Puppeteer (1.14.0) unable to find anchor tag by "id" although JQuery can find it - selector

Node v10.15.3 (64-bit)
Puppeteer v1.14.0
Chromium v 75.0.3738.0 (Developer Build) (64-bit)
I am at the very last page of a site automation tool and the last button I need to press (which is actually an anchor tag with an "id" attribute) cannot be found by Puppeteer. The code is:
await page2.click('#____bs');
The error I receive is:
Error: Node is either not visible or not an HTMLElement
The HTML code is here:
<a role="button" ct="Button" rel="tooltip" title="Post"
aria-label="Please Select Post" data-toggle="cso-button" id="____bq"
class="cso-btn cso-btn cso-action cso-corner cso-btn-primary "
style="display: inline-block;">Post</a>
While in debug mode with this page up, I can use JQuery to find the element easily:
Therefore, why can't Puppeteer find it? Is there an alternate way I could try to click this link?
Could it also be that the control (the anchor) is outside the visible edge of the screen? I wouldn't think that would matter since I'm assuming Puppeteer is looking at the HTML and not the screen itself but doesn't hurt to ask.
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: Here's the entire HTML that contains the anchor I'm trying to select:
<div class="row split">
<div class="clsFP-expand clsBG-expand cso-hidden cso-cont-50r cso-pad5r">
<span class="cso-pad5-ie">
<a role="button" ct="Button" rel="tooltip" title="Cancel" aria-label="Please Select Cancel" data-toggle="cso-button" id="____bo" class="cso-btn cso-btn cso-action cso-corner cso-btn-grey " href="javascript:void(0)" data-ctl-options="{"actiontype":"ACTION","value":"Click"}" >Cancel</a>
<span class="cso-pad5-ie">
<a role="button" ct="Button" rel="tooltip" title="Post" aria-label="Please Select Post" data-toggle="cso-button" id="____bs" class="cso-btn cso-btn cso-action cso-corner cso-btn-primary inactive " href="javascript:void(0)" data-ctl-options="" >Post</a>
<a role="button" ct="Button" rel="tooltip" title="Post" aria-label="Please Select Post" data-toggle="cso-button" id="____bq" class="cso-btn cso-btn cso-action cso-corner cso-btn-primary " href="javascript:void(0)" data-ctl-options="{"actiontype":"ACTION","value":"Click"}" >Post</a>

It's not that Puppeteer is not being able to get the element. That's a validation coming from Puppeteer (see https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/5ee21d97e796263857b9f3fbeaf63366179d346f/lib/JSHandle.js#L203).
According to the doc:
This method fetches an element with selector, scrolls it into view if needed, and then uses page.mouse to click in the center of the element. If there's no element matching selector, the method throws an error.
That means that Chromium should be able to scroll to that element, and that element should be visible in order to be able to click on it.


Robot Framework not clicking dropdown menu in firefox

I've been trying to navigate through a webpage and testing the different links using Robot and Selenium.
I need to click several Dropdown menus. In Google chrome it works fine, but when I use Firefox there will always be one dropdown menu (not always the same one) that will appear selected (Like when a mouse passes over a button), but it will not get clicked.
The code I've been using:
Wait Until Element Is Visible //*[#id="Modules"]/a timeout=20s
Click Element //*[#id="Modules"]/a
Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath: //*[contains(text(), "Tasklist")] timeout=20s
Click Element xpath: //*[contains(text(), "Tasklist")]
This is the element HTML code:
<li id="Modules" class="nav-item nav-item-levels mega-menu-full show">
<a href="#" class="navbar-nav-link dropdown-toggle" data- toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="true">
<i class="fa fa-lg fa-modx"></i>
<span class="menu-item-name" style="color: inherit; display: none;">Modules</span></a>
And this is the screen I'm trying to click on (In my test case, the "modules" dropdown menu appears selected, but the menu doesn't drop down)
So far I've tried increasing selenium_speed and adding a sleep command before clicking, but nothing seems to work.
Anyone knows what the problem with Firefox could be?

Selenium IDE: Find specific text and press button

I have a list of li's within an ul, where the li would look like:
<li class="list-group-item operator">
<div class="pull-right">
<a href="/index.php?page=excursion_transport&sub_page=operators&mode=edit&id=10" class="tooltip-hook" title="" data-original-title="Rediger operatøren">
<span class="fa fa-pencil fa-fw"></span>
<span class="text-muted tooltip-hook" title="" data-original-title="Operatøren kan ikke slettes da den har transportmidler.">
<span class="fa fa-trash fa-fw"></span>
Ice Cap Tours
How do I with Selenium IDE find the text "Ice Cap Tours" and at the same time press the pencil that are present in the "span class='fa-pencil'"?
If you're looking to interact with them you'd need the following locators
//a[contains(text(),'Ice Cap Tours')]//..
//span[contains(#class, 'fa-pencil')]
The first will just look for the span containing the text you're after, and the "//.." navigates up to the parent element (the a tag) to click on the link
The second one will look for the span whos class contains "fa-pencil", you may have had trouble with the other suggested locators as they will have been looking for an exact match of the class, rather than just a class which contains that one
Use click or clickAndWait Command and in Target you can write xpath as //a[text()='Ice Cap Tours']//preceding-sibling::div/a[#class='fa-pencil']
You can try bellow xpath :
//a[normalize-space()='Ice Cap Tours']/preceding-sibling::div/a/span[contains(#class,'fa-pencil')]
Here is explanation :
//a[normalize-space()='Ice Cap Tours']
This will locate your anchor tag which having text Ice Cap Tours
Used to navigate to locate the preceding sibling node of a tag. In your case div is preceding sibling of a tag
Will locate your span which having class name pencil

