Image require() in nuxt with hot reload by HRM webpack - vue.js

I use the dynamic source for vue-webpack images in nuxt :src="require('path/to/image' + dynamic.variable)" in my project navbar. If the users substitute their image through a form which refetches their information and deletes their previous image I get a webpack error module (img) not found (it does not find the new one): is there a way to solve this, like wait for webpack HRM to finish?
I tried setting up a setTimeout() of one second before user re-fetch and it works, but I don't like a random waiting, I'd use a promise or a sync dynamic, the point is webpack hot reload is not controlled by my functions.. I also tried with setting the dynamic path as a computed: but it doesn't fix.
My image tag:
<img v-if="this.$auth.user.image" class="userlogo m-2 rounded-circle" :src="require('#assets/images/users/' + this.$auth.user.image)" alt="usrimg">
My Useredit page methods:
methods: {
userEdit() {
//uploads the image
if ( {
let formImageData = new FormData()
formImageData.append('file', this.formImageFilename)'/db/userimage', formImageData, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' } })
// once it has uploaded the new image, it deletes the old one
this.userUpdate() //if no new image has to be inserted, it proceeds to update the user information
if(this.$auth.user.image){axios.delete('/db/userimage', {data: {delimage: this.$auth.user.image}} )}
console.log(this.$auth.user.image + ' deleted')
this.userUpdate() // it has deleted the old image so it proceeds to update the user information
'/db/user', {
name: this.formName,
surname: this.formSurname,
email: this.formEmail,
password: this.formPassword,
.then(() => { console.log('User updated'); this.userReload()}) // reloads the updated user information
.catch(err => {console.log(err)} )
console.log('User reloading..')
.then(() => { console.log('User reloaded')})
.catch(err => {console.log(err)} )
the problem happens after "console.log('User reloading..')" and before "console.log('User reloaded');", it is not related to the file upload nor the server response. I broke a single function in many little ones just to check the function progression and its asynchronous dynamics but the only one that is not manageable is the webpack hot reload :/
I'd like the users to upload their images and see their logo in the Navbar appear updated after submitting the form.

First of all, as somebody told you in the comments, webpack hmr shouldn't be used for production.
In Nuxt, everything that you reference from the assets folder will be optimized and bundled into the project package. So the ideal use case for this folder is all assets that can be packaged and optimized, and most likely won't change like fonts, css, background images, icons, etc.
Then, require is called only once by webpack when it is either building the site for local development or building the site for generating a production package. The problem in your case is that you delete the original file while you're in development and webpack tries to read it and fails.
In the case of these images that the user uploads, I think you should use the static folder instead and instead of using require you'll have to change the :src with
:src="'/images/users/' + this.$auth.user.image"
Let me know if this helps.

Okay, I probably solved it.
HMR: you are of course right. Thank you for pointing out, I am sorry, I am a beginner and I try to understand stuff along the way.
Aldarund, thank you, your idea of not changing the path and cache it client side.. I am too noob to understand how I could implement it ( :) ) but it gave me a good hint: the solution was to keep the image name as the user id + the '.png' extension and to manage the image with jimp so that the image name, extension and file type are always the same, and with or without webpack compiling the new path, I always have the correct require().
Jair, thank you for the help, I didn't follow that road, but I will keep it as a second chance if my way creates errors. Just to be specific: the error comes when it does not find -and asks for the name of- the NEW image, not the OLD one, as I wrote in my question: it happens because the fetchUser() functions reloads the user information including the new image name.
Do you guys see any future problems in my methodology?
Really thank you for your answers. I am learning alone and it's great to receive support.


