firebase-admin - Auth error:TypeError: URL is not a constructor - api

I've got a node API that uses firebase-admin to handle firestore data. This wasn't a problem till a few days ago and now it started happening.
The weird thing is, I only seem to get this on my production server and not on local development environment(even using the same database).
I've tried redeploying, restarting the server, checked database configuration and everything and nothing really worked.
This is one of the more detailed errors:
Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Getting metadata from plugin failed with error: URL is not a constructor
at Object.exports.createStatusError (/root/apps/api/src/node_modules/grpc/src/common.js:91:15)
at Object.onReceiveStatus (/root/apps/api/src/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:1204:28)
at InterceptingListener._callNext (/root/apps/api/src/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:568:42)
at InterceptingListener.onReceiveStatus (/root/apps/api/src/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:618:8)
at callback (/root/apps/api/src/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:845:24)
And this is my connection file:
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin'
import serviceAccount from './fbAdminKey'
projectId: '<myProjectId>',
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
databaseURL: '<myDbURL>'
const db = admin.firestore()
const messaging = admin.messaging()
const auth = admin.auth()
export default { db, messaging, auth }
It should be able to just connect to the database and do the operations, I have an app, a web application and they all work normally, just the node API seems to be acting weirdly.

So, after banging my head around for nearly a week, having other problems and stuff, I could figure it out with the help of everybody here.
The problem was the node.js version
I was running node 8.4.0 locally and node 6.x.x on production. (firebase-admin 7.0.0)
So I updated it on production using nvm and than got another problem, related to the grpc version. I had a newer version installed and it was requiring an older one.
If you are using PM2, make sure to update it as well:
After that it started working again and it stuff is back on track.

Not the exact solution because it doesn't solve the problem with Node 6.11.5.
The production server runs by default on Node 6.11.5 and if you wanted to change the runtime version to 8, then refer to this article.
However, keep in mind that this runtime version is currently in beta, so it might break.
I also noticed, that I was able to get rid of this error that you were facing by installing previous version of firebase-admin (6.2.0 to be specific, as for now - the version 7.x.x is the latest one).
I'm afraid that one of the newer firebase-admin versions broke this feature in some environments and that's why this issue is not that common.


Spartacus API calls return 504 (Gateway Timeout) when running using Server Side Rendering (SSR)

I'm trying to get Spartacus to work with SSR. When opening the default URL, http://localhost:4200, the storefront renders, as expected, but only after I clear the site data first. When I attempt to browse the storefront, API calls fail with a 504 (Gateway timeout). Chrome dev tools indicates the error is happening in the service worker. At this point, I'm wondering if I configured Spartacus incorrectly. When running Spartacus using yarn start rather than yarn serve:ssr, I can load the home page and browse the site normally.
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
Chrome Version: 73.0.3683.75
Node version: 11.15.0
Angular CLI version: 8.3.8
Yarn version: 1.19.1
ng new ssr-spartacus-app --style=scss
cd ssr-spartacus-app
ng add #spartacus/schematics --baseUrl https://localhost:9002 --baseSite cmssiteuid --pwa --ssr
rm src/app/app.component.html
echo "<cx-storefront>Loading...</cx-storefront>" > src/app/app.component.html
yarn build:ssr
yarn serve:ssr
Before running yarn build:ssr, I made following change to the app.module.ts file:
context: {
baseSite: ['cmssiteuid'],
authentication: {
client_id: 'mobile_android',
client_secret: 'secret',
context: {
urlParameters: ['baseSite', 'language', 'currency'],
baseSite: ['cmssiteuid'],
I also set anonymousConsents to false. With this set to true, I was getting a lot of CORs errors.
If been scratching my head with this for a little while now and I'm hoping someone with more knowledge of Spartacus' inner workings can shed some light on why Spartacus is behaving this way with SSR.
I'm not sure that I can give you some certain recipe to fix the issue, obviously I need more details and logs relates to your problem, but still, based on my experience I can share with you some tips and tricks about how we should play with such issues (which relates to SSR).
Some set of theory which relates to SSR (you can feel free to use Angular official documentation as a primary source, cuz Spartacus uses Angular OOTB features to make it works) (SSR related videos)
Practical approaches for debugging SSR
You should observe and analyze console output during starting your application in Node.js
You can use SSR configuration from example Storefront application ( like a starting point, cuz OOTB SSR works like a charm
Something from Spartacus team
Common set of theory to ensure that application has been configured correctly
SAP Commerce Cloud configuration for working with Spartacus
Take a look on the guide to ensure, that your frontend application has correct configuration
Double check your configuration which B2cStorefrontModule is using (here you can find an example project here
Take a look on Network and Console browser tabs and try to resolve all errors
did you turn off PWA?
Turn PWA off.
As soon as Spartacus is installed in PWA mode, a service worker is installed, and it serves a cached version of index.html, along with the js files. This results in SSR being completely skipped. The following steps describe how to turn off PWA:
Check that there are no service workers registered in your app. If you do find any service workers, remove them.
Turn PWA off in your app module configuration, as follows:
backend: {
occ: {
baseUrl: 'https://[your_enpdoint],
pwa: {
enabled: false,
Rebuild your local Spartacus libraries by running the following command:
yarn build:core:lib
Build your local Spartacus shell app by running the following command:
yarn build --prod
Build the SSR version of your shell app by running the following command:
yarn build:ssr
Start Spartacus with the SSR server by running the following command:
yarn serve:ssr
If you are getting 504 after hitting the API service you need to check your API logs.
IF you have err log:
{"instant":{"epochSecond":1644915623,"nanoOfSecond":929833000},"thread":"hybrisHTTP1","level":"ERROR","loggerName":"org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet","message":"Context initialization failed","thrown":{"commonElementCount":0,"localizedMessage":"Error creating bean with name 'cartEntriesController': Injection of resource dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'defaultStockValidator' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/config/v2/validators-v2-spring.xml]: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 0: Could not convert argument value of type [de.hybris.platform.ycommercewebservices.stock.impl.DefaultCommerceStockFacade] to required type [de.hybris.platform.commercewebservices.core.stock.CommerceStockFacade]: Failed to convert value of type 'de.hybris.platform.ycommercewebservices.stock.impl.DefaultCommerceStockFacade' to required type 'de.hybris.platform.commercewebservices.core.stock.CommerceStockFacade'; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot convert value of type 'de.hybris.platform.ycommercewebservices.stock.impl.DefaultCommerceStockFacade' to required type 'de.hybris.platform.commercewebservices.core.stock.CommerceStockFacade': no matching editors or conversion strategy found","message":"Error creating bean with name 'cartEntriesController': Injection of resource dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'defaultStockValidator'
You can try resolution:
Remove template extension ycommercewebservices extension from manifest.json, rebuild and redeploy with "Migrate Data" mode.

