How to run DVFS on gem5? - gem5

I ran the gem5 and could run ARM and full system on I need to run DVFs on gem5 but I do not do it and looking sites for example :
but I don't understand and I don't know how to run DVFS on gem5.please help me and guide how I can do it and introduction site or reference for it?


Could not find List::Util

I'm trying to compile some raku code I saw on The code is from Why is Raku reporting "two terms in a row" when I define a new operator?.
It begins like this:
unit module Format;
use List::Util;
It fails to compile with:
 raku ./main.raku
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/runner/l4gp3hvdnhd/./main.raku
Could not find List::Util in:
at /home/runner/l4gp3hvdnhd/./main.raku:3
exit status 1
On the other hand I see this is a valid module -
Why is it failing?
TL;DR Run zef install --/test List::Util in the console, put use lib '.'; at the top of your Raku main.raku, and run, don't walk, with your program, before gremlins gleefully render your efforts in vain. Or maybe just listen to Liz and Rawley.
As Liz and Rawley have noted, you need List::Util installed.
But while I largely agree with them in practice (it may be a pain to use replit to do what you're trying to do) I think a different response to complement theirs might be helpful.
One of the ways replit is trying to distinguish itself from other online evaluators, is that it is trying to be akin to a full dev environment.
In reality it's early days in their ambitious project, and beggars can't be choosers (if you're not paying, it's hard to complain if things don't work out as you might want), but of particular relevance for this SO it is worth noting that it does have console/shell facilities and they've installed Rakudo Star, or perhaps just something like it, including the Raku package manager pretty much everyone uses (zef).
Thus this command, which I just ran in replit's console of a new raku session, worked:
zef install --/test List::Util;
(The --/test tells zef not to run tests. I've only got a free account and it looked like replit killed zef's process when I ran just zef install List::Util during its running of tests. Presumably they take too long, but I don't know.)
And then this main.raku also worked:
use lib '.'; # Tell Raku(do) libs are in current directory.
use List::Util <notall>; # Load and import `notall` from module.
say notall { 42 }, 99; # Try it.
But now the rub. As I was composing this answer, the expected happened. My internet connection momentarily flaked out, the replit rebooted the session, and while my main.raku code was rescued, both List::Util and my console history had disappeared, so I had to paste the install command again and rerun it to get the module installed again.
It's all just throwaway container magic, and there's only so much replit has done thus far to make the simulation of a real full local dev environment really work.
Maybe if your Internet connection is rock solid and/or you're using a paid replit account and/or it's the full moon, it'll all work out. Or maybe you're best off following Rawley's advice.
Speaking of which (I mean Rawley's advice to set up your Raku dev environment locally), if you do install locally you can also install the awesome free version of CommaIDE.
You do not have List::Util installed. Since you're using an online interpreter you will most likely have a lot of trouble doing this. Instead I recommend installing Raku on your local machine with rakubrew.
Then run the following commands:
rakubrew build # Make sure to follow the instructions at the end
rakubrew build-zef
zef install List::Util
Now you should be able to run your code on your local machine, and you'll have access to the List::Util library.

Modules of Veins documentation

Does anyone know how to use the make proxy command from the command line in order to see the documentations of the modules? I have installed Instant Veins 5.0 i2 with SimuLTE. It doesn't work generating from the IDE of OMNeT++, it returns an error and the cars simulation can't run, so i need to re-install the whole instant-veins-5.0-i2-simulte.ova file from scratch.
For "Veins LTE 1.3", module documentation can be generated by opening a terminal, changing to the veins/ directory (the one that contains, and running make doxy. Module documentation is then available in doc/doxy/index.html.
Note, however, that Veins LTE has not been in active development for quite some time and integrating much more recent versions of SimuLTE and Veins is now possible via Veins_INET. For more details, see

Is there an updated disk image binary for the x86 architecture for running gem5 in full system mode?

I am currently using the linux-x86.img which I downloaded from the documentation page for gem5 (, but since I was not able to compile the fscanf and fopen commands on this image I was wondering if there is a more recent image which I could download and use instead.
The error message throw when trying to compile the lines with fopen and fscanf are
./obj/edgelist.o: In function loadEdgeArray': edgelist.c:(.text+0x148): undefined reference to __isoc99_fscanf'
./obj/edgelist.o: In function loadEdgeArrayInfo': edgelist.c:(.text+0x20c): undefined reference to __isoc99_fscanf'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [test] Error 1
This error is thrown when trying to compile from both from qemu as well as gem5.
Here's one setup that generates such an image with Buildroot. I'm a fan of Buildroot because it builds everything from source. I don't understand how fscanf and fopen could fail in that image, but I have tested them in the above setup and they work fine.
Boot used to work in the past, but gem5 X86 full system boot has been broken for likely easy to fix reasons for a few months now as of March 2020 on the gem5 side, although there are efforts in place to fix it, and so likely it will work again soon:
Other alternatives include: which Jason has been pushing and uses Packer to generate disk images
You can also extract working disk images from Docker: This requires exporting them to a file to give to gem5.
It is also worth noting that when the website migrated from the old Wiki to the new static website setup in Q1 2020, we lost the ability of doing directory listing under for some reason, and so devs were forced to list them one by one on the static website...
I am not sure why the error is no longer occurring for me, but documenting the steps I went through which might have fixed something. I reinstalled Ubuntu18.04 therefore had to rebuild gem5 and I used the parsec image ( referenced in this answer Booting gem5 X86 Ubuntu Full System Simulation

RISCV tests seem to have no code in start_pc

I've cloned this repo and built tests using toolchain.
But faced some issues:
riscv-qemu faults running these tests (segfault or memory allocation fault). Followed the instruction on your site
starting pc in the test header (ex., rv32(64)mi-p-csr) is set to 80002000, but there is no code in this place (section .tohost)
Can you explain me how to fix this?
Currently on RISCV v1.9 as latest avaliable

poclbm not reporting hashes to deepbit or slush

I run poclbm on my system but for some reason both deepbit and slush don't "see" the work being performed. My system reports about 200 megabashes per second being done. I tried mining with my cpu using the same settings, and then both deepbit and slush recognized that work was being performed.
These are the errors I am getting out of the respective mining hardware (every minute or so):
poclbm error: 22/02/2013 21:50:59, Verification failed, check hardware! (0:0:Cypress, d47b7ba0)
cgminer error: [2013-02-22 22:18:51] GPU0: invalid nonce - HW error
I am using Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) with the 12.10 version poclbm with an ATI 5800 series video card. The video drivers are installed and work as far as I can tell. When I run a "aticonfig --odgc --adapter=all", the gpu does seem to be utilized with poclbm (around 70% utilization or so).
I found the solution through an irc channel (Freenode on channcel #cgminer). Basically, at least on the version of Ubuntu that I have (12.10), the 2.8 version of the SDK does NOT work properly with cgminer or poclbm. I was instructed to download the 2.4 version of the SDK. Here:
Some distributions require the "2.7" version so I'll put the links here:
I compiled it. There is no "make install" for this Makefile, apparently, so you have to manually copy the files to your lib directory:
for 32 bit: $ cp -pv lib/x86/* /usr/lib/
for 64 bit: $ cp -pv lib/x86_64/* /usr/lib/
Also copy the include files: $ rsync -avl include/CL/ /usr/include/CL/
With the libraries installed in the appropriate directories, I recompiled cgminer and then it worked. I also tried it with poclbm and it worked with that too.
Hm, I experienced the same error with pclbm and cgminer. Then I found .. I tried phoenix and all is ok now. Hope it helps. Sry my bad english.