Why JWT is a stateless authentication? - authentication

I am trying to understand how JWT authentication is stateless. In stateful authentication, there will be a session id. Here there is a JWT token which is signed. So the authentication server issues the JWT token, but can I say the validation of the JWT token in subsequent requests are done by the endpoint server (application server) rather than the authentication server. I believe this is possible as JWT is signed with expiry date (and also some other information) and the public certificate of authentication server is available to all endpoint servers.
So the authentication server will be only responsible for issuing the tokens and not validation. The validation will be done by the endpoint server.
Is my understanding correct? Is this how JWT is made stateless? Otherwise, I don't see how it is different from a stateful authentication as both can be implemented using tokens.
In stateful authentication, the centralized server will be responsible for issuing the tokens as well as validation is each request.

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are referred to as stateless because the authorizing server needs to maintain no state; the token itself is all that is needed to verify a token bearer's authorization.
JWTs are signed using a digital signature algorithm (e.g. RSA) which cannot be forged. Because of this, anyone that trusts the signer's certificate can safely trust that the JWT is authentic. There's no need for a server to consult the token-issuing server to confirm its authenticity.
Notice in this diagram that the Resource Server does not need to check back with the Authorization Server:
Source: https://jwt.io/introduction/

In stateless authentication there is no need to store user information in the session. We can easily use the same token for fetching a secure resource from a domain other than the one we are logged in to.
Refer : https://www.jbspeakr.cc/purpose-jwt-stateless-authentication/


How API gateway validates access token via introspection

I found one interesting article that has this illustration:
It says that:
API Gateway verifies access token for all incoming requests via introspection
But what does this mean?
it says that gateway goes to authorization server and validates token (JWT).
why is that needed?
if gateway has authorization server's public key, it can check token validity using signature just like every backend service, why is introspection needed and how is it done?
Depending on your Identity provider it can be done either way but there are trade offs.
If you validate the token locally then yes it can use public keys to do that and that's very efficient way, however downside is that if the token or signing keys are revoked then your token is still valid. With Remote check you have to bear the http overhead but that is more reliable.
Normally tokens are kept short lived and validated locally. But if your access token are long lived, your application require strict access controls or library doesn't support local validation then it's a good idea to check them remotely
I believe you are looking at this document.
What I understood from this Secure API Gateway is that the gateway is responsible for introspection and the back-end services will only check the token signature, which is less secure than introspection, but still a layer of security.
Introspection is necessary to validate the token information against the Authorization Server.
This is more secure, because the system can ensure that the token received is not malicious, expired and it is from an known source.
The details on how it is done are explained in RFC 7662.
Yes, the gateway could validate the token signature if it has access to the certificate.
I can't really tell why they choose the back-end server to do it, probably a project decision.
API Gateway primarily meant for routing the incoming calls to the corresponding MicroService Clusters.
In addition to that,it can also play a role to validate the token, so that only valid traffic is routed to the downstream servers (filtering malicious traffic).
The level of validation could be up to the product owner/architect decision. It could be as simple as validating against the list of in memory cached token or in depth validation on set of claims, digital signature verification, expiry time, audience claim etc.
You can view the set of claims inside the token using JWT decoder like https://devtoolzone.com/decoder/jwt

How to validate an OAuth2 access token (JWT) without accessing the auth server

Trying to understand the 2-legged client credentials scheme in OAuth2. Some people state that JWT is great format for Access Token because it is self-contained and resource server doesn't need to verify the token from the authorization server (STS). But how is this done? The only way I see the resource server could itself validate the JWT is by storing a public key on the server, which is used to verify the signature.
When using a JWT as an access token, the Resource Server doesn't need to call out to the Authorization Server to verify it. Indeed the Resource Server will need to store the public key of the Authorization Server to do so. Obtaining that public key is an out-of-band process.
Verification of a JWT consists of checking the signature plus some additional checks on claims embedded in the token e.g. timestamps (iat, exp, nbf) and identifiers (aud).
The advantage of JWT over other forms of signed data/tokens is that JWTS are standardized and flexible wrt. cryptography used by them which makes it possible to use standard libraries to create/verify them instead of having to write custom code.

How to authenticate SPA users using oAuth2?

