My question is about SQL, using a TOP function inside a sub-query in MS Access - sql

Overall what I'm trying to achieve is a query that shows the most ordered item from a customer in a database. To achieve this I've tried making a query showing how many times a customer has ordered an item, and now I am trying to create a sub-query in it using TOP1 to discern the most bought items.
With the SQL from the first query (looking weird because I made it with the Access automatic creator):
COUNT(SalesQuantity.ProductCode) AS CountOfProductCode
FROM (Employees
INNER JOIN (Customers
ON Customers.CustomerCode = Sales.CustomerCode)
ON Employees.EmployeeCode = Sales.EmployeeCode)
INNER JOIN (Products
INNER JOIN SalesQuantity
ON Products.ProductCode = SalesQuantity.ProductCode)
ON Sales.SalesCode = SalesQuantity.SalesCode
COUNT(SalesQuantity.ProductCode) DESC;
I have tried putting in a subquery after FROM line:
(SELECT TOP1 CountOfProduct(s)
FROM (.....)
ORDER by Count(SalesQuantity.ProductCode) DESC)
I'm just not sure what to put in for the "from"-every other tutorial has the data from an already created table, however this is from a query that is being made at the same time. Just messing around I've put "FROM" and then listed every table, as well as
FROM Count(SalesQuantity.ProductCode)
just because I've seen that in the order by from the other code, and assume that the query is discerning from this count. Both tries have ended with an error in the syntax of the "FROM" line.
I'm new to SQL so sorry if it's blatantly obvious, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

As I understand, you want the most purchased product for each customer.
So, begin by building aggregate query that counts product purchases by customer (appears to be done in the posted image). Including customer ID in the query would simplify the next step which is to build another query with TOP N nested query.
Part of what complicates this is unique record identifier is lost because of aggregation. Have to use other fields from the aggregate query to provide unique identifier. Consider:
SELECT * FROM Query1 WHERE CustomerID & ProductName IN
(SELECT TOP 1 CustomerID & ProductName FROM Query1 AS Dupe
WHERE Dupe.CustomerID = Query1.CustomerID
ORDER BY Dupe.CustomerID, Dupe.CountOfProductCode DESC);

Overall what I'm trying to achieve is a query that shows the most ordered item from a customer in a database.
This answers your question. It does not modify your query which is only tangentially related.
SELECT s.CustomerCode, sq.ProductCode, SUM(sq.quantity) as qty
SalesQuantity as sq
ON s.SalesCode = sq.SalesCode
GROUP BY s.CustomerCode, sq.ProductCode;
To get the most ordered items, you can use this twice:
SELECT s.CustomerCode, sq.ProductCode, SUM(sq.quantity) as qty
SalesQuantity as sq
ON s.SalesCode = sq.SalesCode
GROUP BY s.CustomerCode, sq.ProductCode
HAVING sq.ProductCode IN (SELECT TOP 1 sq2.ProductCode
SalesQuantity as sq2
ON s2.SalesCode = sq2.SalesCode
WHERE s2.CustomerCode = s.CustomerCode
GROUP BY sq2.ProductCode
In almost any other database, this would be simpler, because you would be able to use window functions.


SQL Server question - subqueries in column result with a join?

I have a distinct list of part numbers from one table. It is basically a table that contains a record of all the company's part numbers. I want to add columns that will pull data from different tables but only pertaining to the part number on that row of the distinct part list.
For example: if I have part A, B, C from the unique part list I want to add columns for Purchase quantity, repair quantity, loan quantity, etc... from three totally unique tables.
So it's almost like I need 3 subqueries that will sum of that data from the different tables for each part.
Can anybody steer me in the direction of how to do this? Please and thank you so much!
One method is correlated subqueries. Something like this:
select p.*,
(select count(*)
from purchases pu
where pu.part_id = p.part_id
) as num_purchases,
(select count(*)
from repairs r
where r.part_id = p.part_id
) as num_repairs,
(select count(*)
from loans l
where l.part_id = p.part_id
) as num_loans
from parts p;
Another option is joins with aggregation before the join. Or lateral joins (which are quite similar to correlated subqueries).

Sum matching entries in SQL

In this database I need to find the total amount that each customer paid for books in a category, and then sort them by their customer ID. The code appears to run correctly but I end up with approximately 20 extra rows than I should, although the sum appears to be correct in the right rows.
The customer ID is part of customer, but is not supposed to appear in the select clause, when I try and ORDER BY it, I get strange errors. The DB engine is DB2.
SELECT distinct,, sum(offer.price) AS COST
FROM offer
INNER JOIN purchase ON purchase.title=offer.title
INNER JOIN customer ON customer.cid=purchase.cid
INNER JOIN member ON member.cid=customer.cid
INNER JOIN book ON book.title=offer.title
AND member.cid=purchase.cid AND
You should fix your join conditions to include the ones in the where clause (between table relationships usually fit better into an on clause).
SELECT DISTINCT is almost never appropriate with a GROUP BY.
But those are not your question. You can use an aggregation function:

SQL: If there is No match on condition (row in table) return a default value and Rows which match from different tables

