How to show login page instead of home page - react-native

I'm using the default bottom tab navigation app from the expo example
My appnavigator.js looks like this
export default createAppContainer(createSwitchNavigator({
// You could add another route here for authentication.
Main: MainTabNavigator,
I want to check if the user is logged in, by checking the asyncstorage loginname value. In the home.js, if there is no loginname, then I want to redirect to the sigin.js page.

I suggest creating a file called initializing.js as a screen, which will be the first entry point in the app and put the logic there.
export default class Initializing extends Component {
async componentDidMount() {
try {
const token = await AsyncStorage.getItem('user_token');
const skipOnBoarding = true;
const authenticated = true;
if (token) await goToHome(skipOnBoarding, authenticated);
else await goToAuth();
} catch (err) {
await goToAuth();
render() {
return <View />;

I worked it out. was very easy.
First do this in the appNavigator.js
import SignIn from '../screens/SignIn'
export default createAppContainer(createSwitchNavigator({
// You could add another route here for authentication.
Main: MainTabNavigator,
SignIn: SignIn // signIn is the login page
Next, at the logic where you check for user logined do something like this.
AsyncStorage.getItem('loginname').then((value) => {
the prop this.props.navigation.navigate is automatically avaiable in every stack, you dont need to pass it around to use it


How to automatically login users after Email/Password authentication

I'm currently building a blog sample app, using NextJS, ApolloClient and MongoDB + MongoRealm. The NextJS skeleton was built after the framework's official page tutorial.
At the moment, new users can signup, by accessing a SignUp form which is routed at 'pages/signup'. After entering their credentials, they are redirected to the home page. Then, the freshly signed in users have to visit another page(the one associated with 'pages/login' root), which contains the login form, which is responsible with their email/password authentication.
Also, I've set up Realm to send a confirmation email at the user's email address. The email contains a link to a customized page from my NextJs app, which will handle their confirmation(users also have to be confirmed, after requesting a sign in)
The workflow should be established with this. However, I want to automatically login a user, after he/she just logged in(so that they won't need to sign in and also visit the log in page, when creating their accounts).
The problem I'm encountering is that my React component that handles the user confirmation, doesn't have access to the user instance's email and password. I need a way to login the user, without having access to his/her credentials.
Below, I will try to explain exactly why this access restriction happens in the first place. Although the entire '_app.js' is wrapped in some custom providers, I'll try to keep things as simple as possible, so I'll present only what is needed for this topic.
My signup.js file looks something like this:
import { useForm } from "react-hook-form";
// Used 'useForm' hook to simplify data extraction from the //input form
import { useAuth } from "members";
const SignUpForm = () => {
const router = useRouter();
const { handleSubmit, register } = useForm();
const { signup } = useAuth();
const signUpAndRedirect = (form) => {
signup(, form.password);
// after signing up, redirect client back to home
return (
{/*My form's 'email' and 'password' fields are only accessible in the SignUpForm component*/}
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(signUpAndRedirect)}>
export default SignUpForm;
My login.js file is built after the same concept, the only difference being that 'signUpAndRedirect' is replaced with
const authenticateAndRedirect = (form) => {
login(, form.password);
And here is my confirm.js file, which is responsible with extracting the token and tokenId from the confirmation URL. This component is normally only rendered when the client receives the email and clicks on the confirmation link(which basically has the form /confirm, where each token is a string and is added into the URL by Realm).
import Link from "next/link";
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { useAuth } from "members";
const Confirm = () => {
const router = useRouter();
const { confirm, login } = useAuth();
useEffect(() => {
const token = router.query.token;
const tokenId = router.query.tokenId;
if (token && tokenId) {
confirm(token, tokenId);
login(email, password); // !!! I don't have access to these
}, [router]);
//used useEffect() to assure the confirmation only happens once, after the component was rendered.
return (
Thank you for confirming your email. Your profile was successfully
<Link href="/">
<a>Go back to home</a>
export default Confirm;
And finally, just a quick look into the signup, login and confirm methods that I have access to through my customized providers. I am quite positive that they work correctly:
const client = () => {
const { app, credentials } = useRealm();
const [currentUser, setCurrentUser] = useState(app.currentUser || false);
const [isAuthenticated, setIsAuthenticated] = useState(user ? true : false);
// Login and logout using email/password.
const login = async (email, password) => {
try {
const userCredentials = await credentials(email, password);
await app.logIn(userCredentials);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
const logout = async () => {
try {
// Sign out from Realm and Auth0.
await app.currentUser?.logOut();
// Update the user object.
} catch (e) {
throw e;
const signup = async (email, password) => {
try {
await app.emailPasswordAuth.registerUser(email, password);
// await app.emailPasswordAuth.resendConfirmation(email);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
const confirm = async (token, tokenId) => {
try {
await app.emailPasswordAuth.confirmUser(token, tokenId);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
return {
export default client;
The currentUser will basically represent the and will be provided to the _app by my providers.
So, the problem is that my Confirm component doesn't have access to the email and password fields.
I've tried to use the useContext hook, to pass data between sibling components, but quickly abandoned this approach, because I don't want to pass sensitive data throughout my NextJS pages(The only place where I should use the password is during the MongoDB POST request, since it gets encrypted by Realm Web).
Is there any way I could solve this issue? Maybe an entirely different approach?
Thank you very much in advance! Any help would be very much appreciated!
If you disable the user email confirmation, you could potentially call the login function when the register is finished like that :
registerAndLogin(email, password)
.then(() =>
loginAndRedirect(email, password)
.then(() => router.push('/')
.catch(err => throw err)
.catch(err => throw err)
I used your post to resolve an error I had, so thank you by the way.
Hope my answer works, I didn't had the time to test.