Parsoid: Unexpected Token error and failing to initialize

- # This is the only required parameter,
# the URL of you MediaWiki API endpoint.
uri: ''
On my linux box, I can curl this URL and receive the api data.
Regardless of using the apt-get installation or developer installation (ngm install) both instances give me this error:
{"name":"parsoid","hostname":"","pid":12636,"level":30,"levelPath":"info/service-runner","msg":"master(12636) initializing 2 workers","time":"2019-03-12T03:55:47.504Z","v":0}
{"name":"parsoid","hostname":"","pid":12645,"level":60,"moduleName":"lib/index.js","levelPath":"fatal/service-runner/worker","msg":"Unexpected token ...","time":"2019-03-12T03:55:47.917Z","v":0}
{"name":"parsoid","hostname":"","pid":12636,"level":40,"message":"first worker died during startup, continue startup","worker_pid":12645,"exit_code":1,"startup_attempt":1,"levelPath":"warn/service-runner/master","msg":"first worker died during startup, continue startup","time":"2019-03-12T03:55:48.925Z","v":0}
For context, the hostname here is incorrect and the domain has been removed.
This is my parsoid config:
// Parsoid configuration
$wgVirtualRestConfig['modules']['parsoid'] = array(
'url' => '',
'forwardCookies' => true
I have tried everything under the hidden voodoo sun to get this thing to work and I'm beyond frustrated. 4 hours spent tinkering with URL links to no avail, so please, if you know anything relating to this error, lend a hand.
Check what Node.JS version you are running with:
nodejs --version
If it is 4.x: That's too old for Parsoid. I had the same situation (Debian 9, still such an old Node.JS version in the repositories..). After upgrading to 10.x it ran fine for me.
I used the following guide (see Install using a PPA) to update to a newer Node.JS release:

How can I test electron-builder auto-update flow?

