vue.js how to show progress if processing data - vuejs2

I have a page build in vue.js where an API is called (using axios) getting a large json object (1k+).
While I am processing this object, I want to show user the progress of the operation - nothing fancy like progress bars, just a simple "Processed X from Y".
I have found example on how to do this in jquery of pure JS, but I can get this to work in vue.
Any help is appreciated.
Here is my skeleton code:
<div>Processed {{processed.current}} of {{}} records</div>
data() {
return {
total: 0
records: [],
mounted() {
methods: {
method: "GET",
url: process.env.VUE_APP_REPORTING_API + "/Reports/orders",
headers: {
"content-type": "application/json",
Authorization: this.$cookie.get("wwa_token")
result => { =;
//and here where the loop should happen, something like this
//obviously the below won't work :) {
error => {

Well, the obvious problem with the posted code is that it has a syntax error (missing a closing parenthesis) and it establishes a new context. The code would (sort of) "work" if it was changed it to use arrow functions: => {
However, I don't think that's going to do what you want. The JavaScript code will process all the items before the user interface updates, so all the user would see would be "Processed N of N records". Even if you inserted a this.$forceUpdate() in the loop to make the interface update at each iteration, the changes would still be too fast for any user to see.
The real problem is that "processing" all the items only takes a few milliseconds. So it's always going to happen too quickly to show intermediate results.
If you're trying to show the progress of the AJAX request/response, that's an entirely different question which will require coordination between the client and the server. Search for HTTP chunked responses for a start.


How to delete all products matching a collection - Shopify

I have this retarded amount of product in a collection on Shopify (over 50k products) and I would need to delete them all, is there a way I can automate that? All I can find on the internet is to use the "bulk edit tool" which is the most useless thing I've ever seen as it can only grab 50 products at a time.
I've tried automating a script to update the rows with the CSV export file, but it takes over 6 hours for 20K products to import. Plus, since there are hashtags in the title and handle, it apparently doesn't overwrite the products for some reason. So I just can't use the archive anymore...
Has anyone ran into this issue and found a solution?
Thank you!
When it comes to this kinds of tasks I usually write myself a quick dev console script that will do the job for me instead of relying on an app.
Here is a script that you can use in the dev console of your shopify admin page (just copy /paste):
let productsArray = [];
// Recursive function that will grab all products from a collection
const requestCollection = (collectionId, url = `https://${}/admin/api/2020-10/collections/${collectionId}/products.json?limit=250`) => {
fetch(url).then(async res => {
const link = res.headers.get('link');
const data = await res.json();
productsArray = [...productsArray,];
if(link && link.match(/<([^\s]+)>;\srel="next"/)){
const nextLink = link.match(/<([^\s]+)>;\srel="next"/)[1];
requestCollection(collectionId, nextLink)
} else {
// Get CSRF token or the request will require password
const getCSRFToken = () => fetch('/admin/settings/files',{
headers: {
"x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest",
"x-shopify-web": 1,
"x-xhr-referer": `https://${}/admin/settings/files`
}).then(res => res.text()).then(res => {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const doc = parser.parseFromString(res, 'text/html');
return doc.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]').getAttribute('content')
// The function that will start the deleting process
const initDelete = async (products) => {
const csrfToken = await getCSRFToken();
products.forEach(item => {
fetch(`https://${}/admin/api/2020-10/products/${}.json`, {
method: "delete",
credentials: 'include',
headers: {
"x-csrf-token": csrfToken,
"x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest",
"x-shopify-web": 1,
"x-xhr-referer": `https://${}/admin/settings/files`
And you start it by using requestCollection(ADD_YOUR_COLLECTION_ID_HERE).
To clarify the script, there are 3 main functions:
requestCollection - this handles the product grabbing from the collection. It's a recursive function since we can't grab more than 250 products at the same time.
getCSRFToken - this grabs the CSRF token since most of the post/update/delete request requires it or they will fail (I grab it from the files page)
initDelete - this function start the delete process where we stack all the request one of the other without waiting, you may want to await each request, but even if you crash your browser I think it will be still faster to repeat the process rather then wait for each request to finish.
If you plan to use this script please TEST IT BEFORE USING IT. Create a collection with a few products and run against that, in case there are issues. I've tested it on my side and it's working but it's a code I wrote in 10 minutes after midnight, there can be issues there.
Have in mind that this script will delete ALL products in the collection you specify in the requestCollection(1231254125) method.
PS: All of this can be done using a Private App as well with the products scope set to read/write, using a back-end language of your choice. The main difference will be that you won't need the CSRF token and most of the headers that I set above. But I like quick solutions that doesn't require you to pull out the big guns.

How to refresh v-data-table after REST API Patch call?