Changing state in React native App.js from another component

I'm making authentication in an app, and I'm kind of stuck. I have 2 different navigations. One shows if the user is logged in and another one if not. Basically, a Sign in screen. It's working fine if I change the value manually upon the start. But I can't find a way to change a state when a user signs in, for example. Even though the value in auth module changes, it doesn't update in App.js So how can I update the App.js's state from Sign in screen, for example?
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native';
import DrawerNavigator from './components/DrawerNavigator'
import SignedOutNavigator from './components/SignedOutNavigator'
import auth from './auth'
type Props = {};
export default class App extends Component<Props> {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isLoggedIn: auth.isLoggedIn
render() {
return (
(this.state.isLoggedIn) ? <DrawerNavigator /> : <SignedOutNavigator />
AppRegistry.registerComponent('App', () => App)
and my auth module, which is very simple
import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native';
// try to read from a local file
let api_key
let isLoggedIn = false
function save_user_settings(settings) {
AsyncStorage.mergeItem('user', JSON.stringify(settings), () => {
AsyncStorage.getItem('user', (err, result) => {
isLoggedIn = result.isLoggedIn
api_key = result.api_key
isLoggedIn = true
module.exports.save_user_settings = save_user_settings
module.exports.api_key = api_key
module.exports.isLoggedIn = isLoggedIn
First off, there are loads of ways to approach this problem. Because of this I'm going to try explain to you why what you have now isn't working.
The reason this is happening is because when you assign auth.isLoggedIn to your isLoggedIn state, you are assigning the value once, kind of as a copy. It's not a reference that is stored.
In addition to this, remember, React state is generally only updated with setState(), and that is never being called here, so your state will not update.
The way I would approach this problem without bringing in elements like Redux, which is overkill for this problem by itself, is to look into building an authentication higher order component which handles all the authentication logic and wraps your entire application. From there you can control if you should render the children, or do a redirect.
Auth Component
componentDidMount() {
_saveUserSettings(settings) {
AsyncStorage.mergeItem('user', JSON.stringify(settings), () => {
AsyncStorage.getItem('user', (err, result) => {
isLoggedIn = result.isLoggedIn
api_key = result.api_key
this.setState({isLoggedIn: true});
render() {
const { isLoggedIn } = this.state;
return isLoggedIn ? this.props.children : null;
render() {
//the rest of authenticated app goes here
Here's a really quick, incomplete example. But it should showcase to you how you may want to lay your authentication out. You'll also want to consider error handling and such, however.