I have three tables: Clinic, Stock and StockLog.
I need to get all rows where Stock.stock < 5. I need to also show if an order has been placed and what amount it is; which is found in the table Stocklog.
The issue is that a user can set his stock level in the Stock table without placing an order which would go to Stocklog.
I need a query that can : return the rows in the Stock table and get the related order amounts in the Stocklog table. If no order has been placed in StockLog, then set amount to order amount to zero.
I have tried :
Stock.NameOfMedication, Stock.Stock,
Stock ON Stock.ClinicID = Clinic.ClinicID
StockLog ON StockLog.StockID = Stock.StockID
Stock.Stock <= 5
The issue with my query is that I lose rows which are not found in StockLog.
Any help on how to write this.
Thank you.
I am thinking the query should look like this:
SELECT c.Name, s.NameOfMedication, s.Stock,
COALESCE(sl.OrderAmount, 0) as OrderAmount
Clinic c
ON s.ClinicID = c.ClinicID LEFT JOIN
StockLog sl
ON sl.StockID = s.StockID
WHERE s.Stock <= 5 ;
You want to keep all rows in Stock (subject to the WHERE condition). So think: "make Stock the first table in the FROM and use LEFT JOIN for all the other tables."
If you want to keep all the rows that result from joining Clinic and Stock, then use a LEFT OUTER JOIN with StockLog. I don't know which SQL you're using (SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle), so I can't give you a precise example, but searching for "left outer join" in the relevant documentation should work.
See this Stack Overflow post for an explanation of the various kinds of joins.

Querying records that meet muliple criteria

Hi I’m trying to write a query and I’m struggling to figure out how to go about it.
I have a suppliers table and a supplier parts table I want to write a query that lists suppliers that have specified related Parts in the supplier parts table. If a supplier doesn’t have all specified related parts then they should not be listed.
At the moment I have written a very basic query that lists the supplier if they have a related supplier part that meets the criteria.
SELECT id ,name
efacdb.dbo.suppliers INNER JOIN [efacdb].[dbo].[spmatrix] ON
id = spmsupp
WHERE spmpart
IN ('ALUM_5083', 'ALUM_6082')
I only want to show the supplier if they have both parts related. Does anyone know how I could do this?
Use a subquery with counting distinct occurences:
select * from suppliers s
where 2 = (select count(distinct spmpart) from spmatrix
where id = spmsupp and spmpart in ('ALUM_5083', 'ALUM_6082'))
As a note, you can modify your query to get what you want, just by using an aggregation:
SELECT id, name
FROM efacdb.dbo.suppliers INNER JOIN
ON id = spmsupp
WHERE spmpart IN ('ALUM_5083', 'ALUM_6082')
GROUP BY id, name
HAVING MIN(spmpart) <> MAX(spmpart);
If you know there are no duplicates, then having count(*) = 2 also solves the problem.

SQL Syntax for Complex Scenario (Deals)

i have a complex query to be written but cannot figure it out
here are my tables
Sales --one row for each sale made in the system
SaleProducts --one row for each line in the invoice (similar to OrderDetails in NW)
Deals --a list of possible deals/offers that a sale may be entitled to
DealProducts --a list of quantities of products that must be purchased in order to get a deal
now im trying to make a query which will tell me for each sale which deals he may get
the relevant fields are:
Sales: SaleID (PK)
SaleProducts: SaleID (FK), ProductID (FK)
Deals: DealID (PK)
DealProducts: DealID(FK), ProductID(FK), Mandatories (int) for required qty
i believe that i should be able to use some sort of cross join or outer join, but it aint working
here is one sample (of about 30 things i tried)
SELECT DealProducts.DealID, DealProducts.ProductID, DealProducts.Mandatories,
viwSaleProductCount.SaleID, viwSaleProductCount.ProductCount
FROM DealProducts
LEFT OUTER JOIN viwSaleProductCount
ON DealProducts.ProductID = viwSaleProductCount.ProductID
GROUP BY DealProducts.DealID, DealProducts.ProductID, DealProducts.Mandatories,
viwSaleProductCount.SaleID, viwSaleProductCount.ProductCount
The problem is that it doesn't show any product deals that are not fulfilled (probably because of the ProductID join). i need that also sales that don't have the requirements show up, then I can filter out any SaleID that exists in this query where AmountBought < Mandatories etc
Thank you for your help
I'm not sure how well I follow your question (where does viwSaleProductCount fit in?) but it sounds like you will want an outer join to a subquery that returns a list of deals along with their associated products. I think it would go something like this:
Select *
From Sales s Inner Join SaleProducts sp on s.SaleID = sp.SaleID
Left Join (
Select *
From Deals d Inner Join DealProducts dp on d.DealID = dp.DealId
) as sub on sp.ProductID = sub.ProductID
You may need to add logic to ensure that deals don't appear twice, and of course replace * with the specific column names you'd need in all cases.
edit: if you don't actually need any information from the sale or deal tables, something like this could be used:
Select sp.SaleID, sp.ProductID, sp.ProductCount, dp.DealID, dp.Mandatories
From SaleProducts sp
Left Join DealProducts as dp on sp.ProductID = dp.ProductID
If you need to do grouping/aggregation on this result you will need to be careful to ensure that deals aren't counted multiple times for a given sale (Count Distinct may be appropriate, depending on your grouping). Because it is a Left Join, you don't need to worry about excluding sales that don't have a match in DealProducts.