away.
Having got your observer and added notification requests, you now want to attach the observer to your runloop so you can be sent these notifications in an asynchronous manner (or indeed at all):
CFRunLoopAddSource( [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] getCFRunLoop],
kCFRunLoopDefaultMode );
AXUIElementRefs are CoreFoundation-style objects, so you need to use CFRelease() to dispose of them cleanly. For cleanliness here, for example, you would use CFRelease(app) once you've obtained the frontWindow element, since you'll no longer need the app.
A note about Garbage-Collection: To keep an AXUIElementRef as a member variable, declare it like so:
__strong AXUIElementRef frontWindow;
This instructs the garbage collector to keep track of this reference to it. When assigning it, for compatibility with GC and non-GC, use this:
frontWindow = (AXUIElementRef) CFMakeCollectable( CFRetain(theElement) );
Further research turned up "Quartz Display Services"
The interesting function for my needs is CGRegisterScreenRefreshCallback.