The Developement Server Returned Error 500 - react-native

First of all when I create a project and run it using:
react-native run-android
It works just fine but now when I have added some code for login screen it gives me this error:
Development Server Returned Error 500
I am new to React-native and I am not able to understand how to fix it, add to that I am not able to attach my debugger to visual Code so I don't need to run "RUN command" to test my app...
Can anyone help me?
Error code 500
Continuation of error code 500
2nd Continuation of Error code 500

What does your metro bundler say? It'll be the thing that says "Loading dependency Graph... done"


Explanation of the error I get to compile the react-native code

I am trying to run a code in react-native after downloading it from the mail I got but I get the error as in the picture below. How to solve the error.
Just I wanna know is how to solve the error as it will run.

Expo (React Native) Failed to load all assets error

I randomly see expo start -ci --no-dev fail with Failed to load all assets.
I cleaned up my TS errors and its passing with no errors.
I have been debugging this for three days now and getting nowhere. The error gives no clue as to what is failing. "Extra Info" is blank. Device log shows nothing.
To make things worse, I gradually add packages and functions into my monorepo, and at some point the error appears. So I'm thinking - ok, so the error is with this file. Commenting it out, trying again to make sure - yes it now works. Uncommenting it to make sure it was the problem - No. It doesn't fail. It works.
Seems like I am not alone: Error on Expo - Failed to load all assets

Expo SplashScreen Standalone Build Failed

I am trying to build my application at Expo but I have the following problem:
Error Expo
When looking at the build error log, I have the following message:
Using manifest: {"ios":{"supportsTablet":true,"userInterfaceStyle":"light"},"web":{"favicon":"./assets/favicon.png"},"icon":"./assets/icon.png","name":"Porta do Sol","slug":"portaDoSol","splash":{"image":"./assets/splash.png","imageUrl":"","resizeMode":"contain","backgroundColor":"#ffffff"},"android":{"package":"com.interface.portadosol","userInterfaceStyle":"light"},"iconUrl":"","locales":{},"updates":{"fallbackToCacheTimeout":0},"version":"0.0.1","platforms":["ios","android","web"],"entryPoint":"./index.js","sdkVersion":"38.0.0","orientation":"portrait","dependencies":["#react-native-community/masked-view","#react-navigation/drawer","#react-navigation/native","#react-navigation/stack","expo","expo-splash-screen","expo-sqlite","expo-status-bar","expo-updates","native-base","react","react-dom","react-native","react-native-appearance","react-native-gesture-handler","react-native-reanimated","react-native-safe-area-context","react-native-screens","react-native-svg","react-native-svg-charts","react-native-web","sqlite"],"bundledAssets":["asset_3a2ba31570920eeb9b1d217cabe58315.ttf","asset_8b12b3e16d591abc926165fa8f760e3b.json","asset_744ce60078c17d86006dd0edabcd59a7.ttf","asset_461d9bba8b6a3c91675039df12cfe6ca.json","asset_140c53a7643ea949007aa9a282153849.ttf","asset_94c4ffdcbffeb0570c635d7f8edd8a25.json","asset_ca9ce9ff0676a9b04ef0f8a3ad17dd08.ttf","asset_54a5c98d22f313098b3dbe2d5b2e87ba.json","asset_b49ae8ab2dbccb02c4d11caaacf09eab.ttf","asset_39843e5d52a6c5c42d5abdb0b34bcaa6.json","asset_b06871f281fee6b241d60582ae9369b9.ttf","asset_f1f91feb805137c9283fb766620ec5eb.json","asset_09dd345dbd4ec5a0874841d5749ac153.json","asset_0886a6b127c6057cee83f9c65c7ffd62.json","asset_f6c6f6c8cb7784254ad00056f6fbd74e.ttf","asset_b70cea0339374107969eb53e5b1f603f.ttf","asset_c39278f7abfc798a241551194f55e29f.ttf","asset_e20945d7c929279ef7a6f1db184a4470.ttf","asset_60668d999bbaf663420340f7bdd580d7.json","asset_b2e0fc821c6886fb3940f85a3320003e.ttf","asset_3e6805fbc794680014716b8c752f20b8.json","asset_3c851d60ad5ef3f2fe43ebd263490d78.ttf","asset_1a0e3525dd5df87e77057204129a5e6e.json","asset_a37b0c01c0baf1888ca812cc0508f6e2.ttf","asset_7e078700f0c35367a56c5bbb2047dda7.json","asset_8e7f807ef943bff1f6d3c2c6e0f3769e.ttf","asset_fdc01171a7a7ea76b187afcd162dee7d.json","asset_d2285965fe34b05465047401b8595dd0.ttf","asset_647543ebfccf6e5495434383598453d1.json","asset_5cdf883b18a5651a29a4d1ef276d2457.ttf","asset_74d124a3caeac2bea111f3ca2f2dd34a.json","asset_7d40544b395c5949f4646f5e150fe020.png","asset_cdd04e13d4ec83ff0cd13ec8dabdc341.png","asset_a132ecc4ba5c1517ff83c0fb321bc7fc.png","asset_0ea69b5077e7c4696db85dbcba75b0e1.png","asset_f5b790e2ac193b3d41015edb3551f9b8.png","asset_5223c8d9b0d08b82a5670fb5f71faf78.png","asset_fd0192cf977ddf7b60b4e21e332f6b76.json","asset_15e61754d2d3825004eed075f496ae28.png","asset_778ffc9fe8773a878e9c30a6304784de.png","asset_376d6a4c7f622917c39feb23671ef71d.png","asset_c79c3606a1cf168006ad3979763c7e0c.png","asset_02bc1fa7c0313217bde2d65ccbff40c9.png","asset_35ba0eaec5a4f5ed12ca16fabeae451d.png"],"id":"#matheusms21/portaDoSol","releaseId":"c05eb142-056f-40e6-a330-79bd258d0e14","revisionId":"0.0.1-r.OkgIqpx_B","publishedTime":"2020-10-04T03:29:57.730Z","commitTime":"2020-10-04T03:29:57.793Z","bundleUrl":"","releaseChannel":"default","hostUri":""}
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/app/turtle/workingdir/android/sdk38/android-shell-app/app/src/main/res/drawable/splashscreen.xml'
The strange thing is that yesterday I managed to finish the build, but today I have this error, and I did not make any changes to SplashScreen or anything like that.
Thanks to anyone who can help me.
Now the build finished without the error.
It was probably their mistake that was corrected at this point.
Thank you all :)

react-native response error code 500

I'm encountering a strange issue, when I use react-native run-android command on the template project which I've created using react-native init I get the following the red error page on the device:
you should open your command line and see what error it gives to you. maybe it was syntax error or problem in your can use this link

Could not copy the file "resources.dll" because it was not found

I'm getting this error after clicked for the first time in TEST-> Debug -> All Tests
I've been looking and seen something to add Pre build events but it didn't worked out, the error code:
Error 1 Could not copy the file "obj\Debug\qps-ploc\Bigbuilder.resources.dll" because it was not found. Bigbuilder
The program doesn't debug at the first try but when it asks "there was build errors. Would you like to run the last successfull build?" if i click no and retry to execute it will say nothing but the error will mantain in the error list
Uninstall the Multilingual App Toolkit from Programs and Features, download the latest version, and re-install. This fixes the build issues.
Encountered the same problem with building a console application using the Multilingual App Toolkit in a Portable Class Library, and now it is working.