Notification When Screen is Flashing VB.Net -

I would like a notification to be triggered when part the screen starts to flash. This notification can be a msgbox for now, but I will eventually evolve it into an audible sound.
The purpose of this is we have a dashboard that displays various cells throughout the company. When a cell needs assistance, its spot on the dashboard starts to flash. The cells are displayed in horizontally stackedboxes like this;
Cell 1
Cell 2
Cell 3
I would like to build an application that scans the screen, lets say every second, and gets each cells pixel intensity.
The notification will be triggered if/when the cells pixel intensity changes each scan for three consecutive scans in a row (ie. the cell must be flashing).
I am hoping that you guys can help me find a way to scan the screen an return a regions average pixel intensity to which I can then replicate and do the comparison to find out if it is flashing.
Thank you in advance, I am using VB.Net.

I was able to accomplish what I was asking by using this:
Private Sub AvgColors(ByVal InBitmap As Bitmap)
Dim btPixels(InBitmap.Height * InBitmap.Width * 3 - 1) As Byte
Dim hPixels As GCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(btPixels, GCHandleType.Pinned)
Dim bmp24Bpp As New Bitmap(InBitmap.Width, InBitmap.Height, InBitmap.Width * 3,
Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, hPixels.AddrOfPinnedObject)
Using gr As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp24Bpp)
gr.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(InBitmap, New Rectangle(0, 0,
bmp24Bpp.Width, bmp24Bpp.Height))
End Using
Dim sumRed As Int32
Dim sumGreen As Int32
Dim sumBlue As Int32
For i = 0 To btPixels.Length - 1 Step 3
sumRed += btPixels(i)
sumGreen += btPixels(i + 1)
sumBlue += btPixels(i + 2)
Dim avgRed As Byte = CByte(sumRed / (btPixels.Length / 3))
Dim avgGreen As Byte = CByte(sumGreen / (btPixels.Length / 3))
Dim avgBlue As Byte = CByte(sumBlue / (btPixels.Length / 3))
MsgBox(avgRed & vbCrLf & avgGreen & vbCrLf & avgBlue)
End Sub
Private Function Screenshot() As Bitmap
Dim b As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height)
Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(b)
g.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, b.Size, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy)
End Using
Return b
End Function
and from here I can just adjust the range of bitmap to what I need, add a timer to tick every second, and keep a variable to compare average RGB's to.
Most of the code found from here:

Related - paint on every white pixel

I have a lot of pictures (about 10.000) and would need to paint with Pink on every pixel that is white.
I found multiple threads on getting the color of a pixel, but they require me to go over every pixel of every image and verify if it is white. On the other hand in python it can be done extremely quickly with numpy.
Is there a way to select only the white pixels quickly and paint over them in maybe using gr.ExcludeClip() or something like that?
any help appreciated.
UPDATE with the current code
Dim im As Image = Image.FromFile(imagepath & "\" & imagename)
Dim palette = im.Palette
Dim c As Color = Color.FromArgb(R, G, B)
Dim mapWhite = New Imaging.ColorMap() With {
.OldColor = Color.White,
.NewColor = c
For i As Integer = 0 To palette.Entries.Length - 1
If palette.Entries(i) = mapWhite.OldColor Then
palette.Entries(i) = mapWhite.NewColor
End If
im.Palette = palette

iTextsharp - draw a line at the end and start of a page with tables

Selecting records from a table I create iTextsharp's Tables one for every first letter of the records
On the picture a table for the "G" letter:
"G" is a row of 6 cells
Then a row of 6 cells with the "headers"
and then rows with records
The cells of the rows only need left and right border.
But I need to draw or "close" the line for the last row of the page and also draw or "open" the line of the first row of the next page.
I read a lot of post but I can't figure it out the solution
I know how to draw a graphic line and how to find the coords or how to set bottom or top border, but I don´t know how to detect the page break or if I can manage this situation with forced footers or headers only on cases like the one of the picture.
The code of the class adapated to VB
Thanks to COeDev for the support
Now I only need to resolve the Rectangle (or draw a line) because is not the same on VB.NET (Lines marked as comment)
Imports iTextSharp.text.pdf
Public Class LineaBottom
Implements IPdfPTableEvent
Public Sub TableLayout(table As PdfPTable, widths As Single()(), heights() As Single, headerRows As Integer, rowStart As Integer, canvases() As PdfContentByte) Implements IPdfPTableEvent.TableLayout
'Throw New NotImplementedException()
Dim columns As Integer
Dim rect As Rectangle
Dim footer As Integer = widths.Length - table.FooterRows
Dim header As Integer = table.HeaderRows - table.FooterRows + 1
Dim ultima As Integer = footer - 1
If ultima <> -1 Then
columns = widths(ultima).Length - 1
rect = New Rectangle(widths(ultima)(0), heights(ultima), widths(footer - 1)(columns), heights(ultima + 1))
'rect.BorderColor = BaseColor.BLACK
'rect.BorderWidth = 1
'rect.Border = Rectangle.TOP_BORDER
End If
End Sub
I hope this code will serve other people because there is not much information on the Internet
This should be helpful for you: itextsharp: how to show the bottom line of a table with property HeaderRows=1 if border bottom of the row is not set?
You will need to add some code to draw an additional header line, too
columns = widths[0].Length - 1;
rect = new Rectangle(widths[0][0], heights[0], widths[0][columns], heights[0]);
rect.BorderColor = Color.BLACK;
rect.BorderWidth = 1;
rect.Border = Rectangle.TOP_BORDER;
I found the solution, no new class required
Dim heightActualLetter, verticalSpaceAvailable As Integer
heightActualLetter = table.TotalHeight
verticalSpaceAvailable = pdfWrite.GetVerticalPosition(False) - pdfDoc.BottomMargin
If heightActualLetter > verticalSpaceAvailable Then
Dim finalLine As PdfContentByte
finalLine = pdfWrite.DirectContent
Dim curY As Int32
curY = pdfWrite.GetVerticalPosition(False)
finalLine.MoveTo(xStart, curY)
finalLine.LineTo(xEnd + 1, curY)
End If
I don´t know why I need the +1 on xEnd + 1 but maybe is because of the other lines being 0.5 I need to rounded up

