Yarn Installation error, View Storefront installation - vue.js

While I am trying Install Vue Storefront in my windows 10 machine, it generate yarn installation issue.
Please refer the screenshot.

Vue storefront does not support direct Windows workflows.
please follow:
to install vue-storefront on Windows. Docker is the only supported method for this.

To install Vue storefront on windows platform.
Please visit the once:
Which already explains well, how to install and what needs to be installed in your window system.


GNOME Shell integration extension is running, native host connector is not detected?

I have followed these steps while installing the gnome extension of chromium in Ubuntu 20.04.
Installed the GNOME Shell integration extension on chromium.
As per their documentation ran a command to install chrome-gnome-shell
sudo apt-get install chrome-gnome-shell
Still while loading the gnome-extensions page, it is showing error that "Although GNOME Shell integration extension is running, native host connector is not detected. Refer documentation for instructions about installing connector."
Can anyone tell me how to resolve this issue in steps?
FYI: starting from Ubuntu 21.10 Firefox comes as a default browser and as a snap, as well as Chromium. And has the same problem: GNOME Shell integration shows the same error.
Other ways to install the extensions are:
gnome-extensions install --force your_downloaded_extension.zip
unzip your_downloaded_extension.zip ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
Probably this is because you are running Chromium as a Snap. There is an open bug in Launchpad about this, that appears to still be happening in Ubuntu 20.04 (still happening in Ubuntu 22.04):
The easiest solution would probably be to use another web browser, not in a Snap.
I experienced this issue when upgrading from Ubuntu 21.04 to Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish), where Firefox was installed via snap - supposedly the sandboxing made it unable to detect.
My resolution (which brought back gnome extensions connector being seen) was to install firefox manually by debian package via the directions in https://balintreczey.hu/blog/firefox-on-ubuntu-22-04-from-deb-not-from-snap/ . You may also be able to install the direct tarball following directions in https://fostips.com/install-latest-firefox-non-esr-debian/
Another option is to use a native extension manager as suggested in https://haydenjames.io/ubuntu-22-04-install-gnome-extensions-manager-workaround/
I solved using Chrome and not more Firefox for extensions.gnome.
(I use Chrome just for manage this extension)
If you still got problems, you could simply do this:
sudo apt-get reinstall chrome-gnome-shell
For me it did work after all, but just by using another browser - Firefox
I'm using Ubuntu 20.10 and I also had this issue. I was using Chromium but I found that Chromium dropped support for this, therefore I installed Firefox from the software. This did not work either.
The fix was to uninstall Firefox from software and install Firefox from ubuntu software with the source: ubuntu-groovy-updates-main
I installed the browser extension on there and it worked perfectly.
Aevin J He gave the answer if you're on ubuntu 21.10. it really matters whom you install it from. don't use the default one, use the one with most reviews

How to install java and .Net progmatically on windows?

I am looking for ways to automatically install java JDK and .Net version on Windows VM. One of the solutions I have found is
Other I have found is using silent installer but I am exploring other ways. My initial approach was to use docker but the requirement is as such that I need to install it on VM
I installed it using silent install through batch file

Server not starting in IBM API connect toolkit

I have created API's in API connect toolkit. For testing the API locally in Explore tab, I am trying to start server.
But getting "Error: It appears that Docker for Windows has not been installed. To install Docker for Windows, please visit https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/ For more information, check the docs" error.
From my understanding you don't need docker to test locally in toolkit. Any suggestions to fix the issue?
More Info: APIC version: API Connect: v5.0.8.3 (apiconnect: v2.7.209) NPM version : 6.1.0
It used to work before suddenly I am getting the above error. I tried re-installing but issue persist.
With new versions of APIC you must have Docker installed and working properly on your Windows environment to be able to install the API Connect Toolkit with DataPower.
Please find the steps to install the APIC toolkit on these pages:

Where is swagger cli on windows

I just ran 'npm install -g swagger' on my Windows 8 box and it seems to have run successfully, but when I try and run the swagger CLI, as per https://www.npmjs.com/package/swagger, it doesn't know where it's at.
How do I get to that tool?
For windows 10 swagger gets installed as A NODE module under
C:\Users`your name`\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\swagger
you will also see the following entries under :
C:\Users`your name`\AppData\Roaming\npm
- swagger.cmd
- swagger-project.cmd
hope this helps

Installing Apache Cordova

I'm new to this of Apache Cordova. I'm trying to follow the documentation but cannot understand it very well. It says that for prerequisite I need to install the correspondant SDK. I did install Android Studio. then downloaded the Node.js and then tried to run the installation but it doesn't start I don't understand why it doesn't start. There is another things that I need to do so it starts installing?
Any help will be great. Thanks!
I think the clue is in the message -- just run the command npm install -g cordova from the normal DOS command prompt.
first of all you have to install 1)node.js 2)apache ANT 3) Java JDK & JRE 4) Android SDk & Eclipse and then after all installation you have to set this all software path into environmental- variable. and then fire your npm install -g cordova. without this all software installation and there path setup your phoneGap application will not created. and still you have any confusion and any question related software installation and there path setup then again tell me i will help you.
First and foremost, you want to install Node.js in order to get the 'npm' commands to work.
You can download the latest version of Node.js from there... I was on a Mac, so I did the .pkg download. Install the appropriate one for your development machine.
After that, the 'npm' commands for Cordova will work. Hope this at least gets you started! :)