I'm using a kuberctl(on my computer) to use the minikuber(on the other server), but how to start it? - config

The OS: Ubuntu 16.04;
On my computer: need a kuberctl to use the minikube,
On the server: a minikube on it and running already,
The net: both my computer and server are in one net, route is OK,
Question: I have downloaded a kuberctl binary tag.gz already, how to start and config my kuberctl?
I've unzipped the kuberctl binary tag.gz, but I don't know what to do next...
In fact, no code by now.
I hope to config the kuberctl and start it; the documentation seems help nothing.

Please follow instructions described in the documentation. You need to specify connection properties for your kubectl binary using a configuration file. To do that you'll need to know the Minikube configuration on your server.
Make sure that the minikube cluster is accepting connections from external addresses and there are no firewall rules blocking the connection.
After that, you should be able to use kubectl on your local computer to control that minikube cluster.
Also, it's kubectl and not kuberctl.


Is it possible to host a Minecraft server on GitHub Codespaces?

I downloaded the Fabric server jar file to a GitHub Codespace and am able to run the server without trouble. However, I am unable to determine the IP needed to connect to the server. Starting the server automatically forwards port 25565 and I make the port public. However, I can't figure out which IP to paste into Minecraft to connect to it. How do I figure out the IP of the server?
I found an answer thanks to inspiration from this question.
Set up the fabric server jar as you normally would, but on the codespace. Start the server.
Split the terminal so one is running Java (server console) and the other is running bash.
Install ngrok via npm i ngrok --save-dev.
Once the server is finished setting up, run the command ./node_modules/.bin/ngrok tcp 25565.
Copy the ip shown under Forwarding (minus the tcp:// part and including the port). This should look something like 4.tcp.ngrok.io:17063.
You now have the ip of the serve!
Note: The free version of ngrok has URLs which change every time, as well as a limit, but for small-scale servers this shouldn't be an issue. You are also limited by the free codespace usage limit GitHub puts in place. However, you can easily get around this by creating a secondary account that you use codespaces on only for the server.

Does Rundeck have to be online or I can simply host it on a local VM?

Does Rundeck have to be online or I can simply host it on a local VM? If it has to remain online, then why? or If it can be kept on a local VM would that work? if not, then why?
Rundeck needs to be online to execute the workflows that you define, whether in a virtual environment or not. Just make sure that the Rundeck instance can access the remote nodes.
A good way to test Rundeck is to use the official Docker image.

Mesos Failed to connect error to IP:5050

I am new to Mesos and just finished setting up mesos and along with zookeeper on my test server.
Unfortunately I keep getting this error message on my mesos console indicating i am unable to connect to mesos on port 5050 and can't seem to figure out why.
I have included the error in the screen shot below
The mesos log files doesn't point to why the error is showing either.
I resolved the problem by this:
./bin/mesos-master.sh --ip=x.x.x.x --work_dir=/var/lib/mesos --hostname=x.x.x.x
We can avoid this problem by starting mesos-master with following option:
--ip=xx.xx.xx.xx --hostname_lookup=false
I have resolved this problem. Open the web page in Chrome, and open the developer tool, you will see the chrome is accessing the web site with domain, in my case the domain name is "mesosphere", as there is no mesosphere in dns, so the accessing was failed.
I solved the problem by adding the mesosphere in the hosts file, C:/windows/system32/etc/hosts/
If you use the domain name for the Mesos cluster you must set the domain name in windows hosts.
There can be multiple issues here.
Is your mesos-master running and healthy ?
Has leader election process completed, if all is good.
Check if you are able to do
ping leader.mesos
If above ping doesn't work, that means leader has not been elected. First fix that.
I had this problem also. Luckily, I have a running mesos server also. So, I can compare the different between my demo and the running mesos server. I captured the packets between client and server in my demo. I found the explorer didn`t resend fresh request, only some keepalive packets.
but, when I catch the packets in the running mesos server, I found the explorer send get request frequently. like the image
I think, if you run some task or add some agent, maybe it will activate the explore to send request frequently. Then the "Failed to connect" will disappeared.
I was having the same issues and what fixed it for me was the zookeeper configuration. In my case I was using the EC2 public IP Address rather than the private one. Once I changed the /etc/mesos/zk file to zk://<private IP>:2181/mesos I was able to connect without the constant error messages. In other words, zookeeper was reporting to be running in one IP and mesos-master was trying to connect using a different IP.
My configuration was correct as suggested. But failed to start mesos-master service. But There is alternative way to start mesos-master node with exact same configuration. Commands to start mesos-master
$ cd /usr/sbin [or mesos_installation directory/bin]
$sudo ./mesos-master --work_dir=/var/lib/mesos --log_dir=/home/rajeev/logs/mesos/
Its start mesos-master service successfully for me.