I have a data table in Vuetify that is populated via a REST get request, using a function "getData" that is called when the app is mounted. The <td>'s in the table have buttons that the user can hit to "lock" the period (the row/column intersection).
When they hit the button, they get a popup confirmation dialog. When they hit "OK", there is a save method called to write the current date back to the db via a REST PATCH request (see below).
My problem is, the grid is not updating with the results of the patch request. I have to manually refresh the page to see the result. What is the common pattern here? Should i pull down the data again via getData to refresh the table? Should i update the array that the data-table sits on directly?
getData method:
getData() {
var self = this;
return axios
.then(function(response) {
self.periods =;
.catch(function(error) {
Save method:
save(item) {
var self = this;
.patch("http://localhost:5000/api/estimatefinal/period/" +, {
date: moment(self.selected_date, "YYYY-MM-DD").format(
.then(function() {
this.getData(); // ????
.catch(function(error) {
this.getData(); // ????
If your PATCH changes only one row in DB, means has visually effect on only one row on your v-data-table, then you can change the data locally when you get "success" response from back-end.
If, in other hand, your PATCH changes many other things in DB (also in v-data-table) your best option is probably to getData() after you get PATCH response.
Point is to keep that same "picture" of values in DB and on screen v-data-table.

Component method response object data binding

I am starting to lose my mind in debugging an application that I inherited from a fellow developer who is absent.
I have narrowed down the problem to the following place in code (php files are checked, Vue instances are initialised, there are no syntax errors).
This is my the component that gets initialised:
var RadniStol = Vue.component('radnistol', {
template: '#template-RadniStol',
data() {
return {
tableData: [],
requestData: {
sort: "ID",
order: "DESC"
methods: {
reloadTable: function (event) {
data = this.requestData;
this.$'php/get/radni_stol.php', data).then(response => {
this.tableData =;
The PHP file that gets called with the POST method is working correctly, querying the database and echoing the response in a JSON format.
The thing that is making me pull out my hair is the following: the console.log( outputs the following into the console:
It is an JSON object that I expected to have but when trying to assign it to the data of the component with:
this.tableData =;
or any other way… returns ‘undefined’ in the console. I have tryed with JSON.parse() but no success.
When logging types to console:
response variable is a response object with a status 200 and body and bodyText containing the data from the database. is a string type containing the string JSON with the data from the database.
When trying to use JSON.parse( or JSON.parse() on anything in the callback of the POST method I get the following error in the console:
RadniStol.js?version=0.1.1:17 Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at VueComponent.$ (RadniStol.js?version=0.1.1:17)
at <anonymous>
I am really starting to lose my mind over this issue, please help!
Thank you
If is string, with JSON inside, then to access the records field, you should decode it like this:
Not sure this has something to do with PHP or Vue.js, it is just plain javascript issue.
If it not decodes, than problem is definitely in For example
is not a valid JSON, because key "..." needs to have some value.
But it seems to me that is already parsed.
What I suggest you to do, is to write handler of the response as separate function, make response object that mimics actual response object by hand, and then test it separately from request. So you could show us request object and function that works with it.
I had the same error and fixed it.
Result will be response.body not
Here is my code:
getS: function(page) {
this.$http.get('vue-manager?page=' + page).then((response) => {
var data = JSON.parse(response.body);
this.student =;
this.pagination = data.pagination;

How to use store.filter / store.find with Ember-Data to implement infinite scrolling?