I built an Electron app and I am now looking at how to distribute it.
I went with electron-builder to handle packaging etc.
For a bit of context, as a web developer, I am used to continuously deploy web apps on a web server but I have a hard time figuring out how to distribute a packaged one in Electron.
In electron-builder docs there is a brief mention about testing auto-update:
"Note that in order to develop/test UI/UX of updating without packaging the application you need to have a file named dev-app-update.yml in the root of your project, which matches your publish setting from electron-builder config (but in YAML format)"
But, it's rather vague...
So I actually have two questions:
1. How do I actually test the auto-update flow?
Do I need to actually publish a new version to trigger an update locally? Seems pretty unclear, it would be like developing against the production server.
2. Is it possible to have a fallback for unsigned code?
I don't have yet any certificate for code signing. So the OS/app will block the auto-update. But, I'd still want to tell the user that an update is available so they can go and download the app manually. Can I do that? (going back to point 1, I'd like to be able to test this flow)
I've just finished dealing with this. I also wanted to test against a non-production server and avoid having to package my app each time I iterated. To test downloads I had to sign my app, which slowed things down. But it sounds like you just need to check for updates. Which I think you can do as follows...
I created a dummy github repo, then created a a file dev-app-update.yml containing:
owner: <user or organization name>
repo: dev-auto-update-testing
provider: github
The path where this file is expected to be defaults to a place you can't access. Thankfully, you can override it like so:
if (isDev) {
// Useful for some dev/debugging tasks, but download can
// not be validated becuase dev app is not signed
autoUpdater.updateConfigPath = path.join(__dirname, 'dev-app-update.yml');
...that should be enough for your case -- since you don't need downloads.
If not, here are some other tips:
you can change the repo setting in your electron-builder config to point at your dummy repo then package your app. This will give you a packed, production build that points at your dummy repo -- this is how I did my download testing (though I have a cert, and signed my app)
you should be calling autoUpdate's checkForUpdates(), but if checkForUpdatesAndNotify() gives you a useful OS Notification then you should be able to set autoUpdater.autoDownload to false and end up with what you need.
Lastly, it sounds you could skip autoUpdater, since you won't be using the download feature anyway. Instead you could use github's releases api, assuming you use github to host your release. If not then your host should have something similar. Use that to check for updates then tell the user from within your App (could present them with a clickable URL too). If you want OS Notifications electron has a module for that.
We're using electron-updater with GitHub as a provider for auto-updates. Unfortunately, it breaks a lot and the electron-builder team doesn't support these issues well (1, 2, 3) (from my own experience, but you can find more examples on GitHub).
One way to test updates in dev mode:
Create a build of your app with an arbitrarily high version number
Create a public repo and publish the above build
Create a dev-app-update.yml next to your main entry point and configure it for the repo above (see)
In your main entry point:
import { autoUpdater } from "electron-updater";
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
// Customize the test by toggling these lines
// autoUpdater.autoDownload = false
// autoUpdater.autoInstallOnAppQuit = false;
Then when running yarn dev you should see something like:
Checking for update
Found version 100.0.0 (url: <>.exe)
Downloading update from <>.exe
updaterCacheDirName is not specified in app-update.yml Was app build using at least electron-builder 20.34.0?
updater cache dir: C:\Users\<>\AppData\Local\Electron
New version 100.0.0 has been downloaded to C:\Users\<>\AppData\Local\Electron\pending\<>.exe
And it should install when you close the dev app.
This should give you some certainty but we still ran into issues in production. If you want to be sure, play through the full update flow with a test repo but packaged production apps just as you would do with the live one.

How to create an aurelia 1.0 app that can be deployed at any root location

I am trying to work out how to deploy an aurelia app, it runs in development with au run. but I need to deploy it into a path which is not the root of the web-site. ie at '/site' not '/'
when I deploy I get an exception from the router: ERROR [app-router] Error: Route not found: /site/
I think it may be that I need to specify a baseURL in one or more places?
but can't see how I can:
make it work in the development environment at /
make it work in the deployed environment at /[any-site-path]
avoid building in knowledge of '/[any-site-path]' to my development environment or bundles, as the path wont be known until someone comes to deploy the code?
i found this question but that seems to apply to an out of date version of the code.
I am using Aurelia 1.0 and building using the au-cli
Any pointers would be useful.
Looks like this is a bug that has been fixed in a more recent version.
I have just gone through and applied the latest versions of:
"aurelia-bootstrapper": "^1.0.0" -> "^2.1.1"
"aurelia-cli": "^0.24.0" -> "^0.26.1"
"aurelia-tools": "^0.2.2" -> "^1.0.0"
And i can now deploy my application to a site sub folder without specifying any url content in the code or html files!
So I can satisfy all 3 of the criteria in my question.
Note the aurelia-cli update (0.25.0) requires a change to the main.(ts/js) as mentioned in the release notes.

Custom ejabberd authentication no longer working

I have created an authentication module which was build against
ejabberd 16.02 and runs fine when auth_method is set. It also works against
However, from 16.04 onwards it gives me the error "[error] ignoring
option 'auth_method' with invalid value: [jwt]"
I checked the code diff between those releases and the only change
seems to be to the mod_pubsub.erl file, specifically adding the
ServerHost = serverhost(Host),
+ ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_subscribe_node, ServerHost,
+ [ServerHost, Host, Node, Subscriber, SubId]),
I have tried disabling this module and even deleting the beam file as
i don't use it, but i can't seem ti get round it.
Does anyone have any insight as to why these changes will have broken
my authentication module?
My source is at the link below, but as i say has worked fine for a year:
The answer is that from 16.04 onwards you need to drop the .erl file into the ejabberd src folder and compile it with the source. Dropping in the .beam file to use alternative authentication modules no longer works.