Cannot bind arango 2.8.5 to to endpoint ssl://

I am using arangodb 2.8.5 on ubuntu 14.04 (64bit)
In config file, endpoint = ssl://
fails to start with error msg in log "FATAL failed
to bind to endpoint 'ssl://'. Please check whether another
instance is already running or review your endpoints configuration."
Ran netstat -lnpt. Only port 22 is in use by ssh
Server starts up and binds to port 8530 with ssl when using endpoint = ssl:// Admin website is accessible https://www.website.com:8530/.../
I want the admin ui to be accessible without the need for additional port 8530 i.e. https://www.website.com/. This was possible to set up in the earlier versions. What am i doing wrong or is this not possible anymore?
Small application so i am trying to avoid running another web server in front to forward requests to arango apps. Thank you very much for any direction.
The problem occurs in conjunction with ArangoDB dropping its root privileges to the specified user by
endpoint = ssl://
This may become possible with ArangoDB 3.0 again, however currently you have to choose one of the workarounds to allow non-root processes to bind lower ports:
Using the iptables REDIRECT target to redirect a low port to a high port (the "nat" table is not yet implemented for ip6tables, the IPv6 version of iptables)
SELinux or AppArmor
Use the capabilities system available as of Linux kernel 2.6.24 and CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE capability:
setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/sbin/arangod
And then anytime ArangoDB is executed thereafter it will get the CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE capability. setcap is in the debian package libcap2-bin.
More details on the capabilities can be found at:
capabilities(7) man page. Read this long and hard if you're going to use capabilities in a production environment. There are some really tricky details of how capabilities are inherited across exec() calls that are detailed here.
setcap man page
"Bind ports below 1024 without root on GNU/Linux"

Where are TLS certificates stored for Docker on Windows Server 2016 TP3

I have a VM running Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview, and have installed the Containers feature, and then run the Install-ContainerHost.ps1 script from Microsoft's container tools repo
I can now run the Docker Deamon on Windows. Next I want to copy the certificates to a client machine so that I can issue commands to the host remotely. But I don't know where the certificates are stored on the host.
In the script the path variable is set to %ProgramData%\docker\certs.d
The certificates on windows are located in the .docker folder in the current user directory.
docker --help command will show the exact path details
AFAIK there are no certificates generated when you do what you are doing. If you drop certificates in the path you found then it will use them, and be secured. But otherwise there is none on the machine. Which explains why it isn't exposed by default.
On my setup I connected without TLS but that was on a VM that I could only access on my dev machine. Obviously anything able to be accessed over a network shouldn't do that.
Other people doing this are here: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/84ca60c0-c54d-4513-bc02-14bd57676621/connect-docker-client-to-windows-server-2016-container-engine?forum=windowscontainers and here https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/9caf90c9-81e8-4998-abe5-837fbfde03a8/can-i-connect-docker-from-remote-docker-client?forum=windowscontainers
When I dug into the work in progress post it has this:
Docker clients unsecured by default
In this pre-release, docker communication is public if you know where to look.
So eventually this should get better.