Photoshop crop from

I assumed that cropping an image would be an extremely easy thing to do from .net. But no matter what I try I just cannot seem to get the thing to work.
The documentation is somewhat vague -
'The first parameter is an array of four coordinates that mark the portion remaining after cropping'
That could mean an array of four numbers, or it could mean an array of four arrays of two numbers (a coordinate after all consists of two numbers). the 'portion remaining after cropping' I take to mean 'the portion of the image designated to remain after cropping'.
Since the select function takes an array of coordinate arrays -- {{x1,y1}, y2, y2}, {x3,y3}, {x4, y4}} -- I had hoped crop would work the same way. No dice.
Next, I tried the really simple approach, assume that 'left, top, right, bottom' really mean just that. So, I plugged in perfectly reasonable values and ... no dice.
In every case, PS throws a dialog box saying ' Could not complete the command because the affected area is empty or does not overlap the canvas'.
Here is a code snippet:
Dim PSDapp
PSDapp = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Dim psarray As Object = {20, 20, 120, 120}
Dim PSDcurrentDoc
PSDapp.preferences.rulerUnits = 1
PSDcurrentDoc ="c:\cat.bmp")
PSDapp.activeDocument = PSDapp.documents.item(1)
What is even more strange is that if I take the above code and port it to a script, it runs just fine. Can someone (anyone!) please please post a minimal working example of using the crop feature using COM (not scripting)?
I've never used Photoshop, but an array of coordinates could be written like this:
Dim psarray() As Point = {
New Point(20, 20),
New Point(120, 20),
New Point(120, 120),
New Point(20, 120)
So you tried something like this already?
Dim psarray() As Integer = {20, 20, 120, 120}
If that doesn't work, try "pinning" it:
Dim psarray() As Integer = {20, 20, 120, 120}
Dim gch As System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle
gch = System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Alloc(psarray, Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType.Pinned)
Solved, with a work-around.
I used a selection as a work-around. The code is longer than it really should have to be since I must first make a selection, but it does work.
Below is the full working subroutine connected to a button. I hope it is of use to somebody that might face this issue as well.
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim x As Integer = 100 ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner (pixel units).
Dim y As Integer = 100 ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner (pixel units).
Dim w As Integer = 200 ' The width of the selection/crop (pixel units).
Dim h As Integer = 200 ' The height of the selection/crop (pixel units).
Dim psArray1() As Object = {x, y}
Dim psArray2() As Object = {x, y + h}
Dim psArray3() As Object = {x + w, y + h}
Dim psArray4() As Object = {x + w, y}
Dim psArray() As Object = {psArray1, psArray2, psArray3, psArray4} ' A concatenated object consisting of an array of coordinates.
Dim PSDapp As Object = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Dim PSDcurrentDoc As Object ="c:\cat.bmp") ' Could be any document of course.
PSDapp.preferences.rulerUnits = 1
Dim selectArray As Object = PSDcurrentDoc.selection.bounds
PSDcurrentDoc = PSDcurrentDoc.crop(selectArray) ' This is key. PSDcurrentDoc.crop is read-only, so it must be assigned.
End Sub

