My DataXML looks like this
<StepResult name="BluetoothERROR">
<StepResult name="FLOWERROR1">
<Number value="-100" />
<StepResult name="PowerOffError">
Where X means other instances of StepResult with different Name like BluetoothError or PowerOffError. Assume that the other StepResults can have similar outputs as the "FLOWERROR1".
I am particularly interested in StepResult with name "FlowError1" and I would like to return the Number value of -100.
I have tried this line of code and it did not work and only shows Nulls.
f.ResultXML.value('(/TestResults/MethodResult/StepResult/ActualValue/Number/#Value)[1]', 'varchar(max)') As "Actual Value"
What should I have done instead?
You can to filter nodes by the name and return the first matching node' value:
select #data.value('(TestResults/MethodResult/StepResult[#name="FLOWERROR1"]/ActualValue/Number)[1]/#value', 'int')
db<>fiddle demo
See Introduction to Using XPath Queries and XQuery Language Reference.
I am encountering a strange behaviour. I can't access lambda variable with UNNEST in my spark code:
FILTER(boxes.clicks, x -> EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(x) AS clicks WHERE clicks.href IS NOT NULL))
This will complain that x does not exist: cannot resolve 'x' given input columns: []
However, without UNNEST, x can be accessed without any problems. For example, this will work just fine:
FILTER(boxes.clicks, x -> size(x) > 1)
Is it possible to use lambda variables in combination with UNNEST?
I have this predicate to get the sum of the length of all borders of a country. I could solve it with findall but I have to use setof. My facts look like this:
My code
circumference(C, Country) :-
findall(X, ( borders(Country, _, X) ; borders(_, Country, X)), Kms),
sum_list(Kms, C).
You cannot find the sum using bagof directly, all you can do is make a list and then sum that list (but you knew that already). In SWI-Prolog there is library(aggregate) that does the bagging and the summing for you. With the facts you have, you would write:
?- aggregate(sum(X), Y^( borders(Y, sweden, X) ; borders(sweden, Y, X) ), Circumference).
Circumference = 2205.
If you instead must obey the whims of your instructor and type "bagof" yourself, or if you are not allowed to use a modern, open source, comprehensive Prolog implementation, you can use the same approach with bagof and manually build the list before summing it:
?- bagof(X, Y^( borders(Y, sweden, X) ; borders(sweden, Y, X) ), Borders).
Borders = [1619, 586].
For reasons that are lost in the mists of time the funny thing with the Var^Goal that you see in both aggregate and bagof is called "existentially qualifying the variables in Goal". You might also read that "^ prevents binding Var in Goal". I cannot explain what this really means.
I ended up using this:
circumference(Z, Country) :- setof(X, Q^(borders(Q,Country,X);borders(Country,Q,X)),Border),
% Adds the numbers in a list.
sum_list([], 0).
sum_list([H|T], Sum) :-
sum_list(T, Rest),
Sum is H + Rest.
Starting to learn Pig latin scripting and stuck on below issue. I have gone through similar questions on the same topic without any luck! Want to find SUM of all the age fields.
grunt> DESCRIBE X;
X: {age: int}
I tried several options such as :
Y = FOREACH ( group X all ) GENERATE SUM(X.age);
But, getting below exception.
Invalid field projection. Projected field [age] does not exist in schema: group:chararray,X:bag{:tuple(age:int)}.
Thanks for your time and help.
I think the Y projection should work as you wrote it. Here's mi little example code for the same and that's just work fine for me.
X = LOAD 'SO/sum_age.txt' USING PigStorage('\t') AS (age:int);
Y = FOREACH ( group X all ) GENERATE
So you your problem looks strange. I used the following input data:
-bash-4.1$ cat sum_age.txt
Can you make a try on the same data with script I inserted here?
I have a MVF field (I am fully aware that this is not a best practice) and I need to create a query where the result looks like this:
PersonName MVF_Opt_1 MVF_Opt_2 MVF_Opt_3
Tim X X X
John X
Jake X X
I tried using an expression for each one that looks like:
MVF_Opt_1: IIf([Options].[Value] = 1,"X","")
For each of the query columns I need, but this seems to only be working if the option in the expression happens to be the first value in the MVF.
I also have about 20 options that do not need to be listed in columns that I can disregard.
Any ideas?
This seems to be working for me:
IIf(DCount("*","mvfTest","PersonName=""" & [PersonName] & """ And Options.Value=""1""")=0,"","X") AS MVF_Opt_1,
IIf(DCount("*","mvfTest","PersonName=""" & [PersonName] & """ And Options.Value=""2""")=0,"","X") AS MVF_Opt_2
FROM mvfTest;
SQLDF newbie here.
I have a data frame which has about 15,000 rows and 1 column.
The data looks like:
I wanted to use the package sqldf to loop through the column and
pick all values which contain "car" anywhere in their value.
However, the following code generates an error.
> sqldf("SELECT Keyword FROM dat WHERE Keyword="car")
Error: unexpected symbol in "sqldf("SELECT Keyword FROM dat WHERE Keyword="car"
There is no unexpected symbol, so I'm not sure whats wrong.
so first, I want to know all the values which contain 'car'.
then I want to know only those values which contain just 'car' by itself.
Can anyone help.
allright, there was an unexpected symbol, but it only gives me just car and not every
row which contains 'car'.
> sqldf("SELECT Keyword FROM dat WHERE Keyword='car'")
1 car
Using = will only return exact matches.
You should probably use the like operator combined with the wildcards % or _. The % wildcard will match multiple characters, while _ matches a single character.
Something like the following will find all instances of car, e.g. "cars", "motorcar", etc:
sqldf("SELECT Keyword FROM dat WHERE Keyword like '%car%'")
And the following will match "car" or "cars":
sqldf("SELECT Keyword FROM dat WHERE Keyword like 'car_'")
This has nothing to do with sqldf; your SQL statement is the problem. You need:
dat <- data.frame(Keyword=c("cars","autocar","carsinfo",
sqldf("SELECT Keyword FROM dat WHERE Keyword like '%car%'")
# Keyword
# 1 cars
# 2 autocar
# 3 carsinfo
# 4 car
You can also use regular expressions to do this sort of filtering. grepl returns a logical vector (TRUE / FALSE) stating whether or not there was a match or not. You can get very sophisticated to match specific items, but a basic query will work in this case:
#Using #Joshua's dat data.frame
subset(dat, grepl("car", Keyword, = TRUE))
1 cars
2 autocar
3 carsinfo
6 car
Very similar to the solution provided by #Chase. Because we do not use subset we do not need a logical vector and can use both grep or grepl:
df <- data.frame(keyword = c("cars", "autocar", "carsinfo", "whatisthat", "donnadrive", "car", "telephone"))
df[grep("car", df$keyword), , drop = FALSE] # or
df[grepl("car", df$keyword), , drop = FALSE]
1 cars
2 autocar
3 carsinfo
6 car
I took the idea from Selecting rows where a column has a string like 'hsa..' (partial string match)