Communication between objects - raku

If I have Game Class, which has Player object and Board object, Game asks Player what are the coordinates, Player responds, then game checks Board for the coordinates and the result either Hit or Miss.
How can Game forward the result back to Player? so that Player uses the result to set the new coordinates.
I have created code sample below to explain more what i want to do
and also a link to the project here:
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
enum Result < Miss Hit >;
class Player {
method fire ( ) {
(^10).pick, (^10).pick
class Board {
has #.cell = [ +Bool.pick xx ^10 ] xx ^10;
class Game {
has Board $.board =;
has Player $!player =;
method run ( ) {
loop {
my ($x, $y) = $!;
if $!board.cell[$y][$x] {
say Hit;
else {
say Miss;
# How to forward the above result (Hit or Miss) back to the Player object? so
# it can set $y, $x accordingly for the next call to $
sleep 1;
my $game =;

Let's see. The main question here is a design one, I think, so let's go for it from this angle. I want to note beforehand that I will describe just a single example of the approach: there are a lot of ways to do it, and I am writing out the simplest I can imagine that works. Also, for the sake of simplicity, code that deals with synchronization, graceful termination and so on is omitted.
Firstly, you have a player to be a separate thing, but in your code it reacts only when it is called from the outside. When it looks like a natural approach when implementing turn-based games, we still want to have some kind of communication. What if a player leaves? What if there is some error condition?
And as you noted the server wants to notify the player about outcome of the game. It seems like we want to have a bi-directional messaging between our Server and Player. Of course, if there is a One Server -> Many Players relation, it is another deal, but we will keep it simple.
Let's prepare some boilerplate code:
# We will get to this `Start` later
enum EventType <Start Hit Miss>;
# A handy class to hold a position, and likely some other data in the future
class Position {
has Int $.x;
has Int $.y;
# A board
class Board {
has #.cell = [ +Bool.pick xx ^10 ] xx ^10;
Now here is a server:
class Server {
has Board $!board =;
has Supply $.shots;
has Channel $.player;
method serve {
react {
# Whenever we get a shot coordinates, sent a Hit or Miss to the player
whenever $!shots -> Position $pos {
$!player.send($!board.cell[$pos.y][$pos.x] ?? Hit !! Miss);
# Don't forget to say "I am ready for new events" for the client
# Somebody should start first, and it will be a Server...
It has a board, and two other attributes - a Supply $.shots and a Channel $.player. If we want to tell something to our player, we are sending a message to the channel. At the same time, we want to know what player wants us to know, so we are listening on everything that comes from our $!shots async stream of values.
The serve method just does our logic - reacts to player's events.
Now to our Player:
class Player {
has Channel $.server;
has Supply $.events;
method play {
react {
whenever $!events {
when Start {
# Here can be user's input
# Simulate answer picking
sleep 1;
$!server.send: => (^10).pick, y => (^10).pick);
# Can be something like:
# my ($x, $y) = get.Int, get.Int;
# $!server.send:$x, :$y);
when Hit {
say "I hit that! +1 gold coin!";
when Miss {
say "No, that's a miss... -1 bullet!"
Player has a Channel and a Supply too, as we want a bi-directional relationship. $!server is used to send actions to the server and $!events provides us a stream of events back.
The play method is implemented this way: if the server says that it is ok with our action, we can made our move, if not - we are basically waiting, and when a Hit or Miss event appears, we react to it.
Now we want to tie those two together:
class Game {
has Server $!server;
has Player $!player;
method start {
my $server-to-player =;
my $player-to-server =;
$!server = => $server-to-player,
shots => $player-to-server.Supply);
$!player = => $player-to-server,
events => $server-to-player.Supply);
start $!server.serve;
sleep 1;
Firstly, we are creating two channels with self-contained names. Then we create both Server and Player with those channels reversed: player can send to the first one and listen to the second one, server can send to the second one and listen to the first one.
As react is a blocking construct, we cannot run both methods in the same thread, so we start a server in another thread. Then we sleep 1 second to make sure it serves us(that's a hack to avoid negotiation code in this already pretty long answer), and start the player (be it emulation or a real input, you can try both).
Modifying the handlers and the data types sent between Player and Server you can build more complex examples yourself.

