Timeline server application logs pointing to - hadoop-yarn

I have setup timeline server on my Hadoop 2.7.
Enabled timeline server on http port 8188
It is working fine, able to view all jobs on UI.
Now whenever I check application attempt logs, container logs (link)
It points to
Now I want it to point to correct host and logs directory.
I have enabled below properties in yarn-site.xml - Yarn.log-aggregation-enable=true and Yarn.nodemanager.remote-app-log-dir=

In mapr 6.1 , there is hidden property
Yarn.timeline-service.webapp.all-ifaces =false
It should work
Validated and tested.


Myaccount and Console apps in WSO2IS-5.11.0 are not working when the server started with port offset

Changing the port by changing the offset in the deployment.toml or using -DportOffset doesn't get applied to the Console and the My Account applications.
How to reproduce:
Change the offset by adding the following config to the deployment.toml
Start the server
Access the console app from https://localhost:9445/console
Access the my account app from https://localhost:9445/myaccount
Following error is displayed.
Observed, that the reason is that the callback URL is not changed when the hostname or port is changed. Even changing the URLs manually from the management console is not allowed.
What is the recommendation to get Myaccount and Console apps working when hostname or port is changed?
An approach is to manually change the callback URL of the Myaccount and Console apps accordingly when a port or hostname change is done in the server, by removing these applications from the system applications list.
Change hostname or port of the server
Remove Myaccount and Console apps from read only system apps by adding the following to the deployment.toml
read_only_apps = []
Restart the server
Update callback URL of the myaccount and console apps from the management console accordingly.
Change the issuer URI of the Resident IDP accordingly.
These applications can be hosted externally. In that case the callback URLs can have different hostnames and ports.
Thus, it is not good to change the callback URLs automatically. So, the manual option is Aysh pointed in the above comment is the recommended approach ATM.

Web HUE is not getting loaded though HUE is workin on the port 8000

I have installed the Hue on the Linux whixh is an instance from Azure. I have made all the required changes in ambari and hue.ini conf file. And when I run the supervisor job, it runs fine
hue 83933 sshuser 3u IPv4 15707246 0t0 TCP *:8000 (LISTEN)
But when I try to access the wb hue, I don't get any page loaded. It shows refused to connect.
Tried deleting caches and reset up was done.
I am using hue 4.7 version and I don't find any issues in error.log file. Yet, I don't see any data in access.log file. Could you please help me?
Do you have
in the hue.ini?
#Ruthikajawar here is a working hue.ini for ambari
I have noticed that sometimes, after initial install, it takes 1 or 2 restarts to get the WEBUI to work. I have also noticed sometimes, after a restart, it takes quite a few moments before the WEBUI starts to respond.
Give it some time after restart and check the WEBUI. If you still are not getting it to answer you need to check /var/log/hue/error.log as it should be very specific with errors causing the WEBUI to fail on startup.

Unable to access glassfish served content when using localhost

I created this simple dynamic web project (glassfish 4.1.1 latest atm) using eclipse java ee Mars.2 that I installed 2 days ago.
Checking on the admin, the app is deployed and running fine. I could not access the web app using the localhost:8080 url but it works when I use <computername>:8080.
I could access the admin using localhost:4848.
I tried disabling the firewall but the problem persists. What could be the problem?
The error is:
404 Not Found
No context found for request
In eclipse I see the log int he console that says: Automatic timeout occurred
As I pointed out in comments, you can configure listeners in Configuration -> needed configuration -> Network Config -> Network Listeners. However, it is still rather strange that your localhost doesn't work with IP address, since it is a special address which means "listen on all available IPs on given port". Perhaps your network is somehow misconfigured.

how to make sur that Jboss is well installed and configured?

I m using eclipse indigo and i installed the Jboss Server earlier.i though that every thing is fine;
But when i make a right clik on a JSP page for exemple ,there is no "Deploy" ,and if i what to deploy the whole project..the same thing i can't do it because the is no "Deploy" option.
iand if i ighone all that and do a "Run As" --> "Run on a server" i get a http 404 error saying the requested ressource is not available.
i have Jboss in my eclipse ,is there any why to know that Jboss is well insatlled??
Thank you
The easiest way to check whether JBoss 7 is running is to access native management interface.
Usually it's bound to 9999 port.
In order to verify the port look for port attribute of management native interface socket binding in standalone.xml (standalone-full.xml or whatever configuration you are using)
For localhost it would be:
Another way to check JBoss 7 status is to use management console.
Usually it's bound to 9990 port.
In order to verify the port look for port attribute of management HTTP interface socket binding in standalone.xml (standalone-full.xml or whatever configuration you are using).
For localhost it would be:
Additionally, you can check the so called marker files.
Just go to deployments directory and look for .deployed file (if the file exists it means that your application is successfully deployed).
You can read more about deployment descriptors at:

glassfish load balancer principle of operation

I have configured cluster with two instances on glassfish 3.1.1 and iPlanet Web Server as a load-balancer (on the same machine). For test application provided with glassfish everything works ok (and this application has session replication enabled).
But when I try to make my own application working following situation takes place: it responds when I send requests on ports of a particular instances (that is 28080 and 28081), but when I try to send request through load balancer (port 81) I get error 404. My application has not session replication enabled yet, but it can just make a connection and create two other sessions for each instance. I would like to get similar effect with load balancer.
So I would like to determine:
Is session replication strongly required to load balancer works fine?
Does anyone know any other reasons of this error?
Message from iPlanet log:
[23/Aug/2012:05:44:16] failure ( 4120) myHost: for host trying to GET /myApp/login.jsp, service-j2ee reports: PWC6117: File "c:/webserver7/https-myHost/docs/myApp/login.jsp" not found
Additional conclusions:
(81 - http-listener port on iPlanet)
When I send GET http://localhost:81/testApp then loadbalancer passes it to glassfish and returns correct site. But when I try the same with my test application, GET http://localhost:81/myApp then iPlanet looks for this site in its own resources (docs directory as in log above)
fragment of myHost-obj.conf:
<Object name="default">
AuthTrans fn="match-browser" browser="*MSIE*" ssl-unclean-shutdown="true"
NameTrans fn="name-trans-passthrough" name="lbplugin" config-file="C:/WebServer7/https-myHost/config/loadbalancer.xml"
NameTrans fn="assign-name" name="perf" from="/.perf"
NameTrans fn="ntrans-j2ee" name="j2ee"
NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/mc-icons" dir="C:/WebServer7/lib/icons" name="es-internal"
PathCheck fn="uri-clean"
PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="default"
PathCheck fn="find-pathinfo"
PathCheck fn="find-index-j2ee"
PathCheck fn="find-index" index-names="index.html,home.html,index.jsp"
ObjectType fn="type-j2ee"
ObjectType fn="type-by-extension"
ObjectType fn="force-type" type="text/plain"
Service method="(GET|HEAD)" type="magnus-internal/directory" fn="index-common"
Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST)" type="*~magnus-internal/*" fn="send-file"
Service method="TRACE" fn="service-trace"
Error fn="error-j2ee"
AddLog fn="flex-log"
First, if you are running the Load Balancer plugin, then you may have a support contract (a GlassFish license is required before you put the plugin into production). If so, calling support is a good option.
To answer your first question, session replication is not required for the Load Balancer to work.
As a shameless plug, I have a 5-part youtube series on setting this up. You can skip the videos on downloading and installing and go straight to setup/configuration/testing. Based on what you describe, I suspect the issue isn't the plugin itself, but the loadbalancer.xml configuration. Look at loadbalancer.xml and see if myApp is configured.
Hope this helps.