<video> tag. DOMException: The element has no supported sources, when not utilizing require()

I am trying to play a video when developing locally with VueJS 2.
My code is the following :
<video class="back_video" :src="`../videos/Space${videoIndex}.mp4`" id="background-video"></video>
data :
function() {
return {
const vid = document.getElementById("background-video");
vid.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
let playPromise =;
if (playPromise !== undefined) {
playPromise.then(function() {
console.log("video playing");
}).catch(function(error) {
This code is causing the exception given in title. Tried in several browsers, always the same.
If I change the src by :
it works.
But in that case building time is very long as I have many different videos in my videos directory, because adding require() will force to copy all videos in the running directory at build phase (vue-cli serve), and this is really annoying. In other words I want to refer videos that are outside the build directory to avoid this (but also to avoid having videos in my git).
It is interesting to note that when I deploy server side, it works perfectly with my original code
Note also that if i replace my code with simply
it works too. So the video itself, or its location, are not the source of the problem.
Any clue ?
You can host your videos on a CDN to have something faster and easier to debug/work with.
Otherwise, it will need to bundle it locally and may take some time.

how to force clearing cache in chrome when release new Vue app version

I created an app with vue-cli and then I build the dist folder for production.
The app is deployed on IIS with flask backend and works fine.
The problem occurs when I have to make some changes and I have to redo the deployment. After this, users call me because app doesn't work but if I clear the chrome cache, the app works fine again.
How can I fix this problem? Is there a method to clear chrome cache automatically when I release a new application version?
my dist folder
deployment: copy and paste folder dist on IIS
if files in dist folder are correct, maybe the problem is in axios cache? i have make some changes also to rest apis
I had the same problem and changing (incrementing) the version number in package.json before running the build command fixed it.
For example by default the version number is set to "0.1.0"
package.json file:
"name": "project-name",
"version": "0.1.1",
"private": true,
If you use vue-cli, then it has built-in webpack configs for building dist. And in fact it adds hash-names to output files.
But if it was removed somehow, you can add it back to webpack config like
output: {
filename: '[name].[hash].bundle.js'
And your app will looks like this:
And even more, you do not need to handle how all this stuff will be added to html, coz webpack will figure it out for you.
You need to add a version query to your js file. This is how a browser can know if the file has changed and needs to download the new version.
So something like:
<script src="main.js?v=1.1"></script>
<script src="main.js?v=1.2"></script>
Assuming this is nothing to do with service worker/PWA, the solution could be implemented by returning the front-end version.
(resp) => {
let fe_version = resp.headers['fe-version'] || 'default'
if(fe_version !== localStorage.getItem('fe-version') && resp.config.method == 'get'){
localStorage.setItem('fe-version', fe_version)
window.location.reload() // For new version, simply reload on any get
return Promise.resolve(resp)
You can also ensure the fe-version is returned based on any sort of uniqueness, here I have used the commit SHA.
Full Article here:
You can't access the browser's cache, that would be huge a security flaw.
To fix it, you must send some headers with your flask responses telling the browser not to cache you app.
This is an example for express.js for you to get the idea:
setHeaders: function (res, path, stat) {
res.set('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') // HTTP 1.1
res.set('Pragma', 'no-cache') // HTTP 1.0
res.set('Expires', '0') // Proxies
You can read a lot more about caching in here.
This is an older post, but since I could not find the solution for this problem online, ill just post this here in case someone else might find it usefull.
I added the hash to the appllication chunk files via the webpack.mix.js file by adding:
output: {
chunkFilename: 'js/[name].js?id=[chunkhash]',
This adds a fingerprint to the actual chunks and not just the app.js file. You can add a version name to the app.js file aswell by adding version(['public/js/app.js']); at the end of the file, or add filename: '[name].js?[hash]' to the output block.
My complete webpack.mix.js:
const mix = require('laravel-mix');
output: {
chunkFilename: 'js/main/[name].js?id=[chunkhash]',
}).js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js').vue()
.postCss('resources/css/app.css', 'public/css', [
In my laravel blade file I used
<script src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}"></script>
to load the app.js file with the correct version fingerprint.
The answer for me was caching at my DNS provider level.
Basically, I'm using Cloudflare DNS proxy and they are caching the website so in development mode I was not getting the code updates.
I had to clear the cache many times to get anything to change. I had to wait a significant period of time before anything update.
Turned it off and it stopped doing that.
the method I want to suggest
<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js?time=') }}{{ time() }}" defer></script>
add below script in publc/index.html
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "<%= BASE_URL %>sample.js?t=" + timestamp;
could you try ?
Also it's possible that the component it self needs a unique key :
<my-component :key="unique" />

Uploading image [Cypress]