One way to do it is to add a Board to the player. If you make it $.board then you get at least a public read accessor which you'll be able to use in the Game class and if you make it is rw you'll get a write accessor so you can just write it.
So, add the Board to Player:
class Player {
has Board $.board is rw =;
method fire ( ) {
(^10).pick, (^10).pick
(And for that to compile you'll need to move the Board class declaration above Player otherwise you'll get a Type 'Board' is not declared error.)
And now you can add a line like this somewhere in the Board class:
$!player.board.cell[$y][$x] = Hit; # or Miss
Also, you need to record one of three states in the cells of the player's board, not two -- Hit, Miss, or unknown. Maybe add Unknown to the enum and initialize the player's board with Unknowns.


Use CMSensorRecorder to continuously collect Accelerometer data in Apple Watch

I want to use CMSensorRecorder to continuously collect the Accelerometer data, also if user didn't open my app on watch\phone.
What I want to do is - "whenever possible" (i.e. watch is awake and I can execute code), do the following:
call recordAccelerometerForDuration to tell watch to keep collecting data for as long as possible
call accelerometerDataFromDate to get data collected so far (or from last time I got the data)
My question is - how to implement the "whenever possible", i.e. how can I cause my watch application to wake up and execute these apis whenever the watch itself wakes up ?
CMSensorRecorder- to recored data continuously use ExtentionDelegate to triger CMSensorRecorder to invoke start recording and reading data.
func applicationDidBecomeActive() {
// Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface.
AccelorometerDataReader.sharedReader.sessionEndDate = Date()
func applicationWillResignActive() {
// Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state.
// Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, etc.
AccelorometerDataReader.sharedReader.sessionStartDate = Date()
func startReadingAccelorometerData()
if CMSensorRecorder.isAccelerometerRecordingAvailable()
if CMSensorRecorder.isAuthorizedForRecording()
print("Authorized.......") .background).async
self.recorder?.recordAccelerometer(forDuration: 3 * 60) // Record for 3 minutes
print("not authorized")
print("NOt available for recording")
func getRecordedData()
{ .background).async
if self.sessionStartDate < self.sessionEndDate
if let list = self.recorder?.accelerometerData(from: self.sessionStartDate, to:self.sessionEndDate)
for record in list
let data = record as! CMRecordedAccelerometerData
print("x: \(data.acceleration.x) y: \(data.acceleration.y) z: \(data.acceleration.z) time :\(data.startDate.getFormattedDate())")
It doesn't seem you can. I have tried the following but none of these really work.
Register for backgroundApplicationRefresh (watchOS 3) and make sure the app is saved to the Dock. Dock apps can rely on getting one call an hour to update themselves.
On completion of the period query for the accelerometer data and archive the result to file and then transfer the file to the iOS companion app. The file transfer will occur in the background independent of the watch kit app assuming you get enough CPU time to write the accelerometer data to file.
Try using ProcessInfo API to keep the process running.
To date the only success I have had is in running an async thread to extract the data and keeping the watch kit app active by tapping on the screen each time the screen blanks.
Hope this helps and please post any better solution you find.

Pre-processing a loop in Objective-C

I am currently writing a program to help me control complex lights installations. The idea is I tell the program to start a preset, then the app has three options (depending on the preset type)
1) the lights go to one position (so only one group of data sent when the preset starts)
2) the lights follows a mathematical equation (ex: sinus with a timer to make smooth circles)
3) the lights respond to a flow of data (ex midi controller)
So I decided to go with an object I call the AppBrain, that receive data from the controllers and the templates, but also is able to send processed data to the lights.
Now, I come from non-native programming, and I kinda have trust issues concerning working with a lot of processing, events and timing; as well as troubles with understanding 100% the Cocoa logic.
This is where the actual question starts, sorry
What I want to do, would be when I load the preset, I parse it to prepare the timer/data receive event so it doesn't have to go trough every option for 100 lights 100 times per second.
To explain more deeply, here's how I would do it in Javascript (crappy pseudo code, of course)
var lightsFunctions = {};
function prepareTemplate(theTemplate){
//Let's assume here the template is just an array, and I won't show all the processing
case "simpledata":
sendAllDataTooLights(); // Simple here
case "periodic":
for(light in theTemplate.lights){
case "sin":
lightsFunctions[] = doTheSinus; // doTheSinus being an existing function
case "cos":
function onFrame(){
for(light in lightsFunctions){
var theTimer = setTimeout(onFrame, theTemplate.delay);
case "controller":
//do the same pre-processing without the timer, to know which function to execute for which light
So, my idea is to store the processing function I need in an NSArray, so I don't need to test on each frame the type and loose some time/CPU.
I don't know if I'm clear, or if my idea is possible/the good way to go. I'm mostly looking for algorithm ideas, and if you have some code that might direct me in the good direction... (I know of PerformSelector, but I don't know if it is the best for this situation.
First of all, don't spend time optimizing what you don't know is a performance problem. 100 iterations of the type is nothing in the native world, even on the weaker mobile CPUs.
Now, to your problem. I take it you are writing some kind of configuration / DSL to specify the light control sequences. One way of doing it is to store blocks in your NSArray. A block is the equivalent of a function object in JavaScript. So for example:
typedef void (^LightFunction)(void);
- (NSArray*) parseProgram ... {
NSMutableArray* result = [NSMutableArray array];
if(...) {
LightFunction simpledata = ^{ sendDataToLights(); };
[result addObject:simpleData];
} else if(...) {
Light* light = [self getSomeLight:...];
LightFunction periodic = ^{
// Note how you can access the local scope of the outside function.
// Make sure you use automatic reference counting for this.
[light doSomethingWithParam:someParam];
[result addObject:periodic];
return result;
NSArray* program = [self parseProgram:...];
// To run your program
for(LightFunction func in program) {

