bootstrap-vue editable table revert value if error - vue.js

I am using the vue js and bootstrap-vue to make an editable table, the user is allowed to make changes on the table with v-on:change assisting to axios update the database. The restriction is that the Languages are Unique and cannot be an empty string, I cannot seem to be able to revert the value if the user makes a mistake. What is the recommended approach to this? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have tried to "refresh" the table by doing:
this.languages = this.languages;
Does not seem to refresh the value in the table.
a section of vue component on the table:
<b-table striped hover :items="filtered" :fields="fields">
<template slot="name" slot-scope="data">
<b-form-input type="text" :value="" v-on:change="updateLanguage($event,"></b-form-input>
in the methods of vue export default:
updateLanguage(e,id) {
const find_langauge = this.languages.find(language=>{
return === e.toLowerCase();
find_langauge ? this.languages = this.languages : console.log('no match');
} else {
console.log('cannot be empty');
this.languages = this.languages;
in computed:
filtered() {
return ? this.languages.filter(language=> : this.languages;

I cannot find any solution to refresh the :value, so I ended up with force re-render of the component. Not ideal, but at least the entire component got refreshed. Will appreciate any better way to approach this instead of re-rendering.

Vue doesn't retain "initial" values for inputs, as it relies on your data modal as the source of truth.
You would need to store the initial value in data, and when detecting a reset, copy that initial value back to the v-model associated with the input.
Also, if you have inputs in multiple rows, it is a good idea to set a unique key on the input, and or if you have a unique key field (where the value is unique per item row), set the primary-key prop on b-table to have it generate a unique Vue key per TR element.


Expand all Bootstrap-Vue b-table rows

I have a b-table which looks something like this:
<b-table :fields="fields" :items="tableRows">
<template #head(expand_all+)="data">
//would like to make this a button to expand all row-details
<div class="text-right">{{data.label}}</div>
<template #cell(expand_all+)="data">
<div class="expand-arrow-container":class="{ 'expanded': data.detailsShowing }" #click="data.toggleDetails">
<font-awesome-icon icon="chevron-right" />
<template #row-details="row">
//display data here
Now, all of this works fine and and my row details expand/contract as I would expect (see b-table row-details for more information).
The problem arises in that I want to be able to click one button and expand/contract all the row-details. My plan is to change template #head(expand_all+)="data" into a button which can be clicked to accomplish this. However, I do not know how to do this. I have searched and read the b-table documentation and have not found any way of accomplishing what I want. I've even taken a look at the table object to see if it had any references to its rows and I didn't see anything.
Do any of you know a way to accomplish this? Getting a reference to the rows would make this a simple problem, but as I mentioned I didn't see anything. I am also not looking to swap out the b-table with a bunch of b-collapse elements since I have put a lot of work into the table.
As described on the docs, you can set a _showDetails property on your items passed to the table. Which if set to true will expand that row's details. This means you could loop through all your items and set that property to true to expand all rows. And do the same with false to collapse them.
If the record has its _showDetails property set to true, and a row-details scoped slot exists, a new row will be shown just below the item, with the rendered contents of the row-details scoped slot.
Here's two example methods you could use.
We're using $set because we're adding a new property to an already existing object. You can read more about why here
expandAll() {
for(const item of this.tableRows) {
this.$set(item, '_showDetails', true)
collapseAll() {
for(const item of this.tableRows) {
this.$set(item, '_showDetails', false)

VueJS + Vue.Draggable + Vuex Store + Computed Variables

Is there a way to use Vue.Draggable lists with computed variables in a Vuex Store? I'm fairly new to VueJS and this is my current component setup:
// Template
<draggable class="list-group" :list="list1" group="people">
v-for="(element, index) in list1"
>{{ }} ({{ element.list }}) ({{ index }})</div>
// Script
computed: {
list1: {
return this.$store.getters.listItems.filter(item => item.list === 1)
// Store
const getters = {
listItems: (state) => {
return state.items
Without computed variables, everything works fine. When using computed variables, I can drag list items between lists, however the UI won't update because it's computed from the store.
Basically, what I need is to display multiple lists based on an input file (json). These lists have list items that can be dragged between different lists (with Vue.Draggable). Also, the user can create new list items / delete existing list items.
What's the best way to achieve this?
Thank you in advance.
In a complex draggable use-case, also using vuex, I ended up creating a variable in state called 'changes', and every time something changes, it gets incremented (through a vuex mutation). The data that's linked to dragging is in data, not in the store. I manually sync the two.
I use this - through a watcher - to trigger a rerender of my base component with completely fresh data.
This solution is ugly, and likely won't be necessary in vue3.
You probable need to do the following:
Have your draggable div into a new component
On this new component, have this #change.self="handleDragAndDrop($event)"
Handle the D&D
handleDragAndDrop: function (event){
const eventType = Object.keys(event)[0];
const chosenFrame = event[eventType].element;
event: event,
listItemId: this.$props.itemId,
Finally in the store create the updateFramesOrder action that changes the list accordingly.
Hope it helps!