I'm trying to upload a jpeg image from local files to a webpage developed here in my job. The thing is, we need to click on the page to open the file explorer and then select the image (or drag and drop into the same spot that may be clicked).
Here is a picture from the web page
I don't know how could i do that, i was trying some code that i've seen in "". But don't worked. I actually don't know how it works exactly, could anyone help me?
Here is my code
After #brendan's help, I was able to solve the problem by finding an input that was "hidden" under an element. However, before that I tried drag-n-drop, and cypress returned me an error (despite the successful upload). The context was, immediately after the upload, the element re-renders and cypress told me that:
Beside the success with input element, i was wondering how it would be possible to resolve this error, is it possible to do something internally to cypress to ignore or wait until the element re-renders back to normal?
Solutions suggested by cypress:
We're doing this using cypress-file-upload
Here's an example from our code:
cy.fixture(fileName).then(fileContent => {
{ fileContent, fileName, mimeType: "application/pdf" },
{ subjectType: "drag-n-drop" }
For your purpose, I think this will work:
cy.fixture(imagePath).then(fileContent => {
{ fileContent, fileName, mimeType: "image/jpeg" },
{ subjectType: "drag-n-drop" }

Navigating site (including forms) with PhantomJS

I'm trying to automate an application that uses form security in order to upload a file and then scrape data from the returned HTML.
I started out using the solution from this question. I can define my steps and get through the entire workflow as long as the last step is rendering the page.
Here are the two steps that are the meat of my script:
function() {"", function(status) {
if ('success' === status) {
page.uploadFile('input[name=file]', 'x.csv');
page.evaluate(function() {
// assignButton is used to associate modules with an account
function() {
page.evaluate(function() {
var results = document.getElementById("moduleProcessingReport");
console.log("results: " + results);
When I run the script, I see that the output render is correct. However, the evaluate part isn't working. I can confirm that my DOM selection is correct by running it in the Javascript console while on the remote site.
I have seen other questions, but they revolve around using setTimeout. Unfortunately, the step strategy from the original approach already has a timeout.
I tried a slightly different approach, using this post and got similar results. I believe that document uses an older PhantomJS API, so I used the 'onLoadFinished' event to drive between steps.
i recomend you use casperjs or if you use PJS's webPage.injectScript() you could load up jquery and then your own script to do form input/navigation.

Array store Sencha Touch 2

While building my first mobile app using sencha touch 2 some questions got in my way and I can't seem to find their answer.
Where should an app configuration be stored (theme, language, font size ). I was thinking
to count the data from a store and if bigger than 0 work on that data otherwise add data( this would happen only the first time application is opened or localstorage cleared..). There are other options for this kind of thing(things like an array which will be changed when user is interacting with the app) ?
I need to use in my application around 100 images. I don't know what options I have here to embed the images into app. Saw lots of examples loading image from external server but not sure if there is an option for packing them with the app.
If I had an array with a name(key) and the image url(value), where should this array be ? in a json file and use an ajax load each time a need a name in there ?
Let me suggest few options:
1- App configuration : If app configuration is like set of constant values which won't change by user interaction you can create a file (e.g. properties.js) and load it on application load.
Properties = {
and to load it you just have to edit app.json
"js": [
"path": "touch/sencha-touch.js",
"x-bootstrap": true
"path": "resources/data/properties.js"
If you want to control these values then you can keep it on your server and give its URL as "path" in app.json
2- There is always option of packaging images with your app, just like all the icon & startup images are packaged but its not suggested because it increases size of your deployable and people with slow internet connections and low end devices might skip installing it if size it too large.
3- No need to load the JSON file every time you need it, you can cache the data in global variable after first load and keep referring to the array whenever required. Now where to define global variable is another interesting discussion with people suggesting lot of things but I prefer to have a singleton class which can keep all the global functions & variables. See this thread to understand how : Where do I put my global helper functions if they are needed before Ext.application() is being executed?
For Text we can Try like this
var A_address=Ext.getCmp('address').getValue(); //get the value
localStorage.setItem("Adult1_select1",A_select1); // assign localstore
var web_arrayTotalPAssengers=[];
// push the values in array...
disableCaching: false,
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
jsonData: {
origin:Ext.decode(web_arrayTotalPAssengers), //decode and send
failure : function(response)