Can a finite state machine work with persistence without breaking the FSM encapsulation?

Say we have a (UK) Traffic Light simulation app and a class TrafficLight has an associated finite state machine defined as:-
* --> RED --> RED_AMBER --> GREEN --> AMBER --> RED --> ...
(repeat until the proverbial cows make an appearance )
On construction TrafficLight's state is RED
Some kind of time trigger causes a state change.
In the app there may be some code like ( removing any code that takes away from point ) ...
TrafficLight trafficLightsAtBigJunction = new TrafficLight(); // state = RED
trafficLightsAtBigJunction.setState( TrafficLightState.RED_AMBER );
trafficLightsAtBigJunction.setState( TrafficLightState.GREEN );
trafficLightsAtBigJunction.setState( TrafficLightState.AMBER );
trafficLightsAtBigJunction.setState( TrafficLightState.RED );
trafficLightsAtBigJunction.setState( TrafficLightState.RED_AMBER );
The crux is, using the state pattern to implement the state machine, if we do
TrafficLight trafficLightsAtBigJunction = new TrafficLight(); // state = RED
trafficLightsAtBigJunction.setState( TrafficLightState.GREEN ); // Exception!!!!!
an exception is thrown ( by our design ) because it's an illegal state move. That's what we want. Everything is good with the world.
However if we then persist the traffic light and it happens to be at state = AMBER say then there appears to be a problem. When our user comes back 3 days later to watch the awesome traffic light simulation it is restored from the current state in some ( who cares ) persistent store.
How do we get the traffic light instance to be in state AMBER without breaking the encapsulation that the state pattern provides here?
There appears to be 2 choices:-
(1) Create a new instance and run through the relevant states
(2) Provide a special method to set the state to whatever we want that, by convention, is only used after reading from some persistence store. e.g.
trafficLight.setStateAfterReadingFromPersistanceSource( AMBER );
Issue with (1) as I see it is that there may very well be side effects I don't want when running through the states, plus the logic could be quite complex depending on the state machine
Issue with (2) is obviously it only works by convention so could introduce a bug without knowing when incorrectly used. More importantly it pretty much breaks all your nice pattern encapsulating which is what you wanted in the first place.
The question is persistence technology agnostic - same issue with ORM, Files, serialisation etc
I'm assuming there is a solution here but I can't think of one myself and my googling skills have not been sufficient.
Any pointers would be great.
Implementing a state machine by representing states and transitions as objects is certainly possible, but those objects require initialization (which appears to be your problem) and take the precious RAM.
However, there is also a completely different way of implementing state machines as pure code. This has so many advantages that I would never go back to the "state machine as data" method.
For a specific example, the DDJ article "UML Statecharts at $10.99" at shows exactly how to implement a Pedestrian LIght CONtrolled (PELICAN) crossing as a hierarchical state machine.
This example is coded in C for a low-end microcontroller. If you are interested in C++ implementation, you can take a look at the open source QP/C++ framework available from at
The way I see it, you want two ways to manipulate the state:
1) Transition from this state to another state, performing all side effects of this transition, throwing exception if illegal, etc
2) Set the machine directly to a state/set of internal values. Do nothing else.
You should persist everything that describes the FSM's internal state and have two methods, one that does the former, one that does the latter.
The latter will be used when setting up or when unpersisting. It's also much simpler to code since it'll just be transferring values into variables without worrying about what else needs to happen.
The former will be used during simulation.
The simplest approach may just be to pass the initial state as a constructor parameter - it's only your convention that the system starts with all lights as red.
Another approach would be to make the function which pulls data from the store a friend or member ( depending whether you're using operator>> to read it or something else ). This gives you the option to either transition to a state as per your example, or read an initial state from a store. There isn't much ambiguity as to what is happening, and it's up to the FSM to pull its state and whatever else it needs to and from the store when persisting.
For the short answer I agree with Pete that, in this simplistic example, you can pass it as
a constructor arg.
But I honestly think the entire design is flawed. I would think this should be modeled using the standard State design pattern. Something like this:
class TrafficLight
private TrafficLightState _lightState;
// utilize lookup table or factory-method to assign _lightState with the correct TrafficLightState subclass
// UI can use this to identify/render the appropriate color
Color getColorCode()
return _lightState.getColorCode();
// UI uses this to know when to signal the next light change (each color can have different duration)
int getDuration()
return _lightState.getDuration();
// assuming the UI has a timer that is set based on the current light's duration
void changeLight()
TrafficLightState nextState = _lightState.onChangeLight();
_lightState = nextState;
abstract class TrafficLightState
abstract Color getColorCode()
abstract TrafficLightState onChangeLight()
abstract int getDuration()
class RedLight : TrafficLightState
Color getColorCode()
return Color.Red;
TrafficLightState onChangeLight()
return new RedAmberLight();
int getDuration()
return 30;
class RedAmberLight : TrafficLightState
Color getColorCode()
return Color.Orange;
TrafficLightState onChangeLight()
return new GreenLight();
int getDuration()
return 10;
class GreenLight: TrafficLightState
Color getColorCode()
return Color.Green;
TrafficLightState onChangeLight()
return new AmberLight();
int getDuration()
return 25;
class AmberLight: TrafficLightState
Color getColorCode()
return Color.Yellow;
TrafficLightState onChangeLight()
return new RedLight();
int getDuration()
return 10;
State machines should not have an explicitly-exposed "change state" method that is used to transition in normal operations. Instead, think of them as having stimuli that allow the state machine to transition its own state. In this example, the stimuli was very simple but normally you'd have a bank of possible inputs that can cause a state transition. But with proper encapsulation, the caller need not be overly aware of the details.

