Vue2 Element-UI Datepicker force refresh for dynamic disabledDate - dynamic

In the codepen below I have a Element-UI datepicker set up to show a dynamic disabled dates based on a random number.
The number of disabled dates change every time the datepicker input comes into focus.
My issue is the datepicker doesn't refresh the disabled dates until you click on a different month. The datepicker also shows the last month you were previously on when when you click off and back in.
Is there a way to force Element-UI Datepicker to refresh? I would like to make the datepicker refresh in the on focus event after the new disabled value is set.
Element-UI Datepicker Documentation
<div id="app">
<div class="block">
<span class="demonstration">Picker with quick options</span>
placeholder="Enter Date"
var is10Days = "";
var Randomizer = (function(){
var is10DaysSetter = function(){
if(is10Days === "") {
is10Days = Math.round(Math.random()) === 1;
//console.log("is10Days: " + is10Days);
return is10Days;
return {
Is10DaysSetter: is10DaysSetter
var Main = {
data() {
return {
defaultValue: "",
pickerOptions: {
disabledDate(time) {
var self = this;
var date = moment()._d;
var mindate = moment().subtract(5,'d')._d;
var maxDate = moment()._d;
var isBeforeMinDate = time.getTime() < mindate;
var isAfterMaxDate = time.getTime() > maxDate;
if(is10Days !== "" && is10Days){
var alternateMinDate = date.setDate(date.getDate() - 10);
isBeforeMinDate = time.getTime() < alternateMinDate;
return isBeforeMinDate || isAfterMaxDate;
value2: '',
focus: function() {
var self = this;
is10Days = "";
self.defaultValue = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD");
console.log("reset is10Days: " + (is10Days ? "10 days" : "5 days"));
var Ctor = Vue.extend(Main)
new Ctor().$mount('#app')

I posted this as a feature request on Element UI's git hub and received a response:
ref="picker" //Added this
placeholder="Enter Date"
focus: function() {
var self = this;
is10Days = "";
//Added this
this.$nextTick(_ => {
this.$ = new Date()
console.log("reset is10Days: " + (is10Days ? "10 days" : "5 days"));
Adding a reference to picker allowed me to override the unwanted feature of going back to the previously viewed month and solved my issue. This came with a warning that since this is not part of the public API, it could change in a future version.
Here is a link to a working code pen:

I think it is about compomemt render. when your main vue app initialize, <el-date-picker>
rendered completly first.
The problem is when date-picker finished rendering, are the main vue datas ready?
It seems you pass a null into options, but select another month will force update options.
could you try this?
How to Initialize Data Properties with Prop Values
make a v-if="pickerOptions" in attr


Can't return empty value to input box on vue

I want made a validation for input to be number only, whenever someone input a string, the input box will be cleared.
First, I made a method function on $event like this (ps. I use props)
#update="nama = ruled($event)"
and this is the method, I use RegExp to check if the $event value is number. When it's false then I return $event value to empty string.
ruled(event) {
var intRegex = new RegExp(/[0-9]/);
var data = intRegex.test(event)
if(!data) {
alert("Value Must Number")
event = ""
console.log('masuk if' + data)
return event
but it didn't clear the input box, anyone know why it happened ?
As Creative Learner said, I must clearing input box in child component only, so I did this on my component child
#input="$emit('update', ruled($event))"
And this is the methods:
methods: {
ruled(event) {
var val =
if( == "number"){
var intRegex = new RegExp(/[0-9]/);
var intdata = intRegex.test(val)
if(intdata == false) {
error = "Value must contain number"
//alert("Value must contain number")
return = ""
return val
great thanks to Creative Learner who made me understand
Suggestions :
Instead of #update you have to use #keypress or #change.
You can use v-model for two-way data binding.
Working Demo :
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
nama: ''
methods: {
ruled(event) {
var intRegex = new RegExp(/^\d+$/);
var data = intRegex.test(this.nama);
if (!data) {
alert("Value must contain number");
this.nama = "";
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">

How Do I update the Dom (Re-render element) when value changes?

