From where I can specify which botium.json file to use if botium.json file is not stored in default location or saved with other name - automation

Where can I specify botium configuration file in botium.spec.js file if it is not created with default name and path?

Easiest way is to set the BOTIUM_CONFIG environment variable.


How can I change the log directory?

By default, the logging directory in Shopware6 is var/log.
How can I change it to something different like /var/log/shopware6 without creating a symlink?
That directory is a Symfony default. You can change it by setting an environment variable APP_LOG_DIR with an absolute path to a writable directory e.g. in you .env file.

How to use an environment variable in the odoo.conf

I am trying to use an environment variable in the odoo.conf
file to specify the path where the logs are stored.
So far I have tried:
logfile = ${test.rueda}/odoo.log
But it does not work.
Is there any way to achieve this?
The Odoo configuration files do not support access to environment variables.
I can think of 2 possible approaches:
Use relative paths. The file names in the configuration are relative to the working directory of the Odoo server process. Start the Odoo server in different directories, one for every purpose, and keep the same structure relative to that.
Use environment variables in the command line. When starting the Odoo server, any configuration option can be passed using -- (2 dash signs) as a prefix. In the start script, you can then use environment variables as in any other shell script.
See for details.
For referencing files or path:
When i work without external disk (where i can find my datadir):
i use in odoo config file data_dir = my_absolute_path_in_my_local_disk.
This path have a symbolic redirection to where is my local physical location of my local data directory
When my external disk come back, i change the symbolic link:
my_absolute_path_in_my_local_disk -> my_external_disk_..._data

Adding a template file by relative path in Prometheus Alertmanager

Suppose my alert manager setting file uses a template file located in the same directory as the setting file :
/users/someAddress/settings.yml &
Currently i use :
- '/users/someAddress/myTemplate.tmpl'
to refer to it. Can i use a relative path like /myTemplate.tmpl ?
Yes, you can.
Except /myTemplate.tmpl is not a relative path. myTemplate.tmpl is.

How do I use relative paths in Taleo Connect Client?

Is it possible to use relative paths in a configuration file for Taleo Connect Client?
For example, let's say I have a TCC export script saved as C:\foo\test_sq.xml.
Later on, if I rename my folder to C:\bar, I'll need to manually change the script path in my config file from C:\foo\test_sq.xml to C:\bar\test_sq.xml.
Can I use a relative path instead, like ..\test_sq.xml?
You could use the built-in variable [CFGFOLDER] in your configuration file. For example, if your export script is in the same folder as the configuration file, you could do: [CFGFOLDER]/test_sq.xml
If you move your configuration file or change the folder name, the export process will still work if the configuration file and the export script are in the same folder.

Config File without Environment Variable

I don't have permission to create the Environment variable and I want to pass my Config file path and Name using variable.
Can you use one of the other configuration methods (SQL Server or XML)? Since you have file access, using XML seems appropriate.
See the section for "Types of Configurations":