When should I use AutoSeededRandomPool (and not NonblockingRng)? - cryptography

I found Crypto++ provides several random generators: AutoSeededRandomPool, AutoSeededX917RNG and so on. I know some details about these generators and the usage of them, I just wondered when I need them?
AutoSeededRandomPool and AutoSeededX917RNG default base on NonblockingRng, and NonblockingRng base on /dev/urandom, the /dev/urandom base on /dev/random and ChaCha.
I googled and found many articles said that /dev/urandom is secure enough and suit for all(almost?) scenarios, so why use DES/AES to encrypt the data read from /dev/urandom and much slower than use '/dev/urandom' directly?
When should I use AutoSeededRandomPool or AutoSeededX917RNG?

When should I use AutoSeededRandomPool or AutoSeededX917RNG?
You should use AutoSeededRandomPool. It uses a PGP-style generator based on AES to extract entropy from the OS pool. It also mixes time with the seed to help harden against VM rollback attacks.
You should also create one AutoSeededRandomPool per thread. If you use a single generator for all threads then you need to supply the locks.
AutoSeededX917RNG is from a time when NIST approved an AES-based ANSI X9.31 generator for use in FIPS 140 validated cryptography. The X9.17 and X9.31 generators are also used in some other standards, like Automotive and Financial.
NIST deprecated the AutoSeededX917RNG generator in 2014 or so in favor of deterministic bit generators specified in SP800-90.
You can use AutoSeededX917RNG if you like. But unless you have requirements to do so then you should just use AutoSeededRandomPool.


Performance tests for Lightweight Encryption

I am currently doing my final project, and I need to conduct some performance tests on at least 3 lightweight encryption algorithms (symmetric block ciphers). Ideally encrypt/decrypt of a text file and measure/compare at least 3 metrics such as execution time, memory, code size, throughput. I'm struggling to work out how to achieve this so if anyone has any pointers I would be extremely grateful. I've no experience with code although I'm trying to work this out (looking at C#, Java Cryptographic Extension, FELICS).
Consider constructing speed and memory tests of one-time pad, as an example of perfect secrecy or a substitution cipher perhaps, DES as an outdated form of symmetric encryption, and it’s modern replacement AES. Pick a language, and duckduckgo for library implementations of the latter two.

What is the need for dynamic consensus in hyperledger projects

I read hyperledger sawtooth supports dynamic consensus, mean the consensus algorithm can be changed dynamically. My question is what is the need or when it is necessary to change the consensus dynamically ?. What forces us to change the consensus dynamically ?
I read the Fabric and Sawtooth documentation. Could not find the necessity for dynamic consensus
Nothing forces any blockchain to change consensus--you can keep the same consensus algorithm forever.
However, consensus algorithms are an active area of research. New and more efficient algorithms are being proposed. It may be that a blockchain may want to switch to a new algorithm. Or perhaps the current algorithm is not suitable. For example, some algorithms are efficient with a few nodes (e.g., PBFT) but are O(n^2), meaning they create an exponentially increasing number of messages as nodes increase and do not scale.
Some consensus algorithms are BFT, Byzantine Fault Tolerant, meaning they withstand bad or malicious actors (nodes). Other algorithms are just CFT, Crash Fault Tolerant, meaning they can withstand a node crashing, but not a bad actor. So one may want to change from a BFT-friendly algorithms (such as PoET SGX).
Hyperledger Sawtooth, by the way, supports PoET, RAFT, and DevMode consensus. The last is for experimental and testing use only--not production. Soon to be added is PBFT consensus. For more detail on Sawtooth consensus, see https://github.com/danintel/sawtooth-faq/blob/master/consensus.rst

Is still valid password hashing using md5 or sha1?

Just now I'm working in a financial project. Here, the team is thinking to use MD5 for password hashing.
But, today is easy copy a SHA1 or MD5 password to decrypt, inclusive if they are complex password like:
My$uper$ecur3PAS$word+448, you might use a online page to decrypt it and there is it.
Small and mid-range developers (including me) uses those hashing methods, but I think is not enough to provide security over the database.
(Excluding firewalls, network security, iptables, etc.).
Can someone give me a clue about what is the better approach to solve this vulnerability?
As per OWASP Password Storage Cheat Sheet, the recommendation is:
Argon2 is the winner of the password hashing competition and should be considered as your first choice for new applications;
PBKDF2 when FIPS certification or enterprise support on many platforms is required;
scrypt where resisting any/all hardware accelerated attacks is necessary but support isn’t.
bcrypt where PBKDF2 or scrypt support is not available.
MD5 and SHA1 are not secured for most security related use cases, because it is possible to find collisions with these algorithms. In other words, given an input and its hash value, it is possible to derive another input with the same hash value.
SHA-2 group of hashing algorithms are secured for many security use cases, but not for password hashing because they are blazingly fast when compared with the above algorithms. And performance is something we don't want for password hashing because that would make it easier for an attacker to perform a brute-force attack by trying a wide range of passwords in a short period of time.
The above 4 algorithms are therefore meant to be expensive in terms of memory, computation power and time. These values are usually parameterized so that they can be tuned to a high value as new technologies improve the computation power with passsing time. Therefore while using these algorithms, it is important to choose the work factor values correctly. Setting a very low valur may defeat the purpose.
In addition to that a salt should also be used.
Again from the same OWASP source:
Generate a unique salt upon creation of each stored credential (not just per user or system wide);
Use cryptographically-strong random data;
As storage permits, use a 32 byte or 64 byte salt (actual size dependent on protection function);
Scheme security does not depend on hiding, splitting, or otherwise obscuring the salt.
Salts serve two purposes:
prevent the protected form from revealing two identical credentials and
augment entropy fed to protecting function without relying on credential complexity.
The second aims to make pre-computed lookup attacks on an individual credential and time-based attacks on a population intractable
Your thinking is correct, MD5 and SHA1 should never be used for password hashing. I would recommend the following, in order of preference:
If you tag your question with the language/framework you are using, I can recommend specific libraries or methods.
Also be aware that encryption is not the right word to use here. These are password hashing algorithms, not encryption algorithms.