React-native passing props from App.js to other files

I'm trying to pass device token from my App.js to my Login component in react-native.
I'm trying something like this :
Here's my app.js :
const RootStack = createStackNavigator(
Login: {
screen: Login,
navigationOptions :{ headerLeft: null}
Tab: {
screen: Tab,
navigationOptions :{ headerLeft: null }
initialRouteName: 'LoginScreen'
const MyApp = createAppContainer(RootStack);
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
token: ''
async componentDidMount() {
this.state.token = await firebase.messaging().getToken().then(token=> { return token;});
render() {
return (
<MyApp token={this.state.token}></MyApp>
And my Login.js :
export default class LoginScreen extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
password: "",
token: this.props.token
async Login(){
Of course it's not working, I don't know how to pass the token via components, or via stacknavigator without using .navigate(). Besides even if I fill the const with a single string, it's not working, so what am I doind wrong ? And is it going to be different with the token ?
You need to use screenProps. You should check the documentation to see more about it.
This is how I would use it in your case.
<MyApp screenProps={{ token: this.state.token}} />
Then you can access it in your screens using this.props.screenProps.token.
Here is a snack that I created that shows passing values through a navigator.
In your current LoginScreen you are trying to set the value of the token in the state. Bear in mind, your page may be constructed before the token is created so the initial value for the token may not exist so you may prefer to capture the value in componentDidUpdate, see the docs for more.
Alternatively you could store the token in AsyncStorage.
When getting your token from Firebase, you are mixing promises and async/await notation. Choose one notation and stick with it.
You are setting your state incorrectly. You are mutating state with your line
this.state.token = await firebase.messaging().getToken().then(token=> { return token;});
You should not mutate state as it can get overwritten, and it can cause side effects that you don't expect. You should use this.setState({token}); to set your token value into state.
This is how I would refactor your componentDidMount
async componentDidMount() {
// await functions can throw so always wrap them in a try/catch
try {
// get the token from firebase
let token = await firebase.messaging().getToken();
if (token) {
// if we have a token then set the state and use a callback
// once the state has been the callback calls checkPermissions and createNotificationListeners
this.setState({token}, () => {
} catch (err) {
Additional reading
The following articles by Michael Chan are a great introduction into state.
The following article shows the differences between promises and async/await

