icecast fallback with redundancy - fallback

How can I setup icecast config file fallbacks as per scenario below
1 mount point "listen.mp3" where the listeners would connect to. this mount point will fallback to "main.mp3"
1 main point "main.mp3" which will fallback to either of the following 2 sub streams ("primary.mp3" and "secondary.mp3") that are similar for redundancy purposes
When the listeners connect to "listen.mp3", they would **automatically fall back to "main.mp3" and again fall to any of the 2 available sub streams "primary.mp3" and "secondary.mp3".
if "primary.mp3" is not available then the listeners will be moved to "secondary.mp3",
if "secondary.mp3" fails then the listeners will be moved to "primary.mp3"
Currently, my config file is set up as above but with only 1 stream point "main.mp3" see config below
**Note that I must have the "listen.mp3" as a mount point where the listeners connect to. i won't state the reason so not to complicate things for this question.
Will this do the trick?

This did the trick after testing...


How should I set up logger for Splunk in PingFederate?

I wish to set up PingFederate to log to Splunk.
Ping describes it nicely here but the referenced sections to be uncommented can't be found in my PF instance -- it may have been removed before my time as part of a clean-up.
What should the contents of the log4j2.xml be?
I'm using PingFederate 8.4.1.
Some additional information on configuring PingFederate's log4j2.xml is available here:
If you do not have a SecurityAudit2Splunk appender defined in your log4j2.xml, it should look something like:
<RollingFile name="SecurityAudit2Splunk" fileName="${sys:pf.log.dir}/splunk-audit.log"
<pattern>%d trackingid="%X{trackingid}" event=%X{event} subject="%X{subject}" ip=%X{ip} app=%X{app} connectionid=%X{connectionid} protocol=%X{protocol} pfhost=%X{host} role=%X{role} status=%X{status} adapterid=%X{adapterid} description="%X{description}" responsetime=%X{responsetime} %n</pattern>
<TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy />
If you want to see an original log4j2.xml configuration file, you can always download PingFederate again to compare:
Also note that there is a PingFederate App for Splunk that can be a useful starting point for reporting:

Openfire setup page

I'm trying to install Openfire 4.0.2 . My problem is that after restarting Openfire and pressing Admin Console I always see Setup Page. What should I do to fix it?
This is my openfire.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This file stores bootstrap properties needed by Openfire.
Property names must be in the format: ""
That will be stored as:
Most properties are stored in the Openfire database. A
property viewer and editor is included in the admin console.
<!-- root element, all properties must be under this element -->
<!-- Disable either port by setting the value to -1 -->
<!-- Network settings. By default, Openfire will bind to all network interfaces.
Alternatively, you can specify a specific network interfaces that the server
will listen on. For example, This setting is generally only useful
on multi-homed servers. -->
<!-- SPDY Protocol is npn.
(note: npn does not work with Java 8)
add -Xbootclasspath/p:/OPENFIRE_HOME/lib/npn-boot.jar to .vmoptions file -->
<!-- XEP-0198 properties -->
<!-- Whether stream management is offered to clients by server. -->
<!-- Number of stanzas sent to client before a stream management
acknowledgement request is made. -->
Thank you.
In a file like this you miss the database part, so probably you never finished the setup really.
However there are 2 flags you must add:
in openfire.xml <setup>true</setup>
as child of <jive> tag
and in ofProperty table of database
The answer is, you have to uninstall Openfire and after delete Openfire folder which is situated in C:/ProgramFiles(x86)/ and reinstall Openfire.
The setup procedure of Openfire will, if it runs successfully, modify the content of the openfire.xml file. The most typical reason for this to fail is a file permission problem. Make sure that the user that is executing Openfire is allowed to read & write all files under the Openfire home folder.

Rabbitmq configuration problems (Doesn't read config file)

I set: rabbitmq.conf and rabbitmq-env,conf both in /etc/rabbitmq/
rabbit.[{rabbit, [{loopback_users, []}]}].
and in rabbitmq-env.conf
CONFIG_FILE=/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq (also tried with the conf e
but in the log It shows (after rabbit restart):
config file(s) : (none)
and of course no configuration is actually loaded.. Any help? Ideas? `
I've got an answer in the rabbitmq google group so I'll share it here:
rabbitmq.conf should be named: rabbitmq.config..
Fixes the problem