This was originally posted on See:
but that site seems to get worse and worse as far as quality of content these days so I'm hoping StackOverflow can rescue me.
Intent: Build a page in ember with ember-data implementing infinite scrolling.
Background Knowledge: Based on the api docs on ember-data, specifically the store.filter and store.find methods ( see: ) I should be able to set the model hook of a route to the promise of a store filter operation. The response of the promise should be a filtered record array which is a an array of items from the store filtered by a filter function which is suppose to be constantly updated whenever new items are pushed into the store. By combining this with the store.find method which will push items into the store, the filteredRecordArray should automatically update with the new items thus updating the model and resulting in new items showing on the page.
For instance, assume we have a Questions Route, Controller and a model of type Question.
App.QuestionsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function (urlParams) {
return this.get('store').filter('question', function (q) {
return true;
Then we have a controller with some method that will call store.find, this could be triggered by some event/action whether it be detecting scroll events or the user explicitly clicking to load more, regardless this method would be called to load more questions.
App.QuestionsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
loadMore: function (offset) {
return this.get('store').find('question', { skip: currentOffset});
And the template to render the items:
{{#each question in controller}}
Notice, that with this method we do NOT have to add a function to the store.find promise which explicitly calls this.get('model').pushObjects(questions); In fact, trying to do that once you have already returned a filter record array to the model does not work. Either we manage the content of the model manually, or we let ember-data do the work and I would very much like to let Ember-data do the work.
This is is a very clean API; however, it does not seem to work they way I've written it. Based on the documentation I cannot see anything wrong.
Using the Ember-Inspector tool from chrome I can see that the new questions from the second find call are loaded into the store under the 'question' type but the page does not refresh until I change routes and come back. It seems like the is simply a problem with observers, which made me think that this would be a bug in Ember-Data, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions like that until I asked to see if I'm using Ember-Data as intended.
If someone doesn't know exactly what is wrong but knows how to use store.push/pushMany to recreate this scenario in a jsbin that would also help too. I'm just not familiar with how to use the lower level methods on the store.
Help is much appreciated.
I just made this pattern work for myself, but in the "traditional" way, i.e. without using store.filter().
I managed the "loadMore" part in the router itself :
actions: {
loadMore: function () {
var model = this.controller.get('model'), route = this;
if (!this.get('loading')) {
this.set('loading', true);'question', {offset: model.get('length')}).then(function (records) {
route.set('loading', false);
Since you already tried the traditional way (from what I see in your post on discuss), it seems that the key part is to use addObjects() instead of pushObjects() as you did.
For the records, here is the relevant part of my view to trigger the loadMore action:
didInsertElement: function() {
var controller = this.get('controller');
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > $(document).height() - ($(window).height()*2)) {
willDestroyElement: function() {
I am now looking to move the loading property to the controller so that I get a nice loader for the user.

WinJS Listview shows undefined when navigating quickly

I have a WinJS application with listviews in which if quickly navigate between pages before the listview is fully loaded, the next page shows the listview with all elements in it bound as "undefined".
So say I have a hub page with a "to do" that is filtered to only show 6 items, and there is a header that navigates to the full "to do" page, when the hub page is displayed but before it is fully loaded I click on the header link to the "to do" page, the app then goes to the "to do" page, but the items show up with all the properties in the tile as "undefined".
I am using IndexedDB as my data store.
My home page code looks like this:
WinJS.UI.Pages.define("/pages/home/home.html", {
ready: function (element, options) {
WinJS.Utilities.query("a").listen("click", function (e) {
}, false);
viewModel = new HomeViewModel(element);
viewModel.load(); //loads from indexed db
To Do Page:
WinJS.UI.Pages.define("/pages/ToDo/ToDo.html", {
ready: function (element, options) {
viewModel = new ToDoViewModel(element);
I know there isn't much to go off, but any ideas would be appreciated.
Also tips on how to debug something like this would be great.
I narrowed it down to this one line from the Hub Page:
myLib.GetData(todaysDate, function (result) { = result;
WinJS.Binding.processAll(that.el.querySelector("#dataPanel"), that.trendsModel); //<--Right Here
If I remove that, then when I load the second page the data doesn't show as undefined. What is interesting is the data initially shows correctly on the second page and then it changes to "undefined".
My fix:
myLib.GetData(todaysDate, function (result) {
var element = that.el.querySelector("#dataPanel"); = result;
if(element) {
WinJS.Binding.processAll(element, that.trendsModel);
At the point when when the callback returns, I am already on the second page. So the selector was not found returning null. If you pass null to processAll it tries to bind the whole page which is why I was able to see the correct data for a second then it changes to undefined...Wow, what a doozy. I guess it makes sense but what a pain to find.
Hope it helps someone in the future :)
Your ToDoViewModel, and HomeViewModel need to be observable. This means they need to mix in from WinJS.Binding.mixin, and for the properties that you pull in asynchronously, they need to call this.notify("propertyName", newVal, oldVal) from the property setter.
Note that you need to have getter/setter properties. e.g.
var bindingBase = WinJS.Class.mix(function() {}, WinJS.Binding.mixin);
WinJS.Namespace.define("YourNamespace", {
ToDoViewModel: WinJS.Class.derive(bindingBase, function constructor() {
}, {
_titleStorage: "",
title: {
get: function() { return this._titleStorage; },
set: function(newValue) {
if(newValue === this._titleStorage) {
var old = this._titleStorage;
this._titleStorage = newValue;
this.notify("title", newValue, old);
myLib.GetData(todaysDate, function (result) {
var element = that.el.querySelector("#dataPanel"); = result;
if(element) {
WinJS.Binding.processAll(element, that.trendsModel);
At the point when when the callback returns, I am already on the second page. So the selector was not found returning null. If you pass null to processAll it tries to bind the whole page which is why I was able to see the correct data for a second then it change to undefined...Wow, what doozy. I guess it makes sense but what a pain to find.