React-navigation: Deep linking with authentication

I am building a mobile app with react-native and the react-navigation library for managing the navigation in my app. Right now, my app looks something like that:
App [SwitchNavigator]
Splash [Screen]
Auth [Screen]
MainApp [StackNavigator]
Home [Screen] (/home)
Profile [Screen] (/profile)
Notifications [Screen] (/notifications)
I have integrated Deep Linking with the patterns above for the screens Home, Profile and Notifications, and it works as expected. The issue I am facing is how to manage my user's authentication when using a deep link. Right now whenever I open a deep link (myapp://profile for instance) the app takes me on the screen whether or not I am authenticated. What I would want it to do is to check before in AsyncStorage if there is a userToken and if there isn't or it is not valid anymore then just redirect on the Auth screen.
I set up the authentication flow in almost exactly the same way as described here. So when my application starts the Splash screen checks in the user's phone if there is a valid token and sends him either on the Auth screen or Home screen.
The only solution I have come up with for now is to direct every deep link to Splash, authentify my user, and then parse the link to navigate to the good screen.
So for example when a user opens myapp://profile, I open the app on Splash, validate the token, then parse the url (/profile), and finally redirect either to Auth or Profile.
Is that the good way to do so, or does react-navigation provide a better way to do this ? The Deep linking page on their website is a little light.
Thanks for the help !
My setup is similar to yours. I followed Authentication flows · React Navigation and SplashScreen - Expo Documentation to set up my Auth flow, so I was a little disappointed that it was a challenge to get deep links to flow through it as well. I was able to get this working by customizing my main switch navigator, the approach is similar to what you stated was the solution you have for now. I just wanted to share my solution for this so there’s a concrete example of how it’s possible to get working. I have my main switch navigator set up like this (also I’m using TypeScript so ignore the type definitions if they are unfamiliar):
const MainNavigation = createSwitchNavigator(
Onboarding: OnboardingStackNavigator,
App: AppNavigator,
initialRouteName: 'SplashLoading',
const previousGetActionForPathAndParams =
Object.assign(MainNavigation.router, {
getActionForPathAndParams(path: string, params: any) {
const isAuthLink = path.startsWith('auth-link');
if (isAuthLink) {
return NavigationActions.navigate({
routeName: 'SplashLoading',
params: { ...params, path },
return previousGetActionForPathAndParams(path, params);
export const AppNavigation = createAppContainer(MainNavigation);
Any deep link you want to route through your auth flow will need to start with auth-link, or whatever you choose to prepend it with. Here is what SplashLoading looks like:
export const SplashLoading = (props: NavigationScreenProps) => {
const [isSplashReady, setIsSplashReady] = useState(false);
const _cacheFonts: CacheFontsFn = fonts => => Font.loadAsync(font as any));
const _cacheSplashAssets = () => {
const splashIcon = require(splashIconPath);
return Asset.fromModule(splashIcon).downloadAsync();
const _cacheAppAssets = async () => {
const fontAssetPromises = _cacheFonts(fontMap);
return Promise.all([...fontAssetPromises]);
const _initializeApp = async () => {
// Cache assets
await _cacheAppAssets();
// Check if user is logged in
const sessionId = await SecureStore.getItemAsync(CCSID_KEY);
// Get deep linking params
const params = props.navigation.state.params;
let action: any;
if (params && params.routeName) {
const { routeName, ...routeParams } = params;
action = NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName, params: routeParams });
// If not logged in, navigate to Auth flow
if (!sessionId) {
return props.navigation.dispatch(
routeName: 'Onboarding',
// Otherwise, navigate to App flow
return props.navigation.navigate(
routeName: 'App',
if (!isSplashReady) {
return (
onFinish={() => setIsSplashReady(true)}
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<Image source={require(splashIconPath)} onLoad={_initializeApp} />
I create the deep link with a routeName query param, which is the name of the screen to navigate to after the auth check has been performed (you can obviously add whatever other query params you need). Since my SplashLoading screen handles loading all fonts/assets as well as auth checking, I need every deep link to route through it. I was facing the issue where I would manually quit the app from multitasking, tap a deep link url, and have the app crash because the deep link bypassed SplashLoading so fonts weren’t loaded.
The approach above declares an action variable, which if not set will do nothing. If the routeName query param is not undefined, I set the action variable. This makes it so once the Switch router decides which path to take based on auth (Onboarding or App), that route gets the child action and navigates to the routeName after exiting the auth/splash loading flow.
Here’s an example link I created that is working fine with this system:
Hopefully the library authors will make this a natively supported feature in the future so the hacks aren’t necessary. I'd love to see what you came up with as well!
On my side I achieved this without having to manually parse the route to extract path & params.
Here are the steps:
getting the navigation action returned by: getActionForPathAndParams
passing the navigation action to the Authentication view as param
then when the authentication succeed or if the authentication is already ok I dispatch the navigation action to go on the intended route
const previousGetActionForPathAndParams = AppContainer.router.getActionForPathAndParams
Object.assign(AppContainer.router, {
getActionForPathAndParams(path: string, params: NavigationParams) {
const navigationAction = previousGetActionForPathAndParams(path, params)
return NavigationActions.navigate({
routeName: 'Authentication',
params: { navigationAction }
Then In the Authentication view:
const navigationAction = this.navigation.getParam('navigationAction')
if (navigationAction)
I ended up using a custom URI to intercept the deeplink launch, and then passing those params to the intended route. My loading screen handles the auth check.
const previousGetActionForPathAndParams = AppContainer.router.getActionForPathAndParams
Object.assign(AppContainer.router, {
getActionForPathAndParams (path, params) {
if (path === 'auth' && params.routeName && params.userId ) {
// returns a profile navigate action for myApp://auth?routeName=chat&userId=1234
return NavigationActions.navigate({
routeName: 'Loading',
params: { ...params, path },
return previousGetActionForPathAndParams(path, params)
Then, in my Loading Route, I parse the params like normal but then route to the intended location, passing them once again.
const userId = this.props.navigation.getParam('userId')
I found an easier way, i'm maintaining the linking in a separate file and importing it in the main App.js
const config = {
screens: {
const linking = {
prefixes: ['demo://app'],
export default linking;
& during login I keep the token inside async storage and when user logs out the token is deleted. Based on the availability of token i'm attaching the linking to navigation and detaching it using state & when its detached it falls-back to SplashScreen.
Make sure to set initialRouteName="SplashScreen"
import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
import {Linking} from 'react-native';
import AsyncStorage from '#react-native-async-storage/async-storage';
import {createStackNavigator} from '#react-navigation/stack';
import {NavigationContainer} from '#react-navigation/native';
import linking from './utils/linking';
import {Home, Profile, SplashScreen} from './components';
const Stack = createStackNavigator();
// This will be used to retrieve the AsyncStorage String value
const getData = async (key) => {
try {
const value = await AsyncStorage.getItem(key);
return value != null ? value : '';
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error Caught while getting async storage data: ${error}`);
function _handleOpenUrl(event) {
console.log('handleOpenUrl', event.url);
const App = () => {
const [isLoggedIn, setIsLoggedIn] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
// Checks if the user is logged in or not, if not logged in then
// the app prevents the access to deep link & falls back to splash screen.
getData('studentToken').then((token) => {
if (token === '' || token === undefined) setIsLoggedIn(false);
else setIsLoggedIn(true);
Linking.addEventListener('url', _handleOpenUrl);
return () => {
Linking.removeEventListener('url', _handleOpenUrl);
}, []);
return (
//linking is enabled only if the user is logged in
<NavigationContainer linking={isLoggedIn && linking}>
options={{headerShown: false}}
options={{headerShown: false, gestureEnabled: false}}
options={{headerShown: false, gestureEnabled: false}}
export default App;
When a logged in user opens the deep link from notification then it will take him to the respective deep linked screen, if he's not logged in then it will open from splash screen.
I created a package for Auto Deep linking with Authentication Flow.
You can try it. auth-linking
Auto Deep linking with Authentication Flow
Deep linking is very easy to use with authentication. But some people take it hard way. So this package will help you to achieve the easiest way to handle Deep linking with Authentication Flow.
npm install auth-linking
yarn add auth-linking
You need to wrap your app with AuthLinkingProvider.
import AuthLinkingProvider from "auth-linking";
const App = () => {
return (
<AuthLinkingProvider onAuthChange={onAuthChange}>
{/* Your app components */}
export default App;
onAuthChange prop
You need to provide an onAuthChange prop to AuthLinkingProvider. This a function that should return a promise with the user or truthy value (if logged in) and null or falsy (if the user is not logged in).
const onAuthChange = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
onAuthStateChanged(auth, resolve, reject);
<AuthLinkingProvider onAuthChange={onAuthChange}>
Call this hook inside a screen that will render after all auth flow is completed. So this hook will automatically redirect to the deep link through which the app is opened.
import { useAutoRedirectToDeepLink } from "auth-linking";
const Home = () => {
return (
All done.

