HSQLDB - Changing the specific name of a procedure - hsqldb

I created some procedures without providing a specific name and I would like to know if there is a way to change the automatically generated specific name.
Without having to drop and create the procedures again.

This is not currently possible in version 2.4.1 with an SQL statement. You can edit the .script file of the database and change the name.
Support for ALTER SPECIFIC ROUTINE <name> RENAME TO <new name> will be added to version 2.5.0.


Liquibase - Generating Change Logs

I want Liquibase, to generate a changelog, from this DB 'testing'. Is it possible?
I have an existing database already, with its tables and data inside.
Now, I want Liquibase, to generate a changelog, from this DB 'testing'. Is it possible?
This is my command, but it doesn't work.
liquibase --driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --classpath=C:\mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.jar
--changeLogFile=C:\db.changelog.xml --url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testing"
--username=root generateChangeLog
I don't use any password.
The error is related to --changeLogFile=C:\db.changelog.xml
I thought, Liquibase will refer to my DB 'testing', and generate changelog, with name 'db.changelog.xml' in folder C.
Which part I'm wrong? Do I miss something?
Or maybe, Liquibase is not intended, to generate changelog, from existing DB?
Or maybe, Liquibase is intended, to generate DB, from changelog only? And not vice versa?
This is possible. You might be having trouble since you are writing to a file in the root of your c: drive. Try c:\temp\changelog instead.
My experience is that liquibase works in increments. So if you run that command on your database, it will produce a file as if everything in the database has to be created in the changelog file (as if starting with a completely empty database).
If you read the text on Liquibase's site regarding this command, it says:
When starting to use Liquibase on an existing database, it is often useful, particularly for testing, to have a way to generate the change log to create the current database schema.
This means that if you:
Execute this command once against your dev database
Run the result against a new database (let's say test)
Run it again on your dev database
Run that file against your test database
You will get a load of errors stating that functions already exist.
I gather that the idea behind this is that you create new entries in the changelog files and executing them against ALL your databases, instead of using other tools and using liquibase for the delta.
Sample entry
<changeSet author="liquibase-docs" id="addColumn-example">
<addColumn catalogName="cat" schemaName="public" tableName="YY">
<column name="xx" type="varchar(255)"/>
SQL equivalent

changing database name in sql server script

I created a schema script for an sql server database called test.
I want to execute this script in the same server where the test database is found, but for sure with different name, suppose test2.
when I opened the scripts, it starts by CREATE DATABASE [test] and the name test is used many times in the script.
so how to safely change database name in the script without affecting the original database?
Note: changing name by just replacing it's name is not a solution because it's name is a part of many procedures and functions
No need to use database name in each and every query. Just use
USE [Database_Name]
in the above of the script file, then it will consider the database for the entire script until you specify another database name inside the script.
USE My_Database_1
--Another Database if required
USE My_Database_2

Run a initial Liquibase script

This is my 2nd day using Liquibase.
I have a 'backup' or 'Repositry' with the database that I need to create locally on my PC.
I have looked at the documentation, but Im realy not 100% clear on how to run it.
Ive updated the Liquibase.properties file to reflect the correct paths and username and passwords.
How do you run the update command to generate the tables and test data.
Windows 7
The Liquibase documentation on 'Adding Liquibase to an existing project' is probably the best place to start. Basically, you want to set the properties file so that it refers to the existing 'backup' database, and then run liquibase generateChangeLog
This will connect to the existing database and generate a file that contains the structure of the existing database expressed (typically) in an XML file called a changelog. You then create a new properies file that will connect to your local database and use liquibase update to apply the changelog to the local database and populate the structure. Note that this does not typically transfer the data from the existing database to the new database, just the structure - the tables, keys, indexes, etc. If you want to have test data as well, you can either export that data from the existing database, or you might look into crafting the changesets manually. To export the data, a command like this would be used:
java -jar liquibase.jar --changeLogFile="./data/<insert file name> " --diffTypes="data" generateChangeLog

Liferay ServiceBuilder doesn't alter tables

Short story
When I modify the column withs in tables.sql (VARCHAR(4000)) generated by the service builder, redeploying the portlet does not cause Liferay to alter the db tables. How can I make sure that the column withs get expanded?
Long story
I have to make some changes to a Liferay 6.1.20 EE GA2 project developed by another contractor. The project uses maven as a build tool.
After adding some columns to the service.xml and running mvn liferay:build-service, I noticed, that the portlet-model-hints.xmlgot overriden (see https://issues.liferay.com/browse/MAVEN-37) and resettet to the default column width.
There's alot of data in the tables (it is running in production mode), so I cannot simply drop and recreate the tables.
So I manually modified the column width in the generated tables.sql and redeployed the portlet. The new columns are now present in the db tables, but the column widths were not altered.
Does Liferay alter column width or do I have to fire some sql statements against the database manually?
(We are working with an oracle 10g database)
If you want to change the column withs, you need to write in the portlet-model-hints.xml.
For instance, to increase a field until 255 you will do:(Its important running the build service after that change.)
ServiceBuilder doesn't do ALTER TABLE by itself - you'll have to write an UpgradeProcess for this yourself. Check this blog post or the underlying documentation.
In short: The update that can always be done automatically is of the type "DROP TABLE - CREATE TABLE", but, as you say, this is typically not desirable. Any more fancy way needs to be done manually, and that's exactly what this mechanism is for.

How can I add column to an existing custom table in MODX database?

I have a custom table in MODX database set up and working, thanks to this article:
and now I need to add new column to this existing table. How can I do this the "MODX way"? Or do I have to create the component from scratch again?
You can manually add the new column to the database, then update your xml schema and map files to include the new column metadata. If you have a build script you could simply run it again after amending the schema to regenerate the map files.
I could be more specific if you paste in your existing schema and description of the column you want to add.
I believe MigxDB plugin (part of migx plugin) sets up a utility under manager page to just do that.
Install migx as instructed (you need to do an extra step to set it up so read the instruction)
load your modified schema in midx-package manager and do 'parse schema' and then 'add field'.
Make sure you have package name and pre-fix specified when loading your schema. modx forum has a dedicated section for migx if you need further clarification.