So I have a variable startWeek, that is being displayed and when I click a button, a Have a method that will add 7 days to the date. I want the page to show the new date but not sure how to go about doing this?
I want to get the dates to transition in and out everytime the date range is updated, but Im not sure how to do it. I have thought about using two v-if statements and transitioning back and fourth between them but im sure there is a better way. I have looked into watchers and computed properties but im not quite sure if they are the answer or how to implement them in this given situation.
<b-button #click="subtractWeek(7)></b-button>
<span id="thingIwantToUpdateInDOM">{{ startWeek + " - " + endWeek}}</span>
<b-button #click="addWeek(7)></b-button>
export default {
startWeek: null,
endWeek: null,
methods: {
this.startWeek.setDate(this.startWeek.getDate() + days)
this.endWeek.setDate(this.endWeek.getDate() + days)
this.startWeek.setDate(this.startWeek.getDate() - days)
this.endWeek.setDate(this.endWeek.getDate() - days)
this.startWeek = new Date();
var tempEndWeek = new Date();
this.endWeek = tempEndWeek;
created() {
My ultimate goal is to have the date range to swipe our transition out similar to a carousel effect on every button click or value change. Any bit of advise is greatly appreciated!
Your end goal is lots of optimizations away, but the snippet below should get you started. Your date operations are fine, so a few notes about the implementation:
I don't exactly know the internals of how Vue does state change tracking in the data objects, but I'm fairly sure it involves getter and setter property accessors. When you do this.x = new Date(); this.x.setDate(this.x.getDate() + 7);, this.x tracks the date object and not its value, so the change will not be seen by Vue. You need to clone the date first, set a new date, and then reassign it to this.x (see the navigateWeeks method below).
watch is useful when you want to react to a single, specific property change, in your case, the dynamic startWeek is a perfect candidate. If the fact that something changed is more important than what exactly, use the updated hook (typical use-case: destroying & re-initializing 3rd party library widgets with new parameters).
computed is useful for keeping a property derived from another property in sync at all times, in your example the endDate is always 7 days after the startDate, so it is a perfect candidate for this. In the snippet I also used a computed value for the ISO date format that HTML date inputs expect.
Finally, you can do quite advanced stuff with setTimeout, some CSS keyframes, and toggling a .transitioning class
Vue.component('fading-date', {
template: `
<span><input :class="className" type="date" :value="htmlValue"></span>
props: {
value: { type: Date },
fadeDuration: { type: Number, default: 1 }
data() {
return { transitioning: false, timer: null };
computed: {
htmlValue() {
return this.value.toISOString().split('T')[0];
className() {
return this.transitioning ? 'transitioning' : '';
watch: {
value() {
this.transitioning = true;
this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
this.transitioning = false;
}, 1000 * this.fadeDuration);
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
selectedWeek: new Date()
computed: {
weekAfterSelected() {
const date = this.selectedWeek;
const endDate = new Date(date);
endDate.setDate(date.getDate() + 7);
return endDate;
methods: {
navigateWeeks(numWeeks = 1) {
const newDate = new Date(this.selectedWeek);
newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + (7 * numWeeks));
this.selectedWeek = newDate;
input[type="date"] {
background: transparent;
border: none;
#keyframes fade{
0% {
50% {
100% {
.transitioning {
animation: fade ease-out 1s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<fading-date :value="selectedWeek" :fade-duration="1"></fading-date>
<fading-date :value="weekAfterSelected" :fade-duration="1"></fading-date>
<button type="button" #click="navigateWeeks(-1)">A week sooner</button>
<button type="button" #click="navigateWeeks(1)">A week later</button>

Vue 2 custom select2: why is #change not working while #input is working

I created a custom select2 input element for Vue 2.
My question is: why is
<select2 v-model="vacancy.staff_member_id" #input="update(vacancy)"></select2>
working, but
<select2 v-model="vacancy.staff_member_id" #change="update(vacancy)"></select2>
Since normal <input> elements in Vue have a #change handler, it would be nice if my custom select2 input has the same.
Some information on my custom element:
The purpose of this element is to not render all <option> elements but only those needed, because we have many select2 inputs on one page and many options inside a select2 input, causing page load to become slow.
This solution makes it much faster.
Vue.component('select2', {
props: ['options', 'value', 'placeholder', 'config', 'disabled'],
template: '<select><slot></slot></select>',
data: function() {
return {
newValue: null
mounted: function () {
var vm = this;
], function (ArrayData, Utils) {
function CustomData ($element, options) {, $element, options);
Utils.Extend(CustomData, ArrayData);
CustomData.prototype.query = function (params, callback) {
if (params.term && params.term !== '') {
// search for term
var results;
var termLC = params.term.toLowerCase();
var length = termLC.length;
if (length < 3) {
// if only one or two characters, search for words in string that start with it
// the string starts with the term, or the term is used directly after a space
results = _.filter(vm.options, function(option){
return option.text.substr(0,length).toLowerCase() === termLC ||
_.includes(option.text.toLowerCase(), ' '+termLC.substr(0,2));
if (length > 2 || results.length < 2) {
// if more than two characters, or the previous search give less then 2 results
// look anywhere in the texts
results = _.filter(vm.options, function(option){
return _.includes(option.text.toLowerCase(), termLC);
callback({results: results});
} else {
callback({results: vm.options}); // no search input -> return all options to scroll through
var config = {
// dataAdapter for displaying all options when opening the input
// and for filtering when the user starts typing
dataAdapter: CustomData,
// only the selected value, needed for un-opened display
// we are not using all options because that might become slow if we have many select2 inputs
data:_.filter(vm.options, function(option){return === parseInt(vm.value);}),
for (var attr in vm.config) {
config[attr] = vm.config[attr];
if (vm.disabled) {
config.disabled = vm.disabled;
if (vm.placeholder && vm.placeholder !== '') {
// init select2
// prevent dropdown to open when clicking the unselect-cross
.on("select2:unselecting", function (e) {
// emit event on change.
.on('change', function () {
var newValue = $(this).val();
if (newValue !== null) {
vm.$emit('input', newValue);
watch: {
value: function (value, value2) {
if (value === null) return;
var isChanged = false;
if (_.isArray(value)) {
if (value.length !== value2.length) {
isChanged = true;
} else {
for (var i=0; i<value.length; i++) {
if (value[i] !== value2[i]) {
isChanged = true;
} else {
if (value !== value2) {
isChanged = true;
if (isChanged) {
var selectOptions = $(this.$el).find('option');
var selectOptionsIds =, 'value');
if (! _.includes(selectOptionsIds, value)) {
var missingOption = _.find(this.options, {id: value});
var missingText = _.find(this.options, function(opt){
return === parseInt(value);
$(this.$el).append('<option value='+value+'>'+missingText+'</option>');
// update value only if there is a real change
// (without checking isSame, we enter a loop)
destroyed: function () {
The reason is because you are listening to events on a component <select2> and not an actual DOM node. Events on components will refer to the custom events emitted from within, unless you use the .native modifier.
Custom events are different from native DOM events: they do not bubble up the DOM tree, and cannot be captured unless you use the .native modifier. From the docs:
Note that Vue’s event system is separate from the browser’s EventTarget API. Though they work similarly, $on and $emit are not aliases for addEventListener and dispatchEvent.
If you look into the code you posted, you will see this at the end of it:
vm.$emit('input', newValue);
This code emits a custom event input in the VueJS event namespace, and is not a native DOM event. This event will be captured by v-on:input or #input on your <select2> VueJS component. Conversely, since no change event is emitted using vm.$emit, the binding v-on:change will never be fired and hence the non-action you have observed.
Terry pointed out the reason, but actually you can simply pass your update event to the child component as a prop. Check demo below.
Vue.component('select2', {
template: '<select #change="change"><option value="value1">Value 1</option><option value="value2">Value 2</option></select>',
props: [ 'change' ]
new Vue({
el: '#app',
methods: {
onChange() {
console.log('on change');
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<p>custom select</p>
<select2 :change="onChange"></select2>
<p>default select</p>
<select #change="onChange">
<option value="value1">Value 1</option>
<option value="value2">Value 2</option>