Alright, I've spent several days looking for a proper solution on how to properly authenticate users when working with SPAs.
I have my own website.
I have my own API.
I have my own Single Page Application.
I have my own database of users.
The Goal: I need to get an access_token by providing a username and a password.
I looked at OAuth2 Implicit Grant, but it requires users to Approve/Decline the app after successful authentication. It doesn't work in my case since I own both the app and the API.
I looked at OAuth2 Password Grant, which is not perfect since I need to expose client_id/client_secret.
The reason I'm looking at OAuth2 is because the API will eventually be public.
Is there a standard way of doing this? My current options:
Forget about OAuth2 and manually generate access_token when user POSTs username/password (in this case I'd have to introduce OAuth2 when API goes public)
Use OAuth2 Password Grant and inject client_id/client_secret on the server, so just to keep client app very simple (also avoid all of those dev/staging/prod client_id/client_secret pairs)
Implicit Grant
You are right that Implicit grant type does not look appropriate. But I think your reason for not favoring it is incorrect because the approval step is not mandatory and in Spring OAuth 2 implementation (I don't know which implementation you are using) you can configure the Authorization server to auto approve authorization requests so that the approval step is skipped.
The reasons I think the "Implicit flow" is not suitable are
​The client authentication step by providing client secret and authorization code is missing. So less security.
The access token is sent back as a URL fragment (so that the token doesn't go to the server) which will continue to stay in browser history
If XSS attack occurs, the malicious script can very well send the token to the remote server
Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant
If the authorization server and the resource server are the same, I think this is a quick way of getting up and running. RFC 6749 in Section 4.3.2 says:
If the client type is confidential or the client was issued client credentials (or assigned other authentication requirements), the client MUST authenticate with the authorization server as described in Section 3.2.1.
This means that the client authentication with client secret is not mandatory here. Now, for authorization code grant type, we need the client secret because the user provides his/her credentials directly to the authorization server and then when the client requests for the access token, it doesn;t have anything else other than the client secret to prove to the authorization server that this is a genuine request.
But in case of resource owner password credential grant type, the user has provided its credentials to the client itself and the client will then send these same user credentials for requesting access token. Therefore, the access-token request can be authenticated with the user credentials only and if we don't provide a client secret here, I don't think we are losing anything in terms of security.
So, you can definitely use password credential grant type in your SPA.
Authorization Code Grant
I think this should be the preferred option provided the client secret is not stored in the browser. After user authentication (and optionally user approval), the authorization server can redirect the browser to a server side endpoint with the authorization code in the URL. The server side end point will the request for the access token using the authorization code, client id and client secret (which is stored in the server side only). Once the access token is available, the server side endpoint can redirect (HTTP response code 302) the user to the SPA URL with appropriate cookies for CSRF protection and access token. Thus we are not storing the client secret in the browser.
By using authorization code grant type, you are basically making the solution more secured and generic. In future, if you want to do a single sign-on with a different SPA, you can do that easily by reusing the same authorization server with its integration with the authentication database (preferably an LDAP server).
For further details, refer to my StackOverflow answer here.
Building off what has been said already, I would recommend the 'Authorization Code Grant' but with the addition of the PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange / 'pixie') extension - for added security, regardless of whether you're implementing a 'public' or 'confidential' type client.
With PKCE, you don't need a client-secret for public clients (/it's kind of like generating a temporary client-secret at the very outset/beginning of each authentication attempt/instance - although even with PKCE for confidential clients you should ideally still use a client secret).

Thinktecture Identity Server: Securing Web APIs (Authorization Best Approach)

When protecting APIs using bearer token authorization:Is there a need to validate that the token was issued from my identity server or its already happening in the background and how do I do that?
What role do scopes play when it comes to bearer tokens?
In short, yes you need to validate that bearer tokens are issued by a issuer you trust. That means either by validating that it's signed by a trusted issuer, or making a API call to the isser you trust to ask it if it indeed is issued by the issuer you trust.
In practice: when talking about Katana, this is done by using a combination of [Authorize] filters/attributes and Owin middleware:
Option 1
The middleware from Microsoft:
Or, optionally, the middleware from Brock Allen og Dominic Baier:
Option 2
using the following abstraction that builts on top if Microsofts middleware (IF you need the extra features it provides):
Source: https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.AccessTokenValidation
NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/IdentityServer3.AccessTokenValidation/
When it comes to scopes & API access, scopes are something that represents the resources you want to protect. When a client asks for a access token, it can ask for a token to include a given scope. Your identityprovider then validates that this client is indeed allowed to receive a token with this scope. If successful, the end result is a token allowing the client to call a API using this token.
Since the API trusts token issued by this identityprovider (or token provider), all it has to do is to
Validate that that the token is issued by someone that API trusts
Check that the token contains the scope that represents it's resource

Client authentication in microservices using JWT and OpenID Connect

I've some questions regarding authentication in a microservices architecture. I've right now a monolithic application and my goal is to split the application in small microservices.
My bigest problem is for authentication (for now). After reading a LOT a documentation, It seems that the best solution is to use OpenID Connect to authenticate an user to retrieve a JWT that can by passed with the request to the microservices.
Also, to avoid having multiple endpoints, you can deploy and API Gateway to have only one endpoint for the end user. Ok, so now I've two questions with this architecture.
The standard flow for authentication will be :
An user contact my identity server in OpenID Connect with the implicit flow and get the id_token (JWT) and also the access_token. The user can now contact my API with this access_token. The API Gateway will valide the access_token with the identity server and also retrieve the JWT to add it to the sub request to the microservice API.
1/ How the API Gateway can get the JWT from the access_token? From what I red from the documentation (http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html), It can contact the "/userinfo" endpoint but It will get just the JSON format not the JWT...
2/ I want to allow authenticated calls between my microservices. So each microservice needs to be able to generate a JWT to contact other microservices directly. My first thought was to contact the identity server. But with the OAuth2 Client Credentials flow, I don't retrieve a id_token or a JWT. Just a classic OAuth2 access token without JWT. My second thought was that the microservice can directly sign its own JWT with a certificate issued by the same PKI as the one used by the identity server. That mean that a JWT can be sign by several certificats but from the same private PKI. When a microservice receives a JWT, It needs to be able to identify witch certificat was used to sign the JWT. I don't find anything on the RFC regarding this problem. I can add my own private claim in the token to have the certificate but after several days of browsing the web without seeing this kind of solution, I'm wondering if I'm not on the wrong path... To sum up, how can i perfom "User to service" authentication AND alors "service to service" authentication in JWT?
Thank you very much!
I am implementing a similar solution. Not sure if it will address to your question completely, but, I hope it helps:
You can implement a new authentication micro-service to convert your oAuth2 access token to JWT token. This microservice will also sign this JWT token.
Your API gateway will route all client requests to authentication service, which will validate this token from IDM and will convert it to a signed JWT token.
API gateway will pass this JWT token to other microservices which will validate the signature from Authentication Service's public key. If the signature validates, roles can be extracted out of it for authorization.
Each microservice can have its own IDM credentials configured and when it wants to call any other microservice, it can generate an access token and call Authentication Service to get JWT which can be passed in call to other microservices.