Metro c++ async programming and UI updating. My technique?

The problem: I'm crashing when I want to render my incoming data which was retrieved asynchronously.
The app starts and displays some dialog boxes using XAML. Once the user fills in their data and clicks the login button, the XAML class has in instance of a worker class that does the HTTP stuff for me (asynchronously using IXMLHTTPRequest2). When the app has successfully logged in to the web server, my .then() block fires and I make a callback to my main xaml class to do some rendering of the assets.
I am always getting crashes in the delegate though (the main XAML class), which leads me to believe that I cannot use this approach (pure virtual class and callbacks) to update my UI. I think I am inadvertently trying to do something illegal from an incorrect thread which is a byproduct of the async calls.
Is there a better or different way that I should be notifying the main XAML class that it is time for it to update it's UI? I am coming from an iOS world where I could use NotificationCenter.
Now, I saw that Microsoft has it's own Delegate type of thing here:
Do you think that if I used this approach instead of my own callbacks that it would no longer crash?
Let me know if you need more clarification or what not.
Here is the jist of the code:
public interface class ISmileServiceEvents
public: // required methods
virtual void UpdateUI(bool isValid) abstract;
// In main XAML.cpp which inherits from an ISmileServiceEvents
void buttonClick(...){
_myUser->LoginAndGetAssets(txtEmail->Text, txtPass->Password);
void UpdateUI(String^ data) // implements ISmileServiceEvents
// This is where I would render my assets if I could.
// Cannot legally do much here. Always crashes.
// Follow the rest of the code to get here.
// In MyUser.cpp
void LoginAndGetAssets(String^ email, String^ password){
Uri^ uri = ref new URI(MY_SERVER + "login.json");
String^ inJSON = "some json input data here"; // serialized email and password with other data
// make the HTTP request to login, then notify XAML that it has data to render.
_myService->HTTPPostAsync(uri, json).then([](String^ outputJson){
String^ assets = MyParser::Parse(outputJSON);
// The Login has returned and we have our json output data
// In MyService.cpp
task<String^> MyService::HTTPPostAsync(Uri^ uri, String^ json)
return _httpRequest.PostAsync(uri,
_cancellationTokenSource.get_token()).then([this](task<std::wstring> response)
if(_httpRequest.GetStatusCode() != 200) SM_LOG_WARNING("Status code=", _httpRequest.GetStatusCode());
String^ j = ref new String(response.get().c_str());
return j;
catch (Exception^ ex) .......;
return ref new String(L"");
}, task_continuation_context::use_current());
Edit: BTW, the error I get when I go to update the UI is:
"An invalid parameter was passed to a function that considers invalid parameters fatal."
In this case I am just trying to execute in my callback is
txtBox->Text = data;
It appears you are updating the UI thread from the wrong context. You can use task_continuation_context::use_arbitrary() to allow you to update the UI. See the "Controlling the Execution Thread" example in this document (the discussion of marshaling is at the bottom).
So, it turns out that when you have a continuation, if you don't specify a context after the lambda function, that it defaults to use_arbitrary(). This is in contradiction to what I learned in an MS video.
However by adding use_currrent() to all of the .then blocks that have anything to do with the GUI, my error goes away and everything is able to render properly.
My GUI calls a service which generates some tasks and then calls to an HTTP class that does asynchronous stuff too. Way back in the HTTP classes I use use_arbitrary() so that it can run on secondary threads. This works fine. Just be sure to use use_current() on anything that has to do with the GUI.
Now that you have my answer, if you look at the original code you will see that it already contains use_current(). This is true, but I left out a wrapping function for simplicity of the example. That is where I needed to add use_current().

