Render All Frontend in one Scene - react-native

Hello Guys is this a good stuff in React native Environment I create all Scenes as Components and being rendering it without using react navigator or something like that ?

It depends on the size of app. If it's a very simple ui and functionality then it's ok but not good. Bu if it has so much screens and have complex functionalities, then break it down to different screens and use navigation. In fact it would be a good practice to use different screens and navigation. It also is good practice for memory management.


React Native Is responsive?

First and most important: I am by no means a developer. We hired an agency to develop an APP for us, and i was given by a developed solution that i am not convinced if it is the best solution, So i would like to ask you guysfor advice.
Unfortunatelly i cannot put pictures nor links to code for the app, but i will do my best to explain myself:
The problems i encountered are mainly two:
All items appear to have fixed sizes applyed to them: When testing the app on different devices, the size of the elements is not responsive at all. In fact on small devices (Moto G5) There are elements that fall behind the bottom navigation bar making them unaccessible.
Lot of stuff fall below that said bottom navigation bar.
My question is the following:
Is react native responsive?
In web development there is a lot of flexibility when it comes to responsiveness with CSS and JS. Is React native any different? or there is a way to prepare the layout so it fits most of the common sizes without losing acces to interactions?
Hope i explained myself correctly. and again, sorry for not asking a technical specific question.
React Native is designed to be responsive, but it requires a different approach compared to web development. In web development, you can use CSS and JavaScript to make your website responsive, but in React Native, you use a different set of tools.
We have many ways to make the app responsive with the device's large screen and small screen.
Use the Dimensions API: React Native provides the Dimensions API, which allows you to get the dimensions of the screen at runtime. You can use this information to adjust the layout of your app based on the size of the screen.
Use third-party libraries ex: react-native-size-matters, react-native-responsive-screen, ...
Use Flexbox: React Native uses Flexbox for layout, just like web development. Flexbox is a powerful tool for creating responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes. You can use the flex property to adjust the size and position of elements on the screen.
In terms of your specific issue with elements falling behind the bottom navigation bar, it's likely that the layout is not taking the height of the navigation bar into account. You can use the Dimensions API to get the height of the navigation bar and adjust the layout accordingly.

Preferred React Native navigation library

I'm looking for a navigation library for a new React Native project. I've read information on this 3 main libraries:
"Standard" react native navigation system
I have read that the "standard" system is very buggy, is it true?
What is your favorite navigation library to date?
The most used navigation library for react is react-navigation as it is kind of simple to use, has a lot of features and can be customise at will.
react-native-router-flux is a wrapper over react-navigation, it is really simple to use and allows you to write a lot less code than with react-navigation, however if you want to implement complex features it might not be the best choice.
react-native-navigation aims to do the same things as react-navigation but... misses the point, as it clearly lakes some complex features that react-navigation has.
I suggest you to read if you can, although that article is from 2017 it is still relevant !
You should give the Navigation router a try. It provides 100% native navigation on iOS and Android. It isn’t like React Native Navigation because it doesn’t require any native setup and has a JavaScript array representation of the native stack of screens.

Why Should I Adopt React Native in Old Projects?