What is the purpose of Vulkan's new extension VK_KHR_vulkan_memory_model?

Khronos just released their new memory model extension, but there is yet to be an informal discussion, example implementation, etc. so I am confused about the basic details.
What do these new extensions try to solve exactly? Are they trying to solve synchronization problems at the language level (to say remove onerous mutexes in your C++ code), or is it a new and complex set of features to give you more control over how the GPU deals with sync internally?
(Speculative question) Would it be a good idea to learn and incorporate this new model in the general case or would this model only apply to certain multi-threaded patterns and potentially add overhead?
Most developers won't need to know about the memory model in detail, or use the extensions. In the same way that most C++ developers don't need to be intimately familiar with the C++ memory model (and this isn't just because of x86, it's because most programs don't need anything beyond using standard library mutexes appropriately).
But the memory model allows specifying Vulkan's memory coherence and synchronization primitives with a lot less ambiguity -- and in some cases, additional clarity and consistency. For the most part the definitions didn't actually change: code that was data-race-free before continues to be data-race-free. For a few developers doing advanced or fine-grained synchronization, the additional precision and clarity allows them to know exactly how to make their programs data-race-free without using expensive overly-strong synchronization.
Finally, in building the model the group found a few things that were poorly-designed or broken previously (many of them going all the way back into OpenGL). They've been able to now say precisely what those things do, whether or not they're still useful, and build replacements that do what was actually intended.
The extension advertises that these changes are available, but even more than that, once the extension is final instead of provisional, it will mean that the implementation has been validated to actually conform to the memory model.
Among other things, it enables the same kind of fine grained memory ordering guarantees for atomic operations that are described for C++ here. I would venture to say that many, perhaps even most, PC C++ developers don't really know much about this because the x86 architecture basically makes the memory ordering superfluous.
However, GPUs are not x86 architecture and compute operations executed massively parallel on GPU shader cores probably can, and in some cases must use explicit ordering guarantees to be valid when working against shared data sets.
This video is a good presentation on atomics and ordering as it applies to C++.

Is it unwise to fuzz-test with a cryptographically weak pseudorandom generator?

When working on a large software project I often use fuzz-testing as part of my test cases to help smoke out bugs that may only show up when the input reaches a certain size or shape. I've done this most commonly by just using the standard random number facilities that are bundled with the programming language I happen to be using.
Recently I've started wondering, ignoring the advantages or disadvantages of fuzz testing in general, whether or not it's a good idea to be using non-cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generators when doing fuzz testing. Weak random number generators often exhibit patterns that distinguish them from true random sequences, even if those patterns are not readily obvious. It seems like a fuzz test using a weak PRNG might always fail to trigger certain latent bugs that only show up in certain circumstances because the pseudorandom numbers could be related to one another in a way that never trigger those circumstances.
Is it inherently unwise to use a weak PRNG for fuzz testing? If it is theoretically unsound to do so, is it still reasonable in practice?
You're confusing two very different grades of "weakness":
statistical weakness means the output of the PRNG exhibits statistical patterns, such as having certain sequences occur more often than others. This could actually lead to ineffective fuzz testing in some rare cases. Statistically strong PRNGs are performant and widely available though (most prominently the Mersenne Twister).
cryptographical weakness means that the output of the RNG is in some way predictable given knowledge other than the seed (such as the output itself). It makes absolutley no sense to require a PRNG used for fuzz testing to be cryptographically strong, because the "patterns" exhibited by statistically-strong-but-cryptographically-weak PRNGs are pretty much only an issue if you need to prevent a cryptographically versed attacker from predicting the output.
I don't think it really matters, but I can't prove it.
Fuzz-testing will only try some inputs, in most cases a minuscule proportion of the possibilities. No matter how good the RNG you use, it may or may not find one of the inputs that breaks your code, depending on what proportion of all possible inputs break your code. Unless the pattern in the PRNG is very simple, it seems to me unlikely that it will correspond in any way to a pattern in the "bad" inputs you're looking for, so it will hit it neither more nor less than true random.
In fact, if you knew how to pick an RNG to maximise the probability of it finding bad inputs, you could probably use that knowledge to help find the bug more directly...
I don't think you should use a really bad PRNG. rand for example is permitted to exhibit very simple patterns, such as the LSB alternating. And if your code uses a PRNG internally, you probably want to avoid using the same PRNG in a similar way in the test, just to be sure you don't accidentally only test cases where the input data matches the internally-generated number stream! Small risk, of course, since you'd hope they'll be using different seeds, but still.
It's usually not that hard in a given language to find crypto or at least secure hash libraries. SHA-1 is everywhere and easy to use to generate a stream, or failing that RC4 is trivial to implement yourself. Both provide pretty good PRNG, if not quite so secure as Blum Blum Shub. I'd have thought the main concern is speed - if for example a Mersenne Twister can generate fuzz test cases 10 times as fast, and the code under test is reasonably fast, then it might have a better chance of finding bad inputs in a given time regardless of the fact that given 624 outputs you can deduce the complete state of the RNG...
You don't need unpredictable source (that's exactly what a cryptographically secure generator is), you only need a source with good statistical properties.
So using a general purpose generator is enough - it is fast and usually reproduceable (which means problems are also reproduceable).