Add row styling when data populated, remove on mouse hover

I'm currently using Bootstrap Vue's b-table to display my data from the database. I have SignalR implemented, where it will automatically update/refresh the table with the new data received from the server.
I would like to add some sort of highlight css styling or row variant
when new data gets populated into the table, and then remove the styling from the row on mouseover/hover. Currently, I can receive events in the console when a row gets hovered.
How am I able to achieve this functionality using Vue.js?
> ... </b-table>
script tag
props: {
items: Array,
methods: {
myRowHoverHandler(record, index) {
When the item gets updated, you can simply set the _rowVariant on the item that got updated, and then on hover remove it from the item again as shown in the codepen below.
Remember to use $set and $delete to keep Vue's Reactivity happy

Vuetify v-data-table drag and drop

I am using V-data-table along with vuex store. Below are the points how I configured my v-data-table
Disabled sort on each column
bind the v-data-table items with vuex state store data
using sortablejs to drag and drop the rows
When I drag and drop the rows in the v-data-table the I am updating the vuex store(updating the index value on the objects in array with the table row index value). Vuex is updating properly but the data rendered in the v-data-table is not in the order as they are in the vuex state store
Could someone help me on this
The best way I tried to overcome this problem is to force re-render the v-data-table component, but when I do this I cannot drag and drop anymore
Force rendered using the following the template
<component-to-re-render :key="componentKey" />
// script
export default {
data() {
return {
componentKey: 0,
methods: {
forceRerender() {
this.componentKey += 1;
This might not be the optimal solution, but I had a similar problem except I was just using a regular Array. I managed to fix it by calling the Sortable.create() method in updated() life cycle hook.
My guess is that when you call Sortable.create(table, ...) it refers to that instance of the table element. However, when you try to change the table by modifying the key, it changes that instance. Therefore, you need to call Sortable.create() again whenever the vue component is updated.

Combining v-for with v-show on same element in template

I want to display a list of entries, and I have it working up through retrieving JSON from a server, parsing it, storing it in a Vuex.Store and iterating through it with v-for-"entry in this.$store.state.entries".
When a user first visits the page all entries will be visible. The next step is to filter the entries so that only matching entries remain visible. Since this filtering will be changing a lot, I want to use v-show. I have a separate component that lets users enter search terms, the server is queried, and an array of numbers—matching IDs—is returned. I want to only show entries with IDs that match the numbers in the array, queriedEntries. My template is below:
<div id="entries">
<div v-for="entry in this.$store.state.entries"
I get an error that I don't understand, and searching for answers hasn't yielded anything because it doesn't match the problem others have had.
[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: this is undefined"
It's the this in the v-show, but every other this works. What's up?
Your problem is occurring because you are referencing this inside your template. This is not necessary.
The first thing I recommend you do is have a read into Vuex' Getters. Further down on the same page, you'll find information about mapGetters. This will help to prevent you from directly targeting/modifying data within your state. Modification of data should be left only to Mutations and Actions.
For example, your code may look like the below:
// in your component script
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: {
allEntries: 'entries', // map state.entries to the name 'allEntries'
queriedEntries, // your other state value. You may want to convert this to a getter
// other state values if necessary
// in your component template
<div id="entries">
<div v-for="entry in allEntries"
Here you can see that we have used mapState which helpfully generates computed getter functions from our data in the store. We can then use the property name we have assigned it to within our template.
I ended up removing this from everything but the v-for, as suggested, and the code worked. Why this causes an error in v-show and v-html is still a mystery.
Final, working code:
<div v-for="(entry, entryindex) in this.$store.state.entries"
v-show="$store.state.queryMatchedEntries[0] == -1 || $store.state.queryMatchedEntries.indexOf(parseInt(entryindex)) != -1">