I've been digging deep in React Native for the past week to decide if I and the team should adopt it. And I gotta say it seems promising. I've also learned about its ability to integrate with existing native projects and its incremental adoption to change existing native projects.
My question is what are the cases/reasons that would make me wanna convert my completed old native projects (iOS/Android) into React Native?
Edit: Just to clarify, our team is currently building native apps only.
It depends on what type of app you are building. But you can always use bits of code from native or react native. Since you all can code in native, anything you cannot find you could make a native component.
The advantages of React Native show up with code reuse between iOS and Android so that your team can iterate faster working together. Many big apps have achieved 80% or more code reuse.
You will find flexbox so easy to quickly create views to specs and to change quickly with styles. Plus they are all in code and that plays nice with git.
See edit below:
Now in saying this I have never used React Native inside a native project but to call actions and such you would need to expose functions to call from the JavaScript side. I don't know if a singleton is generally used or just an import of the controller functions or delegated you want to expose but it has to call back to the native application . It is easy to use a native component inside a React native application and I have done this so I am sure it can work the other way.
Edit: Out of curiosity I added some react native views to a test project and it works surprisingly well. No singleton needed Javascript maps the view tag and the exported functions. Crazy. The concerns below still exist but I think if you are changing to change that is wrong but if you have UI changes you want to make then it could definitely benefit as your reuse can grow across your platforms.
Drawbacks I have seen- sometimes transition animations can be laggy if you are not using the native navigation methods. Using both native and React Native adds size to your app so you would need to keep an eye on that. Also start up time can hurt and so monitor that as well.
With all that said I have built a fair bit with React Native lately and it is, at times, beautiful and frustrating for a native developer.
Here is a great article on Instagram and React Native.
Also AirBnb heavily uses RN. They may be completely RN now but I am not sure. They do drive a lot of the outside frameworks in RN for example the maps component in RN. They also just released Lottie and it is very cool. Here is an article about AirBnb.

React Native Navigation Problems

I am new to React Native and want to be able to make my code where the user clicks on text and it takes them from an initial page and am very confused as to how I am supposed to do this and where to put what. Am I supposed to have separate files for separate pages? Thanks!
The Navigator or NavigatorIOS components are what you're looking for. Basically, your text elements need to be wrapped in an element like TouchableHighlight that has an onPress handler that utilizes the navigator.push() to navigate. Or you could jThis tutorial does a pretty good job describing how Navigation works on a basic level within React Native apps.
As to separate files for separate pages - it's not necessary, but as you develop your own custom components and your apps become more complicated, having them in separate files helps with keeping you

What is different between navigator and navigatorIOS in react-native?

Just look through fb's document.
What is different between navigator and navigatorIOS in react-native?
There used to be a comparision between the two in the official docs. Not sure why it is removed since 0.31. You can still get it from google the cached version though:
Navigator Comparison
The differences between Navigator and NavigatorIOS are a common source
of confusion for newcomers.
Both Navigator and NavigatorIOS are components that allow you to
manage the navigation in your app between various "scenes" (another
word for screens). They manage a route stack and allow you to pop,
push, and replace states. In this way, they are similar to the html5
history API. The primary distinction between the two is that
NavigatorIOS leverages the iOS UINavigationController class, and
Navigator re-implements that functionality entirely in JavaScript as a
React component. A corollary of this is that Navigator will be
compatible with Android and iOS, whereas NavigatorIOS will only work
on the one platform. Below is an itemized list of differences between
the two.
Navigator #
Extensive API makes it completely customizable from JavaScript.
Under active development from the React Native team.
Written in JavaScript.
Works on iOS and Android.
Includes a simple navigation bar component similar to the default NavigatorIOS bar: Navigator.NavigationBar, and another with
breadcrumbs called Navigator.BreadcrumbNavigationBar.
See the UIExplorer demo to try them out and see how to use them. Currently animations are good and improving, but they are still less
refined than Apple's, which you get from NavigatorIOS.
You can provide your own navigation bar by passing it through the navigationBar prop.
NavigatorIOS #
Small, limited API makes it much less customizable than Navigator in its current form.
Development belongs to open-source community - not used by the React Native team on their apps. A result of this is that there is
currently a backlog of unresolved bugs, nobody who uses this has
stepped up to take ownership for it yet.
Wraps UIKit, so it works exactly the same as it would on another native app. Lives in Objective-C and JavaScript. Consequently, you
get the animations and behaviour that Apple has developed. iOS only.
Includes a navigation bar by default; this navigation bar is not a React Native view component and the style can only be slightly
Based on my experience, navigatorIOS is pretty buggy for now and I would suggest using Navigator instead. If you take a look at the Facebook F8 app, they were using Navigator rather than navigatorIOS.
Navigator is a transition between different scenes in your app, it can be regarded as an animation.
NavigatorIOS wraps UIKit navigation, it will push or pop a controller and behave more like an Native navigation.