Dispatch action on Auth0's lock.on('authenticated') event

I want to implement the new Auth0 Lock 10 in my React/Redux app.
I've checked on the internet, but nothing matches my question. There's a tutorial here, but it uses the Popup mode instead of the Redirect (default now) mode. Another one parses the url, which is useless in Lock 10.
Here's the flow:
The Auth0Lock gets instantiated when my app starts
When the user clicks on the login button, it shows the Lock widget ( and dispatches LOGIN_REQUEST
The lock does its authentication on (redirects out of my localhost)
Redirect back to my localhost after successful login, the Auth0Lock get instantiated again
I wait for an lock.on('authenticated') event to dispatch LOGIN_SUCCESS
And here is my actions/index.js code:
import Auth0Lock from 'auth0-lock'
export const LOGIN_ERROR = 'LOGIN_ERROR'
function loginRequest() {
return {
function loginSuccess(profile) {
return {
function loginError(error) {
return {
// import AuthService to deal with all the actions related to auth
const lock = new Auth0Lock('secret', 'secret', {
auth: {
redirectUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/callback',
responseType: 'token'
lock.on('authenticated', authResult => {
console.log('Im authenticated')
return dispatch => {
return dispatch(loginSuccess({}))
lock.on('authorization_error', error => {
return dispatch => dispatch(loginError(error))
export function login() {
return dispatch => {return dispatch(loginRequest())}
Now when I click on the login button, redux logger shows me LOGIN_REQUEST action dispatched, I see the lock widget, I can login, it redirects to then back to my localhost:3000/callback with a pretty token. Everything is fine, I see the Im authenticated message in my console, but redux logger doesn't show me that the LOGIN_SUCCESS action has been dispatched.
I'm new to Redux, and I guess I'm missing one thing, but I cannot get grab of it. Thanks!
I finally put in inside actions.js, I created a new function called checkLogin()
// actions.js
const authService = new AuthService(process.env.AUTH0_CLIENT_ID, process.env.AUTH0_DOMAIN)
// Listen to authenticated event from AuthService and get the profile of the user
// Done on every page startup
export function checkLogin() {
return (dispatch) => {
// Add callback for lock's `authenticated` event
authService.lock.on('authenticated', (authResult) => {
authService.lock.getProfile(authResult.idToken, (error, profile) => {
if (error)
return dispatch(loginError(error))
AuthService.setToken(authResult.idToken) // static method
AuthService.setProfile(profile) // static method
return dispatch(loginSuccess(profile))
// Add callback for lock's `authorization_error` event
authService.lock.on('authorization_error', (error) => dispatch(loginError(error)))
And in the constructor of my App component, I call it
import React from 'react'
import HeaderContainer from '../../containers/HeaderContainer'
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.props.checkLogin() // check is Auth0 lock is authenticating after login callback
render() {
<HeaderContainer />
App.propTypes = {
children: React.PropTypes.element.isRequired,
checkLogin: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
export default App
See here for full source code:
My Reactjs knowledge is limited, but this was starting to be to long for a comment...
Should you not be calling store.dispatch(...) from the lock events?
Having those events return a function won't do anything unless someone invokes the function that is returned and to my knowledge Lock does not do anything with the return value of the callback function you pass as an event handler.
I think what's happening is auth0 redirects the browser window to the login authority (auth0 itself, Facebook, Google, etc.) then redirects you back to your app, which reloads your page, essentially wiping out all state. So your dispatch is sent, then the page reloads, which wipes out your state. Logging in appears to work if you use localStorage instead of redux state, but I'm not sure how that's going to affect all the other state I will need to put in my app.