Vue.js attach text after clicking. how?

I have this Vue Material (Vue.js) tag, with the function
<md-button id="" v-on:click.native="requestSelected(request)">
methods: {
requestSelected: function(request) {
request.accepted = true;
var card = document.getElementById('text');
var accept = document.createTextNode("Job selected");
I'm trying to add some text on the DOM after clicking, could someone recommend to me some Vue js documentacion to check info please
In your Vue component, create a data property for your display text:
data() {
return {
displayText: '',
Then, just put a reference to displayText in your template like so:
{{ displayText }}
Vue will initially display nothing, since displayText is empty, and the automatically update the DOM when displayText changes.
You would change the text in the requestSelected method like so:
requestSelected: function(request) {
request.accepted = true;
this.displayText = "Job selected";
Here's an example in codepen.

Knockout validation only working on one of two date fields

I'm using knockout validation and the error class is being added to the EndDate field but not the StartDate field when it't empty. the class caused the field to have a red background. I can't see any difference in the two fields. Something similar is happening on my other pages also.
Upon further investigation i realize it's always the first date field on the page that doesn't work. If I comment out the first one then the second stops working.
**Edit: as a hack I added this above the first date field
<input id="StartDate2" style="width: 140px;" type="hidden" data-bind="date: startDate">
and it works......but just feels really wrong.**
I have this at the beginning of my view model
insertMessages: false,
decorateElement: true,
errorElementClass: "input-validation-error"
from my model
startDate: KnockoutObservable<Date> = ko.observable(null).extend({ required: { message: "Please enter a start date." }, simpleDate: { message: "Please enter a valid start date." } });
endDate: KnockoutObservable<Date> = ko.observable(null).extend({ required: { message: "Please enter an end date." }, simpleDate: { message: "Please enter a valid end date." } });
from the view
<label for="StartDate" class="required_label">Start Date</label>
<input id="StartDate" style="width: 140px;" type="text" data-bind="date: startDate, valueUpdate: 'afterkeydown', class:{'input-validation-error':(!startDate.isValid() && showErrors())}" ">
<label for="EndDate" class="required_label">End Date</label>
<input id="EndDate" style="width: 140px;" type="text" data-bind="date: endDate">
And here's our custome date binding handler
// mm/dd/yyyy format = {
init: (element, valueAccessor) => {
$(element).mask("99/99/9999", { placeholder: "mm/dd/yyyy" });
ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "change", () => {
var value = valueAccessor();
if (moment(element.value).isValid()) {
} else {
update: (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) => {
var value = valueAccessor();
var allBindings = allBindingsAccessor();
var valueUnwrapped: any = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(value);
var pattern = allBindings.format || "MM/DD/YYYY";
var output = null;
if (valueUnwrapped !== null && valueUnwrapped !== undefined && valueUnwrapped.length > 0) {
output = moment(valueUnwrapped).format(pattern);
if ($(element).is("input") === true) {
} else {
You are making your date custom binding "validation compatible" only in its init function which will be only called when the binding is first used in the HTML. That is why the validation was only worked for the second input.
In order to fix this you have to move the ko.validation.makeBindingHandlerValidatable("date"); outside of your init function and have it after the whole binding handler declaration = {