One picture box shown many times in the same form

My Goal is to create a maze in VS using, I currently have managed to make a random Generator that makes the "maze" and shows the location of the last wall made.
Horizontalwalls = Randomizer.Next(60, 91) 'Makes 60 - 90 Horizontal Walls
VirticalWalls = Randomizer.Next(60, 91) 'Makes 60 -90 Vertical Walls
Dim HLoops = 0 'counter for Horizontal walls
Dim VLoops = 0
lbxHorizontal.Items.Clear() 'empties the list box i have which stores the walls location
Do While HLoops < (Horizontalwalls)
HLoops += 1 'adds to the counter
lbxHorizontal.Items.Insert(0, Randomizer.Next(0, 10))
lbxHorizontal.Items.Insert(0, Randomizer.Next(0, 10))
'Attempt at making visable walls
pbxhorizontalwall.Top = (lbxHorizontal.Items.Item(0) * GridSize - 2) 'This and next line puts the wall in desired location
pbxhorizontalwall.Left = (lbxHorizontal.Items.Item(1) * GridSize - 2)
however the only way i know to make all the walls visible is to make 90 horizontal wall pictures, go though naming them all, then GLaaa... there must be a easier way to copy the same image over the screen at the desired location.
At the moment, all i really want to know is the line of code that will copy the image (and maybe a way to mass clear them all when the maze is reset) and then i'll work out how to get it into place...
You first create the list of images with:
Dim imageList As New List(Of Bitmap)
imageList.Add("image to add") 'do it for all the images you have
Then create a bitmap:
Dim bitmapWall as Bitmap = New Bitmap(widthOfbitmap, heightofbitmap, Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
Draw the list of images to the bimap:
Dim objGraphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmapWall)
For i = 0 To imageList.Count
objGraphics.DrawImage(imageList(i), x, y, imageList(i).Width, imageList(i).Height)
x,y is the coordinates of where your images are drawn (you should change them for every iteration)
Me.BackgroundImage = bitmapWall
Dont forget to dispose the list and the bitmap in the end.

Improving performance when working on Images with ASP.NET in VB

I am trying to speed up various aspects of my website.
The site is a shopping site various search pages which are slow. There are several potential reasons for this, one being working with images.
The other night I created a function which generates a thumbnail for my Facebook OG tags. The function writes a square image to the server 400px x 400px created by tiling the first few (up to 14) product images generated by a search query.
Running this script in total isolation on a test.aspx file gives me reasonable load time, but nothing I can do can speed it up, even when I don't return anything in the browser, just doing this process is taking about 3 seconds, which obviously expanded across the whole live site slows things down.
The entire code is:
Function mergeImgs(idList, imgList, head, fileName) As String
Dim maxRows = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString("r")
Dim imgDim = 400
Dim Image3 As New Bitmap(imgDim, imgDim)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Image3)
Dim i = 0
Dim left = 0
Dim rows = 0
For Each item In idList
Dim img = Common.getImageUrl(idList(i), imgList(i), "server", "-tb")
i += 1
If img <> "/Images/awaiting.png" Then
Dim imageData As System.Drawing.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(img)
Dim aspect As Double = imageData.Width / imageData.Height ' determine aspect and decide how to display image
Dim Image1
Dim fixedHeight = imgDim / maxRows
Dim objGraphic As System.Drawing.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(img)
Dim aspectRatio = objGraphic.Height / objGraphic.Width
Dim reduction = fixedHeight / objGraphic.Height
Dim newwidth = objGraphic.Width * reduction
Image1 = New Bitmap(objGraphic, objGraphic.Width * reduction, fixedHeight)
g.DrawImage(Image1, New Point(left, fixedHeight * rows))
If left >= imgDim Then
rows += 1
left = 0
ElseIf left < imgDim Then
left += newwidth
ElseIf left < imgDim AndAlso rows = maxRows Then
Exit For
End If
End If
Image3.Save(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/" & fileName), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
Return rootUrl & fileName
g = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
Return ("<P>" & ex.ToString)
End Try
End Function
There's an external function getImageUrl which is simply a series of logic which writes out a directory structure based on the item ID, this is fast so I doubt holding it up at all.
Variables passed into the function are:
idList = a generic List(of String) ' a list of item IDs
imgList = a generic List(of String) ' a list of image names (image names only stored in DB)
head = the Page.Header ' not actually needed in this prototype, but aimed to allow this to write the OG tag to the Page Header
fileName = simply the name to give the generated image file
I can't help thinking that the section from
Dim imageData As System.Drawing.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(img)
onwards could potentially be sped up. What this does is work out the aspect ratio of the images loaded, then recalculate the size so they're all the same height so that the tile can be neatly populated in tidy rows.
Dim img = Common.getImageUrl(idList(i), imgList(i), "server", "-tb")
This line loads a thumbnail version ("-tb" in last variable) of the images concerned, so all images being dealt with are approx 50x50px so very small to load and determine the aspect ratios from
There are 4 versions of each image stored on my server, in 4 different sizes for fast display on the website, having messed around with the different images loaded here, it seems to make little difference to the script load time.
Is there anything faster than System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(img) that I can use to load in the images and determine the width and height of it?
There are a couple of other situations on my website where I am required to determine the dimensions of an image and then do something with it and all seem a bit slow.
Any advice most welcome!
Just for info, here's an example of an image generated by the above code
This is generated from the products returned by this page (which might load slowly!):
I should state the my test.aspx file also includes a call to a database, having tested the query used directly, I get a query time of 0.18 seconds, I dont know how this time expands into a real application. I have optimised this query and the tables (it uses one nested query and a join) as much as I know how.