Dojo: Is there an event after drag & drop finished

I've got two dojo.dnd.Sources with items. Whenever an item is dropped I need to persist the new order of the items in the Sources using an xhr.
Is there an dojo event or topic that is fired after an dnd operation has (successfully) finished? What would be the best way to use it?
Probably I don't understand the problem in all details but I don't see why you need to process events or topics. The best way to record changes is to intercept updating methods on relevant sources. Specifically you need to intercept insertNodes() for drops or any other additions.
Simple example (pseudo-code):
var source1, source2;
// ...
// initialize sources
// populate sources
// ...
function getAllItems(source){
var items = source.getAllNodes().map(function(node){
return source.getItem(;
return items;
function dumpSource(source){
var items = getAllItems(source);
// XHR items here to your server
function recordChange(){
// now we know that some change has occured
// it could be a drop or some programmatic updates
// we don't really care
dojo.connect(source1, "insertNodes", recordChanges);
dojo.connect(source2, "insertNodes", recordChanges);
// now any drop or other change will trigger recordChanges()
// after the change has occurred.
You can try to be smart about that and send some diff information instead of a whole list, but it is up to you to generate it — you have everything you need for that.
You can use dojo.subscribe to do something when a drop is finished like so:
dojo.subscribe("/dnd/drop", function(source, nodes, copy, target) {
// do your magic here
There's examples of using subscribe on the dojotoolkit tests site. More info about dojo publish and subscribe too.
Alternately, you could connect to the onDndDrop method.
var source = new dojo.dnd.Source( ... );
dojo.connect( source, "onDndDrop", function( source, nodes, copy, target ) {
// make magic happen here
connect methods are called at the end so the items will be there at that point.
I'm keeping this note for dojo Tree folks just like me who would run in to this problem. Solutions given here was not quite worked well in my situation. I was using a dijit.tree.dndSource with Dojo tree and subscribing to "/dnd/drop" allows me to capture the event even though at that point my underlying data store hadn't been updated with latest changes. So I tried waiting as Wienczny explains, that doesn't solve the problem completely as I can't rely on a timeout to do the waiting job. Time taken for store update could be vary, i.e. shorter or very long depends on how complex your data structure is. I found the solution with overriding the onDndDrop method of the dndController. Simply you can specify the onDndDrop : on your tree initialization. One thing I found odd though you can not hitch this method, you will get weird behavior during dnd.
this._tree = new MapConfigTree({
checkAcceptance: this.dndAccept,
onDndDrop: this.onDndDrop,
onDndDrop : function(source, nodes, copy, target){
if(source.dropPosition === 'Over' && (target.targetAnchor.item.type[0] == 'Test layer')) {
// do your bit here
} else {