Auth0 stuck in callback - auth0

Used auth0 for my react project and it works fine at my local.
When i put my project to the server login page shows up, but after i try to login i get an error.
firefox says
unable to connect - cant establish a connection to localhost:3000 and on
chrome i got
this site can't be reached - localhost refused to connect
I tried different callback urls on the auth0 side but nothing changed. I do not know exactly what to do actually

It looks like your project isn't running on the same connection that you were locally. Make sure to change all the registered callbacks to their current locations when changing to a different deployment.


GET 500 (Internal Server Error) when trying to access api

I am building an application of a live news feed where I used API. They have a socket server and all you have to do is connect a client to it. I had the live news feed working perfectly fine and all of a sudden I started getting the error.
NOTE: I am able to have the news feed functioning in INCOGNITO MODE on localhost:3000 but it does not work when on regular browsing localhost: 3000
My code is the same as it was before when the news feed was functioning. I have tried resetting my router several times, cleared cache/cookies, and checked for errors in my code. The application works perfectly fine on incognito but is not working on regular browsing
Proxy error: Could not proxy request / from localhost:3000 to (ECONNREFUSED).
This is the code that gives to connect to their server. This code was working perfectly before as stated above but then I started getting network errors. I am using version 2.0.4 as that is required for this API

Expo tunnel not working (invalid certificate)

I'd like to use expo start --tunnel to allow connecting to the App over the internet.
However, right after starting, the DevTools open and show me the following error:
Error loading DevTools
ValidationError: "urlType" must be one of [exp, http, redirect, no-protocol]
The console shows me:
Starting Metro Bundler.
Tunnel URL not found (it might not be ready yet), falling back to LAN URL.
Tunnel URL not found (it might not be ready yet), falling back to LAN URL.
So far so bad.. I've then looked into the .expo/packager-info.json to see what URLs have been generated. The file looks like this:
"devToolsPort": 19002,
"expoServerPort": 19000,
"packagerPort": 19001,
"packagerPid": 7316,
"expoServerNgrokUrl": "",
"packagerNgrokUrl": "",
"ngrokPid": 5316,
"webpackServerPort": null
Then I've tried to open these URLs on the target devices. When doing so, I get an SSLPeerUnverifiedException because of an invalid certificate. I think it's the same error that I get when navigating to the URL directly in the browser.
So, am I doing anything wrong or is the tunnel workflow broken right now?
What might I do to get it working?
I somehow bypassed this problem by removing https from the link.
To do so, take the expoServerNgrokUrl from .expo/packager-info.json and turn:
Then you can send it to any Expo device.
I had the same issue, logged out expo logout, logged in again expo login and it worked.

unable to login into weblogic console

I'm weblogic newbie, trying to abandon it ASAP, but that's not possible for now, so I have to resolve this. Maybe following is completely normal and trivial. I don't know. Please advice.
I had working weblogic 12.1.3 on 2 PCs for months. But suddenly, I cannot log into admin console on neither of them. I enter username/pass from password store, and it's not accepted. While at the same time intellij idea successfully logs in and deploys app using same pass. OK, fair enough, we reset pass, using:
and update password in intellij settings. Good. Intellij idea is in again, I cannot login. Nothing in logs, neither application, nor server logs.
I cannot login regardless if I start weblogic via intellij run configuration of from bash.
OK, lets try reinstall weblogic. No change.
Weblogic is up and running, app deployed to it, and is responsive. When accessing console URL, it gets printed, that app is being deployed, but I still cannot access it. Cleared caches/cooking etc. nothing. No logs, no error response. Nothing.
Responses to "failed"(?) login on urls j_security_check, console and console/ are http status 302 (moved temporarily). Not sure if it's ok or not, well say I'd expect 401/403, but maybe 302 is valid weblogic response for denied authentication. I don't know.
Any idea?
What you can do is to check web storage and try to clear it. But the most clear way is to use different browser. Or use your current browser in private mode. Also in firefox you can create different profile and use it for this specific purposo.

Website fails to load in Safari Mobile and Desktop

When opening some web pages in Safari (iOS - CMS website hosted in a Apache server) it shows the following message.
Tried to remove all scripts from the page and it doesn't worked
Checked Apache access log and none on the requests were logged in access log
Checked Apache error log and no errors are logged
Tried lot of methods to figure it out (technically and logically). Anyone experienced the same issue?
If none of your requests are being logged, then your client isn't getting through and you have a problem outside of your application scope (like a network connectivity or firewall issue)

SQLException thrown on await SignInManager.ExternalSignInAsync google+

I am trying to implement google+ authentication on my MVC5 app but am struggling to get it working on my live environment.
I have generated new keys for me live site from google apis and deployed the code.
I have set anonymous authentication for my site in iis8 on my server.
When I click the Google+ login button for the first time, I get to the sign in page and can click accept. The process then waits and waits until finally it fails. The second time round, I don't get the google login, but again get loads of waiting until it fails.
The code is failing on this line with a SQLException:
var result = await SignInManager.ExternalSignInAsync(loginInfo, isPersistent: false);
"A network related or instance specific error occured while establishing a connection to the SQL server".
Now as far as I can see with that line of code, I am not trying to connect to my SQL environment. So is this connecting to google to validate? Do I need some firewall ports or IP's opened on the server?
In IIS Express on my local, everything works fine!!
Many thanks
It's impossible to give accurate advice based on your description, but i had about same issue after installed new web app template in Visual Studio (thats how i come here). Probably you forget to change computer name in your web-config/connectionStrings or you dont have sql server installed.