Selenium: Click on element in div container doesn't work

Fyi: I'm using the selenium package for R, the selection code is equal to javascript or python so I'm asking a general selenium question.
I have a container which I have to make visible by a click, this works.
Then I try to select an element inside this container, I think I find it correctly but the click on the element only makes the popup window disappear.
Example code:
<div class="dateRanges" style="top: 275.313px; display: block;">
<a class="top dateOption CUSTOM" id="id32" href="javascript:;">
Benutzerdefinierter Zeitraum
<a class="dateOption TODAY" id="id33" href="javascript:;">
Element I try to find is "top dateOption CUSTOM".
My different tries which all failed:
remDr$findElement(using = 'xpath','//a[contains(#class,"top")]')$clickElement()
remDr$findElement(value = '//a[#class = "top dateOption CUSTOM"]')$clickElement()
remDr$findElements(using = 'css selector','a[class="top dateOption CUSTOM"]')[[1]]$clickElement()
I don't get any error message, the click seems to happen as the popup disappears, but the effect of the button does not.
I tried to save the object, wait a few seconds and click afterwards with no different effect.
I also tried different approaches with "idc4" with the same outcome.
Would appreciate any help, thank you.

python webscraping with selenium: trouble locating modal element

I want to go to http://ted.com/talks, click the "See All Topics" in the "Topics" dropdown, and then click the a random letter heading, like "C" or "D-E". However, I don't know how to find the element in the modal popup for that specific letter heading.
This is what the letter heading elements look like when I click "Inspect Element":
<li class="topic-select__range">
<a class = "topic-select__range__link" href="#" data-index="0">A-B</a>
<li class="topic-select__range">
<a class = "topic-select__range__link" href="#" data-index="1">C</a>
<li class="topic-select__range">
<a class = "topic-select__range__link" href="#" data-index="2">D-E</a>
... etc.
My program can get all the way to See All Topics just fine but gets Cannot Locate Element Error when I try to click on the letter headers. This is what my code snippet looks like so far:
# Each header is assigned a number. A header is picked at random, and clicked.
# [ERROR: Cannot locate element.]
random_letter = random.randint(0, 8)
topics_window = browser.find_element_by_class_name("select-modal__content topic-select") # error here, when program tries to find modal popup or tags within it
letter_headers = topics_window.find_element_by_class_name("topic-select__range__link")
I couldn't find a way to access modal JavaScript content with selenium. I have instead found a way to do so using web API.

Capturing a text/title on the webpage using Selenium WebDriver

I am attempting to capture a text (title for different panels on a webpage) and verify the text content. I tried using the xpath to capture the text, but surprisingly on WebDriver, it fails. The same xpath seems to work perfectly fine with the Selenium RC. I wonder why WebDriver does not seem to recognize the xpath while RC does!! The code I have tried is given below:
assertEquals("Identification requests", driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[8]")).getText());
I also tried the complete xpath:
assertEquals("Identification requests", driver.findElement(By.xpath("html/body/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/kibana-panel/div/div[1]/div[2]/div/span[8]")).getText());
I attempted using the class variable too, but none of these seem to be returning any results. All the attempts fail with an error that the element was not found.
The html code for that portion is as shown below:
<span class="panel-text panel-title ng-binding">Identification requests</span>
The HTML code surrounding the span portion mentioned above is as shown below:
<div class="row-fluid panel-extra">
<div class="panel-extra-container">
<span class="extra row-button" ng-show="panel.editable != false && panel.removable != false">
<span class="extra row-button" ng-hide="panel.draggable == false">
<span class="row-button extra" ng-show="panel.editable != false">
<span class="row-button extra ng-scope" ng-show="task.show" ng-repeat="task in panelMeta.modals">
<span class="row-button extra ng-scope" ng-show="task.show" ng-repeat="task in panelMeta.modals">
<span class="row-button extra ng-scope" ng-show="task.show" ng-repeat="task in panelMeta.modals">
<span class="row-button extra" ng-show="panelMeta.loading == true" style="display: none;">
<span class="panel-text panel-title ng-binding">Identification requests</span>
I have doubts about why the xpath that works for RC wouldn't work for WebDriver. And how I would be able to capture the text?
I would recommend the following (use css selector):
String spanCssSelector ="span.panel-text.panel-title.ng-binding";
WebElement spanItem=driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(spanCssSelector));
String textObtained= spanItem.getText().trim();
assertEquals(textObtained,"Identification requests");
Hope this works for you.
You can use assert
assertEquals("Identification requests", driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[starts-with(#class, 'panel-text')]")).getText());
assertEquals("Identification requests", driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[#class='panel-text panel-title ng-binding']")).getText());
Or just findElement via text() function of Xpath:
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[starts-with(#class, 'panel-text')][text()='Identification requests']));
Or via full class attribute value:
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[#class='panel-text panel-title ng-binding'][text()='Identification requests']));