unable to set security domain via jboss-web.xml

We have an app that is being deployed as an ear. Within this ear, there is a war that needs to use a specific security domain.
To achieve this, we have configured the standalone-full-ha.xml with the following security section
<security-domain name="ourDomain" cache-type="default">
<login-module code="blah.blah.OurDomain" flag="required" />
ear/war/WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml is configured as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
With this configuration, the app tries to authenticate against the "other" domain which is there in JBoss by default.
log entries as follows:
TRACE [] (http-/ PBOX000224: End getAppConfigurationEntry(other), AuthInfo: AppConfigurationEntry[]:
LoginModule Class:
ControlFlag: LoginModuleControlFlag: optional
name=password-stacking, value=useFirstPass
LoginModule Class:
ControlFlag: LoginModuleControlFlag: required
name=password-stacking, value=useFirstPass
When trying to define this as part of the ear in ear/META-INF/jboss-app.xml, that made the whole thing blow up pretty spectacularly - so figured that was less likely to be the way to resolve this.
If the default security domain is changed to ourDomain however, it all works as expected.
This doesn't seem to be a big deal - however, it feels better to be able to leave as much of the configuration in the app as possible.
Any pointers to resolve this appreciated.
Your security domain name specified in jboss-web.xml needs to match the name of some security domain in your JBoss config, in your case the web descriptor specifies Quark while the security subsystem defined domain named ourDomain.
Whenever JBoss can not find the security domain you request in your jboss-web.xml, it will fallback to the default security domain, which in case of 7.x is named other.

how to change listen port from default 7001 to something different?

Can anyone tell me how to change the default listening port of Weblogic 10.3 to something different? I saw some posts on discussion boards which say that change it under ...//config/config.xml. Even I thought so, but surprisingly, there is no mention of word "port" in that file. Here is the file:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<domain xmlns="" xmlns:sec="" xmlns:wls="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<sec:authentication-provider xsi:type="wls:default-authenticatorType"></sec:authentication-provider>
<sec:authentication-provider xsi:type="wls:default-identity-asserterType">
<sec:role-mapper xmlns:xac="" xsi:type="xac:xacml-role-mapperType"></sec:role-mapper>
<sec:authorizer xmlns:xac="" xsi:type="xac:xacml-authorizerType"></sec:authorizer>
<sec:adjudicator xsi:type="wls:default-adjudicatorType"></sec:adjudicator>
<sec:credential-mapper xsi:type="wls:default-credential-mapperType"></sec:credential-mapper>
<sec:cert-path-provider xsi:type="wls:web-logic-cert-path-providerType"></sec:cert-path-provider>
<sec:password-validator xmlns:pas="" xsi:type="pas:system-password-validatorType">
<source-path>C:\Documents and Settings\bchitte\Desktop\tbl.war</source-path>
<source-path>C:\Documents and Settings\bchitte\workspace\DatabaseLoggerService\DatabaseLoggerService.war</source-path>
<source-path>C:\Documents and Settings\bchitte\workspace\ReadingsProgressLogService\ReadingsProgressLogService.war</source-path>
<source-path>C:\Documents and Settings\bchitte\workspace\de.vogella.jersey.first\de.vogella.jersey.first.war</source-path>
<source-path>C:\Documents and Settings\bchitte\workspace\UpdateWIPQService\UpdateWIPQService.war</source-path>
Simplest option ...your can change it from AdminConsole.
Login to AdminConsole--->Server-->--->Configuration--->ListenPort (Change it)!
if your port is 7001, since it's the default it might not be mentioned in the config.xml. config.xml only reports stuff which differs from the default, for sake of simplicity.
apart from the config.xml, you should look into a number of other places under your domain-home:
And don't forget to update any internal URIs of your deployed code.
See also
Especially changing the listen address/port of the admin can be troublesome. If you change only the managed server, it's a lot easier.
The best option is just rebuilding the domain.
The following lines are used to control the listen-port of a server, both are necessary:
You can change the listen port as per your requirement.
This task can be accomplished in two diffrent ways.
By changing config.xml file
By changing in admin console
Change the listen port in config.xml as per your requirement and bounce the domain.
Admin Console
Login to AdminConsole->Server->Configuration->ListenPort (Change it)
It is a bad practice to edit config.xml and try to edit in admin console(It's a good practise as well)
As my experience, you can add another domain which listens different port than 7001, and use this domain in to deploy app.
Here's an example:
To update the listen ports for a server:
1.Click Lock & Edit in the Change Center of the webLogic Administration Console
2.expand Environment and select Server the name of the server and select Configuration > General
4.Find Listen Port to change it Save and start server.
That file has a listen-port element - that should be what you need to change, although it is currently set to 8080, not 7001.
If you still get the exception in the server startup after changing listen port, you should try changing Pointbase server port and debug port in setDomainEnv.cmd
I solved the issue by Changing the port no. in adrs-instances.xml file: